M/f, f/f, M/ff ,MF ==================================================== Castle In The Sand By Deana Johns. Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. Limited permission to post is granted providing this header remains intact. May not be posted to any pay sites. May be offered as part of a collection, also provided this header remains intact. Permission to archive is also granted. --------------------------------------------------------- This is an adult story, if you shouldn't be reading it, don't. I trust this is sufficient warning, given that I am posting this to a predominantly adult area to begin with. My most sincere thanks go to Jean Walker for the outstanding -and massive- task of editing this story. If there is something wrong, then it is my fault as I did some of my own editing afterward, adding back in sections I had once removed to make it tamer in hopes of publishing it. As always, comments are desired, welcome, and helpful. I especially like to hear from women. Please reply to: deanajohns at softcom dot net --------------------------------------------------------- Castle In the Sand John carted the clothes off to the wash room. He set them to spin in the washer and then put his suit into the dryer. Then he set off in search of some dry clothing. Chapter 51 The girl in Cindy's arms opened her eyes. She peered into Cindy's pale green ones with her sapphire blue ones. Suddenly she clung hard to Cindy's neck and sobbed. "It's okay, baby. You're okay. You're safe now." Cindy said, softly. Holding her tightly. The girl just clung to her sobbing for a long time. Cindy comforting her as best she could. She looked up and tears flowed from the older woman's eyes. She still looked at the water. Slowly she pulled off her burlap dress and tossed it out. Then she removed her panties and bra, tossing them out as well. She moved over next to Cindy. To her surprise the woman pulled her head around and kissed her boldly on the lips. The kiss wasn't sexual, but it was hungry. When she pulled back, with tears in her eyes she said: "Thank you for saving our lives." Cindy nodded as she held the sobbing girl in her arms. "Her name's....let's see... that's Andrea. The one over there is.... Amy. That one there... is Alice. I think Alice had the worst time." Candice said, moving to the first girl. She gently brushed a wet lock from her forehead and then softly kissed it. Amy stirred a bit and Candice moved to her, cradling her into her arms like Cindy cradled Andrea. Amy suddenly clung to her like Andrea had Cindy. Again she sobbed and Candice hugged back. Cindy watched aghast as Candice softly caressed her young body to comfort her. "We made it baby. These are good folk. We're safe now." Candice said, softly. Amy just cried in her arms. John entered and set a pile of clothes on a chaise. He was wearing some warm-ups and a sweatshirt. The pile contained much the same, with pairs of underwear from the girls stock. He had no clue if they would fit. He also carried a bottle and some plastic glasses. He moved to the medical kit and pulled out a gadget. He stepped to the tub and stuck it into Alice's ear. Pushing a button. A few seconds later it beeped and he looked at the display. Slowly he nodded, checked her pulse on her neck and then looked up to the others. Cindy looked at him helplessly, cradling the still sobbing girl. John nodded to her. "I'll check to see if Sheila's free." he said. "Can we get you anything?" he asked Candice. She looked up at him and shook her head. "Thank you, no. You've done more than enough." she said. "Whenever you're ready, there's dry clothing over there and towels." he said. He opened the bottle and poured a shot of amber liquid into one of the glasses. He moved over by Candice and offered it to her. She shook her head. "Please. At least take a sip. It will help." he coaxed. Candice was reticent to even remove one arm from around Amy, but she took the glass and took a sip, she shivered a bit and then smiled as the brandy warmed her inside. She then offered a sip to Amy. "Come on, baby. This will help a bit. Take a sip." she coaxed. Amy managed to take a sip. Her breath caught in her throat and she breathed hard as the strong liquor passed down her throat. John poured another shot and held it for Cindy to take a sip. She nodded in thanks and then took it and tried to coax Andrea into taking a sip. John moved around and poured just less than a teaspoon into another glass. Then he gently held Alice's head and put it to her lips. Lightly slapping her cheeks to get her attention. Candice watched like a mother hen. Alice moaned a bit and finally took half the teaspoon. She gasped as the liquid passed her lips, but she swallowed. John was patient as he coaxed her into sipping a little more. Finally he lay her head gently back against the seat. Slowly she seemed to breathe easier. John smiled in satisfaction. He pulled his eyes away from the view between her small breasts. He met Candice's suspicious look. He smiled at her. She just turned back to Amy. "I'll just see what's keeping Sheila." he said. He checked on the tub controls. The water was already up to ninety. He nodded and headed out. Carrying a shot each in two glasses. He met Sheila on her way to the elevator. She looked frozen. He handed her a shot and she gratefully downed it. Shivering a bit. She took a long slow breath as the liquor burnt her throat. "Thanks, how are they doing?" She asked, pulling off her coat. "Two are..... awake. The other's improving. Candice is like a mother hen. How are *you* doing?" he asked, helping her off with her coat. "A little cold. I closed the gate and put them all away. I refueled them after they cooled a bit." Sheila said, sagging against him. He hugged her to him. "John, what the hell were they doing out there? Did you see what they were wearing? God what happened to them?" She cried against his chest. "I don't know. There's more here than meets the eye, that's for sure. Did you dog the hatch?" he asked. She nodded against him. "Yeah... I got to wondering if anybody was following them." Sheila said. "I shouldn't have sent you out alone. I just wasn't thinking." John said. Sheila looked up into his eyes. "You did just fine, my love. I'm very proud of you." she said, pulling him into a deep kiss. "It didn't occur to me that anybody might be following them...until I already asked you to go out." John moaned after she pulled back. "I'm fine. If anybody else is out there, then they have problems enough of their own to be bothered with attacking little old me." she smiled at him. "Speaking of which... I want to get these folks all bedded down and asleep before I can make our date." John said, smiling. Sheila nodded: "We've got time, my love." "If you feel up to it, I think Cindy could use some help. I'd like someone there in case the last triplet comes around. Both Cindy and Candice had their arms full of weeping girls the last I saw of them. I think Candice is a little suspicious of my motives. You could probably use a hot tub yourself." he said. Sheila nodded. "Of course. I'll just get some clothes for when I get out. Candice is the older one?" she said. "Yah, I don't know the triplets names yet. I'm gonna check on Theresa." John said, kissing her once again. They rode the elevator down together. Sheila snuggled to his side. He kissed her a last time and got off on the kitchen floor. She continued on down by herself. Theresa looked up as he entered. "Find out anything?" she asked. "Didn't ask any further." he said, handing her the last shot. "I figured we better let them rest up first. We can talk tomorrow. How you holding up?" he asked, rubbing her shoulders. She was tense. "Oh, I'm okay. John, what the hell were they doing out there dressed like that, or at all?" she cried, turning to him. "I don't know kitten. But it's obvious they're going to need our help for a little while." John said, holding her. "But those dresses. They looked like sacks." she cried. "I know. That's what they were. Grain sacks." he said. Theresa looked at him a moment and then tossed the shot down her throat. Chapter 52 Sheila stripped off her clothes by the tub, all of them. Candice eyed her body while she was doing it. Cindy watched Candice, watching Sheila. The look in her eyes was a hungry one. "No leaning there... she's flat horizontal." Cindy thought. Candice's gaze didn't waver as Sheila stepped into the tub. Sheila's eyes met hers and she frankly held her gaze. Promising nothing, just refusing to be dominated. Her nipples hard and firm on her breasts from the temperature shifts. She moved in and sat on a bench seat. Close to the first girl. Sheila was pleased to see she looked much better. Her color was improving steadily. Her breathing regular and deep. "Mighty pretty women to be out here.... with just one man." Candice said. "I might say the same about you... with nobody that is." Sheila replied. "Oh, we had a man... if'n you could call him that. That's why we was out there; to get away from him." Candice said. "You must have wanted to get away pretty badly, to be traveling in a storm like that... without any coats." Sheila said. "Didn't even notice the cold till we was a long ways away." Candice said. "How far did you travel?" Sheila asked. "Not far enough..... maybe half a day. The storm wasn't on us yet." Candice said. "All of you on one snowmobile?" Cindy asked. "And the sled. Amy here rode with me. Andrea, that's the one in Cindy's lap, and Alice, that's the one by Sheila, rode on the sled. Alice kept falling off. I guess she got pretty wet." Candice said. "You are all very lucky to be alive. If John hadn't been curious about..... If he hadn't happened across you, I don't think you would have made it." Sheila said. "I know we're lucky to be alive.... You don't know how lucky. We're grateful to you folks for taking us in." Candice said. "All John's doing. It's his place." Sheila said. "You don't live here?" Candice asked. "Not yet. Just visiting for now. I intend to move in next month." Sheila replied. "And what about you?" Candice asked Cindy. "Yes, I live here." she replied simply. "John your dad?" she asked. "No... my mate." Cindy replied. "And you don't mind her moving in?" Candice asked. "Well, not that it's anybody's business but mine. No. I don't mind a bit. In fact I'm quite looking forward to it." Cindy replied levely. "Give you a break, huh?" Candice chuckled. "No... I don't need a break. And you sure ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't say much about herself." Cindy replied. "I don't mean no harm. Just want to know how the wind blows." Candice said. "And how does it blow with you?" Sheila asked, eyeing Amy snuggled to Candice. "I should think that fairly obvious. But maybe not. She's... *they,* are my co-wives." Candice said, looking for shock value... and to her puzzlement finding none. "They seem kind of young to be wives." Cindy said. "One might say the same about you having a mate." Candice said. "Touché... " Cindy said. "Look, we don't mean to spar with you." Sheila said, "Mostly we're just concerned. "One; you were out in a blizzard wearing inadequate clothing. That could have easily have cost you your lives. "Two; You said you were running from someone, what's the chance of them following you and showing up here? "Third; You state that you are co-wives. That would seem to indicate that there was a husband somewhere. Now I get the impression that you were running from him. That being the case, you're looking to change your lives. "Now if it was serious enough to go out improperly dressed, into a blizzard, then I would presume that you felt your lives to be more threatened by staying put. That would indicate that he was a violent person. Now, based on the stated facts and assumptions, what is the possibility of someone following you here?" Sheila asked. Candice dropped her eyes for a moment then said: "I don't know. I honestly don't know." "Fair enough, that's all we were asking." Sheila said. "If he was to follow you, would he have started right after you, and would he have been alone?" Cindy asked. "I don't think he could have followed right after us. He was passed out drunk when we left. He was alone, but he has friends... such as they are." Candice said. "Approximately how far did you travel?" Sheila asked. "God, I don't know. We left about noon. Just before the storm. We didn't stop for at least an hour, when Alice fell off. We stopped a while to huddle a bit to warm her up. Then we kind of had to stop every fifteen to twenty minutes." Candice said. "Let me make it easier. How close to the mountains did you live?" Cindy asked. "Oh, right at the foot of them. We was trying to sort of travel straight towards town." Candice replied. "Okay, lets see... take a line from town to where you were on our road.. makes it about a forty-five degree angle. About twenty five miles to the mountains from here.... so figure another twenty five on the base of a triangle. That's twenty five squared plus twenty five squared, take the square root of twelve fifty................ about thirty-five miles. "Now check that against a heavily laden snowmobile traveling for.... figure four hours with stops. Figure about ten miles per hour average. That works out close." Cindy said. "If you say so. How the hell do you do that in your head?" Candice asked. "It's not hard. Look, the mountains are about twenty five miles straight west of here. If you were heading straight to town, figuring you might have wandered a bit in the storm. That figures you were traveling at about a forty five degree angle relative to the mountains. If that was so, you would have traveled the same distance out as across. So the same number of miles. After that, it's just simple algebra. Pythagorean theorem to figure the length of the hypotenuse." Cindy explained. Sheila nodded. Candice looked even more baffled. Cindy took a wet finger and drew on the concrete. She drew a line representing the mountains. She made a spot representing the silo. Then drew a forty five degree line from the silo to the mountains, indicating their starting point. She explained as she drew. A light seemed to go on in Candice's head. "I get it. It's the same distance from here to the mountains as from that point to our place. But how did you figure this line?" she asked. "Take that number of miles times itself. Now add it to this number times itself. Now what number times itself equals the sum. They call that Pythagorean theorem. The whole trick is to break the problem down into parts." Cindy explained. "Makes sense, now you explain it. But I never heard of any pythagoree theum." Candice said. "Pythagorean Theorem. Just a fancy title named after the guy who first figured it out. He didn't have any calculators. He lived around 580 years BC." Cindy said. "Where did you learn all this?" Candice asked. "Right here. I didn't know it myself a year ago. I've been studying for my GED." Cindy said. "What's a GED?" Candice asked. "I think it stands for General Education or something. What it is, is a certificate that says you understand what a high school graduate does." Cindy explained. Candice looked thoughtful. "You say you learned all this in a year?" she asked. "That part. I knew *some* math. But just what I learned in grade school and Junior high." Cindy said. Sheila had let the exchange go on. The main point was to get Candice talking. "So, anyway. It figures out that you traveled at least thirty miles and maybe as much as forty. That would make it a safe bet that we won't be seeing your husband for a day or two anyway. Probably not for as much as a week. If the wind keeps up it will likely cover your tracks. But if he started to follow the same line he might figure which way you were headed and stay on that line even if he lost the trail. " Sheila said. Cindy had a sudden thought: "Listen, is there someone you want to call, to tell them you're alright?" Candice thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No, we don't have anybody. Nobody knows or cares that we were outside... except Nick... that's my.... our husband." Candice said. "No parents? No relatives?" Sheila asked. "No... I got a brother someplace, don't know where. My parents died when I was young. I just sort of took up with Nick cause I was young and stupid. The triplets mom died when they were born. Their old man lit out not long after that. They been staying in foster homes, most not very nice ones. When they was twelve, Nick traded a tractor for them." Candice explained, her eyes filing with tears. "Traded a tractor for them?!" Cindy gasped. "They was pretty wild hellions. The neighbor and his wife had had enough of them. The tractor didn't run so good. It seemed like a fair trade. I think Nick got the better end of the deal. Then they got older... " Candice stalled, crying. "Yeah, it's okay, we get the picture." Sheila said, softly. Amy hugged Candice tighter, still not saying anything. Herself, cried out. Just then Alice stirred. Sheila moved to her and cradled her into her arms. Alice opened her eyes and looked at Sheila for a moment. Then over at Candice holding Amy and Cindy holding Andrea. She sighed a bit, smiling. "Is this heaven?" Alice asked. "No dear, but I can see how it would seem so." Sheila said, hugging her to her. "I'm Sheila, that's Cindy's holding Andrea. You're in a safe place." Andrea snuggled to her for a while then said: "I was dreaming that I was all warm and safe, but I knew I wasn't. Then I woke up and I was... I thought I was still dreaming... or that I'd died. I was so cold...." "We're in a safe place now. These are good folk. They saved us from the storm. There's another nice girl and a very nice man here too." Candice told her. "We got away then?" Alice asked. "Yes, baby. We got away." Candice said. Alice smiled and snuggled to Sheila. "You're nice... thanks for saving us." she said. "You're very welcome, Alice." Sheila said, tears forming in her eyes. Seeing Alice was okay seemed to have a profound effect upon the other triplets. Andrea hugged Cindy and then kissed her on the lips before she uncurled and stood on her own. Amy did much the same to Candice. The two of them came over to Alice. "You okay, we was so" "worried about you." Andrea started and Amy completed. Alice nodded. "Yeah, I feel fine now. A little tired though.... and hungry." "Yeah, we're sorta " "hungry too." the others said. "I think we can do something about that. Theresa should have a meal waiting for us upstairs." Sheila said. Alice seemed to sag a bit. "Okay... I'll get up." she said, trying to. Sheila held her to her: "Oh, no. I'll carry you. You shouldn't move around too much for a while." "Then we can stay here for a while?" Candice asked, coming over to them. Sheila looked to Cindy. "I think that would be alright. I don't think you could go anyplace for a couple of days anyway. After that.....well, we'll have to talk about it. Okay?" Cindy said. Candice nodded. The triplets all smiled excitedly. "Come on, lets get you dry and dressed." Sheila said, standing with Alice in her arms. "I like you, you're nice." Alice said. The other two nodded agreement. "And pretty" " too" they said in stereo. Sheila blushed a bit, but carried Alice to a chaise. She lay her down and then took a towel and started to dry her. She rubbed the water off her arms and then daubed at her breasts. Realizing she was becoming aroused and Alice seemed so innocent and complacent, Sheila stopped and handed her the towel. "Here, why don't you dry yourself. Take those wet panties off. I'll see what John brought us to wear." she said, standing. Alice caught her hand and held it. