M/f, f/f, M/ff , MF ==================================================== Castle In The Sand By Deana Johns. Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. Limited permission to post is granted providing this header remains intact. May not be posted to any pay sites. May be offered as part of a collection, also provided this header remains intact. Permission to archive is also granted. --------------------------------------------------------- This is an adult story, if you shouldn't be reading it, don't. I trust this is sufficient warning, given that I am posting this to a predominantly adult area to begin with. My most sincere thanks go to Jean Walker for the outstanding -and massive- task of editing this story. If there is something wrong, then it is my fault as I did some of my own editing afterward, adding back in sections I had once removed to make it tamer in hopes of publishing it. As always, comments are desired, welcome, and helpful. I especially like to hear from women. Please reply to: deanajohns at softcom dot net --------------------------------------------------------- Castle In the Sand Chapter 71 Over the next few months the pace was beyond hectic. It was downright frenzied. Sally and Jean joined them two weeks after John and Cindy got back from New York. The girls each flipped over the line marriage idea. Even Theresa. To John's astonishment, Kevin did too. They put it on hold until they got the fashion business up and running. They got the silo rearranged and made a good start on the construction of the conversions. Whoever wasn't working on the fashion project was swinging a hammer or painting walls. John made arrangements with the helicopter service for a short term tie down slot. Sheila had briefed him on her conversation with the pilot, a good thing as the pilot asked about his kids and the family. John and Kevin made a trip into town and picked up several loads of construction materials and a larger hot tub, which John had custom made. It had to be lowered down in pieces and then assembled and sealed. When finished it could easily contain them all. This got tested quite often. John and Kevin completed the redesign. The new scanner worked perfectly and was more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The girls sort of longed for the old one as the new one hardly touched them at all. Cindy gave Sally and Jean a run through on the old one before it was retired. The amount of resolution lost with the new one was minimal and virtually un-noticeable on the finished outfits. Sheila was very pleased. The two men set about standardizing fixtures and locating vendors and suppliers of needed components. Sheila and Sally hit it off stupendously. They hardly showed their faces for several days as they got aquatinted. Then Sheila and Jean slipped off together for a similar period. Theresa and the New York couple took longer to warm to each other, but the triplets more than filled the gap. With all the sub-relationships going on, John began to think it would actually work. He got to spend whole nights with each of them, undisturbed if not unmolested. The triplets discovered there was less resistance to them if they spit up into singles rather than acting like a devastating tag team. They'd spend every other night alternating between acting as singles and sleeping all together. But they seldom slept alone, even as a team. They were just too cute. Cindy and Sally virtually moved in together... with Jean. Sleeping together whenever either or both of them wasn't with John, who alternated between them all. Sheila alternated between John, the triplets, Theresa and Kevin and the Cindy / Sally / Jean trio. Kevin would spend time with Sheila, the triplets, or both whenever Theresa would get together with John and quite often Cindy. Jean was happy with whomever wanted her, which was just about everybody. Mae and Candice flew in, which started a whole new round of musical beds. Cindy still remained aloof to Kevin. She slept with him once, fretting the whole time about pregnancy, despite the prophylactic. If she was going to get pregnant, there was only one man she wanted it to be from: John. Mostly they concentrated on getting the fashion business up to speed and completing the silo and addition. John took a break once the re-design was completed and got the workshop all set up. He patiently trained all the girls on safe usage of the power tools. In the meantime, Theresa passed her GED with flying colors. Her driver's license had come first. Cindy had just as easily passed hers. At first thaw and subsequent freeze John made a call to town and got a shiny new tractor with all the attachments that would fit it. He loaded up the Sports car on the old flatbed and scheduled to have the tractor delivered. He