M/f, f/f, M/ff, MF ==================================================== Castle In The Sand By Deana Johns. Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. Limited permission to post is granted providing this header remains intact. May not be posted to any pay sites. May be offered as part of a collection, also provided this header remains intact. Permission to archive is also granted. --------------------------------------------------------- This is an adult story, if you shouldn't be reading it, don't. I trust this is sufficient warning, given that I am posting this to a predominantly adult area to begin with. My most sincere thanks go to Jean Walker for the outstanding -and massive- task of editing this story. If there is something wrong, then it is my fault as I did some of my own editing afterward, adding back in sections I had once removed to make it tamer in hopes of publishing it. As always, comments are desired, welcome, and helpful. I especially like to hear from women. Please reply to: deanajohns at softcom dot net --------------------------------------------------------- Castle In the Sand Chapter 56 Candice was the first to open her eyes in the morning. She felt the man next to her, and the lack of the girls beside her. Instantly she was alarmed. Then she realized where she was and who the man was, everything was alright. More than alright, everything was perfect. She snuggled to John. He stirred softly in his sleep and his arm moved around her and pulled her close. Sensing something different, he opened his eyes into Candice's. "Good morning." he said, sleepily. "Good morning to you." she replied, snuggling closer. He kissed her forehead softly and was halfway back into sleep before she spoke again. "Thank you for last night." she said. "Mmm.. You're most very welcome." he said, smiling without opening his eyes. "I... you didn't have to do that. I know you've spent little enough time with your lovers as it is." she said. John opened his eyes and looked at her. "They'll get over it.... What's wrong. Still thinking that I don't want you?" he asked. "No... you convinced me of that. Nobody could have faked your performance last night." she said. "Mmm... how'd I do? Couldn't have been all that great." he said, resigning himself to the fact that she wanted to talk. "From my point of view it was terrific... almost scary. I'm not sure what you are, John Stevens, but I know I love you." she said. "And I love you too. What time is it?" he asked. Candice chuckled a bit. "Late, almost six thirty." she said. "Six thirty! Oh, god. Why did you have to be farm girls?" he moaned. "Shouldn't cuss like that." Candice said. John looked at her a moment. "Candice, I'll do anything I can to get you and the girls on your feet. I don't care if you call me a son of a bitch or rob me blind. But the one thing I won't tolerate, is being lectured on my behavior. Okay?" he said. She seemed shocked at his reproach, but she nodded. "In this house we let each other live their lives as they see fit. Everyone is free to make their own mistakes. I'm afraid that means the triplets too. You have to be willing to let them grow up on their own. I just went to a lot of effort to obtain your freedom from nick. You are all now free to do as you choose." John said. "But the triplets aren't growed enough yet. You let them run wild and they'll tear your house down." Candice protested. "Maybe so, but it's my house. But I don't think so. Part of growing up is taking responsibility for yourself. Kids won't do that as long as there's somebody there doing it for them. "If they get out of hand, it's a problem between them, and me. Not you and them. They may be young, but they've been married. In the laws eyes, they're adults. Not that I care much about the law. "But the fact is that when you're not around, they don't act up. It's almost like they want you around so they can be kids again and have you mother them." John concluded. "If'n you say so. I don't know how they will act with all this free time on their hands." Candice said. "I intend to remedy that. With you too. Can you swing a hammer?" John asked. "Sure, wouldn't be much of a farm girl otherwise." she said. "Okay, I would assume the same applies to the girls. What I'd like you all to do to earn your keep, is to build yourself a room. That is, I've got two levels of elevator stops that are totally unfinished. That's four floors. What I'd like is to convert them into bedrooms and bathrooms. You think you could do that?" John asked. "Oh... I don't know. I never built nothin as nice as these rooms." Candice said. "Neither had Theresa and I. We built this one together. Between Theresa, Cindy and myself, we've built everything you've seen here. There was nothing when I bought it but a large cement cylinder in the ground. I'll help you wherever you need it, but mostly you'll be on your own." John said. "So you want us to stay?" Candice said. "Maybe.. It occurred to me last night when we all matched up so nicely. Nobody was without a partner. My biggest concern, was my not being able to live up to you girls' needs and those of Cindy, Theresa and Sheila too. If you see to each others sexual needs. Then it might work out. But you have to realize that I've been involved with them much longer. Well, Cindy and Theresa anyway. Sheila and I have a special relationship. It started the moment our eye's met. Anyway. I have to give them precedence. For the most part I just want to give you girls something to do. I get something in return for seeing to your education and future. Which is another point I wish to make with you. Everybody here studies. If I'm gonna see to your financial future, I'm going to make it as easy on me as possible. The best way to do that, is to see that everybody gets a good education." John said. Candice seemed to think about things for a while. "So you're saying that we can maybe stay, but not as your lovers?" she asked. "No, I'm saying that... oh shit, how to explain it. God, I love you all. But I have to be fair too. To everybody. You're all free to make love with whomever you wish, but I am only *one* man. There are *seven* women here. That means that if I made love to a woman a day, that I'd never have a day off and that each of you would have to wait a full week anyway. As much as I love to make love, that makes it a chore for me. And that's not love. "I really enjoyed my time with you. I like to talk to you as well as make love to you. But what is fair? Honestly, Candice. What is fair? Cindy and Theresa actually have squatters rights anyway. They've been with me the longest. "I was talking to Cindy just the night before you arrived. I was telling her how I was looking forward to having just her and Sheila around when Theresa went off to college. "Fact is that I would be contented with just any one of you. But circumstances have thrown me into this. I can't turn my back on any of you. "Perhaps the reason that Sheila and I have such a special relationship, is because she was the only one who freely chose to come here. All the others here I met as a victim of circumstance. "I guess what I'm saying... is that I love you all, and I want to make love to you all. But I can't do it everyday. There's just too many of you." John said. "I can see that. At times there were too many in the cabin with Nick, the girls and I. I understand that you can only make love just so much. I also understand what you say about your not wanting love to become a chore. "Fact is that I'd take you on any terms you set. If that means making love to you just once a year, then I'd happily abide by that. Cause once with you is better than a whole year with Nick was." Candice said. "You know, you do have the option of falling in love with another man. You're a very attractive woman. Bright too. You wouldn't have any problem attracting a wide variety of suitors to choose from." John said. "Maybe, but for now I just want to be around you... and the others." Candice said. "So, you agree to the terms I've stated. That you'll work on your rooms, that you'll study and that you'll be responsible only for yourself?" John asked. "Yes.. Gladly." Candice said. "Well, I can't promise how it will work out. But we'll see over the next few months." John said. "One thing, I'm curious, how did you meet Cindy and Theresa anyway?" she asked. John chuckled. "I ran over Theresa with that car I traded to Nick. She'd run away from abusive parents. She got dumped out on the road by some cowboy who wanted her to have sex with him and she wouldn't. She tried to flag me down by jumping in front of me. I did my best to stop, but I still bumped her into the ditch. I brought her back here cause it was the closest place. I doctored her back to health and she's been here ever since. "Cindy was her friend back home. She was also having trouble with her own abusive parents. Theresa talked me into having her come out here just to get away from them. After she'd been here a while, we sort of all got together. That's been over a year ago. We've had some rocky times, but we worked them out." John told her. "So how did you meet Sheila then?" Candice asked. "Well, when I built that scanner system. The girls got the idea of using it to make clothes. We realized just how big that could get. I mainly did it just for the girls future. To get it off the ground I had to travel to San Francisco to talk to some lawyers about the patents on the machine. I asked them for a reference for a good business manager. They recommended Sheila. They were right. She's one savvy lady. I have no doubt that she can turn it into a multi-million dollar business. "When I met her, at first I was just curious. But she surprised me. She didn't know who I was then. I met her in a lesbian bar there. The others were pretty hostile towards me. She offered to have a drink with me elsewhere. We ended up spending the night together. We didn't have sex because I hadn't okayed it with Cindy and Theresa. But we slept together. It was a special time for me. "I didn't tell her about the job until the next day. She's mainly here now to get acquainted with the girls and the machine. But the girls fell for her too. So she's agreed to join us as a family as well as a business partner." John said. "So why couldn't Theresa and Cindy go to family for help?" Candice asked. "Didn't have any, actually. They really didn't have any place else to go. So I let them stay here." John said. "And you became involved with them." Candice said, half- statement, half-question. "Oh, at first I fought it real hard. Theresa finally mounted me in my sleep. After that I didn't fight her much. Cindy and I had an attraction for each other right off. But Theresa was pretty jealous then. We didn't get together for almost a full month after she arrived." John said. "Theresa, jealous? I can hardly picture that. She seems downright eager to have you pair off with someone else." Candice chuckled. "Oh, she's done some growing. I'm real proud of the woman she's turned into." John said. "You should be, she's terrific. They all are. So Sheila really is the only one that you chose, from the first, to become involved with?" Candice asked. "Well, pretty much. I sort of chose to get involved with Cindy, but not until she was already here." John said. "And what's to keep you from becoming involved with me and the triplets, just like you did with Theresa and Cindy?" "Nothing... except previous obligations and my own stamina." John said. "Good. I'll just bide my time. You say that Theresa's going off to college. Sheila's going to be running a big business. That leaves just you and Cindy. From what you've told me, she's going to be pretty involved in the business too. That would leave you alone at times. I intend to be there when that happens... if you'll let me." Candice said. "Why settle for second fiddle? You can have a man of your own, all to yourself. If I get you set up in town you'll have lots to choose from." John said. "I've had a man of my own. Didn't care much for him. If anything the triplets made it easier on me. Much to my shame for saying so. But when Nick was hurting them, he wasn't hurting me. I've met quite a few men besides him. Most pretty much like him." Candice said. "Don't go judging the whole world on just a few locals. The men around here may be much like Nick because they were all raised alike. That's not going to be true elsewhere, even as close as the city." John said. "Maybe so, but I've met a few from there too. No, there's another reason too." she said. "What's that?" John asked. "Women." Candice said, hesitantly. "What about them?" he asked. "Oh... guess I've discovered I've always had a yen for them... The triplets and I used to lay together and rub each other.. but we never knowed what we was doing. We never understood that women can actually make love to one another. Now I know that, I don't want to lose it. I know that it's frowned on elsewhere." Candice said. "There's a whole city full of women who like other women in San Francisco." John said. "Yeah, and who don't like men like you while they're at it." Candice replied. "I met Sheila there." John said. "Look, I'm not saying that I'd never find what I wanted elsewhere. But it would be damn hard. And I've come to realize I've got what I've always wanted, right here. The only condition is that I have to share it with others who want the same thing. Doesn't sound so bad to me. I can't blame them a bit for that." she said. "Well, I can't promise things will work out that way." John said. "I'll take my chances, just like the rest." Candice said. "We'll just have to see." John said. "Fine by me... I'd better get busy on breakfast." Candice said. "I've got two cooks for that." John said. "Who will be up in another two hours. There's three girls who might well be up already." Candice chuckled. "Who are free women to fend for themselves." John said. Candice looked at him a moment, then grinned and nodded. "It won't be easy for me." she said, softly, "But I'll do my best." "I never asked any more of anybody." John chuckled. "So what should we do?" Candice asked, mischievously, snuggling to him. "Candice, I just spent the last half hour explaining how there was only one of me and seven of you. I'd be pleased to please you.. but I can't be inside you for a while." John said. "I'll take what I can get. Besides... I like the other almost as well." Candice chuckled. "Tell you what.. I'll trade you. I get the feeling you never learned to please yourself before. I'll teach you that. Then I'll build on it and it will be almost as good for you." John offered. "Oh.. I don't know. I've hardly ever touched myself much... I'd be... embarrassed." she stammered. "That, you will get over. I'll be guiding you anyway. Just follow my lead. Okay?" John asked. Candice nodded, blushing. "Let's make a pit stop first though. I've gotta go. I want to brush my teeth too." John said. Candice agreed. Once back in bed, they kissed deeply. John rolled over her and guided her hands. He softly caressed her sides and breasts. Drawing her fingertips along with his. "Feel your nipples. See how they respond to your touch? They like to be touched by you. Your whole body does. Explore yourself, get to know your body. You'll be a better lover if you know what a body likes." John coaxed. When Candice began breathing harder, he rolled off to the side. She tried to roll to him, but he stopped her. "No, you, by yourself first." he said. She blushed and continued to explore her body. John got a shaving mirror and returned to the bed. He set it up and had her examine herself. Explaining her different parts and how to touch them. She got hotter by the minute. Slowly she began to loosen up. Her body writhing around on the bed. Feeling even more excited that John was watching her. She plunged a finger into herself, then two. She remembered the taste of the other women and bravely brought them out to her lips, tasting herself. Not as bad as she thought it would be. She licked them and then pushed them back inside. Gathering some of her natural lubricant. She brought them out and smeared some on her nipples while her other hand moved to replace them inside her. These she brought out and rubbed along her clitoris. She learned quickly. Teasing herself to the edge of orgasm and then letting off. First furiously rubbing her clitoris and then teasing along her pubic lips or playing in her dark pubic patch. Her eyes locked onto John's as she let herself tip over the edge for the very first time by her own hands. Her body convulsing hard and long, the wind expelled from her lungs in a hungry cry. She lay back panting. Softly caressing herself. Then she felt his hands join hers once more. Instantly her passion rekindled. But now she felt free to touch herself while he moved between her legs. The first swipe of his tongue set her off once more. It was just the first of many. "I wonder where Candice is?" Alice said. "I'll bet having the time of her life. Let's start breakfast anyway." Amy said. "You think that John will spend as much time with us?" Alice asked. "I'd bet so. He seems to try to divide himself fairly equally." Andrea chuckled. "He's sure not like Nick. I'll say that for him." Amy chuckled, rolling her eyes. "No, Nick never used his tongue on us." Andrea said, dreamily. "Nobody did before we came here." Alice said. "I like it." Amy said. "Me too... I even like... doing it to others." Andrea said. "Me too.... want to do it now?" Alice asked. "Maybe after breakfast... for dessert." Andrea chuckled. "Tell you what, you cook. Alice and I will do it." Amy said, pulling Alice into a deep kiss. Andrea looked at them, feeling erotic herself. "I'll cook part, but then we can change, okay?" she asked. The others nodded through their kiss. Their fingers played under each others clothes. Finding nipples and tweaking them. Eventually they moved between each others legs. Andrea had a hell of a time mixing up the biscuits. The other two climbed right up on the table and stripped off each others clothes. They moved quickly into the sixty-nine position and teased each other half to death. After they cried out, Andrea had the biscuits mixed. She spooned them onto a greased tray and put them in a hot oven. She set the timer so they wouldn't forget them. Then she moved to the girls on the table and stripped her own clothes off. The two moved to her and shared each others juices in deep kisses. Alice flipped onto her back and slid her head off the table, under Andrea's thighs. Andrea moaned through the kiss with Amy. She was having trouble standing. The girls were merciless in their attack. Finally Amy reluctantly moved off to fry the bacon. Re- donning her clothes after discovering a well known adage about frying bacon in the nude. Andrea climbed up onto the table and delved her head between Alice's young thighs. Before long, they began to buck and moan as they gave each other orgasm after orgasm. Amy set the bacon to drain on some paper towels and then moved to the table. She met Alice's tongue on Andrea's clitoris and together they swirled her into oblivion. Amy was about to join them when a sharp intake of breath distracted her. "My, my. Breakfast looks good this morning." Cindy chuckled. The girls all jumped and looked guilty, trying to cover up. "Relax, we'll join you after we eat. But I must warn you, one of the house rules is no sex on the table... during meals at least." Theresa chuckled. "I don't know, looks pretty appetizing to me. They're never going to believe this back in San Francisco." Sheila said. "You promised you wouldn't tell, remember?" Cindy said. "That agreement expired two days ago, but don't worry, love. Even if I did tell, which I wouldn't, nobody, and I mean *nobody*, would believe me." Sheila chuckled. "I'll bet it has been an interesting week and a half for you." Theresa chuckled. Sheila rolled her eyes and nodded vigorously. She poured a cup of coffee and went to pull Alice into her lap. "My turn to cook." Alice said. "Actually, it's my turn. But as you girls have most of it done, sit down and enjoy yourselves while I finish up." Cindy said. Theresa sat down and Amy jumped to pour her a cup of coffee. She pulled Andrea onto one knee and then Amy onto the other. She kissed each of them. "You know, even if John's not up to it, having these three around has it's own appeal." Sheila chuckled. Alice kissed her. Sheila shuddered from the assault of aroma that engulfed her senses. "You might have something there." Cindy said, thoughtfully. "What's that?" Theresa asked. "Let me think for a while.." Cindy said. "Girls, how often did Nick make love to you?" she asked, after a bit. "If what you folks do is making love, never." Andrea giggled. "Okay, then how often did he have sex with you?" Cindy reiterated. "Well, it weren't too bad, cause there was four of us. Only once or twice a week... each that is." Amy said. "More often with Candice." Alice said. "And sometimes we would... you know, rub each other." Andrea blushed. "I thought you never had orgasms before." Cindy said. "We didn't... but it still felt good. A lot better'n what Nick did." Amy giggled. "But you never enjoyed sex with a man before?" Cindy asked. All three girls shook their heads. "Not before" "yesterday" "with John." they answered. "Oh god, three channel audio again." Sheila chuckled. "We only" "do that when" "we feel comfortable." they said, giggling. "Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable." Theresa said, kissing her two. "Me too." Sheila said, bussing Alice. "How would you girls feel if John only made love to you once a week.. entered you that is?" Candice asked. "Well... We don't rightly know." "Cause we haven't done it" "with him yet." they answered. "Near enough with that mannequin yesterday." Cindy chuckled. "I guess that would" "be alright" "uh-huh." they agreed. "You need to get comfortable more often, you're getting out of sync." Sheila giggled. "What are you getting at?" Theresa asked. "Well, John's biggest opposition to the girls staying on, is that he wouldn't be able to have sex with all of us often enough to keep us happy. But they've never enjoyed it to begin with. And you all know that sex with John is more enjoyable than any dozen Nick's. What I'm suggesting, is that we ladies keep these three and Candice happily contented ourselves. Then John looses his biggest opposition. If we each made love to even one or two a day, then they'd barely be able to talk, let alone miss John's affections. I know that I'd be more than content to have him just once a week. Just knowing that whatever time we got would be quality time. But I can't speak for the rest of you ladies." Cindy said. "The hell you can't, you just did. I'd agree to all that." Theresa said. "You could count me in on that too. Hell, I've only been with him that way once, but it was better than anything that I ever experienced before. I'd be content getting him even once a month." Sheila said. "Well, we'd all have to agree, and he'd still need a day off, so that would work out that we'd each get him once every eight days. He'd get a different woman each time for six days, then have a day of rest. Then the last. But over time each of us would average eight days between times." Cindy said. "Would Candice go for that?" Theresa asked the girls. "Gee, I don't know." "she sort of liked it" "even with Nick." the triplets answered. "If I know our John, last night convinced her of just about anything. She'll probably be happy with whatever she gets." Cindy chuckled. "But isn't this exactly what you all got mad at me about the other night?" Theresa asked. "No, darling. We weren't really mad at you anyway. What bothered us, is that you wanted to argue with John when he already understood all that you were saying and was having a hard enough time dealing with it himself." Cindy said. Sheila nodded. "That pretty much sums it up." she said. "Damn I love you two." Theresa said. "The feeling is mutual, love." Sheila said. "Ditto!" Cindy quipped, "One egg or two?" "Two." "One" "Two" "One" "One" "Let's see, that's three ones and two two's, not necessarily in that order. Not counting myself, John and Candice. About a dozen eggs a day. We're going to need some chickens to make this work." Cindy chuckled. "We can" "keep them" "for you" "We always" "took care" "of ours." the triplets volunteered. "Aren't they adorable?" Theresa asked, tweaking two shapely rumps. "They certainly are, what say we all get a head start on this plan right after breakfast." Cindy said. "I have something I'd like to do with Alice. Any Lewis Carroll in the Library?" Sheila asked. Cindy nodded, grinning broadly. The kitchen was empty when John and Candice finally entered it. They found their breakfasts in a warm oven, except the eggs. Which waited next to a clean non-stick pan. Candice got John a cup of coffee and then put the eggs on. "Wonder where our little darling's are?" John mused. "Probably raping each other, or your mannequin, or both." Candice chuckled. The food was good. They ate their fill and then went in search of the girls. They found Sheila and Alice in the Library. Alice was sitting on Sheila's lap while she read to her from *Alice In Wonderland*. Sheila looked up long enough to inform them that the rest of them were *fraü-licking* by the pool. "With emphasis on the *licking*." she giggled. John and Candice both kissed the two of them good morning, then Sheila turned back to Alice