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." Sheila told her. "The man...uh, John. Won't be coming in will he?" Alice asked. "Oh... I don't think so. You won't have to worry about him anyway. He's a very nice man." Sheila told her. "I just didn't want him to see me naked....yet." Alice stammered. "Well, dear. We all run around here pretty much naked a lot of the time. Only we call it nude. But I think you're safe for now. I think that's why John's not here now." Sheila told her. "Asides, he's already seen us all nake.....uh, nude." Candice said. "Not my privates!" Alice said, dropping Sheila's hand and drying herself. "No dear, not your privates. He just took off your dress so you would get warm quicker." Candice told her. "Oh... I guess that's okay then." Alice said. The other girls were drying themselves. None had removed their wet panties. Candice was nude. She dried herself and then turned to the triplets. "You heared her. Get them wet panties off. You'll like to freeze to death anyway if you don't. Anyway, there's just us women folk here now. You can cover up with a towel if John comes in." Candice snapped. The triplets acted like she was their mother. They instantly pushed their panties down. Then dried themselves. Cindy made it a point not to look at them as she dried herself. She wanted to, really badly. Sheila divided up the clothing between all the girls. "I'm afraid these are going to be a little large, but they're warm.... They should do a fine job of hiding your privates too." Sheila chuckled. "Wow!" "These are nice, what" "are they made of?" the triplets asked. "Just some spun synthetic. We call them sweats." Sheila chuckled. "What's" "Synthetic" "mean?" they asked. "It means man made. Artificial. Synthetic fibers are like cotton or wool, only made from chemicals... from oil." Cindy explained. "She's real" "smart" Andrea and Amy explained to Alice. "She figured out" "how far from home" "we was." "In her head." they said. Cindy chuckled: "Do you always finish" "each others" "sentences." they finished for her. "Yeah," "always" "have" they answered in rotation, pulling their clothes on. The panties were too large on the girls, Candice's not so much. The elastic kept them up. The legs of the sweats ballooned out and bagged to fit. The sweat shirts hung down below their butts. They pulled the sleeves up to their wrists. "Aren't you two" "going to" "dress?" the trio asked. "Oh, I'm warm enough, but I thought I'd stop by the master bedroom and grab some shorts and a tube top." Cindy said. "Master" "bed" "room?!" "Can" "we" "see it?" they asked. "Sure, I've got to get some things for myself, too." Sheila chuckled. Sheila bent and swept Alice into her arms. Looking statuesque in her nudity. One breast poking out over the girls abdomen. The other two triplets couldn't help admiring her trimmed pubic patch open below their sister. "I can walk!" Alice protested. "It's okay. You're not heavy. You need to conserve your strength to get better." Sheila said, heading for the elevator. This involved going down a short flight of stairs. "I thought you said upstairs." Alice said. "It is, this leads down to the elevator." Sheila said. "What's" "an elev" "ator?" they asked. "You'll find out in a moment." Sheila said. "Oh, this should be interesting." Cindy mused, smirking. "You're not helping much.... Why don't you grab the medical kit, knowing John he'll want to check Alice out again." Sheila said. Cindy held it up. They both busted out laughing. Cindy worked the buttons. The girls stood looking around the gym, trying to figure out what the machines were for. Then the door slid open, much to their delight... and apprehension when Sheila and Cindy stepped into the tiny room. "Come on, there's room for all." Cindy coaxed. The girls stayed put. Especially when the door started to close and Cindy stopped it with her hand. Candice stepped forward. "Come on girls. It's a little room that goes up and down, kind of like a hay elevator." she said. The girls stayed put, looking apprehensive at their sister in Sheila's arms. "It's okay, girls. You all rode down on it when we brought you in.... remember?" Sheila said. "I don't remember much.. I was" "upside down." they said. "I promise, it's alright. You'll see. You'll like it, it's fun." Cindy suggested. She didn't know how much she would regret it later. The girls slowly edged into the elevator. They spun around when the door closed again. Then Cindy pushed a thing and suddenly they got heavier. They grasped whomever was nearest. A set of arms grabbing at both Sheila's and Cindy's bare asses. A little while later they got suddenly lighter for a moment, then the door opened to another place. The girls stood in awe for a moment. Candice led them out by the hands. Cindy took the lead and they followed her, looking around. They walked into the master bedroom and stopped dead in their tracks, their mouths open. All three of them not being carried. Sheila moved around them and set Alice on the bed, which started to buck and wave like it was alive. She cried out in alarm. "It's just a water bed." Sheila said, rolling her eyes and heading for the wardrobe. Next thing the other two triplets were prodding and poking at the bed, making it wave and buck some more. "Hey! Leave that be!" Candice barked. The girls sat down on the edge mopily, but still testing it a bit with their hands. "Co-wives huh?" Cindy chuckled, opening a drawer and pulling out some white terry shorts. "They was still young uns when Nick traded for them... in some ways they still are." Candice said, her eyes swinging wildly around the wardrobe. The girls on the bed followed her eyes and jumped up (all three) to see for themselves. Next thing they were all softly stroking dresses and pant suits like they had never seen before. "Hey, don't go snooping. Don't touch anything." Candice barked. "It's okay... but come to think of it. We may never get to the kitchen if they start looking at these clothes.... especially if they were impressed with sweats!" Cindy said, pulling on her shorts. Sheila pulled on a matching pair, neither bothered with underwear. They each donned tube tops. The girls fascinated with the fabric tubes, making each of them pull them down and up for them. Pulling at the fabric themselves. Cindy and Sheila smirking at each other. "Knock it off!" Candice finally barked. The girls were instantly contrite. "Come on girls, we'll give you the whole tour tomorrow. Let's go eat." Sheila said, stooping to pick Alice up. "I tell you, I can walk." she protested, but lay her head on Sheila's shoulder. "You can walk tomorrow. John would skin me if he saw you walking tonight." Sheila said. "He'd beat you?" Alice asked in alarm. "No dear. I was kidding. He'd never hit me. Or anybody else." Sheila said, hugging the girl closer. The two remaining triplets tagged along behind Cindy, looking at both hers and Sheila's asses packaged so tightly in the terry shorts. They whispered and giggled. Candice brought up the rear like a shepherd, doing her own looking. This time the girls were eager to board the magical room that opened to another place. They still started a bit when it moved, but they tried to act brave. Their bravery wore thin as the ride took longer. Finally the door opened. At first glance, it was just the same place they had left. An identical cement room with a strange metal door on either side, a big metal door on another room in front of them and an archway around the corner. But then they noticed the numbers on the walls were different. Through the archway was the most incredible kitchen they had ever seen. A lovely blonde girl and an older man were seated at a big table, drinking coffee. The blonde was sitting in the mans lap. She got up as they entered. Candice registered the action, misreading it. She looked to Cindy and Sheila for signs of jealousy, she found none. "Well, how's our patent?" John asked smiling broadly. Actually he was very relieved. He jumped up to take her from Sheila, but Alice clung to her neck. "It's okay." Sheila said, setting her down in a padded swivel seat. She chose one next to it. Holding her hand. John looked up to tell Cindy to get the med. kit, and she handed it to him, smirking. He took it without notice. Opening it up on the table by Alice. "Pull up your sleeve." he told Alice. Alice shrunk back. "It's okay, dear. He just wants to make sure you're okay." Sheila reassured her. Alice looked to Candice, who nodded. Having witnessed him checking her out before. Alice slowly pulled her sleeve up. John would have preferred she take it off, but something told him that would be pushing his luck. He carefully applied the blood pressure cuff to her upper arm. "Now this is going to squeeze your arm a little bit when I pump this." he explained, doing it. He put the stethoscope in his ears and placed the pad on her elbow. He listened intently as he continued to pump, then opened the valve and let the air out slow, listening. Finally he smiled. "Okay, I need to listen to your heart and lungs. Can I hold this over your heart?" John asked, holding the end of the stethoscope up for her to see. Instead, she took the end and pulled it under her sweatshirt, holding the cold end on her breast. "Wrong place, just below your left breast please." John told her. "That's better, now hold still....... okay, just above ...uh...your nipple.... okay, good. Now can I check your back?" he asked. Alice nodded, she'd seen a doctor check out a sick person before. But never her. She leaned forward. John lifted the back of her sweatshirt, she held the front down as he moved the cold pad around on her back and had her cough. He pulled down her shirt and took out a small light. "Okay, just follow this with your eyes." he said, waving it slowly before her. He couldn't have stopped her, as she watched the magical light in his hands. Candice rolled her eyes: "You've seen a flashlight before!" "Not that small." Alice answered. John shined it in each of her eyes, suddenly flicking it to the side and looking into her eyes. Next he turned and got a gadget in his hand. "Okay, just a couple more things. I need to take your temperature. I'm just going to put the tip of this in your ear, okay?" he asked. Alice nodded. John put the thermometer in her ear and held it there until it beeped. He looked pleased at the reading. Lastly he took a little rubber hammer out and had her cross her legs. He hit her on the knee and her leg jumped. Then he had her reverse them and he did the same to the other. Lastly he looked at her fingers and toes. He frowned a bit at them. Finally he stood up and put the medical equipment back into the kit. "Your hands and feet a little sore?" he asked her. She nodded. "Well, all in all she's fine. A mild case of frostbite on her fingertips and toes. I don't *think* she'll loose any skin though. She should take it very easy for a day or two. I think she'll be just fine." he pronounced. He produced a small tube of salve and proceeded to rub some on her toes. She giggled and fought him. "Here, rub a little bit of this where ever it's sore. You should have some protection on your feet too. Cindy, have you got any new slippers?" John said, handing the tube to Alice. Cindy nodded. "After we eat will be okay, but keep your toes off the floor. Okay?" John said to Alice. She nodded, rubbing the salve between her toes and fingers. "It stings a little." she said. "Good. That means it's working killing tiny bugs that would make your toes swell up." John said. Theresa had been busying herself placing food before everyone. Cindy had helped. Sheila had been stuck in Alice's grip. Now she snuck away and poured a cup of coffee for herself. Alice watching her like a hawk to be certain she returned. Alice had goo on all her fingers and Sheila retrieved a paper towel. "Here, you can put it back on after you eat." she said, gently wiping her fingers clean. Alice winced a bit, but took it. The girls didn't touch their food, they kept looking to Candice, who kept watching John. John sat down and realized what they were waiting for. "As this is a momentous occasion, I suppose a few words of thanks are in order. We're not a very religious bunch, but I can see you are......." John said. He bowed his head and instantly the guests all closed their eyes and bowed theirs. Cindy, Theresa and Sheila caught on and bowed theirs as well, but kept their eyes open. "We thank thee Lord for the lives of those who were saved this evening and for the food which we are about to partake of. We pray that it will nourish us and give strength to those who are in need of it most. Amen." John said. "Amen" his guests all echoed, lifting their heads. They hesitated a moment before until John nodded to them. Then they dug in with a vengeance. John suppressed his smile. Cindy and Theresa looked at him curiously. Sheila downright beamed at him. She realized that he had done it only to make his guests feel more comfortable. "This is great, What kind is it? Can I have the recipe?" Candice asked. Theresa shrugged: "Don't know it. It comes in a can. Cambell's Cream of Mushroom." "Mushroom?" the guests all said in alarm. "Yes, but it's okay. They only use mushrooms that they know are okay to eat." Cindy said, smirking. The girls kind of poked around in their soup with their spoons. "It's really okay, I've had this kind hundreds of times before. It's one of my favorites." Sheila added. Then the girls were back happily slurping their soup. Theresa had made Breast of Turkey sandwiches too. With Alfalfa sprouts (because they were easy to grow and were a good lettuce substitute in sandwiches.) The girls consumed all. Theresa arose and brought the kettle back to the table, ladling each guests bowl full once more. John accepted seconds to encourage them to eat. Theresa added a large pile of toast too. Finally the girls lost steam when all the soup and all but a few bites of toast were consumed. Along with their hot chocolate. The residents all chose coffee. John actually managed to eat half of his second bowl of soup. When all were sitting back stuffed he looked up. "Okay, now about sleeping arrangements. I'm afraid all we have are a large double bed in the guest room and a single in the gym...by the hot tub." he said. "If the bed's big enough, I think we can all squeeze in." Candice said, much relieved... although strangely disappointed. "I was thinking that one of you, probably Candice could take the single and the triplets could share the guest room." John said. "We'll be fine in the one." Candice said. "We always" "sleep" "together." the triplets said. "I could stay with Sheila." Alice offered. "Thank you, dear. But I'll be sleeping with John. We don't wear much to bed." Sheila said. "Like nothing." Theresa giggled. The triplets all blushed and giggled too. "However you would like to divide the guest bedroom and the single is up to you girls. I myself am a little tired. We may sleep in a bit compared to what you girls are used to. There's a bathroom by the guest bed and one in the gym. You'll find clothes in the drawers in the guest room. Whatever you'd like to wear is fine by me. If you get hungry, feel free to come up here and help yourselves. If you need anything just call us from the elevator door on our floor. One of us will come out and help you. Okay?" John said. Theresa, Cindy and Sheila had been busing dishes and loading the dishwasher as he spoke. Now they joined him at the head of the table. "I'll show you the way to the guest room." Sheila offered. "You'll find some new slippers in the bottom drawer by the bathroom door." Cindy offered. "You should wear a pair to bed. I'd better carry you down." John said, approaching Alice. She looked afraid, but Sheila nodded to her. She reluctantly let John pick her up. He headed straight for the elevator. He couldn't help noticing the lithe body in his arms. Alice put her arms around his neck and once over her initial trepidation, thoroughly enjoyed his carrying her. She lay her head upon his shoulder. The others followed except for Cindy and Theresa who made themselves busy in the kitchen till all were gone. While John and Sheila showed the guests to their bedroom, Cindy filled Theresa in on all the conversation that they'd had in the hot tub and their bedroom. Theresa howled with laughter when Cindy told her about the elevator and water bed. "What was that prayer thing all about?" Theresa asked. "I don't know. I think John just did it for them." Cindy replied, thoughtfully. She turned to Theresa and pulled her into her arms. "Thinking you missed something?" Cindy asked, concerned. Theresa shook her head. "No, it just struck me as odd. John's not a praying man." she said. "With four more women around, he might become one." Cindy giggled. Theresa giggled too, but then suddenly stopped. "You think they will be staying?" she asked, seriously. "I don't know dear.. Knowing John, I think it safe to say that they will be with us for more than a few days. He'll want to get them set up someplace. But I can't imagine he'd want them to stay here for very long. As cute as they are, they're way too backward. "Besides, I know John wants to get out of the.... *unlimited charity to all* mode. "Add to that that Sheila will be staying and I can't imagine that he'd be interested in more sleeping partners. The poor man hasn't bedded Sheila yet. I don't expect he will tonight either." Cindy said. "Why not?" Theresa asked. "Because, my lovely, we will be there." Cindy said, caressing a breast. "So? I was there when he first ... bedded you." Theresa said. "It's not the same love... I can't explain it. But, it's not the same. I'd bet money on it." Cindy said. "If you say so. I don't care either way... but I think it would bother me a bit if he wanted to bed Candice." Theresa said. "Me too. But I wouldn't mind a bit if he wanted the triplets. I'd gladly help him." Cindy chuckled. "Aren't they adorable." Theresa said, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, but I don't think it will happen with mother hen hanging around." Cindy mused. "Mother Hen?" Theresa asked. "That's what she reminds me of.... Come on love. Lets go to bed." Cindy said, taking Theresa by the hand and leading her off. They left a light on over the stove. John lay Alice softly on the bed. It waved like the master bed and she giggled with delight. Sheila kissed him and told him she'd be down in a bit. He nodded, bowing to the guests and departed. Sheila took the salve tube and rubbed some on Alice's fingers and toes. Next she got out a new pair of slippers for her. Having her remove her warm-ups. Alice almost losing her panties in the process. Sheila slipped the slippers on her feet and told her to leave them all night and especially to wear them in the morning. Alice nodded. "Will you tuck me in?" she asked. Sheila smiled and nodded. Alice made a break for the bathroom, trying to hurry and look at all the stuff in the meantime. She came back and crawled under the covers. The other Triplets followed suit. Lastly Candice, half glaring at Sheila, feeling her position usurped by the lovely blonde. Sheila tucked Alice in and then kissed her on the forehead, she then bent to kiss one of the other triplets and then went around the bed to kiss the last. Then a mild dilemma as her eyes met Candice's. She bent and kissed her as well. After she kissed her forehead, Candice caught her head and kissed her hard on the lips. Sheila surprised, but complacent. "Thanks again for saving our lives." Candice told her. "It wasn't me. I stayed here and made ready for you. Cindy, Theresa and especially John are the ones you should thank." Sheila said. "I shall. None the less. Thank you too. You've all been wonderful." Candice said. "Sweet dreams." Sheila said. She showed them the light controls on the headboard and took her leave. Sheila didn't go directly to the bedroom, she went up to the entrance and checked the dogs on the hatchway first. They were in place and tight. Just like she'd left them. She sighed and headed back down. She found the others in various states of undress. Cindy was giving him an animated account of their conversation in the hot tub. "Traded a tractor for them!" he spat. "That might not be such a bad thing." Sheila said, stripping off her tube top and shorts. "Huh?" All three of them said simultaneously. Sheila smirked at them, they waited for her to explain, dubious. Finally she turned and said: "If he traded a tractor for them, maybe he'd trade back. Or for something else." she smirked. "You think it's okay to trade in human flesh?" Theresa asked. "No, of course not. But if the idea is to avoid a conflict with their husband, which sounds like a good idea, and he places that kind of value on human beings, then maybe the easiest way to handle it is to trade him something for them." Sheila explained. The girls nodded. John just looked at her. "I'm not so sure I want them." he said. The girls all spun to look at him. "You wouldn't turn them out?" Theresa asked. "No, not in this weather, but at the same time I'm not ready to take full responsibility for them either." he answered. "But where would they go? They have no one." Cindy said. "Not my problem." John said. "Not your problem?" Theresa asked. "No, it's not. It's their problem. My responsibility as a human being ends when they can travel again. I certainly would equip them better, maybe even give them some cash to get by on. But their leaving was their choice, not mine. I don't want to get into the middle of a family feud over it." John said. "John's right. It is their problem." Sheila said. "But can't we help them?" Cindy asked. "We have. We saved their lives. Otherwise, how would you help them?" John asked. Cindy looked befuddled. Like she didn't know John. It hurt him to the core. "Why can't they stay here? We've got lots of room." Theresa asked. "That's not the point. The point is that they are married to someone. All of them. Think about this; If you lost those girls, would you take it lightly?" John asked. Theresa thought about it. "But they have chosen to leave him, of their own free will." Cindy said. "That still does not make it *my* problem, which it would become if they stayed here." John said. "No, I wouldn't take it lightly. I'd go after them." Theresa said in response to John's earlier question. "My point exactly. Look, plain and simple. Those girls are trouble. Maybe big trouble. If what's his name.... Nick, shows up looking for them, with his rifle, do I use those fancy gun ports that the government installed in the entryway, or do I call the sheriff. Either way, it's trouble." John said. "Or... you bicker with Nick for their freedom. Offer him a new tractor for them. I'll pay for it myself. After they're free, they can go anywhere without having to look over their shoulder for Nick." Sheila said. "You might just have something there after all." John said, thoughtfully. "But why can't you just call in the sheriff?" Theresa asked. Cindy looked at her. She moved to her side