had Cindy follow him in *her* new land cruiser while he drove the flatbed over to Nicks. He carried his pistol with him, but didn't expect trouble. Especially as Kevin and Theresa were hovering overhead in the helicopter. Nick came out on the porch. He didn't look the same man. He was clean and close shaven. There had been fresh repairs made to the house. A conservatively dressed woman followed him out, but kept her distance. No firearms were in appearance. "Your car, truck and tractor." John said, stepping down from the truck. He handed Nick two sets of keys and two signed titles. Nick looked back and forth between the truck and the tractor, tears forming in his eyes. "You didn't have to do this." he said, fighting back his tears. "I'm a man of my word. You kept your part of the bargain." John said. "The tractor wasn't part of the original bargain." Nick said. "Keep it. Looks like you'll be needing it." John said, nodding at the woman. "The girls, they're alright?" Nick asked, shivering a bit. "Just fine. Candice too. All happy." John said. "Better you than me.. Those girls scare me." Nick said. "Well, you just stay away and you won't have to worry." John said. "No need to worry about that. You couldn't get me near them. Will you tell them I'm treating my new woman right?" Nick asked. John looked at the woman and the cabin she smiled at him, friendly like. "I suspect they know." John said. "I expect your right." Nick nodded. "Well, I better be going." John said. Nick extended his hand. "Thank you, Mr. Stevens. It's more than I deserve." John shook it firmly. "There's nothing keeping you from living right from here on out." he said. Nick nodded. John climbed in the Landcruiser with Cindy and she slowly drove away. Kevin veered off and headed for the silo. While Nick helped the man unload his new tractor. Chapter 72 All was in readiness. The re-design was done, John had six complete machines assembled, with suppliers lined up to supply the components for another fifty when needed. Kevin helped John crate up three of them. Which Kevin then flew to an air freight courier for transit to Mae's salon in San Francisco. Three more were ready once Sally and Sheila located a proper location in New York. Mae immediately set them up and began sales. The first sale was to an exclusive rich client from Sausalito, the wife of a banker. She became an instant sensation in her social circle and soon Mae had another dozen clients lined up waiting. She began scanning them as fast as they could be scheduled. Sally and Jean flew back to New York, accompanied by Sheila and John. They also took Andrea with them, this time. (Amy traveled to San Francisco with Mae and Candice.) John returned to Mr. Moore's salon, this time with Sally, Jean, Sheila and Andrea with him. Debbie greeted him: "Why Mr. Stevens, it's so good to see you again. May I notify Mr. Moore that you are here? I'm certain he'll wish to wait on you personally." "Please. Thank you very much. Good to see you again, Debbie." John said. Debbie beamed at him for remembering her name. She slipped out and soon returned with Mr. Moore. "Mr. Stevens, What a pleasant surprise. How may I be of assistance to you?" Moore asked. "I think, sir, that today it's how I may be of assistance to you." John said. "I don't understand." Moore said, simply. "If we may use your salon, I will be glad to enlighten you." John chuckled. Mr. Moore nodded and led them into the viewing area. He motioned them to seats. But instead, John motioned him to a seat. Moore complied. "Girls. If you please." John said, taking a seat himself. The women moved to the showing area and removed their long jackets. Mr. Moore became quite speechless, his mouth hanging agape. He jumped up and moved to examine the outfits. Finally he turned to John: "Absolutely exquisite. May I ask sir, where you obtained them?" "I made them in my basement." John chuckled. "Surely you jest." Moore said. "Only partially. The women..... Sally -whom you've met previously, Sheila and Andrea designed the outfits you see. I designed -and hold free and clear the patent on- the machine that produced them. What you see is a sample of a line of clothing we are going to introduce during fashion week. With that being so close, in the interest of time, we would like you to consider representing us until we can get Sally established in her own salon here." John explained. "I see." said Moore, noncommittally. "No, I don't think you do. You see, each of these outfits, in fact all of these outfits were designed and produced in one day." John said. "That's not possible." Moore said simply. "*Wasn't* possible, before my system. Additionally, each of the outfits you see here has thermal managing incorporated into them. That means they store excess body heat as fiber