and the book. "Okay, your turn. Take it slow and sound out the words." she said. John smiled at her and led Candice away. He led her into the Com room and showed her the computers. She'd already seen the one in the Lab, but somehow these were different. These connected to places all over the world, John said. He showed her this as he bounced around to places she hadn't even heard of. Showing her on the world globe where each place was. They could pretty well guess what Cindy, Theresa and the other two triplets were up to. John checked his E-mail. There was a message from Sally. He read the letter with delight. She didn't get all that personal, but John blushed as he let Candice read over his shoulder. "Now who the hell is this? You've got another woman somewhere?!" she giggled. "I went back to New York last week. I met a very sweet girl who needed a leg up. I gave her one." John said. "Looks like you did more than that... Say, is she the one you did all the loving with?" Candice asked, smirking. "The same." John answered, blushing. "I'd like to meet her." Candice said. "Uh.. I don't know... I don't think she's really... Bi." John said. "Bi what?" she asked. "Bisexual." John replied, "Meaning she likes both men and women, only I don't think she likes women that way." "Oh.. is that what I am? Bisexual?" Candice asked. "It would seem so." John said. "Hm.. see. I never even knew they had a word for it before, now I am one." Candice chuckled. "Speaking of which, would you go down to the pool and remind Cindy that we've got a trip to make today. I'd like to get started in about an hour." John asked her. "Be glad to. Wanna write up your reply huh?" Candice chuckled. John nodded, blushing. She kissed him deeply and then went off chuckling. "Like living with a bunch of damn psychics. How come I never know what they are thinking." John muttered to himself. He composed his reply to Sally. Not knowing how much he wanted to tell her about Candice and the triplets, he ended up telling her everything, down to his bargaining session with Nick and his night with Candice. Basically he brought her up to date on his life onwards from his flight back. Telling her of his time with Sheila and his reacquaintance with Cindy and Theresa. All he left out about the triplets, was their ages. He finished with a note telling her how much he loved her and how he wished he could just jump a plane back to the relative peace of life with her. He didn't dare re-read it. He just transmitted it and then wiped the message. Cindy found him staring at a blank screen. "Candice said you had a message from Sally. How is she?" she said, kissing him good morning. John detected several different vintages on her tongue. "She's doing well. She says that her boss is ecstatic with her progress. She misses me." John said. "Can I read your reply?" Cindy giggled. "Certainly not. I already wiped it." John said, indignantly. "Really? Going for eight." Cindy giggled. "No, planning my get away...A man should have some secrets. Come here." he said, pulling her into his lap. He kissed her deeply, savoring every flavor he found. When he finally pulled back he told her how much he loved her. "I love you too. What secrets? Like you're trying to figure out how to ask me, Theresa and Sheila if the girls can stay, and how to ask them if they'd be content making love to you only once a week?" Cindy giggled. "God damn it. How the hell do you girls to that? Candice just guessed that I was going to compose my reply to Sally when I asked her to go find you. Now you come up here and read my mind like a damn book." John said. "John, we've lived together for a whole year now. Don't you think I have some clue as to how you think?" Cindy giggled. "Alright, granted. But how come I've got no clue as to how you do?" he asked. She giggled and shrugged. "I seem to recall how you figured out that Theresa and I were making love in the shack by the road while you were in San Francisco. All by the way the Cell phone answered." she said. "So how do they feel? Whoa, back up, how do you feel?" he asked. "I feel..... Like I've felt since you asked me if you could make love with Sally. I feel giddy. Not a bit jealous. You remember our three a.m. conversation in the kitchen, when I told you that whatever you did was okay by me, cause I know you will always do the right thing?" she asked. "Of course I do, it was just a few days ago. But I'd never hold you to that, or even try to." he said. "I know you wouldn't, that's one of the reasons why I love you. But I meant it. I didn't expect it to be tested so soon, but I did mean it." Cindy said, snuggling to him. "You're telling me what you think I want to hear. Now how do you feel about it?" John asked. "Oh... maybe just a little disappointed that it will take longer for us to be alone again. But honestly, I fell in love with the little darlings on the first night. I started preparing myself for this right then." she replied, honestly. "That's better. And the others? Theresa and Sheila?" he asked. "We're all agreed. We talked about it this morning. The triplets were there. We've all conceded that we can tolerate you making love to each of us eight days apart. Even the triplets. I can't answer for Candice." Cindy replied. "Eight days? There's seven of you." John questioned. "You need a day of rest, my love. Especially with seven hungry women to fulfill." Cindy chuckled. "Oh, that's nice of you." he said, smiling. "Nothing but the best for my man. Now, what about Candice?" Cindy asked. "Oh, she said much the same thing this morning too." John said. "Did she now. You know, I'm more impressed with her all the time." she said. "She's really quite a nice person. I kind of came down hard on her this morning though. I told her one of the things she was going to have to change, was her mother hen attitude. Not that I blame her for having it, with Nick being such an asshole. Anyway I told her that one of the basic rules about staying here, was that we allowed each other to make our own mistakes. Which we do. You allow me to make oodles of them." John snickered at her. "You haven't made too many. Just one thing puzzles me though." Cindy said. "What's that?" he replied. "How come you never come across any cute guys or ugly old women who need help?" she chuckled. "I don't have a clue." he said, honestly. "Well, dear. Shall we pay a visit to Nick?" she said. "That we should. I'll get my gun." he said. "You expecting trouble?" she asked, alarmed. "No, but it never hurt to be prepared. If he's been drinking he might have a change of heart." John said. Cindy nodded, apprehensively. They suited up. Sheila met them and supplied them each with a full thermos of coffee and a bag of sandwiches. "You know, you're a pretty terrific gal." John said, kissing her deeply. She felt the bulge under his arm once more. She pulled back in question. "No telling, if he's been drinking and had a change of heart." John explained. Sheila nodded. She did her best to smile. She pulled Cindy against her and gave her a giant kiss also. She felt a bulge in Cindy's outfit. She pulled back in alarm. "Cell phone." Cindy giggled. Sheila nodded, relieved. "You hurry back." Sheila said. "I want to stop and check on the second cruiser, so we may take longer. We'll call you when we leave Nick's place so you won't worry." John said, stuffing some hand warmers into his unused pockets. Cindy did the same. "You save some for me, you hear!" Sheila chuckled. John nodded and kissed her again before donning his helmet. "You'd better go save Theresa from those wild women." Cindy chuckled, kissing her again, too. "Who's gonna save me?" she giggled. "Try setting them on each other. And there's always my toy." Cindy said, with a mischievous smile. "I think that's a bit much for the young ones yet. But it's good to keep in mind for Candice." Sheila giggled. John and Cindy headed out. He picked the machine he'd had the day before. Checked both their tanks and added a siphon hose with a ball hand pump. "Thinking of siphoning some gas from a rusted old tractor?" Cindy giggled. "No, going to siphon what's left in my tank into yours, just before we get to Nick's. He won't be following us very far." John chuckled. "Do you always think of everything?" Cindy said. "No, I forgot to tell you, Theresa and Sheila how much I love you." John said. "Yes, you always think of everything." Cindy said, quietly to herself. They started their machines and headed out. John cursed that he'd left the gate open. He closed it behind them. He didn't head straight for Nick's, instead he headed straight for the road. "Where are we going?" Cindy's voice sounded in his helmet. "The long way. I want to make it tough for Nick to find us." he replied. "Can't he just follow the tracks from yesterday?" she asked. Just then they reached the hill top and passed over it. A bulge in the snow marked the girls wrecked machine. John indicated their previous track. It was fairly well drifted over. Cindy nodded. John led them all the way out to the road. He opened up the shack and checked on the land cruiser. It was fine. He turned up the heat for their return. Then he closed it up and led her out to the main road. He crossed over it and to the other side. Cindy followed him, checking for traffic. The snow plows had been by and there was hardened ice berms on either side of the road. Crossing them was tough. But once across, the going was easy. John turned towards Nick's direction. He traveled a long way along the other side of the road, just off the snowplow berm, instructing Cindy to follow in his track. Finally, after he passed a few settlements, he crossed over the road again. Cindy followed him once more. Now they headed straight for Nick's place. "What was that all about?" Cindy asked. "The next snowplow will cover our tracks. No way that Nick could follow us, unless he does it right away." John said. "Which is the reason for the siphon hose." Cindy chuckled. "Not 100%, but probably good enough." John said. "Hopefully. Maybe Nick's got some gas around." Cindy said. "Maybe. I haven't figured out what to do about that. I can't very well sabotage the machine. It would look too suspicious." John said. "Yeah, otherwise you could just piss in the tank." Cindy giggled. "Huh" John asked. "Happened to my Jr. High Principal. Left his lawn mower out over night. One of his students made a *night deposit*. He brought it into the school shop to get it fixed. The shop teacher figured it out. He made the mistake of telling his students about it. Next thing it wasn't safe for any teacher to leave their lawnmowers out or their car tanks unlocked." Cindy giggled. "Kids will be kids... but it's not a bad idea. I think a piece of sandwich wrapper in the tank should do it. Nick probably wouldn't think a thing about it. Just fix it. Not obvious sabotage, but effective. Thanks. Good idea, love." John said. "Actually I was joking." she giggled. "It didn't happen?" he asked. "Pissing in his tank? Yeah, that happened. No I was joking about you doing it." she said. "Your jokes are inspiring." he said. "I wish I could say the same thing about yours." Cindy giggled. "Yeah, well, you can't have an Olympic class stud and a sense of humor too." he chuckled. "I'm not complaining, just wishing." she said. "Okay, when we get to Nick's, stay behind me. I mean it. *Always* behind me." he said. "Roger, boss." she said. They stopped once more at the mouth of the canyon. John let the machines cool for a bit as they drank coffee and ate a sandwich. Then he siphon pumped most all of his fuel into Cindy's machine. As much as it would hold, and then some out into the snow. "Bad for the ecology." Cindy teased. "Not too bad. Most of it will evaporate. Nowhere near as bad as Saddam Hussein." he said. "Just teasing, love." she said. "I know sometimes I'm pretty dry. But right now I'm not in a teasing mood." he said. "You are expecting trouble at Nick's, aren't you?" she said, seriously. "Not for certain. But it's a good possibility. Just stay behind me. And please, do as I say, exactly, while we're there. You can call me and asshole and scream and shout at me after we're back here, but while were there, please do *exactly* as I say, with no lip." he said. "Will do... unless you tell me to give him a blow job. Then I might just bite it off." Cindy said, not teasing. "That, I won't be doing." John said, tearing a corner from his plastic sack and dropping it into his tank. "Okay, let's go." he said. He led them both up to the cabin. Cindy made a wide circle behind him and came up pointing the opposite direction. John unzipped his suit, right off. The cabin seemed deserted. John kept an eye on the door while he unsnapped his helmet radio from the machine and pushed it into his breast pocket. Then he went and knocked on the door. A groggy Nick answered it. John stepped back. "Just delivering your machine." John said, friendly like. "I changed my mind." Nick said. John took an additional step back as Nick stepped out on the porch. He had his rifle in his hands, but his fingers nowhere near the trigger. "Why would you do that?" John asked easily. "Cause I decided I want a tractor too. With all the attachments. It got lonely last night." Nick said, slurring his words. "We had a deal, Nick. You signed the paper. They're divorced now. They don't want to come back here. Why not just let them go?" John said, toying with his zipper. "Cause I don't want too. Some rich fuck comes up here trying to buy my women." Nick spat. He started to lift the gun towards John. He never made it. Suddenly there was a cocked .357 pointed straight between his eyes. Nick froze. "Now you just lay that down in front of you, nice and easy. I don't want to have to shoot you." John said, evenly. Nick slowly complied, even being drunk he realized how dangerous the gun was. He set the gun on the porch, on top of his boot. "Nope, don't be fucking with me. Off your boot, just tip it off real slow." John said, not wavering a bit. Cindy was scared to death. She was shaking. She stayed behind John, but not too close in case he had to move. Nick complied, now the gun was before his toes. "Okay, fine now take your left toe and slowly push it away from you. I mean it. Slow!" John barked. Nick complied. "Cindy, step around me on my left. *Do not* get between us. *Do not* get too close to him. Pull the gun away from him without getting between us. "Now, please. "Nick, you move a muscle towards her or the gun and I'll blow your fucking head off." John said. Cindy did exactly as he said. "Okay, now Cindy, step back behind me. Move slow, don't trip, same side." John said, his eyes not leaving Nick, nor his aim wavering. Cindy complied. "Okay, now take the last of my thermos and dump it into this machine's gas tank." John said. "But that will fuck it up!" Nick cried. "Not if you don't start it before you clean it out. I just want to see you don't follow us." John said. Cindy did as she was told. "Done." she said simply. "Okay, take the key, put it in your pocket." John said, "You, Nick. Why don't you just sit down real slow right where you are." Nick complied. "I'll get you for this." Nick said, sitting on the porch. "Keep them hands where I can see them." John barked. Nick put them in his lap, palms up. "You won't get away with this!" he spat. "I already have. Now you listen up. I'm gonna keep my end of the bargain. You'll get your car and your truck. And if I'm in a *real* good mood come spring, maybe even your tractor. "Now what's going to put me in a good mood, is that you keep *your* end of the bargain. You don't try to follow us. You don't try to contact the girls. You forget that you were ever married. "Now if you show up at my place, it's gonna put me in a *real bad* mood. When I'm in a bad mood I might just blow your fucking nuts off. Then it won't matter if you're married or not. You think about that. "Now you can pick up your rifle leaning against that last tree after we're gone. The snowmobile key will be in the snow next to it. I'd recommend that you pick them up tomorrow. Cause if I see you at all today. This is not going to end so pleasantly. Understood?" John said. Nick nodded. John glanced around quickly and then back to Nick, his aim never faltering. "Now you see that horse shoe over there on that barn?" John said. "Yah, I put it there." Nick said. Suddenly John spun and his pistol cracked sharp in the cold air. He was back onto Nick before he could hardly blink. John and Cindy's ears rang inside their helmets. John had an idea what Nicks uncovered ears felt like. "Now you think about that before you get any ideas about coming after us." John said loudly. There was a neat hole smack dab in the middle of the U made by the horse shoe tangs. Nick nodded, looking at the hole in his barn. "Start your machine, Cindy." John said. He heard the machine start and he carefully backed around his to it. Feeling his way with his foot all the way so he wouldn't trip. He backed around Cindy's machine and climbed on the back, keeping the gun on Nick. He took the rifle from Cindy with his other hand and slid it under his leg. He wrapped his free hand around Cindy. "Go" he said. The machine leaped forward, but John kept his gun pointed at Nick until they were behind the tree's, then he had Cindy stop at the last one. He cranked the cartridges out of the gun into the snow opposite the tree and then laid it against it. Cindy took out the key and handed it to John, who was keeping an eye on Nick, who was still seated on the porch, seeming to weep. John dropped the key into the snow by the rifle. Then eased the hammer forward on the gun and holstered it. He remounted behind Cindy and tapped her on the head. She took off slower this time, but quickly picked up speed. John had her stop at the mouth of the canyon once more. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. He was shaking a bit himself. "Where the hell did you learn to shoot like that?" she said. "Just lucky. It was stupid!" John said. "Stupid, you nailed it between the tangs." she said. "Stupid! I could have missed." John said. She thought about it and nodded. "You okay?" he asked. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Good, lets put some more distance between us. I'm not so sure that was his only gun." John said. Cindy nodded. John took the controls and Cindy hugged herself to his back. He gunned the engine and they flew over the white terrain, following their inward path, except angling a bit farther away from the silo's direction. They traveled in silence for a long time. Finally John stopped the machine and listened behind them. Sweeping the wide white territory with is eyes. Finally he headed out once more. Cindy snuggled to his back. They crossed the road after just missing a half buried barbed wire fence. John kept his eyes peeled as he stayed along the plow berm. Then they came upon their outgoing track. John hugged it exactly. Finally he came to the end. He crossed over the two iced berms and then angled in to the shack. He stopped the machine and opened the door. He pulled the machine inside. Closing and locking the door behind them. Cindy was on him almost instantly. "Oh god, John. I was so scared. I will never doubt you again. You did things exactly right." Cindy said. "No I didn't. You shouldn't have been there. I should have left you at the trees." he said, half shaking himself. "Better yet, I should have had a helicopter drop the son of a bitch on his doorstep." he concluded, unzipping his suit and pulling off his helmet. It was warm in the shack. Cindy unsuited her self. John took the Cellular out of her pocket. It didn't work. He grinned at her and she smiled in chagrin. "Back in a minute. I'd better call the girls. We forgot to call them when we left." he said. "Don't be long!" she gasped. "Don't worry. I'm going inwards, along our earlier track, just out from the shadow of the berm." he reassured her. She nodded. He opened the door, he still had his suit on. He followed their packed track until the Cellular picked up a cell site. Then he called the silo. Sheila was near panic. He assured her that they had just forgotten to call. Everything was okay. They would be out of touch for a while in the shack while they warmed up a bit before starting back. Sheila relaxed quite a bit. "You near scared us to death!" she said. "I'm sorry. We'll be home in a few hours." he told her. "Okay.. I love you." Sheila said. "I love you too. Sorry I forgot to tell you before we left." he said. "Glad that you're okay. Don't stay too long." she said. "We won't, it's just a bit cold. We'll start back as soon as we warm up a bit." John said. "Okay... bye." Sheila said. "Bye.." John killed the phone and made his way back to the shack. Cindy was very relieved to see him. He stripped off his suit and poured a cup from the second thermos. He offered her one. She shook her head. "How did you know?" Cindy said. "About Nick? I just reasoned what I'd be like if I'd lost them girls." John chuckled. "You could have warned me." she said. "I did. As much warning as I had. I told you to do exactly as I said. You did that. I'm grateful to you." he said. "I didn't do anything. God, I was so scared I could hardly move." she said. "You did everything I told you. You didn't freeze up. You did just fine." John said, pulling her to him. She sobbed in his arms. He held her close for a long time. Then kissed her deeply. Her return kisses were hungry. John expected that. A famous quote came back to him: "There's nothing like a life threatening situation to make a woman hot as hell." or some such thing, he thought, but wisely didn't say. "So, where did you and Theresa do your thing here?" he snickered at her. "Those air mattresses over there. It took us forever to pump them up." Cindy said, hoarsely. "Why didn't you use the pump?" he asked. "We did, that one there." Cindy said, pointing to a hand pump. John grinned and opened a cupboard. He pulled out an electric pump with a cigarette lighter plug. Cindy moaned. John didn't even have to use the battery in the cruiser, there was that sort of outlet on the second charger on the spare battery. He quickly inflated a mattress and then spread a blanket on it. "You sure you want to do this? You've got six planned for the next three days." Cindy asked. "I fully intend to fulfill my promises. Oh dearest love of mine." he said, pulling off his clothes. He set the holstered pistol on the table, after clearing the spent cartridge and then lowering the hammer on the empty chamber. John turned the heat up a bit more and then lay back on the covered mattress. Cindy finished removing her clothes and moved into his arms. Shaking with desire. He didn't disappoint her. He teased her to several massive orgasms before he entered her. She followed with several more. John went through all the motions of an orgasm without having one. Cindy hardly noticed that he took longer to wither. He lay caressing her tenderly, brushing a damp lock of hair from her forehead. She snuggled to his side, smiling. "Thank you. I needed that. I wish you'd been free to enjoy it as much as I." she chuckled. "What makes you think I didn't enjoy it as much as you?" he asked. "John, my dear sweet love. One of the greatest thrills in my life, is when you climax inside me. I know exactly what it feels like. I know why you didn't, I even love you more for it. But don't expect to fool me that way. I'm just ecstatically grateful for what you did do." she said. "Not a very good faker, am I?" he said, looking distant. "A very good faker, I'm just very observant...... what's wrong?" she asked, concerned. "I don't like even having to try to fake it. I never did before. I feel like I cheated you. I don't know how this is going to work out." he said. "I don't feel cheated. In fact I feel quite blissfully fulfilled........ I think it will work out better than you think it will." she said. "How so?" he asked. "Cause me and the others will make it so. We intend to keep those girls and ourselves ecstatically happy. You just do what feels comfortable." she said. "What feels comfortable to me, is having a genuine climax inside the ones I love." he said, moodily. "Christ, John. By my count you've done that thirty five times in three days, and you're scheduled for up to six more in the next three. You couldn't possibly expect me to feel cheated because you're trying to live up to your promises." she chuckled. He kissed her tenderly. She shivered a bit under his touch. "Thank you for being so understanding." he said. "That, my love, you are very welcome to. And anything else I have, whenever you wish." she said. "Well, we should start back." he said. She pulled him to her and hugged him fiercely. "God, I love you." she said. "And I you..... Come on. Lets get dressed." he said. He helped her to her feet, hugging her again as she stood. Softly caressing her lithe young body. Admiring it. "You know, you really do make a girl feel loved." she said. "I try, lord knows, I try." he said. "Well, you're more successful than you know." she said, kissing his cheek. They dressed and John turned down the heat, deflated the mattress and gathered their few possessions. He put the shoulder holster back on, if for no other reason than that it was the easiest way to carry it. "Dead eye John. That's what we'll have to call you." Cindy chuckled. "Uh... I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about what happened." he said. "Why not?" she asked. "Cause I don't want them to be concerned. If Nick should show up, I'm just gonna call the Sheriff on him. I have no intention of getting into a shooting war with him." John said. "A modest hero... *My* hero." she said, softly, with true admiration in her eyes. "Don't go placating me. I'm no hero. Besides... my ego isn't exactly hurting right now." he chuckled. "I should think not, with eight women after your butt.... but I wasn't trying to placate you. You will always be *My* hero." she said. "Eight? Did I miss count?" he asked. "Sally." she reminded him. "Oh, she doesn't count." he said. "If you say so... *Thirty times!