and gently touched her hair. "Because of us, dear heart. Remember, we're run-a-ways." she said. "But that has nothing to do with this." Theresa said. "Maybe not, but explain that to the sheriff when he sees us." Cindy said. "He wouldn't have to see us. Just John and the girls." she said. "And what about when the sheriff asks the girls to tell him about their rescue and they tell him all about it and then about us." Cindy said. "But it's not fair!" Theresa cried. "No, dear heart, it's not. But that's life." Cindy said. "But why couldn't they stay here if John traded for their freedom?" Theresa asked. "Kitten, you're asking me to take on the responsibility of three teenage girls; To protect them, see to their education, their welfare, to feed them, to clothe them and provide for their financial future. Now you weren't particularly happy when I gave just *one* a leg up on the other side of the country. Now you want me to invite *three* to live here? Think about what you are asking of me." John said. "Four, there's four of them." Theresa said. "Even worse... but Candice is an adult. She's responsible for herself. I'm not about to take that on. Which is another reason why I don't want to take on the girls." John said. Sheila nodded in understanding. Cindy too. Theresa started to weep softly. "I don't understand!" she cried, "You took on me and Cindy and now Sheila, why not the triplets?" "I'm not taking Sheila on. She's a competent adult coming here of her own free will. I am not stealing her away from anybody. She's not running from anybody. You and Cindy I took on because I wanted to.... In your case, we were thrust together by circumstance, but after getting to know you a little, I wanted you to stay. The same goes for Cindy. If you remember, I didn't want Cindy to come here. It was your idea. But I finally agreed to that. I'm not the least bit sorry I did. I love you all dearly, but that doesn't mean I want to do it for the whole god damned world." John said. "But you might learn to love them too." Theresa said. "I don't doubt it. They are adorable. That just makes it harder for me. The point is... *I don't want to! *My life is full and complete enough with you three. I want it to stay that way. It won't if I invite those girls to stay." John said. Theresa moped. "Theresa, it wouldn't be fair to you women either. "Now if I was twenty years old, I might selfishly want to have a harem so large I couldn't possibly keep the women in it fulfilled. But I'm not a young man. And I do care that the women in my life are fulfilled. If they were here, I couldn't do that. At best lovemaking would become a chore. When love becomes a chore, it's not love anymore. It's prostitution. I'm not a gigolo. I have no desire to become one." John said. "But it wouldn't be a chore... they're just so sweet." Theresa argued. "Theresa, I've given you everything you wanted since you first came here, but not this. Just because you want something, doesn't make another person responsible for getting it for you. My point is that *I* don't want to. Doesn't what *I* want, mean anything to you?" John asked, losing his temper. "Yes but..." she started. "No buts! Look, I'm fucking tired and I have no intention of spending the night arguing about something I don't want to do. Good night!" John said, stomping out. The girls looked after him dumbfounded. Theresa started after him, but Cindy caught her arm. "Leave it be!" she said. "But I just want to explain." Theresa said. "No, you want to convince him that you're right. When in fact, he's right. You're thinking with your heart, not your brain. If you keep it up you're not only going to lose the triplets, you're going to lose John too." Cindy said. "What do you mean?" Theresa said, spinning on her. "I mean that in a whole year, I've never seen John so pissed off. He's tired. He's stressed out. He just wants a nights rest while he makes his own decisions. You want to argue about it to get your way. "Don't you think that he already realizes everything you said? Don't you think he feels what you do? You reminding him of it just makes it harder on him. "The other night, John told me of his plans... He intends to take every dime he makes from the fashion machine and establish an organization whose whole purpose is to help people just like those girls. "Now we're talking millions of dollars if Sheila is right about it's potential. That's not a small sacrifice. He feels it. He sees it. He wants to help. "But that doesn't mean bringing every hard luck case into his own home. It doesn't mean becoming emotionally involved with everybody who needs love and understanding. "If John had wanted any more companionship here, he would have brought Sally back from New York with him. But he didn't. He didn't even ask to. "Now I know John loves us dearly. But think about what he's giving up just having you and me here. Do you think that he couldn't find a dozen willing women who would love to become a part of his life? "Think about it! He can't even take us out to dinner without having to lie to the restaurant owner about who we are. Now that will all change in a year. We'll both be eighteen. It won't matter a god damned thing what people think about it. "Until then John is an outlaw. It's us who make him one. I know for a fact that he's looking forward to *not* being one. You're asking him to stay one for another two years besides all the other bullshit stress it causes him. "If you really want to be fair about things, cut him some slack. Cause right now I think you're being god damned *unfair* to him." Cindy said. Theresa sat down, mopily. "Look, we're all tired and on edge. Why don't we all get some sleep." Sheila said. "I don't need you sticking your nose into this!" Theresa said. "Theresa, you don't know what you're saying." Sheila said. "Oh, and you do?" Theresa demanded. Sheila sighed. "Theresa, fucking grow up!" Sheila said, turning her back and walking out as well. "Two for two." Cindy said. "What's that mean?" Theresa snapped. "It means that you've managed to really piss off two people I know you care very deeply about.... and you're working on three!" Cindy said. "What did I do?" Theresa asked. "You think about it and tell me tomorrow." Cindy said, crawling under the covers. "Tell me! What did I do?" Theresa demanded. "Theresa, I want to go to sleep now." Cindy said. "I don't!" Theresa snapped. "Fine, don't. But I don't want to talk anymore tonight." Cindy said. "Well I do!" Theresa said. "Theresa, I love you dearly, but if you say one more word I will put you over my knee and paddle that cute ass of yours. Clear enough?" Cindy said. "You can't treat me like a child." Theresa said. "Then quit acting like one, good night!" Cindy said, turning away from her. Theresa sat leaning on the headboard. After a time she started weeping again. Soon it became a sobbing cry. Cindy turned to her and pulled her into her arms. Theresa buried her head in Cindy's shoulder and cried herself to sleep. Sheila found John in the Com room, sipping scotch, sitting in the triple chaise. "Hey Sailor, buy me a drink?" Sheila asked, approaching him. John nodded towards the bar. Sheila poured herself a single malt on the rocks and sat down beside him. "You second team?" John asked, moodily. "No, actually I just came to tell you I understood how you felt and to tell you I agree with you." Sheila said, taking a sip. John sighed. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that." he said. "I won't hold that against you... but I might hold something else against you... if you want." she offered. "I don't think I would be much fun, tonight." John said. "Just so you know that you're welcome whenever you feel like it. This chaise is pretty comfortable. Why don't I see if I can rustle us up a blanket. I think a good snuggle and a long sleep would do us all good." she said. John nodded. Sheila went to find a blanket. Which took longer than she expected because of the earlier blanket raid. When she returned John was asleep. She covered him up and killed the lights, then snuggled to his side. The triplets and Candice huddled together in the warm bed. They couldn't help hearing the heated voices from the floor below, but the couldn't make out what was being said. The voices finally faded out. The girls, not knowing their fate, were apprehensive. Even so, the at least temporary safety and warmth lulled them into sleep. Chapter 53 Candice arose early, mostly from habit developed by her long years on the farm. She looked over her wards, sleeping soundly in each others' arms. She experienced a moments confusion as to her whereabouts. Then the memories of the previous evening flooded back to her. She smiled. They were safe, at least for now. These were good folk, although obviously rich. She didn't hold that against them. They had saved her life and more importantly, the lives of the triplets. At present, she viewed her benefactors mainly as a resource. She slipped out of bed and moved to the bathroom. It was warm and downright cozy compared to the sparse plumbing facilities of her farm. She wondered how so spacious a place could seem cozy. She was just moving to the shower when Amy came stumbling in. Candice looked behind her, questioning. "The others are still asleep." Amy mumbled. "Let them. They need it, especially Alice." Candice told her, adjusting the water. Amy plunked down on the toilet to relieve herself. "Come join me when you're through." Candice said, slipping into the shower. A bit later Amy slipped into the shower. The girls hugged and soaped each others bodies. Reveling in the hot water and the feel of each others bodies. They took what seemed to them to be a long luxurious shower. All of fifteen minutes. Candice, fearing using too much hot water guided them out. They dried and then moved to the wardrobe. Candice had to remind Amy to be quiet as the girl went nuts over her choices. She found a pair of shorts like Cindy and Sheila had worn the night before, along with a tube top. Candice frowned and was about to tell the girl to pick something else, when she realized that the girls' charms were one of her best tools for persuading her hosts into letting them stay. "See if you can find two more outfits just like that." she told Amy. Amy seemed puzzled, but complied. She pulled on her own outfit, which was loose on her small, slim frame. "Lay those out for the others." Candice said, choosing her own more conservative outfit. She mistakenly thought that a spandex jump suit would hide her body. Even though loose, the outfit shifted as she moved to clearly define her lithe frame. She took Amy by the hand and led her out towards the kitchen. Amy showed no trepidation at using the elevator this time. Candice started taking inventory. She was flabbergasted over her choices. Even so she set about making a batch of biscuits. The chore seemed much easier in the spacious kitchen. She told Amy to build a pot of coffee, but found it already set up on a timer. She studied the controls and switched it to on. The timer wouldn't have started the coffee for at least another hour and a half. "City folk." Candice muttered. Once biscuits were done. Candice surveyed them and thought about the number of people in the silo. She made another batch. She and Amy ate their share of the first while the second batch was in the oven. About the time they were ready, Andrea and Alice came wandering into the kitchen. "I thought you would sleep more." Candice said to Alice. "Oh, I feel fine... but my fingers and toes hurt a bit." Alice replied. Candice examined them. Small blisters marred the ends of many of the young girls extremities. They were red and swollen a little as well. Candice remembered how John had examined them closely. Smart man, she thought. She gently reapplied some salve to the affected areas. "Keep those slippers on and stay off your feet." Candice told Alice. "I told you, I feel fine." Alice said, exasperated. Candice looked at her a moment. "Now listen here, 'dumplin, I need you well. These are kind folk, but I don't know how long they're going to let us stay. You may be fine walking around a warm house, but you wouldn't be fine stuck in shoes trudging through snow. So do as I say." she told her. "You don't think they'll turn us out!?" Alice asked, alarmed. "No, not for a while, but I also don't think they intend for us to stay very long either. You heard them arguing last night." Candice replied. "She probably didn't. She was asleep pretty fast." Andrea said. "So what are we going to do?" Amy asked. "I don't know. None of us have any kin to speak of. We don't know anybody in the City. I don't have a hankering to go to any of the neighbors we had either. "Let's just bide our time here for as long as they'll let us. In the meantime, I want you girls to be real nice to our hosts. *Real* nice. Mind you don't cause any trouble either. Stay outta things. The last thing we need to do is piss them off." Candice told them. "How do you mean, *real* nice?" Amy asked. "You know, real nice." Candice replied. Amy gasped at the implied meaning: "Oh, you don't want us to.... *lay*... with them, do you?" "That would be wrong!" Andrea added. Alice looked thoughtful. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm not so sure anymore what's right or what's wrong. I do know, however, that we have no place to go. The longer these folks want us around, the better..... As far as what's right and wrong, you don't seem to mind so much when you lay with me." Candice said. "But we're your co-wives." Amy said. "Maybe so... but it says in the bible that a woman shouldn't lay with a woman. The only reason it seems okay, is that we also lay with our man when he tells us to." Candice said. "But we left him... and I'm not sorry. He hurt us!" Alice cried. "I know, I was there, remember? We've all got his mark on us." Candice said. "Nobody could see it unless they were looking where they shouldn't." Andrea said. "It's there, none the less." Candice replied. "So who should we lay with." Amy asked. "I'm not telling you to lay with anybody. But if they ask.... It might not hurt us to be obliging." Candice said. "I wouldn't really mind it with Sheila, she's nice. But I don't know about John... he's old." Alice said. "Not that old.... and not bad looking, besides being rich." Candice said. She looked thoughtfully at the three of them. The outfits they had on made her want to take them off. She felt a slight pang of guilt over the feeling. "Well, just be friendly with them. We'll see how it turns out. They might not want to lay with us. But if they do... don't make them mad." she concluded. She had every intention that the girls should lay with whomever wanted them. Lord knew that she'd done it often enough herself. The girls would try to please her at the slightest hint of her desire. She'd never tried to please them, however. She didn't think them ready for the desires an orgasm could awaken. She didn't in fact know herself. Maybe they already knew. They snuggled enough amongst themselves whenever they felt like it. She knew they didn't learn anything from Nick except pain. She herself did her best to obscure what she felt when they caressed her. Candice kissed each of them tenderly. They were complacent. She could see in their eyes that they would obey her. Alice seemed like she would do more than that. Sheila stirred against her man. She could feel his regular breathing. She snuggled to him and waited for him to stir. She wanted to feel this way every morning for the rest of her life. Theresa opened her eyes, becoming aware of the body snuggled to her. She reached out the other side and found nothing. The memories of the previous evening came flooding back to her. She moaned to herself. How could she have been so stupid? She loved each of them dearly, yet she had turned on them. John had given her the world. She had no doubt that she would have been dead now if it hadn't been for him. He had rescued her, as sure as he had rescued those girls the night before. He'd never asked for a thing in return. Sheila was a downright doll. Her only fault had been wanting the exact same thing that she and Cindy wanted; John. Theresa couldn't fault her too much for that. The body next to her stirred and Theresa pulled it into a strong embrace. "I'm sorry." she told Cindy between kisses. John stirred, feeling the warm, full body next to him. He wondered a bit at the absence of at least one on the other side of him. Then he felt the odd angle of the chaise and realized where he was and why. He also realized who it was snuggled to him. When he lifted his head, there was no thought of their breath or discovery. They melted together into a soft kiss. This deepened and their passion rose. John's hands moved to her firm breasts and he finally properly welcomed Sheila into his home. It was much better than with his mannequin. The girls were playing. Candice had told them that they could explore, if they didn't snoop. She didn't question the contradiction of terms. She just wanted to be alone to think. The girls rode the elevator to the bottom, and discovered the pool. Wondering at why someone would have a pool of water inside their house. The floating chairs lent a clue. A touch of the water showing how warm it was confirmed the concept. It was an indoor swimming hole. They were tempted to strip off their clothes and go skinny dipping. "Later." said Andrea, "I want to explore first." The other two tagged along. She poked the buttons to take them to the top of the silo. The door opened and they wandered about, finding the solarium and utility areas. The solarium confused them as the roof was closed. They understood the utility area, also the workshop they found down a short flight of stairs. Next they explored a different direction. They came to the door of the Com room and stopped dead in their tracks. The first moving her finger to her lips to silence them. They heard John and Sheila making love. They stood riveted to the spot listening. This wasn't anything like they were used to. Sheila was not only willing, but seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit. They both were. When Sheila cried out in passion they slowly withdrew. They heard her giggling words of love echoing behind them. They quietly entered the elevator and dropped two floors. Giggling to themselves, thoughtfully. They knew the first floor to be the kitchen so they bypassed it. The door opened and they found the partially completed new Com room and then up the small flight of stairs, the library. The girls had never seen so many books in their lives. They sat down at a work table and discussed what they'd heard. "That wasn't like what Nick used to do to us or Candice." Amy said. "Oh, sometimes Candice was a little like that. When he was sober and being slow and tender." Alice said. "Well I never felt like that." Andrea said. "Maybe you... maybe *we* will.. If John wants us." Alice said bravely. "You wouldn't do that, would ya?" Amy asked, shocked. "I think so... She seemed to like it a whole bunch." Alice replied. "But she was sort of whimpering." Amy said. "Not from pain, she was liking it!" Andrea said. "I wish we coulda watched them." Alice said. "You seen it often enough. You watched Nick taking both of us and Candice afore. Just like we've watched him with you." Amy said, a little disgusted. "I don't think it would be the same... I know Candice likes it when she makes us touch her... and sometimes when Nick is being slow..... I kind of got to liking it too. And last night when John was doing that medicine thing. He was real.... nice about it. Nick woulda just ripped my blouse off." Alice said. "If he'd bothered at all." Amy said. "So you think we should do it... I mean... lay with John... if'n he wants us.. that is." Alice asked. "I don't know what god would think of that... we still got Nick's mark on us.." Amy said. "I don't think that god woulda put us in these folks hands to come to harm. They's good folk. I don't think he'd mind if we thanked them." Andrea said. "So it's settled then. If they want us, then we lay with them." Alice said. "I don't know if it's settled, but Candice told us to... so I guess we'd better." Andrea said. "I'm not so sure I'd mind so much. If I could feel like that woman was." Amy said, wistfully. "Well.... I think I'd rather see what it was like with Sheila... she's nice." Alice said. "You said that." Andrea chuckled, "I think I'd rather find out with Cindy, she's real cute." "Myself, I'd take John... or Theresa. She seems nice too." Amy said. "I think we're all agreed that all of them's nice." Andrea said. "So how do we get them to ask us?" Alice asked. The others chuckled. "You never had any problem attracting anybody before... Just twitch that little behind of yours." Andrea chuckled. "It's the very same size as yours and you know it." Alice protested. "I know. But it moves different." Amy chuckled. "Not too much different from yours." Andrea said. "Or yours. At times I couldn't tell you two apart when you was trying to attract Nick's attention. I tried to avoid it." Amy said. "You didn't try too hard to avoid Candice's." Alice said. "She's different. She likes to kiss and hug. Nick just likes to.... poke us." Amy said. "I know. That first time I thought he'd split me wide open. I think I bled for two days." Alice