twist, cooling the wearer, and gives up the twist as heat, warming the wearer when it's cold. They could easily spend an hour outside, today, and be very comfortable... Additional to that, is the fact that we can put any pattern or photograph on any outfit in the same amount of time." John said. Moore looked incredulously between the outfits and John, wishing he could supply a "Yes" answer. John continued: "And, we can incorporate Kevlar, making them bullet proof. They end up a bit thicker, but fit just as well. I'm certain you understand the market for that, with the United Nations being located here." "Indeed I do." Moore said, nodding, "You know, you will put every salon in town out of business." "I don't doubt that we will put many salons, in many towns, world wide, out of business." John said. "Most unfortunately, the backers of this salon are pulling out. They ignored our substantially increased business since your first visit. An event for which I blame myself. I was spending so much time trying to explain to the backers why business was bad, that I didn't pay attention to why it really was." Moore replied. "It is precisely because of *your* management that I am here now. How much time do you have?" John asked. "The backers are pulling out at the end of the business quarter, in just two weeks, just before fashion week. Our lease expires in June, we have an option to renew, but I don't know if we'll make it that long after the backers pull out. I've been quite worried about my staff." Moore replied. "Perfect." John said. "I beg your pardon." said Moore. "I mean that's perfect for us. I told you that we were searching for a salon for Sally and Jean. Why not this one. The location is perfect. How big is your staff?" John asked. "I employ Debbie, the receptionist, a hostess and three full time models. Additionally we have up to five seamstresses, two full time and three on call. I was going to have to let one of the models, our hostess and one of the full time seamstresses go." said Moore. "How would you feel about working for Sally and Jean?" John asked. "I'd be most honored to work with Miss Thompson and Jean?" Moore queried. "Francis." Jean supplied. "And Miss Francis. And my staff?" Moore asked. "To be maintained, as is, for now. Probably expanded later. Would the models consider working as attendant sales personnel?" John asked. "Probably, they aren't high end, I'm afraid. But you've seen them on your last visit." Moore said. "Yes, quite adequate, I believe. May we tour the entire business?" John asked. "Certainly.. May I offer the rest of you some refreshments in the meantime?" Moore asked. "We're all involved with this, they will be touring with me." John said. "Certainly, if you will just follow me." Moore said. They fully toured the salon. The models lounged watching soap operas, not wearing much so they could jump into outfits with minimal warning. They didn't seem to be at all self-conscious. Instead they jumped up to examine the women's outfits. They were flabbergasted. "This is Mr. Stevens, if you will recall. He seems to be quite interested in taking over the salon for Miss Thompson and Miss Francis, whom I don't believe you've seen before." Moore explained. The models seemed excited over the prospect. John asked them if they would consider dual roles as attendant sales persons. They all nodded. "You would still be models, with custom outfits like these to work in.... as examples." Sally explained. "We'd get outfits like those? Count me in!" one exclaimed. The other two nodded enthusiastically. "We'd probably be interested in utilizing you for the fashion week shows." Sheila said. "Oh my, I'd better start dieting now." another said. "Don't you dare. We want human beings, not emaciated women who resemble greyhounds! You all look great." Sheila said. The facilities were quite adequate for a good sized salon. "Well, it's your call, Sheila, Sally, Jean. What do you think?" John asked. "I think we have an excellent east coast location, if Sally and Jean agree." Sheila said. The two of them nodded, smiling. "How much do the backers own?" John asked. "The name and our inventory." Moore replied. "Perfect, we don't need an inventory. I was worried about that." John said. "When would you wish to take over?" Moore asked. "The day after the backers are out." John said. "So soon?" Moore asked. "I can have three machines here waiting when you unlock the doors. Figure a week closed, at least, while we redecorate." John said. "What will we call the place?" Moore asked. "*Second Skin*." Sheila replied. Moore looked at the outfits again. "Quite appropriate. Yes, excellent." Moore responded. "Sally, Jean, why don't you and Andrea get better aquatinted with your new staff while Sheila and I discuss salaries and logistics