*... " she chuckled. "Just for that, I'm gonna have to subject you to the same cruelty.... I think about July I should be up to it." he said. "Any time you feel up to it, I'm game." she said, demurely. "Come on. The others are probably worrying." he said. They closed up the shack and mounted the machine. John at the controls, Cindy blissfully snuggled to his back. He stopped just past the berms to call the silo to let them know they were headed back. The ride back was uneventful. Cindy rode all the way snuggled to her hero, smiling peacefully. Once back, he closed the gate and they put the machine away. The girls all met them in the entryway. John thinking that one of the things they all needed was winter clothing. He sloughed off questions about what had happened, Cindy remaining mute, through great effort. She wanted to brag to them all about "*Dead Eye John*." He simply said: "It's done. You're all free." "Dinners ready." Theresa said, studying the pair, thoughtfully. John excused himself and went and locked up his pistol, he'd clean it later. Dinner was a feast. All the girls had pitched in and made something special. Sheila had picked a perfect wine, luckily one John had bought a case of. Three bottles barely yielded two glasses each. It was enough. All were feeling blissfully mellow. Sheila figured out that there was more to the Nick story than John was telling, as he told very little, side checking questions gracefully. Cindy was being too quiet, but her eyes burned with admiration for John. Candice studied both John and Cindy. She *knew* there was more to it. The triplets seemed oblivious. They were eyeing John for a different reason. "We decided that Alice should be first." Amy said out of the blue. John smiled at them and nodded. There was a certain logic to that. Alice and Sheila seemed to have a special relationship going. In fact the girls had all seemed to have subconsciously paired off. Amy with Theresa, Andrea with Cindy. Candice seemed content with anybody, but especially John or Sheila. "I'm gonna miss all of you so much.. " Sheila said. The same about her was said universally around the table. "I've been thinking... Have you girls ever been apart, I mean for more than a day or two?" Sheila asked the triplets. "Nope.. not even for that long." Andrea said. "Would you object?" Sheila asked. "To what?" Amy asked. "To being apart for a little while." Sheila said. John could see where this was heading, he smiled to himself. "Guess that would depend on why and for how long." Andrea said. Alice looked at her wondering. "Well, I was thinking.... I don't want to be away from you all, but I have to go for at least two weeks. I can't take all of you, but if you wouldn't mind, and if she'd like to, then I'd like to take Alice back with me... and Candice too, if she wants." Sheila said. "Oh, could I!" Alice asked excitedly. "Why not all the triplets, why me?" Candice said. "Several reasons... first off, cause I want you to come. Second, I don't want to deprive Amy and Andrea of their time with John and lastly... I don't think I have the stamina for three of you, but you could keep Alice company while I was at work. Besides.. it will give John a needed break." Sheila giggled. "I think it's a great idea." Cindy said. "Me too... but won't that be a problem, with Alice being underage?" Theresa said. "Nope." John said, "Nobody is looking for *her*. Candice is an adult. They're free to travel wherever they wish. I think it's a great idea too. I'd be pleased to sponsor it." "No way. My treat... and I mean that in every way." Sheila said. "Suit yourself." John said. "I do... and in all fairness, I'd like to take each of them on a trip in the future... each of all of you when I can. I think this business thing will be keeping me pretty busy and on the road for a long time. If I'm to be a part of this I like the idea of taking a piece of it with me wherever I go." Sheila grinned. "What a great idea... and it will give John a break every now and then." Cindy said. "Maybe I don't want a break." John chuckled. They all looked at him, exasperated. "Don't go getting *macho* on us." Theresa said. Cindy about choked on her last sip of wine. Sheila looked at her, thinking she'd better have a little talk with her before she left. They all adjourned to the hot tub. It was happily crowded. John was in seventh heaven... literally, surrounded by seven heavenly women. He sat with Alice on his lap, Sheila next to him. Together they caressed and prepped her for what was to come. The rest of the women had no trouble amusing themselves. Finally, John transferred Alice into Sheila's lap while he made the rounds kissing each of the girls good night. Cindy held him tightly and wished him luck. Theresa and Candice too. Then all the girls rotated kissing Sheila and Alice goodnight. Amy and Andrea especially, full of envy. John dried while Sheila dried Alice and herself. Then John swept Alice into his arms and carried her to the guest room. Sheila close by. Chapter 57 Alice was both excited and nervous. Sheila's presence served to calm her considerably. John let Sheila start the process, joining in when Alice was well prepped. The two of them giving her multiple, body wracking, orgasms. Afterwards, Sheila was right there guiding her. She showed Alice how to suck John softly into her mouth. Alice thrilled as he responded and grew. Then Sheila held her in her lap as John tenderly entered her. It wasn't at all like Nick. Not in the least bit painful, even though John was actually larger. She'd already practiced on John's mannequin several times, but she discovered that it just wasn't the same thing. Alice would always think of this as her first time. When she finally lifted her hips again in orgasm, it was the first time she'd ever experienced one, with a man. She wasn't the least bit disappointed. Later she helped John prepare Sheila. His tongue dueling with hers as they pleased her. Then she softly caressed Sheila's breasts while her and John made love. Watching intently as John's large member stroked inside her. Feeling her rise up in orgasm and hearing her cry out in pleasure. This was the way it was supposed to be, thought Alice. Then Sheila and John both pleased her orally again, alternating back and forth until she passed blissfully into sleep. Sheila and John lay on either side of the smaller girl. Caressing each other and Alice, despite the fact she was asleep. "I'm gonna miss you, mister." she said. "And I you, lady. ... You remember to come back?" he asked. "Just try to keep me away. I'm yours... for life." she said. "Mmm.. that's nice. Sounds perfect. ... You think you could take me along on one of your trips?" he asked. "That would hardly give you a break, I can guarantee that!" she chuckled, caressing his chest. "All you girls seem intent on giving me a break... I haven't asked for one." he said. "You gonna tell me what happened at Nick's?" she said, changing the subject. "Nope." he said, simply. "I have my ways of finding out anyway..... I love you." she said. "Come here, you can move back later." John said. Sheila moved carefully over the blissfully sleeping girl into his arms. John pushed his luck with her. Sheila didn't object. Their lovemaking was soft and gentle. Their mutual orgasm face to face with Sheila on top. Both their eyes open to the last second. Then they bracketed the lovely Alice as they caressed each other to sleep. The others had no difficulty sleeping either. Five didn't seem like an odd number at all. They each acted as a free agent at least once, helping the other two couples alternately. Hands and lips found whomever was in reach. They all made love to each other at least twice. Finally they caressed each other into sleep. Alice awoke first, feeling different. She felt the two bodies snuggled to her. They were different too. She searched her mind for the differences. The first thought that struck her, was that she *felt* like a grown woman. She had experienced *real* lovemaking, with a *man,* for the first time. She vowed to feel the same again and again, whenever this man would let her. The other difference she realized, was that the woman with her was there by her own choice. Not as a matter of circumstance. Alice had also made love with her by her own free choice. That was it, she felt *free*, and happy. Candice and the other two triplets stirred long before Cindy and Theresa. One by one they slipped carefully from the bed and into the bathroom. They all met in the shower. Kissing and hugging and washing each other. None felt the need to make love. They were all thoroughly satiated... for the time being. They dried and dressed and headed up to the kitchen to start breakfast. Cindy and Theresa had rolled together and were still sleeping peacefully. They made a special breakfast, thawed-frozen raspberries wrapped in thin pancakes with creme cheese. They made enough for three, and then carried it and a big pot of coffee down to the guest room. "Good morning, princess. How does it feel to be a woman?" Candice said quietly to Alice when they entered. Alice smiled eight yards wide. The other girls seemed strangely un-curious. In some way they could feel, and had felt what Alice did. "We'll just leave this for when they wake up." Candice said. Setting the tray down. Alice nodded and the others slipped back out. Alice snuggled to John. Reveling in the feel of a man she liked. Her fingertips traced softly over Sheila's shapely thigh. Her other hand sought out and found John's manhood. She found she liked to touch it. Because it was her choice to do so. It responded in her fingers and she smiled. Both seemed to stir almost simultaneously. Suddenly Alice was hugged from both sides. Tears moved to her eyes and two mouths moved to kiss them away. "Good morning." John said, kissing her softly. She quivered a bit inside. "And how is our darling young *woman* this morning?" Sheila asked. Alice hugged her hard and kissed her deeply. "Thank you, both of you for making me a woman." she cried. "You were a woman before... " John said. "I didn't feel like it. Now I do." she said. "Glad to be of service. Is that coffee I smell?" he asked, looking up. "Yes, Candice and the girls brought us breakfast. I'll get it." Alice said, trying to get up. "Oh no, you snuggle to John. I'll get it." Sheila said, pushing her into his arms. John scooted up against the headboard and pulled Alice up with him. Caressing the young girls thigh. She snuggled to his side, blissfully. Sheila swung the trays John had installed over the bed, and then placed their plates and coffee on them. Then she snuck off to make a pit stop before sliding in beside Alice once more. John took a sip of coffee and then passed the lovely Alice into Sheila's custody while he slipped out for a moment. Finally Alice herself reluctantly left the bed and entered the bathroom after John was out. They all rejoined on the bed, Alice between them. The food was wonderful. "What's it like in San Francisco? I've never been to a city." Alice asked. "Oh, this should be interesting for you. A real life *Alice in Wonderland*. I'd give anything to be there to watch her face." John chuckled. "Well Alice, it's.... different. It's not just more people. There are some very wonderful things to see and do. And there are some ugly things and bad people. The trick is to figure out which is which." Sheila said. "Like what?" Alice said, not understanding. "Oh, like seeing the whales swim by your boat. Or seeing the sun go down behind the Golden Gate, or eating a crab cocktail on the wharf. Those are wonderful things. The people who have to live on the streets, and the people who take advantage of them. Those are bad things. I don't mean that the people who live on the streets are bad, I mean that they have to is bad." Sheila said. "I can vouch for that. I met a very wonderful person living on the streets." John said, thinking of Sally. "Does she still live on the street?" Alice asked. "No dear, our dear wonderful John here found her a place to live and a good job. Then he did for her what he did for you last night." Sheila said. Alice snuggled to John's side. "You're a nice man." she said, simply. "That he is, love. That he is... John?" Sheila said. "Yes, love?" he said. "I'm sure that I'll have to go to New York in connection with this Second Skin thing. How about I take you then and you can introduce me to this Sally." Sheila said. "That certainly would *not* be giving me a break!" John giggled. "You said you didn't want one. Just a thought." Sheila said. "I don't, it's a good thought. Sounds wonderful." he said, leaning across Alice to kiss her. "Boy, you folks sure kiss a lot more than we used to at Nick's place." Alice said. Sheila chuckled and kissed her. Alice kissing back, measure for measure. Then it was John's turn. Again Alice quivered inside. "And I sure like it." she said when he finally pulled back. So John and Sheila kissed her lips a bunch more... and then they did the same to her other lips. She really liked that! Amy and Andrea looked at each other across the table and smiled. "What are you two smiling at?" Candice asked. "They're at it again." Amy giggled. "Who's at what?" Candice asked. "John and Sheila are making love to Alice again." Andrea giggled. "How can you tell?" Candice asked. "Oh... it just sort of feels good." Amy giggled. "You can feel what they're doing?" Candice asked. "No, not exactly. We just know when she's happy." Andrea said. "And right now she's *very* happy!" Amy giggled. Candice just shook her head at the two of them, thinking they were tetched. But she no longer doubted them when she saw Alice walk in with John and Sheila a while later. Cindy and Theresa were the last up. They casually showered together, kissing often. They pulled on some clothes and joined the others in the kitchen. "Looks like we're going to have to cook the night before if we're going to make breakfast for these folks." Cindy giggled, pouring herself a cup of coffee. Theresa giggled, making the rounds kissing everyone good morning. She paid special attention to Alice, who seemed blissfully contented. Both Cindy and Theresa smiled, understanding. "So what's on the agenda for today?" Theresa asked. "The helicopter is coming to pick us up at four." Sheila said. "God I'm gonna miss you!" Theresa said, moving to sit in Sheila's lap. "I'm gonna miss you too.... You did scan Candice, didn't you?" she asked. "Yup, first in the chute." Theresa giggled. "Think you could whip her up some threads in time for our flight?" Sheila asked. "Sure, no problem. Alice too. What kind?" Theresa asked, playing softly with Sheila's hair. "How about a racy one each and then some evening wear for each. I know that you do better at those two things than anything I can get them in San Francisco." Sheila said. "Can do. And how about a thermal suit like Cindy and I met you in? I hear that it can be chilly there." Theresa said. "That would be great, can you do that in time?" Sheila asked. "Six outfits in eight hours? No sweat. What should I do with my spare time?" she asked. "Mmm you could show Candice, Alice and myself how much you'll miss us." Sheila said, sliding a hand under Theresa's blouse and over a breast. Theresa giggled and said: "What a perfect day, wonder what the poor folk will be doing?" "Putting together a shopping list for Sheila, and resting up, from the look of them." Cindy giggled. "Not a bad idea. How close did the triplets scan? Will Alice serve as model for them?" Sheila asked her. "Oh, close enough for off the shelf stuff, but not up to our specs." Cindy giggled. "Nothing, is as close as your specs" Sheila said, rolling her eyes. "What about you, John? What are you going to do today?" Candice asked. "Oh, thought I might get started on the plans for the other floors. A room for you and each of the girls." he said. "A room for each? That's probably not necessary." she said. "Just the same. That will fairly well complete the silo. The extra bathrooms I'm sure will be used." he said. "So.. lets see.. That's a total of six bedrooms? Ours, the guest and then four more?" Cindy asked. "Yup, several of us will always have to double up as it is." he said. "Oh, I don't think that will ever be a problem with this crowd!" Cindy chuckled. They all busted out laughing. The triplets headed off to take a swim and talk about Alice's induction. Theresa and Candice went to the scan room to start the outfits and their good-byes. Sheila went to pack and Cindy tagged along with John to the Com room to work on the plans. "Hey mister? Can I get a kiss?" Cindy said, as they entered the Com room. "Oh, I think that's a good possibility." he said. "I thought you forgot me." she said as he swept her into his arms. "Not a chance. Let's see, have we met?" he chuckled. "Yesterday. Remember? Hot get away, hot woman?" she said. "Oh yeah, I vaguely recall." he said, bending to kiss her tenderly. "So how was your night? Things work out alright?" she asked, hoarsely when he let up. "Oh, I think Alice was happy about it." he said. "Anybody could have seen that! How about Sheila? You didn't disappoint her did you?" Cindy chuckled. "Nope.. I think not. I think I can safely say she's been welcomed *very* well." he said. "Good. Theresa and Amy next huh?" she asked. "Or you and Andrea." he said. "Oh, no. We're saving the *dynamic duo* for your *Swan song*." she chuckled. "It may well be. Two more like Alice are likely to do me in, not even counting you and Theresa." he said. "I figured Alice was the reserved one. I think Andrea is going to be your biggest challenge." Cindy giggled. "Oh, Alice held her own. She may be quiet, but she's feisty in the clinch." he said. "Glad you had a good time. I think Sheila had a pip of an idea, taking Candice and Alice with her. I might just get a little honest loving out of you this month." Cindy said. "Ouch... Sorry." he said. "Oh, don't you go silly on me. I was kidding. I'd happily wait a year... and you know it." she said. "Yes, I know it. I don't know why, but I know it." he said. "It's because I love ya." Cindy giggled. "And I love you." John said, "Actually, I think it's a grand gesture on Sheila's part. It will give them a chance to see a bit of the world." "That it will. I don't think Alice has seen anything like San Francisco. I haven't myself, come to think of it." Cindy said. "Try *no city, ever!* Sheila's going to have a gawking tourist on her hands for sure. As far as you not seeing it. You will, I promise. In just a year we're fixing to all be flying, all over the place. Perhaps we'll all take a trip around the world." he said. "I do that every time I'm in your arms.... but I can't wait to see all those places with you." she said. "Shall we get to planning?" he asked, firing up his computer. "Yes... did I ever tell you that I love you?" she asked. "Maybe a time or two... but I never hear it enough." he said. "Well... I love you." she said. "And I love you." he said. They worked side by side, drawing up the plans. Making suggestions. Filling in things they had missed on other rooms. First John would connect communication cables. Then lay out the additional plumbing. He was worried about the work load on the lone grinding pump that served the silo. Cindy was blissfully happy, planning the sewage system by his side. Actually, time was going to be tight for Theresa, and she knew it. Her first order of business was to cast up a double of Alice. Candice helped her string the frame up. Theresa added a little goodie to it that Candice asked about. "It's a heater. If you run current between these two cables, then the inside will get warmer. Just in case John should ever get lonely for one of the girls." Theresa giggled. "That's.... " Candice began and stopped herself. "What?" Theresa asked. "Nothing." Candice said. "No, What were you going to say?" Theresa asked. Candice sighed. "Look, you have to realize that this is all so new to me. I'm not used to it. I wasn't raised this way. It will take time for me to change." she said. "Granted. So what were you going to say?" Theresa insisted. "I was going to say... that's sick." Candice said, dropping her eyes. Theresa looked at her a moment. "Well, you didn't say it. You stopped yourself. That means you *are* changing. "Consider this, though; You yourself mounted John's mannequin, several times to my memory. You helped each of the triplets too. I myself, Cindy and Sheila have *all* done it. But in my memory, John's only mounted one of these mannequins ever, and that was at *my* suggestion, and a long time ago. Now I wouldn't begrudge him one second of any time he wanted to spend doing that. "The one thing you need to understand about us, is that we don't tell each other how to act. That includes making judgments on how the others *do* act. If you're going to fit in here, you're going to have to learn that." Theresa said. "I know. John told me the same thing. But it's hard. And I am trying." Candice said, tears forming in her eyes. Theresa hugged her. "I know you are. That's why you're still here." she said. Candice sobbed against her. Theresa held her a bit and then kissed her tenderly. "I've got to get this started, but then I'd be honored to make love with you." she said. Candice nodded and pulled herself together. She helped Theresa the best she could. "So how was it?" Amy asked, tracing a line up Alice's thigh. "It was wonderful." Alice said. "We know that. Just like you know *we* had a good time last night. But what did it *feel* like?" Andrea asked. "Oh... Hard to explain. Kind of like the mannequin, only much better. Warm and soft." Alice said. "He went soft on you?" Amy asked. "No, I mean the outside is softer than the mannequin's thing. Actually, I think the inside was harder." Alice explained. "So how was it different from Nick?" Andrea asked. "It wasn't the same at all. I guess cause I wanted him to do it. I never did want Nick to do it. But, he was... slower about it. At least at first. Like he was giving me a chance to get used to it. It's a good thing too. He's bigger than Nick.. as you both know from the mannequin." Alice explained. "So he's slower than Nick?" Amy asked. "Not always. Just at first. He got going pretty fast at the end. Just right as far as I was concerned." Alice said. "So did he play with your... breasts?" Andrea asked. Alice rolled her eyes. "Andrea, there wasn't a spot on my body that those two didn't touch." "Really. Even your.... backside?" Amy asked. "Even there. But it felt good." Alice said, blushing. "I can hardly wait." Andrea said. "I think... it'll be Amy and Theresa tonight. I don't know why, I just do." Alice said. "That's okay by me. I like Cindy. She's nice." Andrea said. "Theresa is too. They all are." Amy said. "That's true.... sure not like at home." Alice said. "Babe, we don't have a home anymore." Andrea said. "I think we do... I'll bet we get to stay here." Amy said. "I hope so." Alice said. "Me too!" Andrea said. "I'm gonna miss you." Amy said to Alice, suddenly. "We both will!" Andrea jumped in. Alice threw her arms around her sisters and hugged them tight. "I'm gonna miss you too. But I wouldn't miss this trip for the world." Alice said, misty eyed. "Too bad Candice has to go." Andrea said. "Oh.. I don't think so. She's changing. She's hardly told us what to do for days. And she's nice when she's not so bossy." Alice said. The others nodded. Sheila got her own things packed. Then selected some clothes for Alice and Candice and added them to the bags. She'd have to buy them both casual clothes and mostly shoes. She remembered she was going to get shoes for Cindy and Theresa too. She got an idea and headed for the lab. She found Theresa and Candice laying together on the sofa, a bit sweaty. Softly caressing each other. Theresa looked up at her and smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Sheila said. "No, you're never interrupting. What can I do for you?" Theresa asked, running her fingers up the back of Sheila's leg. Sheila giggled, but didn't move away. "I was wondering. Can you print out a real sized picture of yours and Cindy's feet for me?" she asked. "Sure, no problem. Got a foot fetish?" Theresa giggled. "Nothing so limiting. I want to get you and Cindy some nice shoes." Sheila giggled, half cause Theresa's fingers were tickling her ass cheeks. Theresa sat up, she kissed Candice softly and then moved to one of the computers. She called in an image of herself. "Ooh, can you print that too, just like that?" Sheila giggled. Theresa giggled and said: "In full color. Want one of Cindy too?" "Yes please. And one of your cute backsides too? If you don't mind." Sheila said, blushing a bit. "Tell you what. Why don't I just copy you off a family album onto disk. It will be easier to carry." Theresa said, inserting a floppy. "That's a great idea." Sheila said, "It does