said. "We all did, but we don't anymore.... Come on, lets go explore some more." Andrea said. She kissed the others first. Somehow all the talk made them want to kiss longer and harder. Amy slipped her tongue into Andrea's mouth. She didn't fight it. This time she kind of liked it. She'd learned it from Candice. So when Andrea came to Alice, she did the same. Alice giggled. The girls went off hand in hand to explore. The next stop they found a room full of tanks with lights hanging over them. There was nothing on the floor above them. Then they found the floor where the lab was. They turned on the lights and went white as ghosts. They all turned about and went running for the elevator. When they reached the kitchen, they burst in on Candice. "We gotta get outta here!" Amy cried. "They got bodies hanging up on hooks!" Andrea cried. "They's gonna kill us and hang us to age." Alice cried. "What the hell you girls jabbering about?" Candice asked. "We found a room full of bodies." Amy gasped. "They was all hanging on hooks." Alice said. "They were all dead! They didn't move. They was all hanging up!" Andrea said. "Show me." Candice said. "Oh, no. I couldn't go back in there." Alice cried. "Then show me where it's at." Candice demanded. "Be we gotta get outta here, afore they kill us." Amy cried. "If they'd wanted to kill us, they could have just left us outside." Candice said. "Maybe they want to *have* us first." Andrea said. "Show me the room. If it's what you say, we'll decide what to do then." Candice said. "You'll see! They gonna kill us and hang us if we don't get out." Amy said. "I'm gonna kill ya and hang ya if you don't quit jabbering and show me." Candice barked. The girls led her to the elevator. When the door opened on the proper floor, they stayed inside, indicating where Candice should go. At first, Candice just stood in the doorway, stunned herself. But then it struck her. There were several faces she recognized. She started to thinking that this was the way they slept, only.... there were two of some of the faces. Puzzled she moved forward slowly. The closer she got, the more real they seemed.. yet, not quite. She slowly reached out a tentative finger. She shivered. They was soft just like a body. But their hair was all wrong. So were their eyes. She poked each one. Walking around them. She saw they were exact duplicates of Cindy, Theresa, Sheila and John. There were two each of Cindy and Theresa. The one of John had shorts on it. "What the hell are you?" she asked herself. Without thinking her hand moved over John's shorts. She could feel his manhood hard under the shorts. She sort of shook the mannequin. It didn't wake up. Becoming brave, she pulled down the shorts and looked hard at the phallus. Her hand drawn to it. It felt real enough. She shivered thinking about it inside her. Would he be gentle like Nick sometimes was when he was sober? This one was bigger than Nick's.... kind of prettier too. She shook herself and pulled the shorts back up. On a hunch she slid her fingers between Sheila's legs. It felt real enough by itself. Accepting the finger she pushed in. It felt right... except... too dry. A real woman was wet inside. She pulled back her fingers and sniffed them. Nope. No smell like a woman either. She didn't admit that she was a little disappointed. "Candice? You okay?" one of the girls called to her. She yanked her hands away from the dummies. "Yes, it's okay. They ain't bodies. Come on in." she called back. The girls stood in the doorway, unconvinced. "Then what is they?" Amy asked. "I don't know... I seen dummies like them in town once.. when Nick took me to a department store. They was made of some kind of hard stuff, but these are soft like real bodies." Candice mused. "You sure they ain't?" Alice asked. "Not unless both Cindy and Theresa were triplets too." Candice chuckled. Then the girls noticed the faces. The moved forward, braver, but slowly. Candice whacked one of the dummies on the butt with her hand. It didn't move, but the smack sounded real enough. The girls giggled. "I think they's used for making clothes or somethin." Candice said, letting her hand rest where it smacked. It felt real enough. She caught herself enjoying it and pulled her hand away. The girls came up and slowly poked and prodded the dummies with their fingers. Finally they were convinced. Andrea found the bulge in front of the John dummy. She giggled and pulled the shorts down. Then stood there dumbfounded, staring at it. The other girls came around and stared too. They all felt flushed and a little weak. "Oh my... It's bigger than Nick's." Andrea observed. "I'm not so sure I could take that." Amy said, fearfully. Alice seemed entranced. Involuntarily her fingers moved to touch it. When they contacted it she shivered a bit. "Don't be silly! Women can stretch out to fit almost anything. You think a baby's head is smaller than that. Now pull them shorts up." Candice barked. "I see you found our little secret." Theresa's voice giggled from the doorway. The girls all jumped near outta their skin. Candice was sputtering like a fuse as she tried to get some words of apology out. "It's okay. John gave you the run of the silo." Theresa chuckled. Candice found her voice: "The girls was exploring. They came back and told me they found a room full of bodies. I had to come find out what they was excited about." she said. Theresa got the picture and busted out laughing. "They do seem pretty real, don't they." Cindy's voice sounded from the door. She was eating a biscuit. "Good biscuits. Who made them?" she asked. Candice raised her hand meekly. "You'll have to give me the recipe." she said, entering the room. "So what are they?" Amy asked. (They all still stared at the phallus.) Cindy chuckled. "They are mannequins. That means a dummy used to make clothes with. Only these are special mannequins. They're *exact* duplicates of the person they represent." Cindy explained. "*Exact*?" Alice asked, not taking her widening eyes off the phallus. "Pretty much." Theresa giggled. "So how come they's two of you two?" Candice asked. "The first two were taken early in the year. When we tried making clothes on them after we'd been working in the garden, they didn't fit. We'd aged some." Cindy said. She walked up and pulled up the shorts on John. The girls all blushed bright crimson. She smiled at them and chuckled. Candice was studying the two earlier dummies and then the later ones. "You growed some. I can see that." she said. "Theresa more than I.. Would you like to see how they work?" Cindy asked. The girls all nodded. "Give me a hand." she said as she started to lift the second Theresa down. The girls all tried to help at once, their hands finding various embarrassing body parts. They all blushed more. Theresa blushed a bit herself, thinking about their hands touching her there. It was not an unpleasant thought. Cindy guided them to the casting table and hooked up the cables. Then she moved to the computer. The girls were torn between the figure strung in the casting table and the glowing screen. The casting table lost out when Theresa's image suddenly appeared on the screen. They all huddled behind Cindy as she showed them how you could turn the image. Theresa and the girls all became uncomfortable and flushed when she viewed it from underneath. "That's enough of that." Theresa said, hoarsely. Cindy chuckled and changed the view. Then she called in different images and laid them over the figure. The girls liked one with a horse and a moon mapped over a mountain horizon. The hills following Theresa's curves perfectly. Cindy checked the table and then set the program into motion. The girls all jumped when the arms took off and started to move. Both Cindy and Theresa giggled. "Oops!" Cindy said, stopping the machine. "What?" the girls asked in unison. "I forgot the non-stick layer." she said, moving the arms out of the way and finding the tissue and oil. The girls watched in fascination while she layered the figure with the thin tissue, oiling it. They all blushed crimson when her fingers laid it over Theresa's pubic area and between the legs. Cindy lifted the image and did the back side. Once again they blushed when her fingers carefully laid the tissue between the ass cheeks. Then she lowered the image and started the machine again. The girls all crowded around it as the arms first established references, then started spraying. "It stinks!" Amy said. "Just a little compared to what the foam smells like when we make a mannequin." Cindy chuckled. "Just how do you do that?" Candice asked. "First you have to be measured... on that table over there. The machine measures you and tells the computer where everything fits. The computer stores that information on disk... kind of like a phonograph record.. only inside. Then it plays it back to this machine which sprays foam over a wire frame. It takes a long time, but it builds up layer by layer, like an onion, until you have an exact duplicate." Cindy explained. "That machine measures everything... I mean... it pokes inside you?" Candice asked, embarrassed. Cindy and Theresa looked at each other and giggled. Candice blushed crimson. Realizing she had told them she knew just how exact the mannequin's were. "If you want. It doesn't have to. The outside scan is good enough to make clothes." Cindy chuckled. "But what do you make from the inside scan?" Candice asked, absently. "You can see how the machine sprays threads, coloring them as it goes." Cindy said to the girls, ignoring Candice's question. Blushing a bit. Candice let it be. "Heathens!" she thought to herself. "It seems like a lot to go through to make clothes." Amy said. "It is... but the clothes fit *real* good, cause they're made exactly for the person who will wear them." Cindy explained. "You'd wear that?" Andrea asked. "We've made dozens of outfits for each of us. Even a bunch for John." Theresa said. "But why go to all this trouble. You could make clothes, even ones that fit real good without this." Alice said. "Well... the idea is that the machine does all the work. It can turn out an outfit in two hours that would cost you a thousand dollars in the store." Theresa said. "A thousand dollars! Who'd pay that for clothes?" Amy asked. "Rich women. Who we're going to sell them to... so that we can get rich too." Theresa said. "You mean you're not!" Alice asked. "No, John is, but we're not. And even John isn't as rich as this will make us all." Cindy said. "I thought you said you was his mates. How can he be rich and not you?" Candice asked, suspiciously. "We *are* his mates. But his money is his. Theresa and I work for him. He pays us to cook for him. We share his bed because we want to." Cindy said. "I don't understand." Candice said. "None of us is married to John." Theresa explained. "You lay with him without being married... why?" Andrea asked. "Because we want to, I said." Cindy said. "But isn't that wrong?" Amy asked. "Maybe for some people. It doesn't feel wrong to me." Cindy chuckled. "But what about.... god? What would he think?" Andrea asked. "I don't know. I don't really think he'd mind us making love with one we really care for. We don't try to tell anybody else how they should live. We don't want anybody else telling us how we should live either." Cindy said. Candice kind of nodded. The girls shut up. "So what's going to happen to us?" Alice asked, finally. "I don't know. Nothing for a few days anyway. After that we'll have to see." Cindy said. Theresa looked at the floor. "Come on. This will take a while. I want some more of those good biscuits. I've gotta cook John up something to go with them too." Cindy said. The girls all followed her out. Candice looked thoughtfully at the machines and the mannequins. Finally following herself. Theresa remained in the elevator when they all stepped out. "I'm gonna go find John and Sheila." she said in response to Cindy's look. Cindy nodded, understanding. "They's up on the first floor." Alice said, absently. The other girls shot her a look and she blushed crimson. Theresa just nodded and closed the door. She entered the Com room. Finding the pair still sweaty from love making. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking." she cried out, standing before them, unsure of where she stood with them. They both opened their arms to her and she sprang into them. Next they were all kissing and hugging. Tears streaming down Theresa's cheeks. They undressed her and both made love with her. John somehow found the energy to enter her. Sheila licking at her clitoris as John stroked his penis inside her. Her orgasm was as strong as she had ever felt. Afterwards they lay caressing her. "I really am sorry. I just couldn't think about anything else but them freezing outside." she sobbed. "I'd never let them do that, kitten. I was only saying that we need to work something else out for them besides living here. I've got enough women in my life now." John said. "I know... I should have known that last night. I'm sorry I turned on you too, Sheila. You didn't deserve it." she sobbed. Sheila kissed her tenderly: "I know. You were just tired and upset." she said softly. "Well, I'm really glad you two finally got together. Did you have fun?" Theresa asked, sincerely. "Darlin, you well know yourself. Now I know why you and Cindy are smiling all the time." Sheila said, rolling her eyes. Theresa chuckled and hugged her to her. Her hands moved to her large breasts and she rolled on top of her. Kissing as she moved down, tracing her fingers over her body as she moved. John moved behind her, pulling Sheila into his lap. Caressing her breasts as Theresa kissed over her pubic mound. She lay back against him in abandon, reveling in the feel of the young girls tongue. Her orgasm was very special as she felt John's arms about her as her hips lifted into Theresa's adroit tongue. Then Theresa was kissing her once more, sharing the flavor of her womanhood on her tongue. Afterwards they lay together caressing each other for a time. "Welcome to the family." Theresa said softly. "Thank you. I'm very glad to be a part of it." Sheila said, getting misty eyed. "I still am looking forward to all of you together." she said. "Tonight." Theresa promised, hugging her. "Well, come on. I want to shower before breakfast. Are our guests up?" John asked. Theresa giggled. "For hours! They found the lab and thought we had bodies hanging in there.... I think they came up here and heard you two also... Alice told me where you were. The others shot her a glance that would have frozen water and they all blushed like a red rose." she giggled. John and Sheila busted out laughing about the lab. Neither cared if the girls had overheard them. John had thought that maybe he'd heard them giggling anyway. Now he was sure. Well, they had respected their privacy, even if they did listen for a while. Just about what he'd expected from them. Had it been another time, he wouldn't have minded a bit if they had joined them. But this morning had been a special time with Sheila. Their first time. It was as memorable as each thought it would be. He extracted himself and pulled his robe about him. The others followed, pulling on whatever clothing they had laying about. They bypassed the kitchen and headed straight for the shower. They stepped in together and soaped each other. Despite their earlier tryst, Sheila dropped to her knees and pleased Theresa while John kissed her deeply. Afterwards they washed each others hair and then stepped out to dry. "I'm so glad you're not both still mad at me!" Theresa bubbled. "Just don't test it too often." John mused. "I won't. I promise." Theresa said, solemnly. "Come on, love. Lets find outfits that will scare the hell out of those three little darlings." Sheila giggled. "Go easy on them. They aren't used to all this immodesty." John said. "You didn't see what they had on this morning." Theresa giggled, "They might not fit them as tight, but they didn't leave much to the imagination. Even Candice. A loose jump suit didn't hurt her image at all." she concluded. "Oh god! Not another sexy clothes war. I don't think I could take it." John moaned. "Yes you can, dear. You big phony! I love you dearly." Sheila said, moving to kiss him deeply. "You weren't around when Theresa and Cindy were playing who's the sexiest!" John chuckled. "No, but they put on their own show for me last week." Sheila chuckled. "God, no wonder you were so hot this morning." John said. "You were all the incentive I needed for that." Sheila said. "Come on, breakfast is getting cold." Theresa giggled. She couldn't help tweaking each on the butt as she moved off. Her fingers sliding between Sheila's ass cheeks though the paper thin material of her body suit. Sheila giggled and let her hands do the same to Theresa, who had on her own body suit. The special one with the moon and comets on it. She pulled a skirt around her and fastened it as she walked out. Sheila reluctantly donned one too. They found the girls all sitting around the table, drinking hot chocolate and eating another batch of biscuits. "How's our patent this morning? I would have thought you would have slept a week." John said to Alice. She blushed crimson over the attention, remembering the mannequin. Her eyes tracing over his slim frame. The two women with him looked stupendous. They each wore a little contented smile. Alice wondered if it was from what she thought it could be. She vowed to herself to find out. She was less apprehensive when John examined her fingers and toes. She was disappointed when he didn't check her heart. She would have let him hold it himself. "Well, looks like you might lose some skin after all, but not much. Stay off those feet as much as possible." he told her. She nodded, blushing. Sheila hugged her shoulders and bent to kiss her forehead. "Candice made these wonderful biscuits. Eggs and Bacon to go with them?" Cindy asked. John and Sheila nodded. "Did you sleep well?" Cindy asked. "Like a baby." Sheila said, absently. Remembering John's arms around her. Cindy chuckled a bit. Candice looked between them looking for a hint of jealousy, again, finding none. She was puzzled... but determined to find out why. John looked to her as he ate. "Tell us about this Nick of yours." he said. "He's not ours anymore." Candice replied. "None the less. What's he like?" he asked. "How do you mean?" she asked. "Well... the question came up last night. How would he feel about trading for you girls?" John asked, embarrassed by the concept. Candice considered the question seriously for a while. "Well, I don't rightly know. Maybe." she said. "I've been thinking about how to avoid him coming after you. He would, wouldn't he?" John asked. "Maybe... I,... I guess likely so." she admitted. "He's got his mark on us." Andrea said. "Mark?" John asked. The girls all blushed crimson. "He put a mark on us... on... our privates." Andrea said. "He branded you?!" John asked, shocked. "Oh, not with a hot iron. He just used a needle and some ink." Candice said. "He tattooed you?" John asked, still shocked. "I guess you'd call it that. Just the letter 'N' " Candice said, uncomfortable. "Where?" John asked. The girls all blushed bright crimson, even Candice. "I get the idea. On your buttocks?" he asked, wondering how he'd missed it. Candice shook her head, glowing brightly. "Between our .... womanhood... and where we... uh... poop." she stammered. "That's called the perineum." he said, nonchalantly. "If you say so." Candice said. John was silent for a while, chewing his food. "Well, I'm not saying marking you was a good thing. But it might be good for us. It tells me a lot about him." he said. "Like what?" Candice asked. "Well, that he considers you his property for one. That means he's more than likely going to be coming after you." he said. "And that's good?!" Candice asked. "Not that part, no. But if he thinks of you as property, he might be more willing to consider a trade for you. The girls were saying he traded a tractor for the triplets. Think he might take a new one for them?" John asked. "They was pretty young then, they've developed other ..... ways since then." Candice said. John nodded. "You mean you'd trade for us? Then you'd own us?" Alice asked, excitedly. "No, I'd trade for your freedom. I don't want to own anybody. Nobody should own anybody. But if he'd take something for you girls, then you would be free. You could go anywhere you chose to, without having to worry about him following you." John explained. Alice looked disappointed. The others brightened. "I don't know. You could try I guess. You got a new tractor?" Candice asked. "No, but I could sure get one." John said. "Why not just offer him money." Sheila asked. The girls looked embarrassed. "I think that would be an insult. Even if he took it he wouldn't feel right about it." John said, understanding. Candice sort of nodded. "How can you be so sure? You never met him." Theresa said. "He's right." Candice said. "I think that he'd think of a tractor in the same terms he did when he traded for the girls. Cash would make him uncomfortable, like he was selling them." John explained. Candice nodded. "But he would be selling them, just taking something in trade. What difference would money make?" Theresa asked. Candice looked embarrassed. "It just