with Mr. Moore." John said. "It's David." Moore offered. "John." John said, as they headed for the office. The backers didn't understand Moore's cheerful attitude at all, when they came to claim their inventory. They even took the sign and scratched out the window stencils. The next morning a truck full of large crates waited as Moore unlocked the door. Sally and Jean were there with John. Mae and Candice flew in as well to help Sally with the re-decoration. Business licenses were obtained and a new sign was ordered: Second Skin Inc. Exclusive Custom Clothier Chapter 73 There was expected resistance to letting them into the big New York fashion shows. They were a total unknown, no matter how stunning the outfits. Mae and Mr. Moore came into play, working the politics behind the show. They simply invited the major fashion editors out to lunch the week beforehand. Each time the women would wear their own fashions. Mae would introduce them to Sheila, Cindy, Theresa, and Sally, alternating with one or all of the triplets. Jean declined, concentrating on work at the salon. Several times Mae would show up at just the right restaurant with the triplets, who always managed to bring a hush over a room. By the end of the week inquiries were pouring into the show executives as to where Second Skin would be on the program. The executives reluctantly put them way down the line. That was fine. They should hold their own no matter where they were placed. On the day of the show, everyone was nervous. All the big names had already been up. With cheers and applause for almost every outfit. The models in the back room were quite snooty to all the girls, sitting in light robes covering their outfits. It was decided by Mae that Sally would be first, with her stunning body and hair. Followed by Sheila, Cindy, Theresa and Candice. With the models from the salon and several from Mae's preceding the triplets, who would be last. The big moment arrived. Second Skin clothiers was announced and Mae cued Sally. She stepped out onto the runway. There was a gasp... and the place fell silent. Sally retained her composure, thinking that they hated her. She was doing her best to fight back her rising panic and tears as she proceeded down the runway, turned and then back again. "Oh My, I've never seen this happen before." Mae said. "I'm afraid I haven't either." Moore said. "Well, we might as well make a show of it before we pack up our tents and go home." Sheila said. She stepped out on cue, there was another gasp, but further silence. Sheila held herself proud as she paraded down, turned and then back, followed by the rest in turn. Now there were quiet murmurings in the crowd. Photo flashes popped left and right, but nothing like the big names had witnessed. The triplets took their cues from the other women carrying themselves proudly. They each wore a portion of a picture of the New York skyline. Together they completed much of the picture. As they stepped out their was an audible gasp, and then bedlam. The place erupted with applause and a standing ovation that didn't stop. Mae prodded all the girls out again and the place became a mad house of applause and photoflashes. They were a hit, the biggest the show had ever seen. The show executives requested that the designers step out and the girls shrugged and all of them stepped out. This brought the house down again. So the show executives requested the Officers of the company step out. This time Sheila, Cindy, Theresa, Sally and Mae stepped out. Again there was a standing ovation. Mae whispered in the executives ears and they announced the inventor of a new fashion manufacturing process which had produced all the outfits: Mr. John Stevens. John was in the audience. He reluctantly stood and made his way to the stage. He wore his custom made tuxedo. Bedlam re-erupted from the audience as they gave him a standing ovation which didn't stop. He motioned the girls out, who now all had tears streaming down their cheeks. One last time they paraded down the runway and back. Then John lined them up next to him, kissing each quickly in turn as she returned. They all took a final bow and withdrew. The catcalls and applause echoing in their ears. The heads of several major fashion designers known throughout the world came back and made inquiries into purchasing the company. They were politely refused. The executive came back and asked for one last encore. John suggested that the triplets step out in their New York outfits, with Cindy and Theresa on each end, bracketed by Sally and Sheila. They took one final bow and withdrew. Tears streaming down their faces. That night Mae chose which parties they would attend, based upon who would most influence their business. They chose the fashion reporters' party. The girls