feel like a family..... I feel like I'm leaving home." she said, getting misty eyed. "I hope the hell you're coming back. I'll miss you every second you're gone. Besides, I'd hate to break up a nice set like the triplets." Theresa chuckled. "I'll be back in about two weeks. I'm glad I'm taking part of the family with me." Sheila said. "You consider me part of the family, already?" Candice asked, surprised. "You're as much a part as I'm familiar with." Sheila said. "Yes, you're part of it. You all are." Theresa said, "If me and Cindy hadn't come into John's life, then he wouldn't have invented this thing. Then he wouldn't have met Sheila. He would have had to rescue you and the triplets all by himself. Then you would be *all* the family there was." "But then he might not have been fast enough.... for sweet Alice. And I wouldn't have felt very comfortable without you two and Cindy around. I doubt it would have been a happy time. Like it has been.... the happiest I've ever known." Candice wept. "Just the beginning, babe, just the beginning." Theresa said, handing the disk to Sheila. "I hope so." Candice said. "We all do." Sheila said, "So who you spinning there, is that Alice? What's that thing in the middle?" "Yes, it's Alice. Like I was telling Candice earlier, it's a heater for the inside. See the insulator coupling on that cable. You put twelve volts between the feet cables and it gets comfortably warm inside. Just in case our man gets a yen." Theresa said. "What a great idea. Did you put one in mine?" Sheila asked. "Yup. You're wired." Theresa giggled. "What's the little tube for?" Sheila asked. "Juices. Just to make it seem more real. Should map out inside the navel." Theresa explained. "Another great idea, to bad you can't add flavor." Sheila giggled. "Wouldn't be much fun, you well know that most the joy of licking there, is the reaction." Theresa said. "But not all, I quite enjoy it myself. I wonder if any chemists have duplicated the essence of a woman's nectar. That's probably a marketable item by itself.. maybe as an additive for mustache wax." Sheila giggled. "I think this fashion thing is going to make us rich enough by itself." Theresa giggled. "But not me and the triplets." Candice said. The others turned to look at her. "Look you folks all have your futures mapped out. We're just tag-alongs. We need something to do to earn our keep." Candice explained. "Well, that's one reason why I wanted Theresa to spin you and Alice some clothes. I was thinking I could use you two as models when I made my sales pitch to Mae." Sheila said. "I ain't no model. And who's Mae?" Candice asked. "You're prettier than you know. The triplets too. You'll both make great models. Mae is my friend who runs a fashion house in San Francisco. I forget that you weren't here when we were planning this. One of the things I'll be doing in San Francisco, is selling Mae on being our first distributor. I doubt it will be a hard sell. As we're likely to put her out of business when we get up to speed. Between my outfits, and you two's, it will make it easier for me to convince her of that. If you want to that is." Sheila said. "I'll be happy to help you anyway I can. I never thought of myself as no model though." Candice said. "Darling, you're adorable!" Sheila said. "Really?" Candice asked. "Really!" both Sheila and Theresa replied together. "If'n you say so." Candice said. "We do, now about those foot prints." Sheila said. "Just print them off your disk. I assume you can edit them out. I wouldn't want you to show them views to a shoe salesman, might give him a heart attack." Theresa giggled. "You mean I have under views of each of you on this?" Sheila asked. "Everyone of us... but I'd better print our feet anyway. Without John's software getting actual measurements could be tricky. Those are just compressed picture files, not the actual dimensions. One person's won't fit on one disk even compressed." Theresa said, calling in her feet shot. "Oh my, you're right. I couldn't show that to a shoe salesman. I find it quite appealing though." Sheila giggled. "I remember it was not quite two weeks ago that I blushed like red roses when Cindy showed you that same shot." Theresa said, "Now I want you to see it." Sheila leaned over and kissed her softly on the neck. "It's been a wonderful time. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I'm looking forward to lots of wonderful times with all of you." she said. Theresa highlighted her feet only, and started the printing. Then she turned to meet Sheila's lips. When Sheila finally released her, she did the same with Cindy's feet, admiring the view herself. Sheila took the prints and said she'd return for her good- bye session with Theresa. She found Cindy in the Com room with John. They showed her the plans for the next construction phase. She was impressed. "Join me for my last bit of sun?" Sheila asked Cindy. Cindy caught the look in her eye and agreed. They met in the solarium. Moving into each others arms and kissing deeply. They undressed each other and moved onto a chaise. Sometime later they lay caressing each other softly. The sun's rays warming their smooth skin. "So, tell me all about what happened at Nick's." Sheila said. "I shouldn't, John would skin me." Cindy chuckled. "But you're going to, right?" Sheila chuckled. Cindy nodded. "I'm just so proud of the man.. I have to tell someone." she said. "So start at the beginning and tell me everything." Sheila said, softly caressing her breasts. Cindy launched into the story. Sheila sat aghast throughout the telling. "Well it actually makes me feel good knowing that John can defend us so well, but is scares the shit out of me that we came so close to losing him." Sheila said. "I know. God I was petrified. When John suddenly shot that hole between the horseshoe, I about wet my pants. I don't know where he learned to shoot like that." Cindy said. "John was right about that. If he'd missed Nick would have viewed it as a weakness. But he didn't miss. I'm glad. Nick will think twice about coming to look for us." Sheila said. "I think John is being as safe as possible about that. I think that's why he chose the route he did. If Nick could possibly have traced us, it would have lead him right up our road, over the sensors. We'd have plenty of warning." Cindy said. "John's one smart man, I'll admit that. One fine man all in all." Sheila said. "The finest... you won't tell Candice or Alice about this?" Cindy said. "No, no need to worry them. They've had a bad enough time. Speaking of which, Boss....... or are you? You've never told me if I'm hired." Sheila said suddenly. Cindy gave her *that* look of exasperation. "You're hired as CEO.... but I can't pay you until you make us some money." Cindy chuckled. "Don't you want to check with Theresa first?" Sheila said. "Nope. She said you were hired the first night. Now what's on your mind?" Cindy asked. "As CEO, I recommend we hire Candice and the triplets as models. Candice is feeling a bit useless. I think they'd make great models. The triplets would make a hell of a splash. I could keep them busy forever, just modeling for others. But Candice would do well too. That's why I wanted Theresa to make those two outfits. I was going to use them in my sales pitch to Mae." Sheila said. "As CEO you can do anything you'd like. But I think it's a great idea." Cindy said. "Great. Will you talk to Amy and Andrea? I'll talk to Alice about it. And how about you and Theresa making them all an outstanding wardrobe while I'm gone? You know; knock my socks off. Like those two you and Theresa were wearing when I arrived. I think we should shy from the lingerie area on the triplets though. We would get arrested for displaying them in body suits like some of yours and Theresa's. You can make up a bunch for Candice though." Sheila said. "Will do. It should be fun. Better double check with John to make certain the patents are secure enough for you to be selling us yet, though." Cindy said. "I'll do that now." Sheila said, sitting up. "In a few minutes...please." Cindy said, holding her. Sheila hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you, babe." Cindy said. "I won't be gone long. Do you think you and Theresa can get by with just twins for a couple of weeks?" Sheila chuckled. "Should be able to. We got by with just the three of us quite nicely. Kind of worried a bit about breaking up the set though." Cindy said. "That's what Theresa said too." Sheila giggled. "I don't mean permanently.. I just don't know how Amy and Andrea will take it. You remember the first night they were here? How they were so... reserved, until Alice woke up?" Cindy asked. Sheila nodded against her breasts. "I think that they're partially telepathic. Last night they both suddenly kind of shivered. It was about the same time we heard Alice cry out from upstairs. I swear that those two had their own orgasms when she did. I've noticed it other times too. When I was with one of them the next day... Which one was it?" Cindy pondered. "I think you were with Amy. I was with Alice and Theresa was with Andrea. Come to think of it, I sort of noticed it too. With Alice. You might be right. Last night Alice kind of shuddered and smiled at odd times too. " Sheila said. "Well, if nothing else we might find out if distance matters. Tell you what, note the time whenever you two have a little tryst, which I'm certain you will. Then note whenever she reacts funny for no apparent reason. I'll do the same here and have Theresa do the same. Then we'll compare notes when you get back." Cindy said. "Should be fun, even if we find no connection." Sheila giggled. "Yeah, should be.... Now I guess we'd better get moving. I've gotta cook lunch too. So give me a kiss that will last two weeks." Cindy said. Sheila did. They dressed and walked arm in arm over to the Com room. "I just hired us a CEO." Cindy told John. "Great. I can't afford to pay her yet." John said. "Not a problem. I'd do it for free." Sheila said, moving into his lap. "Nope. I can pay you some... just not what I promised you yet." he said. "I know... Cindy reminded me to check with you about how secure the patent was. I'd like to make my pitch to Mae as soon as possible." Sheila said. "Go for it. We had a minor challenge, but I think it will clear. Hold off on anybody else for now though." John said. "We were also thinking of hiring the triplets and Candice as models." Cindy said. "Great idea. I was wondering what I could find for them to do after they got their rooms built." John said. "You remember last night when Alice kind of quaked at odd times, when we weren't doing anything special to her?" Sheila asked. John nodded. "Well, Cindy and I were talking about the possibility that the triplets were a little telepathic, with each other. They seem to be sharing each others orgasms. At least it appears that way. Cindy and I were going to do a little informal long distance study on them. You weren't down by the tub when Alice woke up. The other two were kind of listless until then. Then suddenly they seemed to wake up when she did." Sheila said. "Could be so. I've heard some amazing things about twins. Should be interesting to find out." John said. "I think that I'll just go make my own little test now, to give you two time for a proper good-bye." Cindy said. She kissed each of them and headed out. She found Theresa in the lab first and told her she'd hired Sheila. "I thought we'd already done that?" Theresa said. "No, we didn't. We accepted her, but we never told her we'd hired her." Cindy chuckled. "Oh, okay." Theresa said. Cindy wandered away, shaking her head. Theresa was finished with "Alice". Candice helped unstring her and hang her up. The room was beginning to resemble a university hospital storage facility. Where they hang bodies scheduled for research. The difference, was that it was much warmer and the bodies not quite that real. Candice couldn't help but run her fingers over the figure when it was hung. It was so real she shivered. Then she helped Theresa string up the table for her own. "Gonna put one of them goodies in it?" Candice asked. "Up to you. If it offends you, no. We don't even have to cast those openings." Theresa told her. "No, please put them in. The goodie too." Candice said, blushing. "One goodie, coming up." Theresa chuckled, adding it. Cindy found the triplets laying nude on the chaises by the pool with their eyes shut. She thought about how right Sheila was about them making great models. They were a vision of loveliness. She quietly picked the first one and her lips descended upon hers and kissed her deeply. The other two opened their eyes instantly. She was about to investigate further when she noticed a little red seepage from the girl. "Looks like you've started your period. I'll get you a tampon." Cindy offered. "What's a tampon?" the girl asked. "Are you funning me?" Cindy asked. "No... I don't think so. I never heard the word before." she said. "Oh my. I think there's some things we need to talk about....." Cindy began. "I'm really going to miss you, mister." Sheila said. "I'm gonna miss you too, wished I could show you how much." John said. "Not necessary. You did me a *double* last night." Sheila giggled. "I still wish I could." he said. "So... on to business. With the girls not quite incorporated, whom am I working for?" Sheila asked. "I guess John Stevens Inc. I'll guarantee your salary. I've just been spending a bit too much lately." he said. "You don't need to guarantee my salary. I'll take stock options." she said. "I'm sure you would. But so far there are none... no stock yet. It would be meaningless." he said. "Okay... how about defining it as a percentage against future earnings?" she said. "Okay by me.. One percent to start?" he asked. "John! That's two and a half million a year!" She gasped. "Not until you get it up to two hundred and fifty million in sales. And if you do that, then you'll be damn worth it!" he said. "That's true... and that's only ten thousand if our first year is only a million." she said. "That's not enough." he said. "That's what I'll take. It'll give me an incentive to hustle." she giggled. "Okay... but how about a sliding percentage. Five to start, then diminishing as sales climb. That will give you fifty thousand on a million. Say we re-negotiate when you reach half a million a year. You still retain your incentive, but get enough to live on." he said. "That sounds very acceptable. Speaking of which, how much rent do you want?" she asked. "Rent?" he asked, puzzled. "Yes, rent. You know; I live in your property and pay you for it." she said, chuckling. "Nothing. I don't want to charge rent. If I started charging you, I'd have to charge everybody. Half of them couldn't pay it." he said. "Nope.... Not acceptable to me." Sheila said. "Why not?" he asked. "I'm paying $2500 a month back in San Francisco, and it's no where near as fancy as this place." she said. "You also have complete autonomous privacy. Here you don't. You can hardly take a shit around here without company." he said. "I don't mind that. That's the price of living with a family. I'm just thrilled to death to be a part of yours." she said. "If you were my wife, or a regular girl friend then you wouldn't be paying rent. I feel that close to you." he said. "If I was a regular girlfriend, I would be sharing rent. And besides, charging everybody rent is a good idea. It could save your butt legally." she said. "Oh, how so?" he asked. "If John Law ever showed up looking for Cindy or Theresa, then they would be tenants, not girlfriends. Even if you just charged them a hundred a month. Big difference in the eyes of the law. Major difference to you." she said. "Not enough bedrooms. They'd each have to have one officially designated. Totally private." he said. "Not so. You finish those other four, with the guest room that gives each of us a private bedroom. The triplets share one. Not at all uncommon for sisters." she said. "Hmm... But the triplets and Candice have no salary." he said. "Now they do. They're models, remember?" she said. "Oh.. But they should each have their own room. Everybody should." he said. "Actually, I don't think you could keep them from sharing. But those bedrooms you have planned are huge! Just like the master. Why not cut them back a bit? Leave one full sized for the triplets. Then divide the others in two. That will give you six the size of the guest room and one more full sized one." she suggested. "They'd end up smaller than the guess room. Bathrooms, remember?" he said. "So each floor shares a bath. Not uncommon again." she said. "That sounds workable. But there are never enough bathrooms. Especially with seven women around." John chuckled. "Oh phooey. You've got four now. If you add four more, that's one a piece. We can all crap in peace simultaneously." she said. "Okay, you've sold me. Now you've got to explain it to the troops. If I do it I'll become an ogre." he chuckled. "Gladly. I think we need to have a joint meeting anyway before I leave. Just to clarify some things. For one thing you've got Candice and the girls not knowing their long term status. I know they're all twisted up about that." she said. "Okay... I guess things have been sort of word of mouth... With thinly veiled promises." he said. "No shit. Now how about operating costs while we get this off the ground?" she said. "That's a problem. Like I said I've spent a bunch lately. About a hundred grand in the past month. That only gives me Two eighty to feed the troops, cover building materials and all our jetting about." he said. "Okay, how about you put up fifty and I put up fifty. Secured only by future sales?" she suggested. "I don't want you to risk your money, besides, would that be enough?" he asked. "I'd gladly take that risk, and it's mine to take. And yes, I think we can get flying on that. Depending on how much your redesign costs." she said. "Redesign?" he asked. She rolled her eyes. "Yes, redesign. You don't really expect to subject our customers to that *damn personal* scan, do you?" she asked. "No?" he asked. "No... at least not quite that damn personal. If you could figure a way for the fine scan to be non-contact, it would fly just fine. It's those damn little fingers probing our privates that are so personal." she said. "Without them, we lose resolution." he said. "I think we could lose a bit of that and still turn out the best. Maybe keep that as an advanced scan for select, high paying customers, and a courser scan for the average.... how about ultra-sonic technology." she asked. "Pretty well patented." he said. "So? We pay a few royalties. We use that as a small part of our overall product. Our patent is on concept, is it not? Or is it specific?" she asked. "A little of each. Both actually. The challenge, based on concept came from a movie company who used a body scanner in their movie. Some plot where they scanned models and then killed them so that they could use their digital images to make television commercials and control the world." he chuckled. "Oh.. I saw that movie. *Lookers* wasn't it." she asked. "Something like that. I never saw it. But anyway, they're losing their challenge, because they only simulated a scanner for the movie. They never actually built one. I did." he said. Sheila nodded. "I still don't think that precludes you using other technology in your working design. For one thing, you're not selling the machines, you retain ownership. You are selling franchises. Unless you want to control the whole thing. Franchise is the way to go, as long as we limit the total." she said. "Okay, now about security. How about we cast body only, no head, no coloration, or better yet Dazzle camouflage coloration." he asked. "Dazzle camouflage? What's that?" she asked. "Something the British came up with during W.W.II. Flashy paint in geometric patterns. Made it tough for the U- boats to calculate speed and distance, but in our application, basically we put designs on the mannequins that make photography useless. High contrast, sharp edges. Hard to define curves, which a body is mostly." he explained. "Sounds good. And if they want real coloration and a head, then they take possession and we're not liable. That leaves our only liability in our data. That shouldn't be too tough to control. Especially if we have the computer assign random numbers to file names. Only one person per outlet has access to the information of which file belongs to whom." she said. "That's doable.. I'll get to work on making the rest less personal." he said. "While you're at it, spiff them up a bit. They look like something from a mad scientist movie." she said. "What do you suggest?" he asked. "Just add some padding here and there. Put in some safety features to stop the arms if a customer actually gets loose and sits up. Broken bones and dissected nipples just won't do." she said. "That's doable. How many machines are we talking about?" he asked. "I should think about two hundred pair." she said. "Two hundred! Jesus, I'll be building them for the next ten years!" he said. "Then find somebody else to build them. Or better yet, bid out components. Then just assemble and test them yourself." she said. "I guess somebody should be writing all this down." he said. "I'll do it on the plane. I've got my laptop. It will give me something to do during the flight." she said. "I think you're going to be busy enough with Alice on the plane. I dare say I doubt she's ever been on an airplane. Let alone a helicopter." he chuckled. "You may be right. But I'll remember anyway. I'll get them all down and fax you a copy." she said. "Better yet, E-mail me. Scramble using SSI as a password and then save attach. I'll do the same for you. You do have an E-mail account?" he asked. "No, never needed one." she said. "Then get one. You need one now. We can communicate all over the world in just a flash. Most places it won't even cost you long distance. You want me to set you up one with my provider?" he asked. "Will it still work in San Francisco?" she asked. He got *that* expression. "Yes dear. Or anywhere else in the world. How about I find one that offers local line service in both places?" he asked. "Whatever works. Okay." she said. "I can't believe you don't have an E-mail account." he said. "I can't believe you don't have an intercom here." she chuckled. "Touché. I'll work on that too." he said. "Okay... now like Cindy said to me; Give me a kiss that will last two weeks." she said. He did his best. She convulsed and moaned halfway through it. "Okay, you understand all this?" Cindy asked the triplets, gathered around her drawings on the table. "I think so. But how many eggs are in there?" Alice asked. "Quite a bunch. But usually just one develops each cycle." Cindy explained. All three triplets had little strings hanging from them. Cindy chuckled. "By the way, it's a common practice to keep something on whenever it's your period." she said. The girls pulled on their shorts. "These are a whole lot better than using old rags." Amy said. "Can we still swim?" Andrea asked. "Yes, but you'll have to change the tampon more often. Put in a fresh one just before and change it right after." Cindy said. "So what do we do with the used ones?" Alice asked. "Usually, just flush them. I think most are made to biodegrade now." Cindy said. "What's biodegrade?" Amy asked. "It means... to break down and dissolve over time. So they don't clog the sewers and pipes. Like bacteria eating food scraps." Cindy explained. "Oh... Okay." Amy said. "Okay, Alice, you'd better take some tampons with you. Tell Sheila it's your period. Do you know when Candice starts hers?" Cindy asked. "Gosh, I'd be ashamed to tell Sheila." Alice blushed. "Why? It's a normal function of every woman's body. She'll be understanding. Just trust me, okay?" Cindy told her. "Seems like Candice runs a few days after us." Amy said. "Then you'd better tell Sheila to pack some for her too. If she doesn't know about all this either, then I guess Sheila better explain it to her. Better yet, I'll tell Sheila about both of you and have her pack for you. Okay?" Cindy asked. "Okay... thank you. Nobody ever explained this before. We always thought it was the curse." Alice said. "Curse?" Cindy asked, puzzled. "You know, like it says in the bible." Alice said. "Oh... well, we have newer books now." Cindy chuckled, "but I guess two thousand years ago it would have seemed like a curse." "So will this stop John from laying with us?" Amy asked, moodily. "Oh... I don't know. Maybe not. It's messy, but he's pretty understanding. He's done both me and Theresa during our periods before. But usually not. I'll talk to him. But even if he says no, it's still only about five days." Cindy said. Sheila walked in. "Family meeting in ten minutes." she announced, looking at Cindy's drawings. "You'd better pack some tampons. Alice has just started and Candice runs a couple of days behind them usually." Cindy said. Alice blushed a bit. Sheila just nodded, looking at the drawings. "What's this?" she asked. "These are my explanations to the girls how our bodies work. Nobody ever told them. I figure you get to explain it to Candice." Cindy chuckled. "Nobody *ever* told them!?" Sheila asked. "Nobody. They didn't know what tampons were." Cindy explained. Sheila looked at her like she was joking. Cindy nodded. "So what have they been using?" Sheila asked. "Old rags!" Cindy said. "My god. Dark ages