would. Not something that I could explain." John said, looking to Theresa to indicate she should avoid that line of questioning. He nodded to the girls and Theresa shrugged, but nodded. "You think you could guide me there?" John asked Candice. She looked up in panic: "Oh... I don't want to go back there." she gasped. "You don't have to go in. Just show me where it is. I'll go in." John said. "But he might just up and shoot you." Amy said. "I don't think so. At least not until he heard what I had to say." John said. Candice sort of nodded. "Well, when the weather breaks... how is it outside, anybody look?" he asked. "Still snowing, but clearing." Theresa said. "Okay, when it clears up. How about I take one snowmobile, and Cindy can take you on another one. When you show me were it is, she can pull off and wait at a distance. I'll keep my radio open so she can hear what's going on. At the first sign of trouble she can scoot with you on the back." John said. "And leave you there?" Cindy asked, panicked. "You can take the Cell phone. Call in the sheriff, no matter what the consequences." John said. "How would you call the sheriff? It's a long way back here. Wouldn't do you much good by the time he arrived." Candice said. "By Cellular phone. That's like a radio phone that fits in your pocket." John said. "But it still might not be fast enough to help you!" Cindy said. "I can take care of myself. I doubt Nick's ever encountered Karate." John chuckled. "He's mighty strong. What's Karate?" Candice asked. "You studied it?" Sheila asked. "A long time ago... got up to brown belt. I'm a bit out of practice, but you never forget." John said. "What's Karate?" Candice reiterated. "A kind of fighting. A man can break a board with his bare hands if he's good at it." Sheila told her. "You could do that?" Candice asked, new respect coming into her eyes. "It would probably hurt real bad, but yeah, I used to be able to. I think I could still hold my own against an untrained individual." John mused. "Okay... I'll guide you. But what if he says no, he don't want to trade?" Candice asked. "Well, then we come back here and call the sheriff if need be.... Under no circumstances would I let him take you and the triplets if you didn't want to go back... but would you do us a favor?" John asked. "What's that?" Candice asked. "Well, I could get into trouble about Cindy and Theresa. They're still under legal age. If the sheriff found out about them he could send them back home. That would be just about as bad for them as it would be for you if I sent you back to Nick. If you could avoid telling the sheriff about them, it would be helpful. I mean all of you." John asked. Candice looked to Cindy and Theresa. She nodded. "I don't want to cause you folks no trouble. You've been good to us. I won't tell the sheriff about them. The girls won't either, will you girls?" Candice said. It was more a statement than a question. The girls all shook their heads. "Maybe I should take the second machine instead of Cindy, so Nick won't see her." Sheila offered. John shook his head: "No, she has had more practice on a snowmobile than you. I want her at the controls if she has to make a get away. He won't see her at a distance, wearing a helmet and snowmobile suit." "Speaking of which, I'd better get those others dry." Theresa said, rising. "Can I help?" Andrea asked. "Sure, come on." Theresa chuckled. "Okay, then it's settled... That is, if you feel up to it, later today?" John asked Candice. "Yeah, may as well get it over with." she replied. "What's that big pond you got in the basement?" Amy asked. Sheila chuckled. "That's an indoor swimming pool. After we've waited a safe time from eating, we can take a swim if you'd like." she said. "What do you mean a safe time. Why not now?" Amy asked. "Didn't anybody ever tell you swimming right after eating was dangerous?" Sheila asked. Amy shook her head. "Well, it is. You should always wait at least an hour and a half to two hours. You can get stomach cramps and drown otherwise." Sheila explained. Amy looked thoughtful. She thought that this was something she should have known. "Not many swimming holes around our place. Not very deep ones either." she explained. "Can you swim?" Sheila asked. "I know how to float real good." Amy said. "Me too!" Alice said, jealously. Sheila chuckled. "Good enough. We can swim later. You feel up to hobbling around for a tour?" she asked Alice. Alice nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, but take it easy. Don't stay in the water too long. I don't know how good it would be on frostbite." John said. Sheila nodded her understanding. Cindy and Amy tagged along. "You coming?" Amy asked Candice. "No, you go ahead. I want to talk to John." she said. The girls nodded and headed off. "So what's on your mind?" John asked, pouring another cup of coffee, offering Candice more. She shook her head. "Mainly I just wanted to know what you have in mind for us. I thought you might feel easier about things if the girls weren't around." Candice said. "I've got no secrets from anybody... well, nobody here anyway." John said. "So where do we stand?" Candice asked. John gathered his thoughts for a moment. Candice worried, prepared for the worst. "Well, mainly I intend to help you girls get onto your own feet. You can stay here a while, but ... don't take it personal, cause it's not... I've got more than enough women in my life. Not that I don't have the room here. I do. But I don't have the emotional energy to become involved with four more women. Three's hard enough on me at times. I wouldn't change that, but I just don't have room in my heart for more. So eventually I'd like to get you girls set up in your own place, probably in town." John said. "You'd do that for us? Why?" Candice asked. "Yes, I'd do that. As to why... isn't that the way things are supposed to work between neighbors?" he asked. "Supposed to. Seldom do. And we're not exactly neighbors. Thirty miles is a long ways." Candice said. "First neighbors I've met. But if you must know. I want to help. I think the triplets are adorable. I couldn't face sending them back." John said. "But you could me?" Candice asked. "No... But you're an adult. You're old enough to make your own choices and the law will back you up. The triplets are minors. The law could possibly side with Nick, up to a point. I don't think that's fair. I think they should be in school. They should be free to grow up at their own pace. They couldn't do that living with Nick." John said. "You seem to understand a lot about him, having never met him." Candice said. John was quiet for a moment. "He's not so different than I could have turned out to be. If I hadn't had some breaks." he said. "I think you're a lot different. You're a much...... better man." Candice said. "Thank you." John said. "You don't like me much, do you?" Candice asked. "Oh, I don't dislike you. At first I was a little put off by you, but I realized that you were just being protective of the girls. I can't blame you for that." John said. "But you don't find me attractive." Candice stated, hanging her head. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. Like I said, my life's complicated enough right now. Likely to stay that way for quite a while. If that wasn't so, yes. I would find you very attractive." John said. Candice looked up at him hopefully. She dropped her eyes again. "It's just that... I ain't never had no proper loving... The girls haven't either. I was thinking... Cindy and Theresa.. Sheila too. All *your women....* well, they don't seem to mind sharing you with each other. ... I was just hoping sorta that they wouldn't mind sharing you... just once... with us." she said, looking at the table. "Well, lets get settled with Nick first. Then we'll have to see. You'll have to ask them how they feel about it. I can't speak for them." John told her. Candice looked up sharply. "You mean you'd do it?" she asked. "You are *all* very alluring women. I wouldn't be opposed to it. But as I said, it would be up to ... *my women*... as you say." John told her. "It's more for the triplets... You wouldn't have to ... do .. me." Candice said. John stood and moved to her. She looked up, not knowing what he was doing. He lifted her to him and kissed her hard. She'd never been kissed like that. Even though it was hard, it was tender. Her stomach quivered and her knees felt weak. She could barely stand when he released her. "Does that answer your question?" John chuckled. She smiled and blushed. Her body burning with desire for him. "That's all I can offer for now. After we've settled with Nick you can ask about more. I can tell you that it would have to be a one time thing. I'm pretty sure my women wouldn't tolerate more. But I don't think they'd mind that. Uh... they might just want to help... I don't know how you feel about that." John said. "That would be agreeable to me. Maybe it's wrong... but I feel a hankering for ... another woman.. from time to time. Sometimes I can't help it and find myself wanting... one of the girls. We never.... well... you know. though." Candice said. "I don't think it's wrong. I don't think that tender love is ever wrong. I think that forced love and love that hurts is very wrong. That's the biggest reason why I want to help you and the girls." John told her. She sagged against him. Holding him and shivered. He held her a long time. She trembled when he kissed her once more. Then he sat her back down and sat down himself, next to her. Retrieving his coffee cup. "Maybe I'd better go check on the girls." she said. He caught her hand and squeezed it. "They're in good hands. Why not stay and tell me about yourself." John invited. Candice looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Okay... What do you want to know?" she said, trying to smile. "Tell me about ... oh... farming and stuff. How you happened to be out here, where you're from... that kind of stuff." John said, holding her hand. She smiled at him and began her story. Amy and Alice were flabbergasted by the solarium. Sheila rolled back the roof for a little while. Snowflakes falling on the transparent ceiling. "I'm gonna go check my accounts." Cindy said. "Can I come?" Amy asked. "Sure." she said. "I think we'll stay here for a while." Sheila said, looking to Alice. Cindy chuckled and nodded. She led Amy by the hand down into the Com room. Amy had never seen such things in her life, she was loaded with questions about what everything was. She'd never seen a television before, except a little black and white one that Nick had. Sheila sat back on a chaise. She turned up some heat lamps and Alice sat down by her, looking between the clear ceiling, and Sheila. "Like Alice in Wonderland." Sheila mused. "Huh? What's that?" Alice asked, looking at her. "Just a story in a book. A very nice story about a girl named Alice." she said. Alice dropped her eyes. "I can't read so good." she said. "Well, we'll have to do something about that. Won't we." Sheila said. "You'd teach me to read?" Alice asked, looking at her hopefully. "Well, I'm not sure you're going to be here that long, but I'll make certain that you get to learn, no matter where you go." Sheila said. "John wouldn't put us out, would he?" Alice asked in alarm. Sheila pulled her to her. Alice snuggling to her breast naturally. "No dear, he'd never put you out. I wouldn't let anybody put you out. But you probably won't end up living here.... It's not that John doesn't like you... I think he already loves you all... it's just that a person only has so much love to give. With Cindy and Theresa and I... Well, John's about reached his limit. I hope you understand that. I wouldn't want you to get the idea that nobody cared for you." Sheila said. Alice just hugged her. When Sheila lifted the girls chin and kissed her, she trembled. When the older woman's tongue passed between her lips it was warm and exciting. Alice's hands moved to her breasts, like she'd learned with Candice. Only this wasn't like with Candice. She didn't have to please this woman if she didn't want to. She didn't fight it when Sheila undressed her. Her eyes exploring the older woman freely when she disrobed. Then Sheila was kissing her all over her body. The feeling when it came was like nothing Alice had ever known in her life. Her young hips lifting as her body convulsed again and again. Something exploded within her mind and she was gone. Andrea helped Theresa sort out the laundry. She put their simple sack dresses into the washer. "Why not just throw them away?" Theresa asked. "They's all we got." Andrea told her. "No, you've got the outfits you've got on. We'll get you some better coats and stuff too." Theresa told her. "Oh... we couldn't wear something like this in front of anybody else." she blushed. "Why not? You wear them in front of us." Theresa said. "That's different... you're.... nice." Andrea said, dropping her eyes. Theresa turned to her. She pulled the smaller girl to her and hugged her. "Thank you. You're nice too." she told her. The girl hugged her hard. She didn't fight it when Theresa lifted her chin and kissed her. The kiss was warm and deep. Andrea thought that she would melt. It felt perfectly natural when Theresa swept her off her feet and carried her into the guest room. She lay her on the bed and undressed before her. Andrea thinking she knew what was coming next. She didn't. Suddenly she was enjoying herself. It wasn't like what Candice had her do to her. This girl was doing it to her, and it felt good! She didn't fight when Theresa did that disgusting thing between her legs with her tongue. She was lost in the feeling of total love she felt as if her mind exploded and she cried out in her first orgasm. Later Theresa tenderly caressed her nubile body. Andrea rolled onto her and did her best to match what she'd done. She was clumsy, but Theresa was a good teacher. She tasted her first taste of womanhood. Feeling unashamed of what she was doing. She felt proud when Theresa cried out and her hips shook. Cindy was showing Amy all about the Internet. The girl was standing beside her, leaning against her shoulder. Then Cindy turned on a movie on the big screen. Guiding the young girl to the triple chaise. She leaned back against her and snuggled to her. After a time the movie was forgotten. "Be soft with me." Amy said. "As soft as a snowflake, my little darling." Cindy said as she pulled the girl into a deep, gentle kiss. Amy quivered under her touch. Cindy stood and pulled off her outfit. Amy watching her nervously. When Cindy bent to undress her she was not ashamed. Cindy's touch was as soft as a snowflake. Her kisses too. The girl leaned back as she explored her body with her lips. When she moved between her legs, Amy tensed a bit, but it was soon forgotten as the waves of pleasure began to wrack her body. Finally she cried out as her body discovered what an orgasm was. Amy wanted to feel like that again and again as long as she lived. She could hardly wait to try it on Candice that night. Her body glowed as Cindy softly caressed her and kissed her tenderly. Amy tasted her own womanhood on the larger girls lips. She rolled over her and tried her best to duplicate her actions. When she reached Cindy's pubic area she snuck up on it, gagging slightly. But not dissuaded. Eventually her gags disappeared and she savored the taste of another woman. As with Andrea, she felt a great power and a pride when Cindy lifted her hips in convulsion. Then they caressed each other softly as they rested and cooled down. "I never knew." Amy said, tears forming in her eyes. "Like that almost everyday around here." Cindy said. "I wish we could stay..... Do you think John would... you know.. Would you care?" Amy asked. "No, I wouldn't care. Not just once in a while anyway. But I don't think that you'll end up living here. Probably he'll get you a place in town. If I know John he'd want to see you in school." Cindy told her. "We never had much schooling." Amy told her. "Then I'm certain he'd want you in school." Cindy chuckled. "But do you think he would... you know...want to lay with me." Amy said. "I'm most certain that he'd be honored. But he wouldn't do it until he has dealt with Nick first." Cindy told her. "Do you think he'll buy us?" Amy asked. "Darlin... John wasn't joking when he said what he did. He'd never turn you back to Nick. But he also wasn't joking about one person owing another. He'd buy you away from Nick, but he wouldn't feel he owned you." Cindy told her. "I wouldn't mind being owned by him if I could stay here with you." Amy said. "You must never feel that way! You are a human being. No human being should ever own another. That's called slavery. Even if Nick did put his mark on you, then he still doesn't own you. Nobody does." Cindy said. "What's it like... laying with John." Amy asked. "The most incredible thing on earth... it's wonderful." Cindy told her. "You really like it? I mean.. is it like we just did?" Amy asked. "Better! And we call that making love." Cindy said, kissing the girl softly. Amy hugged her hard. "Could we.... make love again?" Amy asked, sheepishly. "We most certainly can!" Cindy chuckled, bending to kiss her as her fingers found the girls small, pert nipples. Alice sobbed against Sheila. "Why are you crying?" Sheila asked. "Because I never knew anything could feel so wonderful... how could it be so wrong?" Alice asked. "I don't think it's wrong. I just made love with an adorable woman. Others might think it was wrong, but I don't live my life for them. They don't live theirs for me either. So why should I care what they think." Sheila said, softly caressing the girl. "But for a woman to lay with a woman... isn't that a sin?" Alice sobbed. "Well, darling. If it is. I don't care. I don't really think god would care if anybody loved anybody else. I think it's hate that he wouldn't like. If he's really so great a god. If he's not, then I'll take my chances anyway, while I can. Cause to me heaven is feeling you in my arms." Sheila said. "But it says in the bible.." Alice began. "Oh pooh. A bunch of stogy old men who lived two thousand years ago. They didn't have a clue about what made people happy. They just wanted to control the way people live. I have newer books. They explain the way the world really works. They tell me that the world is billions of years old, not just a few thousand or whatever that priest figured out. "It was just recently that the Vatican finally decided that Galileo was right. They put him in prison because he said the world traveled around the sun. Personally, I don't let people like that decide what's right and wrong for me. They only did it because we'd already been to the moon." Sheila said. "We've been to the moon!?" Alice asked. Sheila looked at her shocked. "Yes dear, A man called Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. The second man was called Buzz Aldrin. Mike Collins stayed in a ship going around it. I don't remember all the rest, their were over a dozen, but there hasn't been a woman up there yet. Maybe it could be you." she said. "And you don't think what we did was wrong?" Alice asked. "No dear, did it feel wrong?" Sheila asked. "No... I never felt anything that felt so right.... Can we do it again?" Alice asked, bravely. "Yes dear. We can. Would you like to learn how we can do it at the same time?" Sheila asked. Alice nodded. Sheila kissed her deeply and then guided her around so her hips were over her face and her head over her hips. Alice got the idea quickly as Sheila lapped up between her thighs. She dipped her head and savored the flavor of the older woman. Andrea didn't ask if they could do it again. After a time caressing each other, she just started moving down Theresa's firm body. Theresa pulled her hips around over her and they moved each other towards that feeling that Andrea found so new and wonderful. When it came it was mutual and devastating. Andrea feeling the love rushes rippling across her body as they caressed each other softly. "How about a swim?" Theresa asked. "Sure.. I heard them talking about an indoor swimming hole when we was coming down here. I saw it this morning when we was exploring." Andrea said. "Andrea, did you by chance get up by the Com room while you were exploring. How did Alice know John and Sheila were up there?" Theresa asked. Andrea dropped her head in shame and nodded. "Yeah,... we heard them... you know." she said. "Making love." Theresa supplied. "Making love... " Andrea said the words... testing them. "Like we just did. Only they did it like a man and a woman. Like John and I did later too." Theresa said. Andrea looked at her sharply. "You did.. He didn't hurt you?" she asked. "No, it felt wonderful. I like it very much." Theresa told her. "You do?... I never liked it very much, with Nick that is. He used to hurt me allot. He even did it to... in the back." Andrea said, dropping her eyes in shame. Theresa pulled her to her and held her. "Listen. It's not like that always. Even doing it like that. I've been with another who hurt me too. A couple of them. But with John it's different. He's as gentle as a lamb. You know that he loves and respects you. When you make love.. it's... well, the most wonderful feeling on earth. Even in the backside. He's done that to me, because I *asked* him