put on their most elegant evening fashions. John, a different Tuxedo. Kevin wore his dress uniform, tailored by Theresa, but within code. He was introduced simply as her fiancée. Limousines drove them to the party. Candice and Mae had a full time task chaperoning the triplets. Suitors lined up by the dozens to meet them. John kept Cindy, Sally and Sheila close by him as he fielded questions. Sheila kissed him and relieved Mae as chaperon so she could better work the party. She made the rounds with Mr. Moore, talking to the different fashion editors. "No, we aren't in Paris yet. So far there is just the salon in New York and the one in San Francisco... Yes, they would be opening many more as they came up to steam, starting with the largest cities in America first and then the international capitols. " Mae fielded. "Yes, they would gladly perform private fittings for diplomatic clientele at a separate, secret location. No, I can't tell you where, then it wouldn't be a secret." Mr. Moore answered. "No Miss, I don't want to go home with you, I have enough women in my life. Yes, you are attractive, but thank you no." both John and Kevin replied. "The cheek of these women." Cindy chuckled, "at least they could ask you when I'm out of earshot." Theresa took hold of Kevin's arm and let it be known that he was hers! Cindy did much the same with John. Champagne and hors d'oeuvres flowed freely. The triplets tried the caviar, but found it a bit too salty. Sheila didn't dare tell them or Candice what it was. The models from the New York and San Francisco salons got offers, which they were free to accept at Mae's suggestion. The triplets got the most, but declined for now. But Mae had them collect business cards for the future. Cindy, Sally, Sheila and even Jean declined marriage proposals. Explaining that they were already engaged. They just smiled when asked to whom. Mae collected invitations for them for private parties for two weeks to come, saying she'd see what she could do. About midnight, the girls started to run down. John was ready long before. They made their good-byes and exited. Again, limousines carted them away. Cindy and Sally rode bracketing John with Sheila and Jean choosing to ride in the jump seats rather than take another one. "Well, you're a hit." John said. "I still don't believe it." Cindy said. "Nobody pinch me. I don't want to wake up." said Sally. "Damn, and I was so looking forward to pinching you." John said. "This can't be real. *I* got two marriage proposals tonight!" Jean said. "You folks best believe it, cause now it gets hot and heavy." Sheila said. "Not for me, I'm in semi-retirement." John said. "I don't believe it for a minute." Cindy said. "Wait and see." John said. "I will." Cindy replied, softly. Theresa and Kevin opted for a hotel room. Likewise Candice and Mae riding herd on the triplets, they took a large suite. When queried about whether or not he wanted lots of company that night, John had declined. He knew that there would be ample opportunity for that. He was partied out for the night. There would be ample opportunities for that as well. So everybody celebrated in their own way. Perhaps the most active were Candice, Mae and the triplets. They didn't get to sleep until the gray light of dawn. Sally and Jean kissed John, Cindy and Sheila good night, then entered their own abode. John slipped off his coat, shoes and cumber bun. Sighing heavily. "Cup of coffee?" Cindy inquired. "A cup of tea would be nice, but sit down, I'll make it." he said. "That sounds good for me as well." Sheila added. "I don't think I could sit down yet. You two relax while I burn off a little energy." Cindy said. "Can't burn much off making tea, but thank you." John said. John sat back on the sofa and leaned his head back, eyes closed. Sheila kicked off her shoes and moved around behind the sofa and began to rub his shoulders and neck. "Mmm... that feels good." John said. "Why so tight?" Sheila asked. "Don't know." John said, enjoying the rub. "I do." said Cindy, sitting next to him. "And Why's that?" John asked, keeping his eyes shut. "Because tonight you watched all your *projects* graduate." Cindy said. John lifted his head and looked at her. He nodded and closed his eyes, again leaning back. "Ennui?" Sheila asked. "A bit." John replied. "What's ennui?" Cindy asked. "It refers to a combined sense of both weariness and boredom." Sheila explained. Cindy nodded. "So you're bored with us?" Cindy asked. "No, not with you." John said, his eyes still closed. "With what then?" she asked. "With life.... not so much bored, as weary." John said. "Time for a sabbatical?" Sheila asked. John was silent for a bit and then nodded. "Okay, what's a sabbatical... does it have to do with taking a trip or something like that?" Cindy asked. "Sort of. More than just a trip. A solo trip... to where there is no-one. You read *Niven* from my library, didn't you?" John asked. "Some... *Ringworld and Neutron Star*." Cindy replied. "Those will do. Remember *Louis Wu?