time." Sheila said. "No shit. And just about as much information as they had. Blamed it on the curse mentioned in the bible. I suggest you talk to Candice before your flight. I've heard a change in altitude can trigger a period." Cindy said. "I will, right after our meeting." Sheila said, teasing Alice's hair. "What's up?" Cindy asked. "Nothing serious. We're just going to go over a few things that have been accepted as common knowledge, but might not have been. Like your hiring me." Sheila said. "Will you hire us too?" Andrea asked. "I already have." Sheila said. "You have?" Amy asked, "All of us?" "Yes, we'll cover it during the meeting. Okay?" Sheila said, bending to kiss the little sweet heart. The other two closed their eyes for a moment and smiled. Cindy noticed, but didn't say anything. "I'd better get cracking on lunch." she said. "Candice has it started." Sheila said. "Gonna brain that girl, she cooked breakfast too." Cindy said, walking out. "She's just trying to be helpful." Sheila called after her. She turned to the triplets. She glanced at the drawings and then back at them. They seemed embarrassed. "Listen, dears. Don't *ever* let anybody tell you that something your body does naturally, is bad. This is something that *every* single woman who has ever lived has had to deal with." she said. "What about the married ones? It didn't stop when we got married." Andrea asked. "Yes dear, the married ones too. The only time it stops, is when you're pregnant, or when you get a lot older.... What did you and Nick do for birth control anyway?" Sheila asked. "Birth control? What's that?" Amy asked. "Oh, my god. You never did anything to keep from getting pregnant?" Sheila asked. The girls shook their heads. "Candice either?" Again they shook their heads. "Well, looks like you were very lucky. Nick was probably shooting blanks. If it was just you girls, then it could be something wrong, but if it was Candice too, then it's probably Nick. Easy to tell. I'll just take Alice and Candice to my gynecologist when we're in San Francisco." Sheila said. "What's a gynecologist." Andrea asked. "A special doctor that only looks at your privates." Sheila explained. Alice looked scared. "Don't worry dear. It's okay. I have a woman Gynecologist." Sheila said. "Will you be there?" Alice asked. "I think I can arrange that. I think I can get some better drawings for Cindy too." Sheila chuckled. They were all gathered around the big table in the kitchen. Being all together it looked like quite a crowd. John sat at the head. Cindy and Candice served the lunch that Candice had started on and Cindy completed. Over lunch they chatted amongst themselves. Finally, everybody was fed and getting restless. John stood up and surveyed his lovelies. A sense of fear sort of gripped him. There was so *many* of them, and they were all gorgeous! He forged on. "It's not so often that I get to see you all at once. Now that I do, I'm a little bit overwhelmed at my good fortune. You are all lovely. You are all good people. I don't know what I've done to deserve this... but here I am, and here you are. Which brings me to the first subject; Sheila. Sheila has graciously consented to join us, both as CEO of Second Skin Inc., and more close to home, to be a member of our little group. Her salary, until Second Skin is actually incorporated, will be paid by me... or rather us. As she is putting up some of her own money to get things started. I'm well to do, but it's been an expensive month for me. Sheila's contribution will make it easier on me to insure we have food on the table and materials for construction here, as well as working capital for Second Skin Inc. The amount of her salary, is five percent of sales, to be re-negotiated when sales exceed ten million dollars annually. That sounds like a lot. But until she makes the company that big, it's not. When she does, she'll be well worth it. I've decided in the interest of time, to go ahead with the incorporation of Second Skin. Listing myself and Sheila as officers, in escrow, for Cindy and Theresa. What that means, is that we can get started now, without having to wait for their eighteenth birthdays, while at the same time insuring their money will go to them when they're old enough... legally that is. As far as I'm concerned they're both responsible adults. The law doesn't see it that way, so this is the way we do it. I know this sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but I just want to be certain that there isn't any misunderstanding in the future. The company is Cindy's and Theresa's. It was their idea. It's their company. This just gets things started now. Okay, next: Candice, Amy, Alice and Andrea. You've just come into our lives. We didn't expect you, but none of us wants to turn you away either. Fact is that we're all in love with all of you already. I expect that love to grow as time goes on. Cindy and Theresa have been my cooks up till now. But I expect that to change as they get too busy. As such, and because she seems hell bent on doing it anyway, I'd like to also hire Candice as a cook. At least she should get paid for it if she's going to do it. For the record, I have no objection to my present cooks. They've served me outstandingly. They are my dear friends and lovers. I expect that to continue. At least I hope it will. Theresa has stated her intention of going off to college when she is of age. I hope she does. I hope Cindy does too. Theresa has indicated it is her wish to meet someone closer to her age and settle down to raise kids. I wish her the very best in this. She will always be welcome in my home and bed anyway. I'm just going over this now because all of you may not know it. And I want things clear between all of us. Sheila has recommended, and both Cindy and Theresa have accepted the recommendation, that we hire Candice, Amy, Andrea and Alice as models for Second Skin. I think that's an outstanding idea. Until that gets up to steam, Candice and the girls will be working upon some new additions to the silo. Specifically, their rooms. In addition to that it's been brought to my attention that their educational opportunities have been limited up till now. I can *guarantee* that will change. I want each of us to help tutor them whenever we can. If you're doing something that can wait, put it aside. Their education's are of tantamount importance as far as I'm concerned. To you girls, I want to say this. Do not feel ashamed over your lack of learning. You are not dumb, not a single one of you. You've just not been given the opportunity to learn. Now you will be. If you don't take that opportunity, then *that's* dumb. I know we all feel the same way about this. Don't be afraid to ask any of us anything. Not asking only fosters ignorance. That said.. about your relationships with us. All of the previous members of our little tribe here are agreed that we think you are all adorable. At this point I don't think there's any one of us that hasn't made love with all of you. I haven't had intercourse with Amy or Andrea yet, but if they want to, then that can be remedied in the next few days. My point to all of you, is that nobody is forcing any of you to be involved in this relationship. If you want to, then you are welcome in it. It's not a condition of your employment, it's not a condition of your residence here. You are now all free women. The matter with Nick is settled. I have his divorce decree in my safe, for it's protection. But it's yours. You *are* free women. You are free to choose whatever lives you wish to live. If you do not wish to be a part of this, then just let me know. I will help you get established elsewhere. This goes for each and every one of you. Don't do something you don't want to do because someone else is. Make up your own minds about this. Okay, Sheila has made a very good point concerning my welfare. As such, beginning immediately, I'm charging all of you who stay here rent." (There was a stirring around the table and many shocked looks.) John continued: "Don't get me wrong. Nobody's going to get evicted for not paying it. You all have salaries now. It will be a modest amount, not even enough to cover food really. I'll just deduct it from your salaries. The purpose of all this, is that if, for any reason, the law ever comes knocking at the door, then you are all *tenants*, not girl friends. It makes it a lot easier on me if I ever have to stand in front of a judge. The same thing goes for you girls education. If you are all studying, and can all pass your GED exams then things will go easier on me. If nothing else, *I* will feel better about it. It's my intention that you should all attend college someday too. As soon as possible. "I know that at times I'm not an easy man to live with. At times everybody gets on everybody's nerves. But I think we have a very good thing going here. I don't want to lose a single one of you. "But facts are facts. I am only one man. I have limited abilities.. both mentally, and sexually. There are seven of you, and only one of me. Two of you have been with me for over a year now. Fact is that I owe them my allegiance. They have squatters rights, if nothing else. That does not mean that they have a monopoly on my time. But it does mean that I feel I need to give them a larger portion of my attention. I'm not saying that I'm not going to divide myself up. I'm not saying that they get two for every one you others get. But at the same time I want it understood just where they stand. I don't want any hard feelings in the future because I may choose to make love with one of them twice in a row. "In order of arrival, it's Theresa, Cindy, Sheila and then the four new comers.. equally. Luckily, you girls all seem to have each other as well to keep each other satisfied. I will try to be fair in my affections, but I may not always be. That's just the way it is. Okay, comments? Questions?" John concluded. Cindy stood up: "Just this. My main affection, is John. It will always be John. Theresa and I have been friends and lovers for longer, but I know she understands. I know she feels the same way. I have developed a special attraction to each and every one of you. I love you all dearly. But mostly I love John. He's the reason we are all here today. He's the reason why we all are going to get rich. Hell he's the reason we all have a future at all. With the possible exception of Sheila, whom I know has her own special affection for John. In her case it's not so much financial support, as his understanding. "That understanding is important to us all. It's that understanding that overcame Theresa's and my jealousy over each other and him. When what we all wanted, was each other. And that's mainly what we all want now; Each other. Each of us wants each and every one of the others in our lives. It's understanding of that fact that makes it all possible. It all started with John's generosity, compassion and understanding and I don't ever want any of us to forget that. If there is one thing that I have learned living here, it's that jealousy is rooted in insecurity. Jealousy is the only thing that could tear us apart. We all have to watch ourselves closely. If you start feeling jealous, lets talk about it. I know that John has stated that he owes an allegiance to Theresa and I first. I'm not about to hold him to that. The one major thing that I want, is John's happiness. If that means that he takes a special interest in any one of you, then that's just fine with me. "I've made mistakes over this in the past, but I hope I've learned my lesson. Because every time I got jealous over what John was doing, it turned out that what he was really doing, was helping another person. Just like he helped me. Just like he's helped us all and is still helping us all. "He has my blessing to do whatever he pleases. Because I know, in my heart, that whatever he does, it's the right thing to do. It's the way that people *should* treat each other. If I'd leaned this before, then John would have been free to make love with Sheila when he first met her. He would have been free to make the life of a homeless girl in New York better for her without having to ask our permission. "He has my total devotion, my confidence and all my love. I will love him till the day I die." Cindy concluded, tears streaming down her cheeks. Theresa hugged her, then stood up. John looked *very* uncomfortable. "I agree 100% with Cindy. It took me longer to realize that what she's said is true. I was first in love with Cindy. She's been my dearest friend. My only friend at times. I wouldn't be alive today if it hadn't been for her love and understanding. The same goes for John. I probably wouldn't be alive today if I hadn't met him when I did. My life was pretty ugly. If I were alive, I'd probably be living on the street somewhere. I damn sure wouldn't be living in a luxury home talking about how rich I was going to be. Or talking about going off to college, meeting a husband and raising kids. "I don't ever want to lose what I've found here. You are my family. The family I never had much of. A far better family than I ever had. "When I arrived here, I was cold and hungry and abused. I know the same applies to many of you here. John took me in and gave me shelter, warmth, compassion, protection and understanding. He's taken me from being an illiterate little shit who didn't give a shit about herself or anybody else. To being an educated... well to do person. "He's taught me the value of work. The value of compassion and understanding. And most of all the value of ethics. Because more than anything else, he's an ethical man. John embodies the principle of ethics. For you who don't know the word yet, ethics is when you are good when nobody's looking. John is always good. Whether or not anybody's looking. "He has my deepest love, my gratitude and my utmost respect." Theresa finished, also teary eyed. At this point there were no dry eyes around the table. "Wait a minute. I didn't intend for this to become a testimonial meeting. I just wanted to clear a few things up." John began. "Hush up! Nobody asked you." said Sheila, "There's things that need to be said and we're going to say them! You wanted to clear things up, well this will do it. If everybody knows how everybody feels!" John shut up. Sheila stood. "Now I'm really a new comer here myself. I only arrived a little over a week before you girls. But I met John over a month ago. "As a new comer, I may see some things that others don't, because they are too close. But I don't see anything wrong here. "We all come from some sort of abusive background. I didn't have to suffer the financial poverty that many of you did. But I suffered in other ways. My whole life has been a search for someone like John. "I was married before. But I had a yen for female companionship too. My husband didn't take to kindly to this. Sometimes he took it pretty hard and took it out on me. I divorced him because of that. But afterwards I was a lost soul in the world. I've a few close friends, who are also occasional lovers. I've been lucky in that. We all were. "We all have a yen for female companionship. Theresa and Cindy found each other. You girls have Candice, whom I know has been a good friend to you as well as being a substitute for the mother you never knew. Don't judge her too harshly that sometimes the two roles didn't mix. Sometimes I'm sure it seemed like she wasn't being a friend to you, because she was being a mother. Now that you girls are pretty well grown up, her role as mother is diminishing. It's now. that she needs your friendship. We all need each other. And that's the simple truth. "But mostly we need John. Because he's the one that made all this possible. "We are all lovely women. We are free to live our lives as we please. But that freedom doesn't mean that the world is going to let us live our lives as we please. We all love making love to women as well as John. The world doesn't like that. I know, I've spent a good portion of my adult life looking around for a place where they did. The closest I'd found before, was San Francisco. But even that isn't like it is here. No where close. "In my whole life, I have never felt the love and understanding that I have felt since the very first moment I met John. "John's a tricky little devil at times. He met me... well, he sought me out, he came into what was a hostile environment for him; a lesbian bar. He was attacked verbally by a woman who thought of him as the enemy. In reality he's her biggest ally. Because in him is the embodiment of understanding. His reply to her was correct. She said: 'you're not our kind' and he replied: 'you are right, *you* are not my kind.' "From that moment on, I *wanted* to be involved with John. I chased after him when he left. We had a drink at another, friendlier bar. It was the first time in my life that I ever talked to an understanding man! That night I asked to sleep with him. He accepted. We didn't have sex, because *he* wouldn't, because of that allegiance he felt for Cindy and Theresa. Who at that moment were many hundreds of miles away. What Theresa said about ethics; that's exactly what she was talking about. John could have had sex with me that night. I think he wanted to. If his physical indicators are any judge then I know he wanted to. But he didn't. and he didn't because of his ethics. Not because it would make someone proud of him, although it did. Me for one. I know Theresa and Cindy as well. But that's not why he didn't. He didn't because he felt it would have been unethical of him to do so. "Now John was afraid to become involved with me. But he had a dilemma. He thought I was the right person for this job they've just granted me. I think he's right about that. I am the best person for it. I've lived my whole professional life serving my apprentice for just such a job. I can't deny it's the opportunity of a lifetime for me, but I'm also the best person because what I've done in the past has prepared me for it. "Another person wouldn't have given me that opportunity. Because I'm female. Most of those positions in the world, are almost always given to males. He didn't give a shit about that. He wanted the best person for the job. I just happened to be female. I don't think.. In fact I highly doubt that he had any intention of becoming involved with me romantically. But then he saw something on my dossier that he felt gave an even greater opportunity. It stated that I had an inclination towards women. "He felt that perhaps if the girls got to know me first, with him not around, that maybe we'd all have a better working relationship. He let us find out for ourselves just how we'd work out together. He let me convince the girls by myself that I was the best person for the job. Coincidentally, we all fell in love with one another. "Now our little ruse didn't fool Cindy here. Who is one savvy person. She saw just a few.... unanswered questions, because they weren't untruths. But she had to answer them. In the process she discovered John's little scheme. Now that almost ruined things. But when she questioned me about it, I told her everything. Because I didn't fall in love with them to get the job. I fell in love with them because they were worth loving. I didn't want the job because I loved John. I wanted the job because it was good for me and I was good for it. I didn't fall in love with John because of the job, or because of the girls. I fell in love with him because he was worth loving. "Now the reason that I am still here, is because of that understanding that Cindy was talking about. It's because I told her clearly that I loved John, and why I loved John. And she understood! I also told them that I loved them, and that is true. And she understood that. Now What I've gained here is a value beyond measure. It's not just a good job. It's the understanding and love and friendship that I've found in no other place in the world. And that is priceless. The fact that we all will get rich while sharing that is just a bonus to me. "You all have my deepest love and understanding. Most of all John. Because that's where it all begins and ends. If it weren't for him, none of this would be possible for any of us. That's exactly how I feel." Sheila concluded. The girls were all weeping. John too. He thought it was over, but Candice stood up. "You all know that we owe our lives to John and the rest of you. I can't ever begin to repay that debt. But I owe all of you another debt. For the first time in my life I feel loved. True, honest, *real* love. Not the love that one's supposed to give another because of one's circumstance, but love that is truly felt and expressed. "Now I've listened to John talk about pecking order, which I guess will always exist anywhere. And I've heard Cindy talk about how that didn't mean anything to her, and I believe her. Because for the first time in my life, *love doesn't hurt*. I want to be a part of this forever. I'm more than willing to be whatever part of it I'm allowed to be. Even if there were a strict pecking order and I was on the very bottom. I would still want to be a part of it, because making love with any one of you is more than I've ever known before. "I know in some ways us girls are backwards folk. But I believe in the words John said. And given the opportunity, I promise I will do my very best to learn all I can. Because I believe that the reason all this is possible, is from the understanding that you all have talked about. And the root of understanding, is knowledge. It's the knowing that makes understanding. I want to *know*. "Before I met you folks I didn't know what an orgasm was. Nobody ever cared enough to give me one. Now I know.. it's great. But the feeling you get when you give one is even greater. "And I appreciate the words that Sheila has said about my being both a friend and a mother to the girls. I had to be. But more than that, I wanted to be. Cause in a way they was the young'ns that I never had too. I hope that they can see that. I hope that now they have grown that I can be their friend. Cause I always wanted to be, but as Sheila said, sometimes the two didn't mix and I had to be more mother than friend. I hope you understand that I just wanted to do right by you. "Now I want to thank all you ladies. Cause I thought I was alone in the world. I've always had a special feeling for women folk. Mostly it wasn't very welcome. I guess sometimes I kind of forced my feelings upon the girls. I'm sorry for that. I didn't even know myself what I was doing or why. In some ways I just wanted to give you the love you wasn't getting from Nick. In other ways I was selfish, wanting that love from you that I wasn't getting from him. But I always loved you. From the first moment I laid eyes on you. I fell in love that first day. I didn't know what that meant until we came here. All's I can hope for is that you love me too. "Now I'm extra grateful to John for saving our lives, more than once, I'm sure. He may have said nothin happened when he went back to Nick's, but I know Nick better than that. I know John risked his life again making us free women. He had to do it cause of his ethics. Nick never gave no thought to no ethics. So I know he tried to cause trouble. Unless you killed him, he still might. But there's no place on earth that I'd feel safer than right here. With John protecting us. "That's not the only reason that I love him. But it's a good one by itself. "Now you tell us that we got jobs. I can't thank you enough for that either. A person's got to feel they have worth to the world. I can see that in every one of you. You all *feel* that purpose. I was feeling kind of left out about that. That's one reason why I was trying to cook so much. I didn't want to be beholding to anyone. But I know I am to everyone of you. I'll try to make that up to you in any way I can. "I don't feel like no fashion model, but you girls tell me that I can be. I think you're just being nice in my case. I understand about the triplets though. I think they'd make great fashion models. The best. "I love all of you dearly. More dearly than you may ever know. I'm grateful to all of you for what you've done for us. I want to have the chance to give back all the love I felt since I got here." Candice concluded. Tears streaming from her eyes. All the others were freely crying, including John. John started to get up, but Alice stood. "Now I know that you all didn't expect me to speak. But I want to cause I've got something that's got to be said." she said. The others nodded to her to continue. "Now I don't know if the others want to speak after me, but I know that I feel like they do. In some ways we're of one mind. In some ways not, so if they got anything to add afterwards it's okay by me. Anyway, I know that I feel like they do, in some ways maybe a little more, but that's just cause I got to be first with John and Sheila. "I know that sometimes we may seem like kids, but maybe that's because we didn't get much of a chance to be kids when everybody else was being one. We been shuttled around back and forth so many times I don't remember. "Each time we had to learn a new set of rules to learn. And then we just barely came of bleeding age when Nick was demanding of us that we be women. But now we are growed up. And you tell us we are free women. That means that we get to choose where and how we want to live. I'm thankful to you for that. "I know Nick