to. Even then it was wonderful. It's all in how it's done and who's doing it.... you listened this morning. Did it sound like Sheila was in pain?" Theresa asked. "No... well, she did cry out.. but I think it was like I felt myself when I cried out earlier with you. What happens to us anyway. It felt like my mind was broke or something.. then it was like nothing I ever felt." Andrea said. "It's called an orgasm, darling. And I'd be pleased to give you one any time you'd like." Theresa said. "Orgasm.... Does John give you orgasm." Andrea asked. "Orgasms, yes. Lots of them. The most incredible ones I ever felt." Theresa chuckled. "Do you think he'd...... give me one.... Would you mind? I mean.. I know he's your man.. but you don't seem to mind sharing him with Sheila... " Andrea asked, hesitantly. "I'm sure he'd love to... but not until he settled with Nick. I don't think he'd touch any of you until then, if I know John. And No, I wouldn't mind... once in a while that is. I'd want you to know what it was like.. but, well, darling. I don't think John.... well, he's only one man. There's already three of us. If he had to please all of us and all of you all the time. Well, it wouldn't be so special. But I'd like you to know what it's like at least once." Theresa said. "You think he'll turn us out?" Andrea asked, hanging her head. "No dear. I'm sure he won't. But he'll probably get you set up with a house of your own in the city or something. But don't worry. He'd never turn you out into the cold. He'll think of something. He always does." Theresa said. "Always does... I don't understand." Andrea said. "He helped a girl out in New York last week. Found her a job and a place to live and ... made her know she was loved." Theresa said. "He lay with her?" Andrea asked, surprised. Theresa nodded: "Yup, in a big way. They had quite a love fest from what he told us." "And you didn't mind?" Andrea asked, shocked. "No.. he asked us first. We told him to go ahead. I'm not sorry. It sounded like she needed it. .... Look, Nick lay with all of you didn't he?" Theresa asked. Andrea shivered and nodded. "Now it may have hurt the way he did it... but did you ever feel angry at the others cause he was laying with them?" Theresa asked. Andrea shook her head: "No.. I felt sorry for them.. most the time. But I see what you mean. If he'd been a good man.. No, I wouldn't have minded him laying with my sisters or Candice." "It's kind of like that. I know John is a good man. If he lays with anybody, it's a good thing for that person. I don't own John. He doesn't own me. I know he doesn't mind my being here with you now. At the same time I don't mind him laying with others. Just as long as I get to lay with him. Now you've got me saying it all the time. I don't mind him *making love* to another, cause that's what it is. Just like we did. We made love. If John were to lay with you, it would be making love. I wouldn't mind that a bit. Just like I know he wouldn't mind my making love with you, or Cindy or Sheila either. That's just the way we feel around here." Theresa explained. "I wished I could stay here always.. and know what making love to all of you was like." Andrea said, snuggling to Theresa. "Well, I can almost assure you of the second part. The first part I can't say about. That's what we argued about last night after you went to bed. I don't know if you heard us or not." Theresa said. Andrea nodded against her breasts. She kissed one and then said: "We could hear that you were arguing, but not about what. We were scared you would turn us out." "That's what I was afraid of. That's why I was arguing. But John's a better man than I gave him credit for... I was wrong. He'd never turn you out. He'll care for you. It just probably won't be here." Theresa said. "I'm not so sure I want to live with Candice. She can be so bossy sometimes. Like we were her children." Andrea said. "I think I can understand that. She loves you, she just wants what's best for you." Theresa said. "She never made me feel like you did...." Andrea said. "Maybe she didn't know how, or was afraid to. Not everybody feels comfortable with it. Two women together I mean. At times I questioned it real hard. But what I have with Cindy I don't ever want to give up. With Sheila either. I'm no longer ashamed of it. I love them both dearly.... and you too." Theresa said. Andrea lifted her head and met Theresa's lips descending on hers. They didn't make it to the pool for a while longer. "How about that swim?" Sheila asked. Alice snuggled to her breasts and nodded. Sheila got her to her feet and pulled her clothing onto her. They met Cindy and Amy leaving the Com room. The girls shared very embarrassed looks. Cindy and Sheila were having none of that. They moved into each others arms and kissed deeply before the girls. Alice and Amy looked at each other and moved together. When their lips met it started a new phase in their relationship. They kissed as grown women. When they finally pulled back, Cindy moved to Alice and Sheila to Amy. They shared the taste of their sisters on the older women's tongues. When they got to the pool, Sheila and Cindy stripped off their clothes and dove in. The two girls looked at each other and giggled. They tore off their own clothes and jumped in. Struggling to the surface as it was deeper than they thought. An arm moved around each of them. It didn't matter that they had changed partners. The kisses were warm and friendly. A while later Theresa and Andrea joined them. Theresa stripped off and jumped in. Andrea, seeing her sisters nude in the pool did the same. Andrea moved to Sheila as Alice moved to Theresa. They changed several more times. Now making love freely before each other. The triplets even moved together and shared a three way kiss. "The family that plays together." Sheila giggled. "Stays together." Cindy said, moving into Sheila's arms. "Well, I can see that we were all doing the same thing. I wonder how John's doing with Candice?" Theresa giggled. "Probably uncomfortable as hell, being his noble self." Cindy giggled. They all busted out laughing. They weren't in the least bit wrong. John was very uncomfortable. His desire for Candice had grown considerably as she told him of her life on the farm. She'd had a hard life. She'd handled it well. His estimation of her had risen considerably, his desire with it. He had a very good idea what was keeping the girls. Somehow, he just couldn't let himself succumb though. "I wonder where the girls are?" Candice said, feeling his discomfort, and her own. "Probably taking a swim... Uh... Candice. They may be doing more than that. If I know my lovelies... You wouldn't mind, would you?" he asked. She thought about it a bit, then shook her head. "No, not if they're gentle with them. They've had little enough *real* loving. I couldn't begrudge them any that they get. You think that your women will be able to convince them?" Candice asked. "I don't doubt it for a heartbeat." John chuckled. "You don't know my girls." Candice chuckled. "Maybe not, but I know *mine*. You're welcome to join them if you'd like." John said. "You think that they'd want me?" Candice asked, unsure of herself. "That depends on how you approached them. As a mother hen, no. As a free woman, yes. That was the only opposition they voiced against you last night." John informed her. "Mother hen, huh?" Candice asked, then she chuckled. "I guess I am kind of like that at times. I love those girls to death." "So tell them that." John said. "It ain't easy for us country folk to show our feelings." Candice said, dropping her eyes. "It ain't any easier for us city folk. But the alternative is, that *it don't get said*." John said. Candice looked at him and nodded. Cindy separated herself from the others. "I better go check on our boy. Tell him that it's okay." she chuckled. "I'll bet he won't even then. Not until he deals with Nick." Theresa said. "You're undoubtedly right, but I'll tell him anyway." Cindy said. The girls all moved to her and kissed her deeply before they'd let her out of the pool. "You better get out, Alice. Remember what John said about your frost bite." Cindy reminded her. Alice nodded and reluctantly climbed out after her. Sheila moved out to join her on a chaise, examining her fingers and toes. They were wrinkled and starting to peel. "Did you bring that ointment down with you?" Sheila asked. "I left it in .... the solarium." she said carefully. "You wait here. I'll get it." Sheila said, donning a short terry robe like Cindy had pulled on before she left. She had to wait for the elevator to come back down after Cindy. Cindy found John and Candice still sitting at the table. John brightened at her entrance. Cindy could feel the tension between him and Candice. It wasn't contention. "The girls are in the pool, why don't you go join them while John and I have a little chat." she suggested. Candice stood up, feeling guilty over her feelings for John. Cindy took her by surprise when she swept her into her arms and kissed her. Candice quivered and hugged her back. Tears coming to her eyes. "Now you have a good time. I'll be down in a bit." Cindy told her, implying very clearly what she meant. Candice could only nod and moved off. Cindy moved into John's lap, feeling his discomfort and giggling. "God I love you. You're so damn predictable." Cindy chuckled. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. "I mean that hard-on under my ass. I knew you'd get it, and wouldn't use it." she chuckled. "So nothing's keeping me from using it now." he said, pulling her into a kiss. "Nothing but you're ethics was keeping you from using it before. I came up here to tell you it was alright." she said when he finally pulled back. "No... not till I deal with Nick." he said. "Then I guess I'd better not let it go to waste." Cindy chuckled, moving back to kiss him. The elevator door opened and Candice met Sheila on her way up. She stepped in, feeling self conscious. Sheila could tell she was affected by how she was dressed. She turned to her and Candice slowly looked up into her eyes. "Now, about how you said good-night to me last night." Sheila said, pulling her into her arms. She didn't let Candice get her defensive protest out before she kissed her. When the elevator reached the top, she led Candice into the solarium. Candice was amazed by the clear roof. Now the sun was shining down. A few clouds of snowflakes swirling outside on gusts of wind on the tail end of the storm. Candice shivered a bit at the sight. Sheila fired up the heat lamps. She found the tube of ointment and pulled Candice back into an deep kiss. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere." Sheila said. Candice could only nod in anticipation. Sheila flew back to the elevator. She sent it on its decent. The doors hardly had time to close again before she was back in it. "Back in a while." she said, tossing the tube to Alice. "Candice is waiting for me up in the solarium. I think it's time she learned what this love thing is all about. Now you put this on and stay out of the water for now." Alice nodded. Smiling at her. She was glad that Candice would soon know the pleasure she felt. Amy came over to help her with the ointment. It didn't take long before they melted together to share their new found skills. Sheila returned to the solarium. Candice was shaking visibly as she stood before her and opened her robe. She stood nude before the slim brunette. Candice swallowed hard as Sheila moved to her. This time there was no coaxing the girls to do what she thought was right. Sheila knew exactly the right thing to do. Her kisses were warm and deep. Her fingers skilled and soft as they moved over her body, touching her here and there and there. When Sheila moved between her legs she lay her head back in passion. Tears flowing down her cheeks as her body shuddered in it's first real release over what she had desired for years. Her cry was deep and satisfying. Her body lifting high in convulsion. Later she learned to do the same to Sheila. They lay together caressing each other as the noonday sun passed overhead. She examined the statuesque blondes body as she stroked it. Wondering that she had never felt such things before. When Sheila's lips found hers she responded with the new passion she felt. Sheila showed her how they could please each other by pulling her hips around. This time Candice knew only total abandon to the feelings she felt. She looked forward to sharing real lovemaking with her co-wives. Especially now that she knew what it was. "Shall we join them at the pool?" Sheila suggested as they lay cooling together. Candice nodded against her breast, kissing a nipple softly. Feeling a surge of pride as it hardened under her lips. They didn't bother putting their clothes on. Candice had started to, but Sheila asked "Why bother? Nobody in the pool has them on." Candice felt a bit self conscious as she rode nude down the elevator. Sheila helped by holding her close to her. The feel of her skin wonderful against Candice's body. They walked onto the deck and Candice stopped dead in her tracks. There before her were her co-wives making love together on a chaise. All but one, who was making love with Theresa in the pool. Candice was torn between her mother hen instincts and the passion she felt growing inside her. Sheila moved up behind her and kissed her neck as she cupped her breasts. Reassuring her. Candice moved as in a dream towards Alice and Andrea. They looked up at her, at first in fear, and then with smiles on their faces as she sat down beside them and softly caressed their slim bodies. She leaned towards Alice and the younger girl met her lips with a real kiss. Her hands moved to Candice's breasts as Andrea's fingers softly slid between her legs. Over the next hour and a half she came to know each of her Co-wives as well as Theresa and Sheila once more. Each time seemingly better than the last. Finally she lay, exhausted and happy, Theresa snuggled to her side, softly kissing her cheek. John and Cindy lay together, sweaty and happy. They were in the master bedroom. They could hear occasional cries and giggles from below them. "So... What say we drop in on our guests?" Cindy suggested. "I don't know... I've still got to deal with Nick." John protested. "Darling, I love you dearly. But if you don't make love to those adorable creatures, every one of them. I may just bite you where I know you wouldn't like it." Cindy threatened. "Uh... I'm not sure I'm up to all of them." he said. "Fine... do Candice first. Then get to the others as you're able. I know all of them want you.... and I want them to know what real lovemaking is like. "That asshole Nick should have his nuts cut off. Those women aren't his! They are free women. Stop acting like he owns them. "You said yourself that you'd never turn them back over to him. Their life with him is over. Now go show them what a real man is like!.... Please." Cindy coaxed. "I must be crazy. Okay.. but the only reason I'm doing this, is because I already made love with all three of you today. I don't know how I did that. I might not be able to do anything with those girls." John said. "If that's the case, let it be. But don't not do it cause you think we mind. Actually, I find the idea of watching you with the triplets... sexy." Cindy giggled. "Okay... I'll do my best." John sighed. "You always do. My dear love. You always do." Cindy said, kissing him deeply and then opening the trap. She could see the girls were all out of the pool, snuggled together on various chaises. It was a pretty sight. She chuckled as John moved beside her and hand in hand they stepped through the trap. There was a giant splash in the pool. Candice and the triplets looked up startled. Suddenly they spotted Cindy and JOHN! They each started to scramble to find clothes. "What the hell are you doing?" Sheila asked, holding Alice in her arms. "John's here!" Alice gasped. "So. Didn't you express an interest in him earlier?" Sheila asked, grinning. Alice nodded, but seemed to shrink against her. Amy and Andrea seemed to cling together to hide their bodies. The sight was more sexy than they could have known. First Cindy climbed out and then John. "I heard tell you've been fooling with my women... and I wouldn't want them to get it all." John chuckled, heading for Candice. Candice was in a state of shock. She was torn between trying to cover herself and staring at John's manhood, now flaccid before him. He reached out to her and she moved out of Theresa's arms as in a trance. She blushed brightly at his gaze. Then even brighter as both Cindy and Theresa got on their knees before him and began to lick his manhood. She felt his arms move around her and his mouth descend upon hers. She was hardly aware of a thing after Cindy's mouth turned from John to kiss between her legs. The girls sat up in fascination. Sheila held Alice leaning back against her, softly playing her fingertips over her body as she watched Theresa perform felatio upon John. Her eyes got real big as John did too. The other two triplets sat together, exciting each other as they watched the sight before them. Cindy's tongue lapping at Candice's privates as Theresa worked upon John. John was kissing and caressing Candice's body like they'd never seen Nick do. Her body trembled with desire as John moved her back onto a vacant chaise between the girls. They each craned their necks to see as John positioned his manhood against her womanhood. She moaned softly with delight as he pushed slowly inwards. Working it slowly in until it was fully lubed by her flowing juices. Then he lay atop her kissing her while she got used to the size of his member. Theresa and Cindy moved to each side of her and were each sucking one of her nipples as John kissed her and began to move atop her. Candice felt like she never had before. Knowing joy -not hurt- from having a man inside her. Her body began to convulse beneath him. Lips touched her body here and there. Fingers touched her everywhere. He held himself still wedged up against her cervix as her contractions died out. Then he began to move once more. Probing fingers urged her hips into counter movement with his. Till their joint movements elicited a cry of passion from every stroke. The triplets moved to watch. Kneeling at the end of the chaise, watching every deep stroke. Candice was obviously enjoying this. They had never seen that before. Or hardly, and certainly not like this. She became like a wild animal as her body convulsed time and again. Her breath a ragged gasp in her throat. And still John stroked deeply into her. Then he began to move quickly, his strokes almost slamming into her hips. Candice seemed to stop breathing. But suddenly John stroked a last dozen furious strokes and then groaned atop her. At the same instant Candice screamed like a banshee. Her hips lifting John up high off the chaise, then she collapsed and was still. The girls though he'd killed her. Sheila stood behind them, caressing Alice softly. Cindy and Theresa each moved to hold one of them. Their lips each found a set. The triplets torn between their concern over Candice and the warm lips upon theirs. The lips won out. John went to move off Candice, but she suddenly threw her legs around him and held him inside her. She hugged him fiercely around his neck as she gasped for air. She had never known anything like it in her life. She never wanted to let the feeling she had get away from her. But she could feel him shrinking inside her none the less. She held him until he slipped out. Then he bent and kissed her softly. "Thank you!" she managed to gasp. "You're quite welcome." he said. His women each guided one of the triplets to a chaise. Then moved between their legs. John rolled off to the side and both he and Candice watched as the girls expertly guided each of them to a massive joint orgasm. The sight almost excited John enough for another go at it. But not quite. Candice watched with joy as her co- wives all found pleasure from the expert tongues between their legs. John's fingers softly caressed her body. She felt goose bumps wherever he touched. When the girls were finally still, she watched as each of his women moved up to tenderly caress and kiss them. "Thank you." she said again, with tears in her eyes. "We never knew... none of us.... we never knew that love could be like this!" "Like I said, you're very welcome. If I wasn't played out I would show the triplets what you just felt. Perhaps tomorrow." John said. "Played out?" Candice asked, thinking that he'd wasted himself upon her. "This is the forth time today.... and about the thirty- forth in the last three days." John chuckled. "Thirty-forth!" Candice gasped in amazement. "Believe it honey!" Cindy giggled next to Amy. "How the hell could you do that? Nick could hardly do it two or three times!" she asked. "His loss, from where I sit." John chuckled. "But I never heared of no man doing it that much!" Candice said. "You never met our man before." Theresa giggled. "Does that mean that he can't do it with us?" Alice asked, dejected. "Don't worry, sunshine. He'll be better tomorrow." Sheila giggled. "Maybe.. I'll try." John said, dubiously. "Thirty-four? In how long?" Candice asked. "Lets see, since about ten o-clock Saturday night. But that was New