* How he took a solo spaceship on a twenty year run into the unknown." John asked. "Actually, it referred to him having only gotten back from one, twenty years previous to his two hundredth birthday." Cindy corrected him. "Whatever, it's been a few years since I last read it." John said. "So what about it?" Cindy asked. "So a sabbatical is a long solo trip into the unknown." John said. "Kind of hard to duplicate that. No spaceships available yet, and not many places left on earth without people." Cindy said. "No, but I was thinking along the lines of a long solo drive." John said. "But where would you go? What would you do?" Cindy asked. "Maybe get me one of those self contained motor homes and drive it across the country. Maybe start in Key West, see Hemingway's house and each conch stew. Then travel up the coast, through Vermont and the New England area. Then maybe across to the great lakes, try some Pike fishing. Then zigzag across the country, maybe do some trout fishing in the Rockies. Perhaps on a whim follow the Missouri river from it's headwaters in Montana down through St. Louis where it Joins the Mississippi and then down to New Orleans. Take a ferry across the gulf to Mexico and then come back up through Arizona or New Mexico, maybe see the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion's and Canyon lands. Then maybe up to Yellowstone and the Tetons and then across up to Washington and Oregon, British Columbia and maybe drive all the way up to Alaska and then back again, down the coast highway through California, jogging in to see Yosemite." John said. "That's one hell of a drive." Cindy said. "Sounds delightful." Sheila mused. "Who would you take with you." Cindy asked. "Nobody, that's the point." John said. "And what are we supposed to be doing all this time?" Cindy asked. "Darling, you just signed yourself up for a whirlwind tour. You're going to be so busy you'll hardly know I'm gone." John said. "I'll know." Cindy said softly. John looked at her. Cindy kind of looked at the floor. "Cindy, consider this. Just before I first met you and Theresa, it was my intention to live in the desert as a hermit for years. Instead of that, I haven't hardly been alone to take a shit in the last year and a half. It's not you, it's not Theresa or Sheila or the Triplets or anybody else in particular. It's all of you. "It's not bad, I love each and every one of you to death. I intend to marry each and every one of you if you still want me when I get back. But in the meantime, I just want some peace and quiet. I *need* lone time. It's in my nature. I need time again to discover who I am, for me, not for anybody else, just for me. " John said. "I understand." Sheila said, "I know it would defeat the purpose, but I wish I was going with you." "You're going to be even busier than Cindy and the rest." John said. "I know." Sheila said, softly. Cindy looked at him. "I can see that you need this. So I guess you'd better do it. But I'll be waiting when you get back." Cindy said. "Well, don't worry, I'm not leaving for a while yet. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you girls down on your big night.... I was just thinking out loud." John said. "You weren't bringing us down. You were saying what's on your mind. "Being in love with someone doesn't mean you love them as long as the party lasts. It means you share everything. The good and the bad. You shared our party tonight. We share your honest feelings now." Sheila said. "Who said the party's over?" said John, mischievously. "Just a figure of speech." Sheila said. The kettle sang and Cindy got up and took it off the stove. She took down three mugs and the tea pot. She poured some boiling water into the pot and swished it around, pre-heating the pot. Then she added some tea bags and poured in the rest of the boiling water. She wrapped a dish towel around the pot and set it on a tray with the mugs, carrying the whole bunch to the coffee table. John watched, his eyes alive with pride. "You've learned a lot about life in the past year and a half, love." John said. "I can't deny that. But what brought that on?" Cindy asked. "Oh, I was just thinking about what you knew about making tea back then." John said. "Not much to that." Cindy said. "No... but added onto all the other stuff you've learned.... well, What I mean to say... is that you've turned into one hell of a fine woman. I'm very proud of you." John said, meaning it. Cindy looked at him in sudden surprise. A glint of a tear forming in her eyes. "You should be very proud of her, she's