like Candice does. He wouldn't bat an eye at causing trouble. It says a lot for you that you got back alive. Cause I know Nick would just as likely shoot you as spit. He's done it before. They's a spot on the corner of his land got more than one body in it. "Anyway.. now that we's free women, we got to decide how and where we are going to live. I can't think of anyplace else I'd rather be. Not that I've got much understanding of the world, but from what I hear from you folk, it ain't any better and someplaces are a whole lot worse. ... I don't mean to make it sound like this is a bad place. Cause I don't feel that at all. In all the places we been and everybody we've known, the last few days have been the best." Alice said. She stalled. Then to every one's amazement she stripped off her blouse and pushed her shorts down. "This here's my body. Now I can do this cause you all seen it before. I like it when you have. I like it when I get to see yours. But my point is that this is *my* body. And nobody ever told me before how it worked. Now I'm just beginning to understand what it means to be a woman. You all done that for me. "John made me a real woman last night. For the first time in my life I felt the love of a man. I don't mean the lust of a man. I mean the love. I felt the lust before many times. It was ugly. Last night wasn't ugly. It was the most beautiful thing ever happened to me. And then I got to hold Sheila in my arms while John made love with her. I got to see that there was more to it than just rubbing cause it feels good. They looked into each other's eyes and there was joy there. I never seen joy before. I heard the word, but never seen it. It was something that I want to see again and again. It was something that I want to feel myself. It was something that I want my sisters to feel. "I don't know of no place else where I can do that. I don't know of no place else where I could stand before all of you naked and not feel ashamed. I don't want to feel ashamed. I want to stay here!" Alice said, busting out into tears. Theresa was closest and pulled her into her lap. John looked to the other two girls. Who were weeping almost as hard as Alice. Andrea stood up. "I don't have much to add... mostly just to say that I agree with Alice and what's been said before. "Like she said, nobody ever told us how our bodies worked before. We always thought we just had the woman's curse like it said in the bible. But Cindy said: 'We've got newer books now.' Well this makes lots of sense to me. John says that we can learn here. That's what I want to do. But more than just learning. I want to know all the love you folks got here. It ain't like anyplace we ever lived before. "John made Alice into a woman last night. If he'll have me, I want him to do the same thing for me... now Cindy told us ... well, us girls got our periods today. And Cindy says that while you might not care, that it can be messy. I know that's true cause Nick didn't care one way or the other. Anyway I'm contented to wait for a few days. I know John's been through some kind of hard loving time that I can't even imagine. So he needs some time to get his strength back. Maybe this time for Amy and I will be a good rest for him or that he can use it to make up for some of the loving that he's not been able to give Theresa and Cindy. Anyway is fine with me. I'd wait ten years, but I want him as my man. .... "Now I heard you girls talking about how women loving women wasn't too welcome to most the world. I don't know why that would be, but I gotta accept your word on it. I do know that when we came here it was the first time we ever felt true loving of any sort. I don't fault Candice at all. You gotta know what it is before you can share it. I'm looking forward to sharing it with her or anybody else here that wants me. I know it was hard on Candice having to be both Ma and girlfriend to us. Now that we've grown up I'd like very much if she'd stay our girlfriend. "That's about it, cept to say like Alice. I want to stay here, if you'll have me." Andrea concluded. Amy jumped to her feet, almost enthusiastically. "Not much else to say... cept... "Awe.. I love you all. I thank you for my life and my happiness. Didn't have much of either before. Cept Candice. I always knew she loved me. I always knew she loved the others too. When she says she forced her love on us... well, not on me. It never felt that way. I always wanted to please her too. We just didn't know how. Now we do. Near as I can tell there's no place else we were likely to learn that. "If'n you'll let us stay, I promise that we'll study hard. Cause like you all said, it's knowledge what makes it all possible. But I know that's not all. It's love makes it all possible. I think that all starts with John, like everybody says. Cause it's obvious that we all love him. I'd be proud to be his woman if he'll have me. I'd be proud to love anyone of you. And I'd be willing to show it right now to anyone who's interested. But maybe... if you want to wait till our bleeding times past.. that's fine. I understand. Anytime's fine by me. "I hope that you will all have us. Cause we really want to stay. "That's all I have to say." Amy said, tears rolling off her cheeks. She was wobbly on her feet as she tried to sit. John pulled her into his lap and she shuddered. "Okay.. you've all said your piece. Now it's my turn again. "You are *all* welcome to stay as long as you wish. You will always be welcome in my life, my home or my bed. "I've never known a finer group of people in my whole life. I consider it just coincidence that you are all women. I don't know how much or for how long I can give you a man's love. But what I've got is yours. Everything I have is yours. "I think ... no I know.... "Once before here, when Theresa and Cindy and I finally got together. We made it through a sort of trying time. When we did, our love for each other got stronger. That's when we became a family. "Now today, that family just got a lot bigger. We are a family. If the laws would allow it I'd shout it from the highest mountain top. I'd marry each and every one of you in a heart beat. But the law won't allow that. So I can't. And I'm not sure that that's an answer. Cause somehow when you get that piece of paper that tells you you're married, no matter what, people somehow forget what made them want to be married in the first place. I don't ever want that to happen. I love all of you with all my heart. I want to make love to all of you until the day I die. I'm just sorry that that will be sooner for me than for most of you. You'll have to go through that with me just cause of my age. But I'm not going to fight it anymore. "I once said to Cindy that people of a different age thought differently. Now I know that's not really true. Cause all of you today have told me that you are of a like mind. "I once also believed that my age would keep me from satisfying you. I no longer believe that either. In the past week I've made love more times than I did in years before. Many years. I think that maybe that's a myth that comes from men living with women who lose interest in sex. The body has simple rules. One of them is use it or lose it. The more I use it, the more I find I can. "Now one thing I want to make clear for you girls who probably don't know. You *can't* have children by me. I had my tubes cut. And while that's not 100% effective all the time for everybody, so far it's been tested real hard by two really frisky women for over a year. So it's safe to say that it's highly unlikely that I'll ever get one of you pregnant. "Now I know that some of you may want to have kids in the future. I'll understand if you need to move on. But I'll not drive you out or try to persuade you to leave to do that. You are all welcome to stay as long as you like. "Now that the mushy stuff is all clear and in the open. I think we need to get on with making this all work. Now that we all have a purpose. I think we need to apply ourselves to that. That means getting busy with our lives. "We're all going to be stinking rich. That gives us all more freedom to live the way we want to. Which is what all of us have expressed an interest in today. The way we seem to want to live, is by loving each other. I can't think of a better way to live. So lets get on with it! This meeting is adjourned. I think you all should find somebody to kiss. I've got mine." John concluded. His lips descended upon Amy's. Everyone else seemed to find whomever was closest. The sexual energy in the room could have launched a space shuttle. John softly caressed Amy's breast as he kissed her. Then he released her as there was a line forming. One by one they each sat in his lap and he kissed them and fondled their breast. Those waiting in line didn't seem bored as they hugged and kissed each other. Cindy was the last to sit in his lap. "Pretty nice family you've got here... gramps." she teased. "Gramps! You just wait till tomorrow. I'll have your knickers off faster than a speeding bullet." he said. "I'd happily wait until their were no tomorrow's." she said, moving her lips to his. He didn't neglect her lovely breasts. His manhood strained at his trousers. "Better go help Theresa if Sheila's gonna make her flight." he said. Cindy nodded and kissed him hard once more. John spotted Andrea he swept her off her feet into his arms. "Lets go make you a woman. Somebody find us some towels! Amy, you're next, best come on cause I'm feeling feisty." he said. Cindy had some hurried words with Sheila who smiled and nodded. Sheila went off to call the helicopter service and the travel agent to postpone the flight one more day. Then all of them gathered round in the master bedroom for the girls initiation. Messy or not, the girls weren't ready for the onslaught of love that showered upon them. Andrea was lost in a wash of endorphins already when her first orgasm of womanhood broke upon her tender body. Then she was caressed by a dozen hands till she slept. Amy's initiation went much the same. Then John grabbed Cindy. This time he didn't hold back when their mutual orgasm broke. Cindy got to feel the feeling she'd been longing for. Next came Theresa... then Sheila, then Candice and then Alice. He didn't disappoint a single one of them. Then he slept. Cindy inserted tampons into the sleeping Amy and Andrea. Then the rest of the women went for a swim, leaving Amy and Andrea snuggled to their man. Alice now felt like one of the girls. Tagging along with the older -but not much in some cases- women. Giggling and talking about how their man had pleased them. Theresa and Alice swam about as Cindy and Sheila explained to Candice what Cindy had explained to the triplets earlier. Then the two from the pool joined them and it kind of became a show and tell session. With Sheila climbing on the table and opening her legs for Candice and Alice to see while Cindy pointed and explained where things were, and how they worked. Cindy got mischievous and gave them a lesson in cunnilingus. Then Alice said: "Let's see if I've got it right." She moved in and proved she definitely did. Candice practiced upon Theresa, proving she did too. Then Sheila and Cindy both teased poor Alice into oblivion. Lastly Sheila and Cindy shared a very special session together. Perhaps because, despite all that had been said, they knew that they were John's favorites. Upstairs, when Alice had experienced her onslaught at the hands of Cindy and Sheila, Amy and Andrea had stirred next to their man. They smiled at each other in understanding. Each shivering a bit. They shared a gentle kiss and then snuggled to their man. As Alice slipped away, so did they. Chapter 58 Amid many tears Sheila and the girls made their flight the next day. The pilot who had brought her in got a much different perspective. This woman, who's demeanor had said: MONEY when he had flown her in, now oozed with a different sort of energy. Now it was not only money, but some hidden power he didn't even have a label for. The two women with her, actually a woman and a girl, were both outstandingly beautiful. They had obviously never flown before and the older woman held their hands as he lifted off. Then after a while they were chatting away wildly in his headphones. Something about a family. Strangest family the pilot had ever encountered. Four other girls and Mr. Stevens had seen them off. The pilot wasn't about to cause trouble for him. Mr. Stevens was fast becoming one of his best accounts. Even if he did reschedule a lot. Besides, the pilot had *never* seen a happier family in all his life. The only thing that didn't add up were their ages. Mr. Stevens could have been five of the girls father. But not the two older women, or at least one of them. If he'd started young, he could have been the father of the mid- twenties woman. Neither of them seemed old enough to be the girls mother. One was in her mid twenties and the older one couldn't possibly logistically have two seventeen year olds and three sixteen year olds. He guessed that it was some sort of combined families where each side had kids. Stevens was old enough to be father to them all except the older woman. The pilot got confused thinking about it. He just wished he could find that much happiness in his own family. When he set down at the airport, it was ahead of schedule. He shut down and helped transfer the bags. Then he turned to the woman. "Excuse me Ma'am. I don't mean to pry. It's just that you've got the oddest family I ever saw. I don't mean that badly, cause it seems to be the happiest one I ever saw too. But I can't figure who's who. You couldn't be mother to them all, it ain't possible." he said. "No. None of us is related by blood except the triplets. The kids are all adopted. We sort of adopted each other. You might say." Sheila said, thinking fast. "That's great. I just wish I could make my family that happy. Any suggestions?" he asked. "Yes... First off. Love them. They are the most important thing in your life. Let them know that. Teach them understanding for other peoples points of view. Teach them self respect and self worth. The value of work and above all *ethics*. Let them grow at their own pace. Don't try to mold them into what you want them to be. And again, love them." Sheila said. "That's a pretty tall order." said the pilot. "That's John Stevens." she replied. "And he cares for all those kids that way?" he asked. "Every one of them." Sheila responded. "Wow. He ought to get some kind of award." he said. "No, please. Any publicity would spoil it. Some of the girls... well, they came from abusive backgrounds, all of them in fact. But some of them have some not very nice people trying to find them. Any publicity would actually be dangerous for them." Sheila said. "I understand. But that kind of generosity should be rewarded." the pilot said. "Can you think of any better reward than the look on that girls face?" Sheila asked. "No Ma'am, I can't. Don't worry. I won't tell a soul. I'm just proud of Mr. Stevens." the pilot said, sincerely. "We all are. We all are. Uh, listen. We've got a business venture going that's bound to get pretty big. I think you can look forward to lots of business from us. But the bigger it gets, the harder it's going to be to retain our privacy. You could help that. It's important to the girls future." Sheila said. "I understand. You can count on me. How big you talking?" asked the pilot. "Oh, I fully expect about 250 million in sales a year." Sheila said. "A quarter billion! Can I get in on it?" he asked. "Well, insider trading is illegal, but I can promise you we'll inform you of the first public offering." Sheila chuckled. "I'd be much obliged. Can I ask what sort of business it is?" he asked. Sheila smiled. She pulled back her coat and let him see her custom jump suit. The Pilots eyes almost jumped out of his head. "We custom make these, or any other pattern you'd wish. You can *see* that they fit perfectly. This one actually retains my body heat for me. I'm not cold at all. While you stand there shivering. Perhaps not *all* from the cold." Sheila giggled. "Wow! You'll sell millions of them! But I'll bet they're expensive." he said. "Well, to start off with. We're aiming at the high end fashion market to start off. But after we claim that market, or a good sized share of it, we'll start working down. We're already working on ways to make the process cheaper and faster. But to give you an idea, this outfit took just an hour to make." she said. "Really? Wow. That's incredible.... You know the first time I saw you, two weeks ago, I said to myself: That lady's going places." the pilot said. "Well right now, I'm going to San Francisco, to get this all started. So if you'll excuse me. And.. Please. Our privacy if very precious to us. If you can help us retain it I promise we'd make it worth your while." she said. "Of course. I understand. And good luck to you. I'm just thrilled that those kids will have a better future than past." he said, sincerely. "Thank you. I can guarantee that. Good-bye." Sheila said, joining Alice and Candice in the jetway. "What was all that about?" Candice asked. "Oh, just overcoming one of the many obstacles were going to encounter to try to keep us all together. He was asking about how our family could have such odd ages. So I told him you girls were all adopted. That we all adopted each other. Which is true. Then I distracted him with my outfit and dangled the carrot of prosperity in front of him. I can almost guarantee we won't have any trouble out of him." Sheila chuckled. "There's so much in the world I need to learn." Candice said. "Oh, it will come with time. Just enjoy the time as it passes. Shall we get on board the plane?" Sheila asked. "What about our luggage?" Candice asked. "Already on board. Just ourselves and this small bag to worry about." Sheila said. "Wow, that's service." Candice said. "That's the freedom that money brings." Sheila said, taking Alice's hand and leading her towards the plane. Their boarding passes were at the counter. Chapter 59 Amy and Andrea got a little apprehensive just about the time that Sheila, Candice and Alice lifted off. But then they were fine. "How about some lunch?" John asked Cindy and Theresa. "Hires a new cook and then gives her a two weeks paid vacation. I think we got shafted, Theresa." Cindy chucked. "I'll say! Felt great too." Theresa giggled. "You know, your sense of humor gets more like John's every day." Cindy said. "Why thank you. That's very nice of you to say." Theresa said. "It wasn't a compliment." Cindy giggled. "Just for that, I'll remind you that it's your turn. Come on John. You were going to tell me about them Pirates." Theresa said. "Well here I was, walking down the street minding my own business when this guy with an eye patch jumps out in front of me...." John began, taking Theresa's arm. Cindy looked after them and smiled. The two girls looked longing towards the receding couple and torn between them and helping Cindy. "Go on. John does tell an interesting story, but his facts are much stranger than fiction." Cindy giggled, shooing the girls out. They giggled and kissed her, then ran after John and Theresa. A little while later Cindy carried a tray of sandwiches and drinks into the Com room. John was lying on the triple chaise with Theresa by his side. The two girls sitting cross legged on the end, listening in rapt attention. "...So I used the piece of broken glass to cut my way through the tent. Then I crept quietly down to the shoreline. There, I only found a dried out tree. I dragged it with all my strength into the mild surf and paddled my way out to sea.... Oh good, lunch." John said. "Has he been at that story all this time?" Cindy asked. "Yup! You missed the parts about raping the camels and servicing the harems. He should be a writer." Theresa chuckled. "So you didn't really do all that?" asked Amy, in disappointment. "No dear, just a story I made up to save my butt when I came back from New York looking like a zombie and couldn't make love." John said, leaning to kiss her softly. "Couldn't make love? Try barely breathing!" Theresa chuckled. "My cardio-vascular system was in fine shape." John said. "I'll say, probably blew all kinds of crap out of the pipes." Cindy chuckled. "But I don't understand. Why couldn't you make love? What exactly happened to you in New York? I keep hearing things about it, but nobody's ever told me what happened." Andrea said. "Oh not much." John said. "Where's all that honesty you promised them. Andrea, you should be very proud of this man. Since last Saturday night, he's made love over forty times. Forty-three by my count. And still managed to make you a woman yesterday." Cindy said. "Honestly?" Andrea asked. "Honestly!" Cindy chuckled. Andrea was beaming at Cindy. She hugged her round the waist. "You recognized me." she giggled. "Easier with just two of you here." Cindy giggled, bending to kiss her. "But who did he make all this love too?" Amy asked. "We never met her. Just a girl in New York. But thirteen of those times were right here. To us." Theresa said. Amy and Andrea seemed thoughtful. "That's a lot more than" "Nick ever did." "And he wasn't near" "as nice about it." they said. "Stereo." said John, chuckling. "Girls, Sheila and I were wondering.... Do you *feel* each other's orgasms?" Cindy asked, out of the blue. "Sometimes... Not really feel them though. We just feel good." "But if we're close enough." "We can sort of" "feel them." Andrea started and they both finished. "Well, would you do me a favor?" Cindy asked. "Sure!" "Anything." they replied. "Well, if you feel like Alice is feeling something good, would you write down the time and day it is?" Cindy asked. "Sure!" "Be glad to!" they replied. "What do you feel about her right now?" Theresa asked. The girls closed their eyes, and then opened them and looked each other in the eye for a moment. "She's a little " "nervous." they said. John looked at his watch and then over at a copy of Sheila's flight plan laying on the counter. "Just about to land at SFO." he said. "That would explain her nervousness, I guess. I've never flown." Cindy said. "It would. Even the most seasoned flyer gets a little nervous about the landings. Some don't like the takeoffs either, but personally I find them exhilarating." John said. "I'd love to take a trip on an airplane." Theresa said. "Remember you said that when you're flying all over the place for Second Skin." John chuckled. "You think I will? What for?" Theresa asked. "Darling, Sheila's not going to be doing all this by herself. You'll be going out to oversee a new salon set up. Probably you into one town while Cindy goes to another and Sheila goes to yet another. And then for the shows, like fashion week in New York, you'll probably all fly there. Me too likely." John said. "You just want to get back to that red headed tart." Cindy giggled. "She's no more a tart than you are." John said. "Like I said." Cindy said. "What's a tart?" Amy asked. "Several things. One, it means something sort of sour, like lemonade. Two, it's a small sweet pastry. And *Three*, it's a slang term, or other name for a prostitute." John said. "What's a prostitute?" Andrea asked. "It's a woman who sells sex for money." Theresa said. "You can get *paid* for it?" Amy asked. "Well, sort of. But you can't really choose who you want to do it with. Prostitutes usually do it initially cause they're hungry. Then they get stuck doing it. It's not generally a very good thing." John said. "I didn't mean that she was a prostitute. I always thought the word meant, A woman of easy virtue." Cindy said. "That, neither of you are." John said. "We both fell for you easily enough." Cindy said. "Well, that's different. I'm easy to fall for." John said, chuckling. "Yes you are." Cindy said, softly. "Ditto!" Theresa said. "What's ditto mean?" Amy asked. "It means I feel the same way." Theresa told her. "Oh, Ditto!" Amy said. "Ditto!" Andrea said. "Well, now that that's settled." John chuckled. Andrea and Amy suddenly looked at each other concerned. "What's wrong?" Cindy asked. "Alice just got real scared." Amy answered. "But it's getting better." Andrea said. "Touch down. Mark the time." John said. Cindy got an index card out and recorded the time. It matched almost exactly with the arrival time listed on the schedule, adjusted for time zones. "Can you girls send messages to each other?" John asked. "Not like words." "But we can send meanings sometimes." they answered. "Like help or something like that?" Theresa asked. "That's easy" "we just know that." they replied. "How long have you girls been able to do this?" John asked. "Most all" "our lives" "but it got stronger" "when Nick first" "took us." they replied. "That makes sense. Many clairvoyant occurrences are related to traumatic experiences." John said. "What's" "clairvoyant?" they asked. "It's the scientific name for what you girls can do. But that's kind of funny, cause science doesn't have a clue about it." John said. "What's" "scientific?" they asked. "Science is the study of how things work. Like what makes rain fall, or what makes rocks a certain color, or how old a rock is, or why grass is green." John said. "Oh... I get it." Amy said. "Ditto!" Andrea said. "Well, you three can continue the lesson. Theresa and I have some outfits to make." Cindy said. "Will you make some" "for us?" Amy and Andrea asked. "Just what we were going to do." Cindy