York time." John said. "But thirty-four?" Candice asked, not believing it. "I can account for one, we all just witnessed a second." Cindy giggled. "Me too, that's three." Theresa said. "Make it four." Sheila said, raising her hand. "And if that girl from New York were here, and could still talk.. I wager she'd verify the rest." Cindy chuckled. "What kind of man are you?" Candice asked. "Just a regular kind... who somehow got into the middle of this." John mused. "I think an outstanding man... whom we all know and love dearly." Sheila said, profoundly. "Here here!" Cindy said. "Ditto!" Theresa cried. "I don't know what kind of man you are, but I'm very glad we met." Candice said, hugging him fiercely. "Couldn't we at least kiss him?" Alice asked, sheepishly. "That, my little darling you may do. You may all do." Sheila giggled. She patted her cute behind in his direction. John kissed each of the triplets tenderly. They each quivered in his arms, each disappointed then he wouldn't be making love to them today. His fingers tracing over their firm young flesh got the better of him. The girl's didn't stay disappointed as John pleased each of them orally at least twice more during the day. (Not counting what his women did.) The trip to Nick's was postponed for a day. Chapter 54 Later in the evening John lay in bed surrounded by his lovelies. He could hardly talk. The girls were all languid from the endorphins surging through their systems. Cindy lay with her back against the headboard, her fingers playing softly in John's hair. "You're a good man, my love." Cindy said. John moaned. "I flat refuse to make love to anyone for at least two days!... I don't care if Lady Godiva, Helen of Troy and Cleopatra show up at the door. Turn them away. Let them freeze." "You big phony. You wouldn't turn away the fat lady from the circus!" Sheila giggled. "Okay... she can stay. But I'm not making love to her and she pays for her own food." John said, "She has to sleep alone too!" "Speaking of food. Who's turn is it?" Sheila inquired. "Theresa's, but she's out." Cindy giggled. "Kick her. Feed me, wench!" John giggled. "I'll go. I get little enough chance to cook." Sheila said. "Two cooks and I end up being served by a thousand dollar a day consultant." John moaned. "That thousand dollars a day ended two days ago." Sheila said. "Just the same.... " John said. He started to whistle. "What's that song?" Cindy asked. "Take it easy, by the Eagles." Sheila said, pulling a robe around her. "How's it go?" Cindy asked. "I'm running down the road, trying to loosen my load, got seven women on my mind...." John sang, not so badly. The girls got it and busted out laughing. Sheila met Candice in the kitchen. They embraced and kissed. Then together they built a meal for the troops. "Sheila?" Candice said. "Yes, love." Sheila responded. "I just wanted to tell you.... thank you." Candice said. "For what?" Sheila asked, tending to the stove. "Well... you were my first.... *real* lover." Candice said. Sheila forgot the stove for a while as she pulled Candice into her arms. Both their robes came open and they embraced skin to skin. Candice's breasts fitting neatly under Sheila's. Sheila bent and kissed her long and deeply. "You are most very welcome." she said, finally. "No, I mean it. You will always be my first. I'm really glad about that." Candice said. "I mean it too. Look, lover. It was only by chance that I caught you first. It could just as easily been Cindy, Theresa or even John. I'm honored to have been your first, but it was sheer chance." Sheila told her. "Oh...not so much as you'd think. I was on my way to find you." Candice giggled. "Were you now? Why?" Sheila asked. "Well, I think it was the way you held Alice that first night. God was that only last night.... anyway, you kissed her forehead softly. When she stirred you held her tenderly in your arms. When you did so I pictured you holding me like that.... I tried to tell you when you put us to bed...." Candice said. "You did, love. You did. Now shall we feed the troops? Where are the triplets?" Sheila asked. "Probably killing each other with their new found skills.... god they turned hot!" Candice said. "Well my brood is pretty well played out, too. I don't know how I'm functioning. Let's divide this up and see if crumbs in bed bother them." Sheila said. "Quite well, is how you're functioning..... " Candice said, hoarsely. "Fuck the food." Sheila said, turning off the stove and backing Candice onto the table. Quite a bit later they each carried trays laden with food into their various wards. That's just about what they resembled. The troops, as Sheila called them managed to fight off their lethargy in order to take nourishment. The soup was awkward for them to handle, but it tasted good. The perfect compliment to the sandwiches. "I'm sorry I wasn't up to preparing anything more substantial." Sheila said. "Manna from heaven." John muttered. "Good enough for me." Cindy said, her mouth full. "Ditto!" Theresa said. "I think we forget just how good a simple meal can be. One of the best meals I ever had was simply a hot dog and a cup of coffee at the right time." John said. They consumed all there was, and then picked crumbs off the plates. Candice's brood was much the same, consuming all the food. "So when do you think John will be able ... well... you know..." Alice asked. "I don't know, hon. If he really did as he said.. maybe not for a little while." Candice replied. "You don't believe him?" Amy asked. "No, it's not that. I do. It's just that I never heard of any man doing that before. It just takes some getting used to." Candice replied. "What was it like?" Andrea asked. "What?" Candice asked. "You know.. when John.... made love to you." Andrea clarified. "God, how can I explain that? It was wonderful. Not like Nick at all. For one thing.... he's bigger.. but even so it didn't hurt like when Nick does it. I don't understand that part... anyway. It's like you're filled up... only by something really special. That's the best I could explain it." Candice said. The girls had all listened attentively. They all sighed when she finished. Candice couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Did you girls have fun while I was getting the food?" she smirked. The girls blushed and nodded. "You know, I've noticed something since we've been here." Candice said. "What's that?" they all asked. "Just that. You don't finish each others sentences near as much as you did. I think that maybe it was all so new to you all that you didn't know what each other were thinking. Like you did just now. " Candice chuckled. At first the girls didn't know how to respond to this. They looked nervously between themselves for a moment. "I think it's better if she knew." Andrea said. The other's kind of nodded. "Knew what?" Candice asked. "That sometimes.. we *do* know what the other two are thinking." Alice explained. "Huh? How could you?" Candice asked. "We don't know." Amy said, "We just do... sometimes." "Like when Andrea fell down and bumped her head. I knew something was wrong. That's why I went looking for her." Alice said. "And when Nick first .... did that.... to Amy... I knew she was being hurt." Andrea said. "Or this morning... When we all found out about orgasms.... I knew exactly when Cindy and Sheila made them... feel them. I didn't know yet what it was, but I knew it was good. I also knew when Alice cried afterwards." "How come you never told me this before?" Candice asked. The girls looked at each other a moment. "Cause... well, you didn't talk *with* us much. You talked *to* us." Amy said. "Like you were our mother or something." Alice added. "I'm sorry for that... " Candice said, "You were pretty young when you first arrived.... I kind of felt like your mother a lot of the time." "We know... We were glad you did lots of times... cause we never knew our real one, but other times you just seemed bossy." Andrea said. "Lot's of those times, I was just trying to keep you out of trouble with Nick." Candice said. "We know... and we thank you," Alice said, "But we're women now. We don't need a mother so much... as we sort of need a big sister." "I never had a sister before." Candice said, hanging her head. "Well, now you got three." they all replied at once. Candice kind of sobbed suddenly. She hugged the nearest one first. The girls had other plans. Their attack seemed planned in advance. Two took her breasts as the third dived between her thighs. This time, Candice wept as her body convulsed in pleasure. Things were a little more sedate in the master bedroom. Even Theresa and Cindy were pretty well *barbed out*. They all snuggled together and drifted away into slumber. Chapter 55 John stirred, slowly opening his eyes. He found the lovely Sheila's golden tresses before him. An absence behind him told him they were alone. He lifted his head and looked around, just to be certain. Puzzled, he lay back down and pulled Sheila to him. She snuggled her warm body next to his. She was fully awake. "Good morning, dear heart." John said. "Good morning, love." she replied. "Any idea where our lost souls are?" he asked, softly kissing her cheek. She smiled and replied: "They got up hours ago." "Hours?" John asked. "Mmm.. Yes.. I stayed to keep you company." she said, snuggling tighter to him. "That was mighty nice of you." he said. "Mmm, my pleasure, sir. I love laying next to you." she said. "The feeling is mutual." he said, kissing her cheek once again. "When you told me you had a full life, I had no idea." she chuckled. "Me neither... It's not always like this." he chuckled back. "I'll bet.... you normally live a drab existence with just two hyper-sexual women, instead of seven." she teased. "Something like that, but I was thinking how lovely a number three was." he said. "Oh, myself I wouldn't mind any number between one and seven. As long as I could wake up feeling like I did this morning." she said, tracing her fingernails over his chest. "I think I would. I've been home three days, and I only got to make love to you once. I may not get to again for another day at least if I'm expected to do the triplets all today." he said. "Darling, I don't care if I have to wait a year. That once with you was better than I've ever known before in my life." she cooed. "Now you're just teasing me." he said. "No, I'm not. The closest thing to it was with your other two lovelies and your mannequin. I don't know if you know how good you are." she said, seriously. "Yes I do... but I will say that you inspire me to higher levels." he said. "Apparently. I hope I always will..... I love you." she said. "I love you...... Uh.... I guess I have to save myself for the three ringed circus, but I'd be more than pleased to .. please you other ways." he offered. She chuckled: "No, not necessary. I'm quite content. But thanks for the offer.... It's funny, I really am content. More contented than I've ever been in my whole life..... And having made love to you once, and being held by you through the night three times, I don't ever want anything else." she concluded. "What brought this all on?" he asked. "Love, I guess. But more than that really, cause I've been in love before. "Acceptance, that's it; For the first time in my life I don't have to hide or try to explain my desires." she said. "Could you explain that?" John teased. She smacked his butt with her palm, and then softly rubbed it. "May I get you a cup of coffee?" she asked. "No, I'll get up. Looks like it's late morning anyway. I have to go deal with Nick today." he said, half frowning. "I know you do. May I buy the tractor?" she asked. "Not necessary, but thanks for the offer." he said. "You'd keep me from getting in on the ground floor of owning a piece of those three lovelies?" she pouted. "I don't expect to own them myself. I just want to assure their freedom." he said. "I know. I want the same thing. The idea of someone owning somebody is as offensive to me as it is to you. But please, can I split the cost with you?" she insisted. "Perhaps after I find out what it is. If I accept now it might crimp my bartering skills. If I was bartering with someone else's money, I might be tempted not to offer enough, or too much. But I'm content to deal with my own funds. I know I'll swing the best deal I can then." he chuckled. "Fair enough. Shall we go find some grub?" she asked. "In a moment. May I have a kiss?" he asked. "Anytime, my love, anytime." she said, melting with him. They showered together and then dressed and went in search of the troops. They met Cindy in the kitchen. Both John and Sheila greeted her warmly. "Where's the troops?" John inquired. Cindy chuckled real hard before replying: "Theresa's scanning them. I took down your mannequin and the ones not being scanned are taking practice runs." "She's scanning all of them? That's not necessary. One of the three would probably be enough." John said. "Oh, the subject of just how they were different came up. I figured the best way to determine that was full scans of each." she chuckled. "Full scans?" John asked. "Yup, hot and heavy, the whole thing. That's why I took down your mannequin. To give Theresa a break. Candice was first, and she wanted to rape someone. Theresa had to run the scanner and I had to cook breakfast, so I solved it by letting her have at your twin. After that she started on the triplets, two at a time. I figure they may even be tame enough for you to handle in your depleted state by the time you're fed. You may thank me now." Cindy chuckled. John pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. "Thank you. Perhaps I may live out the day." he said. "You are quite welcome, sir. Now, French toast or Monte Cristo's?" she asked. "Uh... French toast. Monte Cristo's might be too heavy for a man's last meal." John chuckled. "Coming right up, right after I kiss this lovely woman again." Cindy said, turning to Sheila. Sheila smiled and moved into her arms. John wondered if he'd ever get his breakfast by the time they were done Well fed, John carried his coffee cup into the lab. The sight that assaulted him was beyond his experience. Candice was in a sixty-nine position with one of the twins, another writhed on the scanning table as her back side was probed. The last was wildly bouncing away upon his mannequin. Theresa looked up from the computer grinning fiercely but looking relieved. The one bouncing on his mannequin let out a scream at the sight of him. Her body convulsed hard and she collapsed upon it. Then she tried to scramble to him, weaving badly. He caught her and she jumped up around his waist and gave him a complete tonsillectomy. "What happened to those shy girls who covered up at the sight of me yesterday?" John chuckled, when she finally let him talk. "Why be shy? When can we do it for real?" she gasped. "When I know which one you are." John chuckled. "Andrea. Now when?" she asked. "After I deal with Nick." he said, dislodging himself. It did him no good as while he was talking Amy and Candice climaxed and then untangled themselves again to be next in line to greet him. He caught Amy on the fly and she wrapped her legs around his middle while she tried to one-up Andrea's tonsillectomy. John could taste Candice's juices on her lips. Herself waiting impatiently in line. When John finally tore free, Candice kissed him deeply, but less hungrily. John tasted Amy's nectar on her lips. He licked around her mouth and she giggled. Sheila walked in and the whole routine started over again. "Nice to feel wanted, eh?" John chuckled to her. She smiled and nodded, meeting the next set of lips. John wasn't finished, as Theresa loosened the bonds on Amy. She was so hot she met him on the fly, knocking him back onto the sofa, over himself. He chuckled as she kissed him all over, almost tearing at his clothes. "Easy, love. Here, try my alter ego out. I have to get ready to go meet Nick." John said, rolling her onto his mannequin. She mounted it quickly. Somehow hard and fast was what she wanted. Forgetting that that's what she didn't like about Nick. Her body started to convulse almost from the first stroke. "He doesn't kiss worth a damn!" she gasped, reaching for John once more. He jumped out of her grasp. "I'm certain you can find a set of willing lips nearby." he chuckled. Both Amy and Andrea moved to her without further coaxing. Each moved to suck on a nipple and then one lay down and attempted to lick her clitoris as she bounced away. John turned to Candice. "Shall we get this over with?" he asked. She nodded and hugged him. She collected a kiss from each of the other women while John greeted Theresa good morning. "Don't be long. Please. I don't know how much I can take." she said. "We'll hurry as best we can. But it's a long ride anyway." he said. He went to pull away and she hugged him fiercely. "You be careful, you hear me?" she asked. "I promise." he said. Finally she released him and Sheila moved in to greet her good morning. John and Candice headed out. Candice went down to shower and dress while John headed upstairs. He retrieved his old .357 from it's hiding place and checked it. He tucked it in it's holster in the back of his belt and pulled his sweater over it. He suited up and Cindy joined him. Candice came up brushing her blow dried hair. Sheila came to wish them well, hugging him to her. She felt the gun in his belt. She pulled back in surprise and nodded at him in understanding. She smiled at him, to his surprise. "Now you take care you don't need that." she whispered to him. He nodded and kissed her deeply. The girls went out to get the snowmobiles out. John stalled a bit. Once they were out of sight, he unzipped his suit and reached inside to retrieve the weapon. He frowned and then pulled off the top half of his suit. He strung the shoulder holster where it belonged and then put his suit back on. He tried pulling it out a few times. Sheila watched him and nodded in satisfaction when he did. "That's better. Can you shoot that thing." she asked. "Not bad. Well enough. I hope the hell I don't have to use it." he said. "Me too. But I'm glad you're taking it." she said, solemnly. "Strange attitude for a city girl." he teased. "I seem to recall from San Francisco... the guns always won." she said. He nodded and hugged her once more before he headed out. Cindy had both machines started. He plugged in his helmet and hit the transmit button. "Cell phone and extra battery?" he asked Cindy. She patted a bulging pocket. "Compass?" she asked back. "On the dash, detachable." he answered. Sheila came out and handed them each a thermos full of coffee. They nodded their thanks and attached them with cargo nets. Sheila kissed the girls and then John once more. They headed out. The gate required they dismount and two pushed while the third tripped the button. It finally creaked open enough to pass the machines. John mounted again and brushed off the snow. Telling the girls to do the same. They nodded and complied. Then he gunned his machine through the gap. The girls followed him. They rode mostly in silence. John first angled up the road until he encountered Candice's disabled machine. It was buried quite deeply, so they left if for now. Looking from the machine towards the mountain, there was a barely decipherable indentation in the snow, drifted over in most places.. John took off following it. It became a dashed line between the drifts. It turned out that it did circle and meander quite a bit. Candice shivered, remembering the outbound trip. John lost the trail in a particularly heavily drifted area. He asked Candice which way. She studied the mountains for a bit and pointed. He took off with the others behind him. After a time he re-acquired the previous trail. It had meandered quite a bit. He crossed it and made a mental line in his head, averaging the meanders. Candice nodded after studying the mountains. After a time Candice indicated to Cindy definite directions. She took the lead and followed Candice's points. When they reached the mouth of a wide canyon, John called a halt. They turned off the machines and listened to the deafening silence. John poured himself a cup of coffee. The girls did the same. "How far?" he asked Candice. "Just up the road... up the canyon a piece. About a mile I guess. Look for a row of trees off to the left. You can see the cabin from there." she said. "Okay, then that's where you two stop. Get turned around first. I want you pointing away." John said. Cindy nodded. "You be god damned careful! You're not an easy man to replace." she said, hugging him. She felt the pistol under his arm. She felt better that he had it but slightly disturbed that he felt the need for it. "Anything else you can tell me I should know?" John asked Candice. She thought for a moment. "You just be real careful if he's drunk. He likes to blind side folks." she said. John nodded. He kissed her and she hugged him too. She felt the pistol. She smiled at him. "I hope I won't need it." he said. "I hope you won't too, but I'm glad you brought it. He can be an ornery cuss." she said. He nodded to them. They re-stowed the thermos and headed up the draw. When John spotted the trees, he stalled while Cindy got turned around. Then he headed in. "I'll leave my mike open, but don't say anything unless you have to. If Candice thinks of something