someone very easy to be proud of." Sheila added. Cindy looked at her, also in surprise. Tears started to flow. "Whatever I am, It's mostly because of John." Cindy said. "Oh no, I had very little to do with it. What you are, you mostly made yourself. I just gave you a conducive environment. You're the one who did all the changing.... the sculpting, if you will. You've shaped yourself into a very fine young woman. I'm just honored that I've known your company." John said. Cindy sat next to him and leaned her head against him. Tears flowing from her cheeks. John lifted her onto his lap and kissed at them. Sheila's hand slid affectionately over her cheek. She concluded her shoulder rub and moved around the sofa. She sank to her knees before them and poured the tea. Her own eye's misty. Cindy snuggled to her man. Her eyes now slowly dripping tears. His words of praise had caught her off guard. Her hand moved out and she caught a tear from Sheila's cheek on a finger tip. She brought it to her lips and tasted it. Then her hand returned to caress Sheila's cheek. At the same time she lifted her mouth and softly kissed John on his cheek. "You know, you two have been like parents to me... the only decent parents I've ever known. In many ways, you're what parents should be like. Setting aside the love making of course, parents should *never* make love with their children, but I certainly wouldn't have missed that with you two. "I experience the greatest depth of feeling when I make love with either of you two. Much more than I experience with anybody else. "Your love is the most treasured thing in my life. I don't ever want to lose that." Cindy said. Sheila took her hand and kissed it. "Why would you lose it?" she said. "I don't know, it just feels like I am.... I guess it's the things you've been saying. They are the kind of things parents say to their children when they grow up and move away." Cindy said. "You going anywhere? Cause I'm not. I've found my home." Sheila said. "No.... but John might." Cindy said. "Whoa, don't go getting me wrong. I'm talking about a sort of vacation. I *want* you in my life when I get back. I want you both in my life until the day I die, which I intent to be a long time from now." John said. "I don't want you to go at all... but I can see you *need* to. So I won't stand in your way. But promise me something." Cindy said. "What's that?" "That you *will* make love while you're away.... and that you *won't* bring them back with you. I don't think I could take *another* lover for a while yet." Cindy chuckled. "Why would you *want* me to make love while I'm away?" John asked. "Because, I want you to be happy. And I know how much you enjoy making love." Cindy said. "Speaking of which." John said, caressing Cindy's body. "You haven't promised me yet." Cindy said. John gazed into her eyes. She was lovely. He could also see she meant it... every word of it. He sighed. "Alright. I promise." he said. "Thank you. Now lets drink our tea. And then I want to make gentle love to each of you all night.." "I think that can be arranged." John said, kissing her softly. It wasn't *all* night, but it was a good portion of it. The sweetest, gentlest love Cindy had ever known. They slept well into the day. Chapter 74 "I doubt I have ever seen a happier woman in my life." Sally's voice said. Cindy lifted her head and looked at the stunning red- head. "Good morning dear heart." she said, laying her head back against it's soft rest. "Good *afternoon*. Breakfast is ready." Sally said, bending to kiss her softly on the cheek. Her other cheek rested on one of Sheila's breasts. John was snuggled behind her. She softly kissed at Sheila's nipple and she stirred. Sheila stretched and then softly drew her finger tips over Cindy's shoulder. Cindy caught the hand and kissed it. "Good morning, darling." Sheila said. "Good morning to you all." John said. "Sally informs me that it's now afternoon, and that breakfast is ready." Cindy said. John lifted his head to look at Sally. "Thank you, dear heart. You didn't have to do that." he said. "I know. I wanted to. I came in and found you all sleeping soundly. You all looked so peaceful and happy. I didn't want to disturb you." Sally said. John kissed Sheila on the cheek and Cindy on the forehead before he rolled out of bed. Sally collected a hug and a kiss on the cheek from him before he headed for the bathroom. "Just brush your teeth. You can shower after breakfast. It's getting cold." Sally called after him. She looked back at the lovely pair on the bed, snuggling together and caressing each other while they waited for their turn in the bath. "Like I said, I don't think I've ever seen a happier woman." Sally chuckled. "I have good reason to be happy. I've got more love than I have a clue