said, leaning to kiss each of them. Theresa came next. Cindy transferred to John, then Theresa moved to him. "Boy, you folks" "sure kiss" "a lot." the two triplets said. "Kissing is one of the nicest things on earth." Cindy said. "Oh, we like" "it too, now." they replied. "But you didn't before?" Theresa asked. "It was okay" "with Candice." "But not" "With Nick." "and Candice wasn't" "very good" "Before" they said. "Well, John's a *great* kisser. Why don't you two practice with him?" Cindy chuckled, taking Theresa by the hand and leading her out. The girls turned to John eagerly. John spread his arms and the two moved to either side of him on the triple chaise. They practiced for a long time. He showed them almost everything he knew about kissing. Alice smiled broadly as she walked off the plane. "I think you'll have a good time here." Sheila said, miss- reading her look. "Oh... probably." Alice said, distracted. "Huh? Where are you girl?" Sheila asked. "I'm sorry. Something real nice is happening to Andrea and Amy." she said. "You can feel them now?" Sheila asked. "Uh huh." Alice said, dreamily. She shivered a bit. "Do you know what it is?" Sheila asked. "I think they're kissing." Alice said. "Each other?" Candice asked. "No... someone else... John, I think." Alice answered. "You best come to your senses girl." Candice started. "No, it's fine. You shouldn't try to keep her from doing something that comes natural to her. I think it's wonderful." Sheila said. "If'n you say so." Candice said. Alice beamed at Sheila. The two of them were thrilled to death with the moving sidewalks in the airport. Then Sheila directed them to baggage pickup. Snagging a cart from a machine. Alice looked around in a dream world. Candice wasn't much different. Then their luggage came out and Sheila snagged the bags as they came off. She guided them to the curb. Unpacking the bags she left Candice to watch them while she pushed the machine into a return. A quarter dropped out. "But you put three in to get it." Alice said. "That was rent for the cart. The quarter return is just an incentive to return the cart." Sheila explained. "Oh... " Alice giggled. "Now what are they doing?" Sheila asked. "Just the same, only... he's sort of tickling them too." Alice said. "You can feel that?" Sheila asked. "Most anything that makes us happy or sad." Alice giggled. "God, it must have been awful for you all when Nick was with one of you." Sheila said. "Oh, not too bad, cause when one of us was with him, the other two would think about nice things for her." Alice said. "That's nice." Sheila said. "Yeah, it made it hurt less.... let's not talk about Nick. I don't want to spoil it for the others." Alice said. "Okay dear." Sheila said, taking her by the hand. Alice snuggled to her side a bit, which was a little embarrassing for Sheila. But she wasn't about to refuse her. She hailed a cab and they loaded the luggage. The trip into town was a wonder. So many big buildings. On the way in, to the left was an area of pastel houses, on the right the bay. Big ships were moored at the piers. It was a fairly sunny day, but cool, as it almost always is by the bay. Sheila sat in the middle and held both their hands as they tried to look two directions at once. Then they got into the City and the girls got a little nervous over the traffic. The cab dropped them off at Sheila's apartment. The girls helped her haul the bags up. Chapter 60 Maj. Sergei Nickolov came on duty and relieved the almost sleeping private. "Any action from site "Q" today?" Sergei asked. "Not of the type we like to watch, a helicopter came and took three of the women away. It landed at a commercial airport." the private reported. "Jet setters." Sergei chuckled, "Which women?" he asked. "One of the triplets, the last dark haired arrival and the big older blonde." the private replied. "Damn, that blonde was one of my favorites. One of the triplets you say? Seems a shame to break up a set like that. Any more action from the man by the mountains?" Sergei asked. "No, he rode his snow machine out to the road, but then went back." said the private. "A joy ride?" "No, I don't think so. He seemed to be looking for something. I think the trail from the cowboy and the girl. The cowboy covered his tracks very effectively. Remember how he rode along the side of the road, keeping to the snow bank? Well when the snow plow came by it covered them. A very sly operator, this *Cowboy*." "Sometimes this is more entertaining than American television." Sergei said, "We could learn much from this *Cowboy*." "I'd like to learn how he attracts such women. Will you record if the girls sunbathe?" asked the private. "Of course. Now go get some sleep." Sergei chuckled, turning to the satellite controls. Since John had bought the silo, the Russians had been keeping an almost constant eye on it. Diverting spy satellite services only when necessary to cover international events. They had been tipped off to activity at the silo in a most profound manner; an electric arc welder had attracted the attention of -long time- automated detection equipment. All hell had broken loose as the automated equipment sounded a missile launch alert. After the first panic they were mostly puzzled by the activity, as the silo was listed as out of service. They had previously watched carefully by satellite when the American Air Force packed the missile off and then a lot of equipment. An on-site inspection team had verified it was empty. Now suddenly there was this new construction going on. By sophisticated spy satellite they watched in amusement as *one,* very ambitious man had done massive drilling into the silo walls, then mounted steel girders to them. He seemed to be subdividing the silo. Perhaps, they thought he was building a secret Biological lab. They kept it on the passive surveillance list, but it was difficult as they could only observe when the launch roof was rolled back and a viewing window existed for the satellites. The quantity of items lowered into the silo caused them to put it on the *active* surveillance list. Government financing was definitely in evidence. They tapped into two of the road sensors the Americans had installed at the end by the main road. These provided a signal to alert local field operatives of any vehicle movement to or from the site. They were watching when the man had a collision with the girl, taking her back to the silo. Limp as a rag doll as he carried her into the hatchway. Infrared satellite readings indicated that the girl was alive, but cold. Oddly, help didn't arrive in the form of a helicopter or anything else. The pair weren't seen for several days. Then the man and a scantily clad girl had taken a tour around the silo property. Then they re-entered and weren't seen again for a long time. Taking just one trip to town to pick up supplies and a vehicle more suitable to the terrain. The girl *returned* to the silo with him. No sight of them for several months, until the man built the tanning roof. Then surveillance duty became very popular, as the girl sunbathed nude quite often. By this time, a dossier had been started on John. Open American records had made the task relatively simple. The silo had been purchased by one *John Stevens*, who until shortly before had been an electronics engineer. His cover story was that he'd hit a lottery. He'd also once worked for a defense contractor, holding a *Top Secret* clearance. The background cover for him had been a masterwork. Divorced, one child. But he never had any further contact with them after buying the silo. That was a flaw in his cover, the Russians thought. They didn't dare try to get close to the silo. Personnel sensors were standard equipment around any such installation. Notified by the satellite team and road sensor taps, operatives shadowed him whenever he went to town for provisions. They observed him purchasing a great deal of electronic equipment. Computers, video equipment and massive quantities of video tape. He was doing something very high tech in the silo, but they didn't have a clue what. When the second girl had arrived, she was driven back to the silo by a long clandestine route. The surveillance duty became even more popular when they both began to nude sunbathe. Then came the lovemaking episodes. As decadent and perverted as their commanders thought these acts, they allowed the satellite observations to continue, because it was very good for morale. (and of course, they had their own copies of many activities tapes.) Suspicion was raised even higher when a U.S. government agency had suddenly called off their own feeble investigation into activities at the silo. Now they gave it a wide berth. The recent arrival of four more women, seemingly out of nowhere. A special flight flew into the silo carrying a woman to prepare for them a week beforehand. This brought the personnel count up to seven women in the silo with the return of *Cowboy* from New York. The private had reported the helicopter ride to his superiors. When the destination was computed from flight path, an operative was at the airport to observe the girls transfer to the San Francisco flight. At SFO another picked up the tail. A computer mole infiltrated the airline computer and determined identities for the women. San Francisco seemed to be a contact point. As *Cowboy* had made a week long visit, making contact with the blonde woman. The tailing operative had wisely not entered the all woman bar. But had been close by when the outside contact had been made. Whatever doubt Russia may have had about John being a highly trained operative, dissipated when they observed the confrontation with the man up the canyon. That episode had earned him the nickname *Cowboy*, adopted now as his official designation. Another piece of the puzzle was the woman in New York. Operatives found her as suspiciously clean as John. Whatever they were up to, they were assembling a large group of supposedly non-connected operatives. Mostly, beautiful women. An operative in New York was assigned to observe Sally's activities. Sophisticated exercise and weight training equipment hauled into the silo indicated intensive physical training. All personnel in the silo kept themselves in excellent physical condition. It was theorized that the silo was a training center for operatives. *Cowboy* seemed to recruit or contact new members by seducing them. This puzzled the Russian's, as the women appeared to be openly lesbian. Or were the sessions in the solarium training sessions? *Cowboy* was certainly aware of these sessions, participating himself quite often. The gardening activity was thought to be a cover ploy, but may have been an early effort to make the silo self sufficient. The arrival of hydroponics tanks and equipment seemed to support this theory. Whatever the reason, the summer growing season had been a popular distraction for the men at the satellite facility. When the two girls worked in the garden, they wore very little, when they sunbathed in the solarium, nothing at all. . Currently, the project employed three full time field operatives, two of which were based in the next town. One followed outgoing subjects, the other researched whatever local information was available while the subjects were at the silo. If the subject traveled to most any large U.S. city, operatives there could be pressed into service. Presently, their video tape library of silo activities rivaled John's. When Sally enrolled in a Karate school, this was reported up the line. Little did they know that it was initiated because Sally was a little worried about the creepy little jerk who seemed at times to be stalking her. He never tried to make contact, but she spotted him *way* too often. Sally stopped by the diner after work, as she did quite often. She'd was becoming fast friends with Jean, the waitress from the first evening. They'd even gone out on the town together, a couple of times. Sally sat in her favorite booth, the one she'd shared with John that first night. She could imagine John sitting on the opposite side. Somehow she felt comforted by this. Jean brought her a cup of coffee. Sally seemed distracted. "What's up? You seem kind of down." Jean said. Sally told her about the jerk who was following her. "I don't know why he's doing it! I'm certain I've never met him before." Sally told her. "He may have just picked you from that gorgeous hair and body. I'd likely follow you myself if you didn't come around." Jean said. Sally looked at her curiously. Was Jean *interested* in her *that* way? The thought somehow pleased her. Lately she'd been thinking about her previous episode back home. John's seeming interest in bisexual women spurred her to re-investigate her own feelings about it. She'd had to admit that she *had* enjoyed her episode, even if she'd been too scared to reciprocate. Now she looked at Jean with thoughts of remedying that. She felt herself flush. "You okay?" Jean asked, "You look a little flushed." "Yeah, I'm fine. I got an E-mail letter from John. I was just thinking about it." Sally covered. "So what's he say?" Jean asked. "Get this; he's got four more women in his life!" Sally chuckled. "No! What's he trying to do, kill himself? He damn near did with you before he left. Maybe he found the other two or three lacking after that." Jean chuckled. "He found them out in a blizzard. Saved their lives. They seem to be *very* grateful about it. And get this; three of them are triplets!" Sally said. "Triplets! No shit?.... he doesn't really sound like a man who doesn't want to complicate his life like he told you." Jean said. "No, he doesn't." Sally said, a little dejected, "But I believe John would try to help anybody who needed it. He's just that way." Sally said. "Kind of fell pretty hard for the guy, didn't you?" Jean said, placing her hand over Sally's and squeezing it. The touch was warm and sensual to Sally. "He's kind of a hard act to follow, you know." Sally said. "I know. He sure put me in my place, but in a nice manner. Didn't use any profanity, he just told it like it was." Jean said, looking distant. "I know, that's John..... Damn, this creep's giving me the willies." Sally said, shivering slightly. "Like some company? I'm off for the whole weekend." Jean said. "Yes, I think I'd like that." Sally said, squeezing back at Jean's hand, still warm in hers. The operative followed the two women back to Sally's apartment. They made two stops; one at Jean's for a small overnight bag and another to pick up a couple of bottles of wine. The operative sighed and logged the time. He made his way to his own sparse quarters within view of Sally's apartment building. Jean was favorably impressed with Sally's apartment. Sally showing her around and telling her all about each item and her arguing with John about purchasing a cheaper one. They sipped wine as the tour progressed. "He certainly didn't scrimp on anything. That bed is incredible." Jean said, longingly. "No, he didn't. And he damn sure didn't do it to get laid. I had to damn near rape him." Sally said. "I believed him when he told me that wasn't his motivation. Seeing this confirms it. I can't imagine anybody fighting you off." Jean said. Sally blushed. "He did. And believe me, I tried my hardest." Sally said. Sally showed Jean her computer set up. Letting Jean read her treasured E-mail from John. "My, he certainly doesn't mince words. This is getting me hot!" Jean said. Sally chuckled. "Made me hot too. There's pictures too." she said, calling up the files John had attached to his letter. "Good god! Those women are gorgeous. Every one of them. The triplets are a little young, but most certainly alluring." Jean said, hoarsely. Flushing red. "They affected me the same way." Sally said, "Made me feel both hot and insignificant in his life." "Insignificant? Why?" Jean asked, still flushed. "What chance do I have against that?" Sally asked. "Why, every chance in the world. I don't know if you realize just how gorgeous you are." Jean said. "You've been reminding me of it quite often, lately." Sally said, snickering. "I'm sorry....... I don't mean to be too forward. I mostly value your friendship... but I have to admit, in all honesty that I do find you .... disturbingly attractive." Jean admitted, softly. "That's okay. I understand." Sally said. She told Jean about her aborted affair with the girl back home. Jean told Sally about her life after her divorce. "I had a neighbor who was openly gay. I knew it, but she was a pretty good friend. When my husband and I broke up, she let me cry on her shoulder. I was pretty fragile. One thing led to another and next thing I knew I was crying on her breasts. She was so tender and soft, not at all like my husband." Jean said. "I was just too young to understand. I got scared. Now I kind of wished I hadn't." Sally admitted. The two women looked at each other a moment. "Well, I guess I'd better sleep on the sofa." Jean said. "Oh, there's no need for that. I think I've got room enough in *that* bed for two." Sally said. Jean looked at the floor a moment. "I think that would be kind of like asking the lioness to watch the cute baby antelopes for a while." Jean said. "That's kind of what I had in mind." Sally admitted. Jean looked up at her in surprise. Sally smiled invitingly. "Sally, I don't want to mess up our friendship." Jean said. "I don't think there's any danger of that. I know what I'm doing. If I don't like it, well, I promise we'll still be good friends. I value your friendship too. But it's pretty lonely in that bed. And I want to know for myself just what I missed before. I don't want to let another chance at something special slip by. Please?" Sally said. Jean moved to her. Her lips were warm and full. Her tongue was soft and pleasing. Sally melted at her first touch. Then she led her new friend into the bedroom. This time she didn't balk at returning the love she felt. She was a little nervous, but Jean was patient. Over the next two days she would teach her very well. Later that night they lay softly caressing each other. "Penny for your thoughts." Jean said, kissing a nipple. "Mmmm.. Just wondering if I would have had a better chance of holding John if I'd known the softer side you just taught me." Sally said, dreamily. "You going to tell him about us?" Jean asked. "Not if you don't want me to. But I don't think he'd mind. He's the only one I would care to tell, really." Sally said, caressing one of Jean's firm breasts. "I don't mind. I think he's one of the few men in the world who would understand.... In fact..... Can you send pictures back to him?" Jean asked. Sally nodded." Yeah, he outfitted me pretty well. I've got a nice flatbed scanner I can use for my outgoing faxes. Why?" "Oh.. I was just thinking it would be fun sending him some photo's of us, *together*." Jean giggled. "Yeah, that would be fun, but I don't have a camera. And we'd have to send the film in to be processed. I'm not wild about that." Sally said. Jean smiled and dug into her overnight bag, producing an instant camera. Sally chuckled and nodded. They posed for each other, and then together several times as Jean set the camera's timer. Then Sally moved to the computer and scanned the scandalous pictures. She wrote up an E-mail reply to John's letter, telling him all about her new found friend and skills. In passing she mentioned her stalker. Then she attached the photo files and sent it. Jean watched in awe of the marvelous modern technology at work. She kissed Sally softly on the neck and the technology was forgotten. They moved back to the bedroom arm in arm. Later they softly caressed each other to sleep. Sally slept *much* better than she had been. One of the most common things that intelligence officers do, is watch other intelligence officers. The American was highly amused at the Russians' incompetence. He was being way too obvious in his surveillance of the young redhead. The big question for the American, was why watch her at all? The girl, while stunning, seemed to be Lilly clean. Perhaps too clean? He filled out his report and sent it up the line. Noting the addition of the blonde from the diner. So far the Russian had concentrated upon a wealthy single man and the redhead. The single man hadn't been hard to trace from his copious credit card usage; John Stevens. Current residence... an old missile silo out in the desert. Previous history; NATO COSMIC endorsement on TOP SECRET clearance for a defense contractor! Perhaps the Russians were just fishing..... but that didn't make sense. Stevens was well separated from current state of the art. While some of the systems he'd worked on were still in usage, information about their capabilities was probably well known by now. Stevens had made no attempt to contact the clumsy Russian at all. Seeming to be unaware of his shadow. He'd seemingly met the redhead on the street and done her a good turn... too good. Although when he'd left it appeared that she'd been *quite* adequately grateful. Perhaps she was an intermediary contact with the Russian. That was for bigger brains to decide. The intelligence officer just did his job. A day or two later, in San Francisco, another similar officer was doing his job. Tailing the Russian who was tailing the girls as Sheila took them on a sightseeing tour. Both men were now on the *Red & White* bay cruise with them, watching as Alice fed her cocktail crackers from the wharf to seagulls slip streaming the boat. Sheila showed her how to hold her arm up off the side and a seagull would swoop in and take it right out of her fingers. Alice laughed in delight and hugged Sheila. Candice was slightly more reserved, but Sheila had each of them pose for photo's, feeding the seagulls and then side by side. The American officer took the opportunity to snap his own photo's of the trio. To his amusement, Sheila asked him if he'd mind taking her camera and taking a few shots of the three of them. He nodded and complied. Worrying slightly about the attention that Sheila brought to him from the Russian. He'd have to swap off with another officer for any further surveillance. Afterwards, he made his way down to the bar. The Russian torn between following him and watching the girls. As there were a group of people also near by watching them, the Russian chose the latter. The American pulled out his cellular and made a quick call. A second agent would pick up the tail when they docked. The American sighed. He would have loved to continue his proxied tail of the girls. They were absolutely gorgeous... if leaning more than just a bit towards each other. That was a common sight around this city. He took his drink back on deck. Standing at the railing on the other end of the boat. He casually spilled the contents a little at a time overboard. Appearing to drink it. The Russian would glance at him from time to time, but eventually he was forgotten. Especially when he obviously went his separate way when they docked. A second agent, looking like an average tourist picked up the tail. He had a marvelous time as the girls led him - by way of the Russian- to China town and then to the *Exploratorium* at the *Palace of Fine Arts*. A third agent observed them finish up at *Aliotto's* restaurant on the wharf, just as the sun went down and the harbor lights began to twinkle. It was fun to watch. Sheila got the girls to try escargot. Once the girls got over their squeamishness and saw Sheila's eyes roll as she savored hers, they quickly warmed to them, rolling their own eyes. Sheila ordered a fine wine with dinner. Alice didn't understand why she couldn't drink with the other women. Sheila told her it was against the law, but slipped some white wine into the girls water glass. Under the table they all held hands and copped feels. After dinner they took a stroll down the wharf, one of Sheila's arms around each of them. Obviously enamored with each other. If it hadn't been for the occasional slip of a hand over an ass cheek, they could have passed for a close family. Their dual tail followed them back to Sheila's apartment. The Russian called it a night, calling in his replacement. A less experienced embassy aid to keep watch for the night. The American filed his report. Eventually his report would make it to the same desk as the agents from New York's. One man oversaw much of the counter intelligence activity within the country. But this didn't happen right away. First the reports were cross checked against known activity at the local level. Once Sheila's identity was known, a check of incoming flights revealed her starting point. *No* information *at all* was found about the girls. This fact raised a large red flag by itself. A check on Sheila found her to be an outstandingly qualified financial consultant. When she went into the office for a short time the next day, her current employment was verified. But when a clandestine attempt to retain her services was made, the agent was informed that she was accepting no new clients, as she was accepting a position as CEO of a new corporation. This corporation was being set up by a law firm in town. The law firm represented a Mr. John Stevens. A quick check on him revealed his background. This was also sent up with the report. In a dingy government office connected with DISCO - Defense Industry Security Control Organization-, a computer flag went up because of multiple requests for information concerning a Mr. John Stevens; status, inactive. This