while she's listening, whisper it!" he said. "How will we talk if your mike is open?" Cindy asked. "Full duplex, dear. We can talk at the same time. I never told you before cause it made for easier communication." he chuckled. "One of these day's you'll learn to trust me." she said. "I do now. I have since the first time we made love. Now keep quiet." he said. "Okay... I love you. Be careful." she said. "I love you too. And please be careful." Candice's voice said. "I love you both. Now shut up." he said. A large man stepped out of the cabin holding a rifle when John pulled up before it. John turned off his machine and dismounted, unconcerned. "Howdy." he said. "Howdy, and who might you be?" Nick said. "John Stevens." John said, pulling off a glove and extending his hand. Nick eyed him suspiciously and then took the hand. His grip was bone crushing hard. John returned it measure for measure. "What you want?" Nick asked. Dropping the hand. "Thought we might talk some." John said. "What about?" Nick asked. "Your women." John said. "Been a might worried about them. They lit out of here a few days ago. You got them?" Nick said. "Yes. Found them in the storm night before last, near froze to death. We almost lost Alice.. She's got a touch of frostbite, but she's alright. They all are." John said. "That Candice out there by the tree's?" Nick asked. "Yeah... she don't want to come back." John said, unzipping the front of his suit, just in case. "Who's that with her? Seems a might big to be one of mine." Nick said. "One of mine." John said, simply. Nick nodded. "Well, I guess we oughta go inside then." he said, "After you." John shrugged and moved in the door, keeping his peripheral vision on Nick. Nick was watching the trees for a moment and then stepped in behind him. John turned to face him. Nick indicated an old wooden chair by the table. He set his gun on the table and pulled down a bottle of bourbon. He blew the dust out of a small preserve jar and poured a shot into it. He put it in front of John and splashed some in another jar for himself. John knew enough to accept it. He took a pull on it, ignoring whatever clung to the lip and keeping an eye on Nick. "So what's on your mind?" Nick asked, taking a pull from his own drink, studying John carefully. The gun was in reach, but pointed the wrong way. "Well, I don't rightly know how to begin." John said. "Say it like it is." Nick said. "Okay... Your women showed up on my land, bout forty miles from here. They was just plain lucky I happened across them. When I finally got them thawed out they told me they had run away from you. They didn't want to come back. Now if they were serious enough that they headed out into that storm, wearing what they was, then I figure they were pretty serious about not wanting to come back." John said. Nick nodded at this but said: "But they's my women." John nodded. Then plunged on: "Yeah, I figured you'd feel that way. Well, they got to gabbing the way women do, that bunch are like a flock of geese. Anyhow Candice let out that you traded a tractor for the triplets. My woman can't have no kids and she took quite a shine to them. I was wondering how you'd feel about trading them off." Nick studied him a moment then said: "They grown a bit since I traded for them. They got other worth now... if you know what I mean." John nodded and took a pull from his glass. "I know. Can't think what my woman wants them round for. She don't like me even looking at sheep. But she's a stubborn one. I'd make it worth your while." John said. Nick thought for a bit. Taking a long pull off his drink. He took the bottle and poured a large shot in John's jar and a smaller one in his. John figured he wanted to dicker with an advantage. He shrugged his thanks and took another sip. Not too big of one. "What you got to offer?" Nick said finally. "How about a brand new tractor. Candice said the one you traded with didn't run so good." John offered. Nick shook his head. "Not much use for a tractor.... tractors ain't got tits." he said. "From what I seen before my woman hustled them off, them girls don't have much either." John chuckled. Nick kind of chuckled and nodded too. "Candice do though." he said. "Well, I was more interested in the young'ns. Candice is a growed woman." John said. He heard a sudden intake of indignant breath in his helmet. Then a click where Cindy turned her radio off. John hid his snicker. He unfastened the helmet and took it off. Thumbing the volume on the receiver down. He ran his hand back across his hair to slick it down. Nick was studying him closer now. Judging his build and disposition. John held his helmet in his lap, edging the zipper of his suit a little lower and making a bulging path into his holster. "I'd still want more for the triplets. They's mighty cute, fact is I don't care much about that ornery bitch Candice. You can have her for free." Nick said. "Don't know what I'd do with her. But let me see.... I got an old flatbed truck. She ain't pretty, but she runs good." John said, relaxing a bit. Nick considered, then shook his head. "Naw... I'd get lonesome.. A truck would help some around here, but it wouldn't find me nothin' to cuddle with." Nick said. John thought about it a bit. "Tell you what. My woman will skin me if I don't make a deal. I got a fancy sports car she won't let me drive anyway. I hate to part with it, it's a classic. Last thing I got outta my pa. I'll let you have it for the whole lot of them." John said. Nick's eyes perked up. "A fancy sports car?" he asked. "Yeah, fast son of a bitch too. Turns ladies heads like they was on swivels every time I pass through town. Guess that's why my woman don't want me to drive it." John said. "How big an engine?" Nick asked. "454, fuel injected." John said. "No shit?" Nick asked. "No shit. Top comes off too." John said. Nick almost bit, but then sat back and shook his head. "Naw, them young'ns ain't got much in the way of tits, but they's got some pretty tight pussy's. And asides, a sports car ain't made for these roads out here." Nick said. John knew he had him. Nick was just trying to sweeten the pot. "Gosh. That's about all I got. Cept, maybe I'd throw in the truck too. You could use it to haul the car down to the main road. As far as the pussy goes, the car would get you all you needed once you hit town." John said. Nick thought about it. "Where's my snowmobile?" he asked. "Got wrecked up when the girls hit a rock." John said. "Mighty nice machine you got out there." Nick allowed, hinting. "Oh, god. My woman would tan my hide..... Maybe I'd just better go tell her you don't want to trade." John said, putting his feet down like he was gonna leave. "How ya gonna get my women back to me." Nick asked. "Don't know if I can. They seem mighty headstrong about not coming back. The woman wanted to call in the law. I talked her outta it. Don't like them assholes much." John said. Nick nodded. Then took a deep breath. "Okay, tell ya what. You give me the car on the truck, and throw in that snowmobile. I'll trade for the lot of them." he said. John looked at him a moment, pained. "Well, I guess I can deal with the woman... Okay, done." John said. "When can I get my car?" Nick asked. "First melt off and then freeze that allows me to get up both roads. You could have the snowmobile tomorrow. I gotta get back today, though." John said. Nick nodded. "Okay, we got a deal. But how do I know you'll stick to it?" Nick asked. "Guess the same way that I know you will. But I'll sign a paper... if you will. Seems like there's something in the Bible about giving your wife a divorce paper anyway. I think it's in Deuteronomy." John said. Nick eyed him suspiciously. He got up and pulled an old Bible down off a dusty shelf. He flipped through it till he found the right section. John could tell he was having a hard time reading it. He offered to look. Nick handed him the book. John flipped about and then found chapter 24, verses 1 & 3. He read them to Nick. Nick nodded and looked about the cabin for some paper. He found some old bills that were blank on the back. John filled out his part while Nick fumbled with his. "Don't rightly know what to say." Nick said, frustrated. "Tell ya what. Why don't I write up both. I got a divorce once. Glad to be rid of the bitch." John offered. Nick passed over the paper. John thought up some legal sounding mumbo jumbo and then explained it's meaning to Nick. Adding an oath to god that he knew Nick would take more serious than any legal shit. Nick studied both pages for a long time, finally he nodded. They both signed each page. Then John took the divorce paper and Nick the bill of sale sheet listing what items were to be delivered and the latest date, weather permitting. John stood, lifting his glass to Nick. "You drive a hard bargain. I'm gonna miss that car. Maybe I can come by sometime and just sit in it?" John said. "That'd be okay... You'll bring the machine back tomorrow?" Nick asked, holding his glass. "Yeah, I'd do it today, if'n it wasn't so late." John said. "Good enough for me." Nick said, clinking his jar against John's. They drank and John set down his glass. He extended his hand and Nick reluctantly shook it. He seemed to consider something. "Just a minute." he said, and headed into a dark corner of the cabin. John watched him closely, his helmet in his left hand, the right toying with his suit zipper. Nick came back with an old wooden box and a shoe box on top of it. "The girls ain't got much. Here's a box I been keeping for them and a box of Candice's trinkets." he said, extending the box. Despite his loathing for Nick, John was touched. He took a chance and reached for the box. Nick held back. "You'll take good care of the girls?" he asked. John smiled at him. "I promise you. My word of honor that they will never be wanting. They'll have a good home and a proper upbringing." John said, solemnly. Nick nodded and handed over the box. He left his gun on the table as he walked John out the door. "I appreciate that. You'll take care of Candice too?" he asked. "I promise that too. I'll see that they all get good schooling too." John said, strapping the boxes under his cargo net. Nick studied him a bit. "You know, you didn't have to do this." he said. "I know... but yes I did. I like to do things right when I can." John said, looking at him. Nick nodded. "See you tomorrow then." he said, and turned back to the cabin. His eye's misting a bit. John started his machine and Nick watched him go. He drove past the girls and they started their machine and followed him. Nick watched until they were out of sight. Trembling slightly. John didn't stop till they were past the mouth of the canyon. Candice was crying, Cindy seemed perturbed. John dismounted and waited for Cindy to turn off her machine. He took off his helmet. The girls both took off theirs. "Let me guess. Cause I said that I didn't want her?" John asked. Cindy nodded. Candice cried. "Okay, think about this Candice. I got what I came for. I have here a piece of paper giving all four of you a divorce from Nick. Seeing as how you only had a local wedding, it's as valid as your wedding vows. You're a free woman. You all are. Now the reason I told Nick that I didn't want you, was so that he would trade. If I'd gone in there with the story I wanted to trade for all of you, my story about my woman not being able to have kids and taking a shine to the triplets wouldn't have worked. I doubt I could have pulled it off. He would have asked for the world and I couldn't have supplied it. We would have ended up fighting and maybe killing each other. Now are you going to be upset because I lied to him? Or are you going to be happy because you are free?" John asked her. Candice choked back her tears. Cindy nodded. Finally Candice gasped: "But you don't want me!", and was off crying again. John moved to her and took her into his arms. "Now you listen here. I lied to Nick. I admit it. The biggest part of that lie was that I didn't want you. If I hadn't wanted you, I would never have been able to make love to you yesterday. Fact is that it would have been easier on me not to. But I did. I'm not sorry I did. I enjoyed it. Now does that sound like I don't want you?" John asked. She sobbed against him a while longer. He kissed her tenderly and she hugged him hard. "But how do I know you're not lying to me? What about that stuff about your woman not being able to have kids? You could just be making this up like that." she sobbed. "Candice, that part's true. None of my women can have kids... by me that is. I had myself fixed." John said. Candice looked to him, unconvinced. Then she looked to Cindy. "It's true. I've tested it hard enough over the past year. Theresa and I both did. Theresa told me shortly after I moved in that she was with him when he went to see the doctor. Said he was walking mighty damn slow when he came out." Cindy chuckled. Candice looked back at John, still unconvinced. "You sure fight it a lot for a free woman whom I can freely make love to anytime I'm able." John chuckled. Candice seemed to sober a bit. "Only time will tell the truth. I'm not about to prove it in a snow bank." John said. He kissed her hard. She trembled in his arms. "Trade me machines?" he asked Cindy. She smiled and nodded, understanding. John double checked the cargo net over the boxes. He added a plastic poncho from the storage bin. John had Cindy call Sheila and the girls. Letting them know that everything was okay. "Let's get outta here, okay? God, I'm half drunk. Candice, you ride with me, okay?" John asked. She nodded. All the way back, she snuggled to his back. When they pulled up to the silo everyone piled out to greet them. John cornered Cindy and made certain he thanked her. She smiled and nodded. He kissed her deeply anyway. She responded more than John expected. He responded more than he thought possible. "To bad I'm so far down the list for that thing." she chuckled. "If I ever get a chance to rest up a bit, I'll show you exactly how I feel." John said, seriously. "I know. You're a good man, John. I love you with all my heart. I was scared to death when you were in that cabin." she said, tears forming in her eyes. "I know. I was pretty scared myself. I think it will be fine, tomorrow. Just remind me not to leave much gas in the machine we drop off." John grinned. Cindy busted out laughing. The triplets were all huddled around Candice, asking her about the deal. Were they really free? Candice nodded. They all hugged and kissed her. Then turned to John. "Later." he told them, "give me some time to romance ya." "What's romance?" they asked, in unison. "If your going to be around here for long, I guarantee you'll find out." Cindy said, half chuckling. Sheila and Theresa nodded. They put the machines up for the night. "I feel like a nice hot tub. Any takers?" John asked, grinning. Seven hands went up. "Okay... I'd like a last meal first." he moaned. "In the oven." Theresa chuckled. "We started it as soon as you said you were heading back." Sheila said. "Great! Cindy, do you think you could properly attire *our* new womenfolk for dinner." John asked. She looked at him curiously, but nodded and grinned. She led the four of them down to her wardrobe. John sent Theresa and Sheila down to dress as well. He took a quick shower and got into his tuxedo. Cindy did more than just attire them. Between her, Theresa and Sheila, the seven of them looked like a million dollars several times over. The outfits were sexy, yet elegant. The prime rib was perfect when they all reconvened in the kitchen. John pulled out three bottles of his best wine. He put on some music and they had a genuine party. When all were stuffed, the girls fairly tripped over themselves trying to get the kitchen cleaned up. Then John toasted the free women. They all got misty eyed. Next he pulled out the boxes Nick had given to him. He gave the one to Candice. She checked the contents and nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. They opened the triplets wooden box. There were just a few trinkets that had belonged to their mother. Along with a description of their bloodline. John read it to them. There wasn't a dry eye in the room when he finished. Suddenly he seemed surprised. He reached into the bottom of the box and pulled out three, thousand dollar bills. The girls eyes all lit up. Candice looked at him suspiciously. He put them back into the box. He handed the box over to them. Somehow they all knew who the keeper would be and Andrea took possession of it. Holding it to her breast. "Okay, how about that hot tub?" John asked. "Okay, you girls go change. I'll be down in a minute. These outfits is too nice to get by the water." Candice said. The girls didn't question her at all, they just headed out, excitedly. Once they were all gone, Candice turned to John. Cindy, Theresa and Sheila were heading out the door. "Just a moment. I want you all to hear this, except the triplets." Candice said. They stopped and came back in. "I been through that box of theirs before. I know there weren't any three thousand dollars. I know damn well that Nick woulda found it long ago his self." Candice said. John shrugged. "Their folks didn't leave them much... I just wanted you to know that I thank you kindly for your kindness." Candice said. John shrugged, then nodded. Candice moved to him and kissed him softly. Then turned and did the same to each of the other women. "I'll just be going to bed now." she said, tears in her eyes. "Not alone you won't!" Theresa said. "Won't you join us, please?" Cindy asked. "John's gonna need all the help he can get with those three." Sheila giggled. "Please, join us. I want you to." John said. Candice looked at him closely. Finally she nodded. John took off his tuxedo and found a short terry robe. The girls each disrobed and found one of their own. "Listen, my dear sweet lovers. I hurt Candice today. I didn't mean to. But right now she doesn't believe that. Would you three mind so much if I spent the night alone with her?" he asked them. "No, of course not. I think she needs it." Cindy said. "What about the triplets?" Theresa asked. "Well, the way I figure it, those women will be with us till spring, anyway. I know Sheila has to get back soon. So what I had in mind was them drawing lots for order. Then over the next three days I'd like to take them one at a time, with one of you, and spend the night with them. Starting with Sheila tomorrow night as she has to get back. That is, if that's agreeable to you all?" John asked. "You up to that?" Sheila asked. "Count on it. I've had all last night and all today to recover. If I only do it once tonight I think I can swing two more for the next three days. After that, I want to spend about a week with just Cindy and Theresa. The others should be okay after they've had their turn. They can always kill each other with sex in the meantime. I'm sure they will." John said. "Sounds good to me." Sheila said. "Me too." Theresa said. "Me too, especially the week alone with you." Cindy said. "I'm just trying to divide myself up the best I can." John said. "I know, love. I know." Cindy said, taking his hand and leading him towards the pool. Theresa and Sheila followed, hand in hand. The girls were already nude, sitting on the edge of the pool, dangling their legs. John looked at them. "Okay, lovelies. This is the deal. Tonight, I'll be sleeping alone with Candice. Then you three get to draw straws for the next three nights. I want one of my lovelies to spend the night with us. That way you can each learn what it really means to make love. I know you all thought that I'd be making love to you tonight. But today I hurt Candice's feelings. I didn't mean to do that. I want to prove to her that I didn't and this is the best way. Also, I've been neglecting three women that I love very dearly. This way I share myself the best I know how. Okay?" John asked. Candice was shocked. Tears in her eyes. The triplets were disappointed, but nodded. "Okay, let the games begin then. Just remember that I'm reserved for the night." John chuckled. He opened his robe. Four sets of hungry eyes explored his body as he stepped into the pool. Three sets of admiring eyes followed him. And then stepped in themselves. John chose a built in seat and motioned Candice to him. She broke out into tears as she moved into his lap. His lovelies all paired up with one of the triplets. Sheila and Alice, Amy and Theresa and Cindy and Andrea. Four pairs of mouths found each other. John softly cupped one of Candice's breasts as he kissed her deeply. He traced his fingertips over the nipple. She shivered in his arms. Despite John's ordeal over the past few days, he grew beneath Candice. After a time he winked at his lovelies and then stood up with Candice in his arms. His erection before him was eyed by everyone. Each wishing it were their night. He carried Candice to the guest room, wrapping robes he had her snag around them. She trembled against his body as he gently lay her on the bed. He kissed her and then softly dried her body with a towel. She did the same to him. He never got fully dry. The women in the tub warmed each other up before they made their way to the master bedroom. The California King waterbed just barely large enough for the three couples. Nobody was disappointed.