report went up to the counter intelligence coordinator's office. Now three reports with John's name on them were on their way to the office from three different locations. They sat in three different *In* baskets for a few days, and were then forwarded. Over dinner, the two triplets were kind of quiet and pensive. "What's up, darlings. You seem kind of quiet tonight." Cindy asked. They shared a look and Andrea answered: "Oh, just kind of worried about Alice.. it's probably nothing though. She's having a great time." "What's probably nothing?" John asked. Amy answered: "Well, it feels like... someone's watching her." "I'll bet. I'll bet it's Sheila too." Theresa giggled. "No, a stranger." Andrea said. "Really? You sure?" John asked, becoming concerned. "Well, no. It's just a feeling." Amy said. "Of course... but your feelings are very special. Maybe I'll just give them a call after dinner." John said. This cheered the girls up a little bit, but they still seemed pensive. "Do you think she's in any danger?" Cindy asked. "Well, no. I don't feel that. He's just watching her." Andrea said. "He?" asked John. Amy nodded; "actually it feels like two of them... but it feels like one is watching the other more than Alice... " Andrea nodded. "Two of them.. how do you mean watching the other?" John asked. "I don't know. What I mean is that it feels like one man is watching the man watching Alice. It's hard to explain." Andrea said. "Well, let me know if you sense any danger. I think I'll call Sheila now." John said, standing up from the table. He went to the Com room. While he'd strung a phone line into the kitchen, they seldom used it. Not wishing a phone to intrude upon their socializing in the kitchen. An empty jack there got used mostly for laptop work. The only other line he'd run out of the Com room, was the one to the guest room for Sheila's lap top. He'd also strung an outlet down into the master bedroom. He dialed Sheila's number. He got her voice mail. He left a message to call him the minute they came in. Next her tried her Cellular number. It reported itself off and again checked him to her voice mail. He repeated the message in case it were two different services. Then he sat back to wait. Just to pass the time he checked his E-mail. A letter from Sally, several days old. He chuckled as he read it. Then called in the photo's. "Oh my!" he said to himself. "Oh my what? *Who's* that? *Oh my,* is right!" Cindy said, bending over his shoulder. "That, my little darling, is Sally. Your New York nemesis. The other one, the blonde is the waitress from the dinner where we ate the first night. Seems like they have quite a cozy friendship going. I didn't recall the waitress being that pretty though." John answered. "She's pretty alright. But if that's Sally I'm *glad* she stayed in New York. She's gorgeous! I can see why you were inclined to Olympic feats." Cindy chuckled. John nodded. "What's she say?" Cindy asked. "She says that work is going very well. The manager seems thrilled with her progress. She misses me. Jean, the blonde, and her have been friendly since I left. They happened to get *together* last Friday night. Jean offered to keep her company.. cause Sally was a little nervous about a stalker............" John trailed off. "What?" Cindy asked. "I don't know.. maybe it's just coincidence. Lots of weird people out there. I don't see how they could possibly be connected." John said. "Both what?" Cindy asked, not understanding. "Both stalkers. Sally's in New York and Alice's in San Francisco." John said, reaching for the phone. "That's a long way between them." Cindy admitted. John called up a number from his directory and dialed Sally's apartment. "This better be good." a sleepy voice answered. "Will I do?" John asked. "John?" a slightly friendlier but still sleepy voice asked. "Hi pumpkin, sorry, I forgot about the time zone thing. It must be... god two A.M. there. And you've got to work tomorrow." John said. "No, that's fine. Anytime you want to call me is just fine. What's up? As if I didn't know." Sally chuckled. "Cindy and I were just looking at your pictures. She says she's *glad* you stayed in New York or she wouldn't get any loving." John chuckled. "Did she now? Well tell her that since I saw her photo, I've been practicing up my woman skills. I'm after her next." Sally chuckled. John relayed the message. Cindy grinned broadly. "Tell her anytime." "She says anytime and she looks *very* hungry, but we just had dinner..... Uh, listen, Sally. Tell me about your stalker." John said. A moments silence. "Well, I don't know. He's the damn strangest stalker I ever heard of. He doesn't want to make eye contact. He's made no attempt to talk to me at all. He just seems to follow me and watch everywhere I go. He's getting on my nerves, but Jean's doing a good job of calming them. She's staying with me for a while just in case he decides to get frisky." Sally said. "Good. I'm glad she's there. He just follows you and *watches* you, though?" John asked. "Yeah, real weird." she said. "Could he be a cop?" John asked. "I don't think so. He sure doesn't act like one. Too timid." Sally said. "Okay, pumpkin. I'll let you get back to snuggling to Jean. Just keep an eye on the guy. I'll call you in a few days. Call me before that if he changes his behavior." John said. "John, what's this about?" she asked, concerned. "Probably nothing. You know how I wrote you that the triplets seemed telepathic or psychic? Well one of them is in San Francisco with Sheila. Tonight the other two said they thought someone was watching *her*. I've got a call into her now. But it's probably just coincidence if anything at all." John explained. "Could the cops be watching you?" Sally asked. "I don't think so. I've done nothing overtly obvious to the casual observer. You usually have to be pretty stupid to draw their attention. Besides which, you're legal. They have no reason to be watching you. Maybe the guy just thinks you're cute. I can't fault him for that. But I feel better that Jean's there with you." John said. "Okay, let me know what Sheila says.... God I miss you. I love you." Sally said. "I love you too. Now go snuggle to that darling. Sweet dreams." John said. "Thanks. Good-bye." Sally said. John had barely hung up the phone when it rang. "Hello" "Hi John, missed me so bad you just had to hear my voice huh?" Sheila giggled. "Well that's true enough. Uh, listen. Did anything odd happen today?" he asked. "Not that I recall. It was a great day. Took the girls out sightseeing. We just had a very romantic dinner on the wharf and we're about to follow up on our inclinations. Why?" Sheila asked. "Well, I don't want to alarm you. But the other two triplets said it felt like someone was watching Alice." John said. "I can understand that, she got watched allot today........" she trailed off. "What? Think of something?" John asked. "Maybe... On the boat. Now that I think about it.. I saw the same guy in China town. I just figured he was a tourist hitting the same spots." Sheila said. "Did he seem like a cop?" John asked. "No... well... not really. Something odd about the way he moved. Looking around like a tourist, but not the same somehow. More like he was recording or was aware of everything." Sheila said. "Well, it's probably just coincidence. But keep your eyes open and don't walk down any dark alleys alone. If you can I'd rather the girls weren't left unattended either." John told her. "That's no problem. I just have to make a quick stop at work in the morning, then we make our splash with Mae. So they'll be with me all day. But I promise to be careful and not let us get too far away from crowds." That shouldn't be too tough once the girls start showing their outfits." Sheila said. "Okay, thanks Love. I love and miss you all. Go kiss the girls for us. Bye." John said. "Mmm I think I will. I love you too. Bye." Sheila said. John hung up the phone. "Something?" Cindy asked. "Something odd, yes. Both girls said that the guys didn't look like cops. But that they just seemed to be watching." John said, contemplative. "What the hells going on?" Cindy asked, "Could they be watching us? and who's they?" "Good questions all. I don't *think* anybody's watching us. First off, they'd have a hell of a time doing it while we're down here. Cops would just come up and ask if it was about you and Theresa. The local sheriff probably isn't very sophisticated about warrants and such stuff. I don't think the BLM is doing it. They'd have no interest in New York or San Francisco. Nick doesn't have the resources. I don't know anybody else who'd give a shit. And besides nobody could get near the place without a helicopter without us knowing it." John said. "So what do you *think* is going on?" Cindy asked. "It's probably just a coincidence, if anything. The girls may just be spooked because Alice is in a big city for the first time. They may not know what living there feels like to the rest of us...You know, little privacy. Don't trust strangers. Sally's stalker might be just an a fan of her beauty. I can see why, but it makes me nervous." John said. "I can see why too. She really is lovely. Now I don't feel quite so bad about you setting Olympic records with her, but not me." Cindy said, studying the picture still on the monitor. "That little remark is going to cost you dearly. The girls have this funny hang-up about how I'd feel sleeping with them during their period. I thought I cleared that up yesterday, but since they persist, they're going to spend the night in the guest room. Theresa has graciously volunteered to act as their missing wheel. That leaves you all to myself. At this point I feel quite recuperated and very frisky. I'm going to do my best to make it hard for you to walk tomorrow." John said. "I will gladly settle for one quality session. No need to break any records." Cindy said, moving into his lap. "I intend to give you both. Perhaps not thirty times, but count on at least four." John said, playing with a breast. "You really are a feisty old coot. I think I love you." Cindy said, melting into a kiss. John checked in on the girls and finished his dinner, assuring them that all was well. "We know... but..... Someone else is watching now." Andrea said. "Oh?" John asked. "Yeah, the first went away... the guy watching him too. Now there's someone else watching the building." Amy said. John thought about it. It sounded like a surveillance team. One person tailing during the day and a second watching at night. The weird part was the guy watching the other one. "I'm sure it will be fine. You girls just let me know if he gets near her or if you sense danger. Okay?" he told them. "Okay. Sure. But what could you do from here?" Andrea asked. "If nothing else, I can call and warn them. Then let the San Francisco Police deal with it." John said. The girls nodded. They each shivered a bit. "Alice isn't worried." Amy giggled, "that's her third orgasm tonight." "Well, at least she'll sleep well." Theresa giggled. "When we do." Andrea said. "Then I'll just have to see you sleep well." Theresa said, kissing her. She then turned to the other and gave her the same treatment. She stood and took them by the hand. "Good night, lovers. See you in the morning. The girls want to cook and I'll want to sleep. So sleep in yourselves." Theresa said, kissing John and Cindy goodnight. Next the two girls wished them goodnight. Both John and Cindy let them know they were welcome that night should they be so inclined. The girls smiled and carted their prey off towards the guest room. John turned to Cindy. "A look at the stars for a bit?" he asked. "Umm. I'll get the afghans." Cindy said. John rolled back the roof. It was a crystal clear winters night. He sat back in a chaise and Cindy snuggled to him, pulling the Afghan's over them. She gazed up at the incredible desert sky. "You know, living in a city you forget how beautiful the sky is." John said. "I know. I never knew it till I came here. You shared that with me." Cindy said, kissing his cheek. "No one else I'd rather share it with." he said. "But a few you'd just as happily share it with." she giggled. "I don't know that that's true.... In many ways you've always been my favorite." John said. "That's nice to hear, even if it's not necessarily true." she said. "But it is true. I said in many ways. I mean that. But... I don't know how to explain it. Each of you touches a different something inside of me. I can share the sky with you, and you appreciate the total beauty of it. Theresa doesn't give a hoot about the sky. She'd glance at it and say 'Ooo pretty' and then turn her head to something else that interested her. But at the same time she's easy going and lovable. Sheila's more my age. We just sort of click on things. Candice is a scrapper. Like the little bull terrier holding his own in a dog fight. The triplets bring out the fathering in me that I never had a chance to do with my own kid. Not that I was so enthused, the little brat." John said. "So I share the stars... I can live with that. But you didn't mention what Sally does for you." Cindy said. "You don't only share the stars with me. That was my original point. I feel a depth of feeling in you and with you that I don't feel with any of the others." John said. "Thank you. I feel the same with you. But you're avoiding Sally again." Cindy chuckled. "No, I'm not. I don't consider her an ongoing relationship." John said. "That's sort of nice to hear. Her being *that* pretty. But I'm not so sure it's true. That woman loves your butt. She's not about to forget you. I'm not so sure I want her to either." Cindy said. "Huh? Never expected you to say that. Okay, why not?" John asked. "Oh... I may just want her for myself. I got pretty turned-on looking at those pictures. But besides that, I think she's good for you." Cindy told him. "In what way?" "It wasn't until she came along that you really opened up to me. She makes you face your limitations.. and to call bullshit on the ones that don't really exist. While we share a deep, caring love, she evokes strong emotions in you. I think that's important too." Cindy said. "Maybe... but like I said, I don't consider her a long term project." he said. "Why does she have to be a project? What about an equal and mutual relationship like we now share? Making her own choices about what and who she wants to do." Cindy said. "I'm not sure I'd want that. Like I told you before, she doesn't feel the depth of love... the depth of sensuality that comes natural to you." he said. "Maybe... but I'll bet she's leaning it now. Jean looked pretty capable to me. That wasn't a hollow affection I saw between them. They *dug* each other, but in a deeper, more caring manner. Not just love play." she said. "So maybe she'll take a long term yen to Jean." he said. "Maybe. Maybe not. I feel pretty strongly about Theresa, but it's not the same thing I feel with you." she said, kissing him again on the cheek. He turned to her and shared a soft, gentle kiss. The kiss grew in intensity slowly. Then became soft and gentle once more. "Okay, now you can go back to the sky. Lets share the stars like we just did that." Cindy said, snuggling to him. She snuggled to his side as they gazed upwards. Their eye's now adjusted to the darkness. It was glorious. A fast moving dot of light passed over. "What's that?" Cindy asked, pointing it out. "A satellite. Low orbit, fast moving. Probably a spy satellite." he said. "I've noticed it several times lately. Is it new?" she asked. "Could be, hard to tell now days. But they can make minor changes in orbit. Who's ever it is might just be interested in something happening at this latitude." John said. "Like us?" she asked. "Not likely. Why would they be interested in us?" he asked. "Well, we *do* live in a *missile silo*, you know. Maybe we're being watched too." Cindy giggled. "I hadn't thought about that. But they were probably well aware that the silo was taken out of service a long time ago. They may have taken an interest when I first began work on the place. But when they saw me hanging floors they would have lost interest." he said. "You sure? And how would they have known you were working on it?" she asked. "Well, if they forgot to take their infrared eye's off the place I'm sure they realized it when I first ran an arc welder with the roof open. I did that quite a bit." John said. "How would that tell them?" "Think about a detector that's made to detect a missile launch. It reads the heat off of the motors. Probably anything hotter than a match would set it off. An arc welder is white hot. Over ten thousand degrees. But to a launch detector it would look like a launch. If they didn't turn it off this location, then it probably scared the piss out of them." John chuckled. "So why would they lose interest if you were hanging floors, and who's *'They'* ?" Cindy asked. "The Russians... Maybe the Chinese too. They'd lose interest because you can't hide a missile between floors." John chuckled. "But... you can do other things they might be interested in, like a secret lab or something." she said. "That's true enough. But, what are you getting at?" he asked. "I'm not quite sure. Look, this is a good spot for a secret government lab. Biological or Chemical warfare stuff. It's just about perfect. The nearest town is about eighty-five miles as the crow fly's, but it's to the North and the prevailing winds travel West to East. So a leak would likely miss it. If it didn't, then the town is only about a hundred thousand. Big enough to get supplies, but not a big enough worry for those looking for votes. Now you admit that at one time the Russians probably knew about this place. And that they may have had their attention drawn to it when you first bought it. Right?" she asked. "Yeah, so?" he said, starting to get an idea of what she was thinking. "So what if they did notice when you moved in. They started watching what you were doing. Only they didn't lose interest in it. Instead they got curious as to what the hell you were doing out here. They thought that maybe you were building a secret lab or something." she said. "So what if they did?" he said. "Well, what would they do? What could they do?" she asked. "Oh, lets see. They'd keep a spy satellite eye on me as much as possible. They'd probably never come near the place, cause they'd be sure to realize about the road sensors and anti-personnel sensors. So they might set up surveillance on the main road. Then they'd follow me wherever I went, when I left here......" he trailed off. "And when you got to where you were going, they'd follow you there to see what you did and who you talked to. And maybe follow them to see who they met and talked to!" Cindy said. "Oh fuck. You're right. They would..... but that's just too unbelievable. The Russians spying on me? The cost would be enormous. And besides, I once held a Top Secret clearance." "You did? You never told me that." she said. "Never came up. I can't talk about what I did anyway. It wasn't much really. Just worked on some minor circuits and testers for some black boxes used in fighter aircraft." he said. "Would that preclude you from setting up a lab for the government, wouldn't that make you more trustworthy instead?" she asked. "Not how it works. They'd want somebody who had no previous connection with the government at all. Then they'd run a background check on them. I'd stick out like a sore thumb, which is why they wouldn't use me." John said. "I'm not so sure. You seem to give the government credit for a lot of sense I don't think they have." she said. "So where does that leave us?" he asked. "I don't know. I'm just trying to figure it out..... so they'd watch us by satellite... just how good are they?" she asked. "I understand that if you held a pack of cigarettes in your hand, they could read the brand." he chuckled. "That's pretty impressive.... could they recognize faces?" "Sure, if they were turned up to them. With enhancement they could present you with an almost salon quality photo." he chuckled. Suddenly Cindy's eyes got real big, but John couldn't see it. "Oh fuck!" she said. "What?" "If they could do that... all those times we made love up here. That us girls did when you didn't want to. My god, John. The things they would have seen!" she gasped. "All the more reason why they wouldn't think this was a government lab." John chuckled. "But they could be watching us now... that one that passed over!" she said. "Why would they? They'd see that this wasn't a government facility. I've been in them before. I can almost guarantee that there's no such hanky panky going on." he said. "But don't men run those things?" she asked. "I guess so... *Probably* so, in Russia.... oh, I see. Maybe they started to watch to see what was going on here, then they continued to watch because it was so entertaining." John said, contemplative. "So if all this were the case, how could you find out?" she asked. "I wouldn't have a clue. I guess I could keep a closer eye out when I went to town, to see if I got tailed." he said. They were silent for a while... then John gasped slightly. "What?" she asked. "If they are watching us...oh god, it's worse." he moaned. "What could be worse than being spied upon by the Russians?" she asked. "Being spied upon by the Americans." he replied. "Why would they do that?" she asked. "Look, one of the ways we fight espionage, is by watching the Russians. Just about everybody working at the Russian embassy's gets tailed every now and then." he said. "Yeah, that makes sense, so?" "So what if you were following somebody, and you realized that he was following somebody else. Wouldn't you want to know who that person was and why they were following them?" he asked. "Oh, I get it...... The girls! They said a man was watching a man watching Alice!" she gasped. "Precisely. It doesn't make it concrete, but it sure adds up and explains a lot." he said. "Then that means that our government is watching us too!" she said. "Maybe not yet. I didn't make any outside contacts that would have drawn attention.... until recently, when I went to San Francisco and met Sheila." "And then you went to New York and met Sally." Cindy said. "And there are Russian Embassy's in both places, so it's real possible that if they were watching me.. . which is questionable.... but if they were, then somebody easily could have been watching them. To wit; our government." he concluded. "Yup! Oh god John, what do we do? I really don't want to go back with my folks!" she cried. "No need to panic yet. Even if they noticed the Russians watching us, then the reports still may not get to somebody who'd notice the connection. And damn sure not to local authorities." he said. "But they could! And might soon!" she cried. "Not necessarily. One, if our government did realize that the Russians were spying on us, then they would just mount their own surveillance. They could, and probably would get close to us, because they have the original plans for this place. So they'd know how to defeat the sensors. Okay, suppose they do start watching us, closely. Now they eventually figure out that we're not doing anything worth noticing... on a national level. Maybe breaking a few taboo's. The government is well familiar with that. They wouldn't give a shit, really. In fact they'd probably do something to encourage the Russians to continue, because it draws their resources away from things they really don't want them to spy on. Like *real* secret labs. But it's highly doubtful that they'd notify your parents or the local authorities of yours or Theresa's presence. That's the only real offense, and not that serious of one at this point. Theresa's birthday is ... oh God, next week. We'll have to throw her a party. Anyway, that puts both of you within a year of being legal anyway. So by the time the government could get things rolling...the offense is gone. .... You know, actually I feel much relieved." he said. "How could you feel relieved about this?" Cindy asked. "Well, if it's all true.. which I'm still not sure of, then that means that Sally's stalker and the man watching the girls in San Francisco, are Russian agents. That means that they have nothing to fear from them. Unlike a *real,* weirdo stalker." John chuckled. "I don't know how you can be so calm and joke about this. What about all they might have seen us do?" she asked. "Well, darling. Nothing we could do about that. If they were, then they were. It may have been an invasion of our privacy, but it's highly doubtful that any of those photo's would ever surface. There's too many women in the world who will gladly undress for the camera for *real close* close-ups for a few thousand dollars. You and Theresa may well be the pin up queens of the Russian intelligence community though." he said. "I guess so... But I don't think I'll be making love up here anymore." she said. "Such a pity. I was about to suggest...." he said, turning to her. "You are such an exhibitionist at times!" she chuckled. He busted out laughing. "Now what?" she asked. "Oh, I just had an image of all us coming up here and mooning them at the same time. You know. We all point our butts up and then roll back the roof. Let them get a shot and then roll it back." he chuckled. Then she was chuckling too. "In fact, that gives me a great idea." he said, sobering. "What now?" she moaned. He told her. She busted out laughing. Then added her own ideas.