what to do with. Last night these two made the most gentle sweet love I've ever known to me." Cindy said, kissing Sheila's cheek. "You were inspiring." Sheila said, tracing her fingers over Cindy's breasts. "I wouldn't mind some of that myself, if any of you are interested after breakfast." Sally said. "I'll take some of that." John said, returning from the bathroom. Cindy kissed Sheila and slipped out: "Me too." she called over her shoulder. "That makes it unanimous, looks like you aren't going anywhere today. Have you heard from the others?" Sheila asked. "Candice and Mae are playing tourist with the triplets. Theresa and Kevin decided to join them. Jean's at the salon giving Mr. Moore a hand with scheduling all the appointments that have been pouring in all morning. I think we're booked for months. I just left for a break, actually. But things are running as smooth as glass." Sally replied. "You've already scanned some customers?" John asked, slipping a robe on.. "Already scanned and produced a dozen outfits. Damn, every one of them were gorgeous women. I got so damn horny I *had* to leave. Especially cause I was getting offers from several who got really turned on, even by the new scanners. I can't imagine how they would have reacted to the old one. "I hadn't heard from you folks so I thought I'd drop in rather than call, just in case you were sleeping." Sally said, leading John by the hand to the kitchen. John kissed Sally deeply before she wriggled away. "No, I'm horny enough. You can have all you want after you eat. Now sit down." Sally chuckled. None the less, Sally got a whole lot hornier as the two women joined them, each collecting a searching kiss and a hug before sitting down. "So how are we doing money wise?" Sheila asked, over her eggs. "We took in over fifty thousand before I left. I fully expect we'll break a hundred for the day. Maybe a hundred- fifty." Sally replied. "So we'll be able to make payroll then. Looks like we can pay you Sheila." John said. "I never doubted it. But don't. Lets put it into getting as many locations as we can open. I'm not hurting for cash." Sheila said. "We made fifty thousand dollars this morning?" Cindy asked, incredulously. "Easily. Thank god most of it was on credit card. I still had to make a drop at the bank on the way here." Sally said. "Somebody paid cash?" John asked. "Two women. They took two outfits each." Sally replied. "You carried fourteen thousand dollars in cash to the bank?" Cindy asked. "Yup, over that with tax. I was scared shitless. Made me even hornier." Sally chuckled. "Well, we'll happily cure that in a minute. In the meantime lets talk about beefing up security. I think we need an armed guard present at every salon, but don't hire normal rent-a-cops, see if you can't hire off duty police women. Maybe offer them the incentive of a free outfit." John said. "How about making them pay directly at the bank if they want to use cash. They could supply them credit vouchers. We'd never have to deal with cash." Sheila said. "You might lose customers that way. I figure it's likely anybody who has *that* much cash around doesn't want that fact recorded at any bank." John chuckled. "I think we can do without *those* customers anyway. Let's stay as legal as possible. The law says that any transaction that big at a bank has to be reported to the IRS. But I'm not sure that applies to other places, like Western Union and such. Lets check that out. Maybe offer them a percentage for the service. I like the guard idea, though anyway." Sheila said. "I agree. We can't have that much cash around, for our customers safety. I think we should post signs at each place saying: ' For our customers safety, this establishment will not accept cash transactions.' " Cindy said. "It's your company love. But I think that's a good idea. It doesn't sound like you'll be hurting for customers anyway." John said. "So how does it feel to double your net worth in a day, Cindy?" Sheila asked. Cindy just looked at her, speechless, for a moment. Then replied: "Sexy... come on Sally, lets go cure what ails you." Sheila shifted over to John's lap. "We'll be in for round two." she said, turning to kiss John. Chapter 75 John purchased himself the most luxurious motor home he could find. It was equipped with a motorcycle rack that held a small dirt bike he could load by himself. His idea was to use the dirt bike for local travel after parking the motor home at a hook up location. Inside the motor home he had every convenience he could wish for.... except company. This he flatly refused. He was on sabbatical. The girls' company was doing spectacularly. The previous six months had seen the opening of another dozen sites. Now the hardest part about establishing a site, was the selection of personnel to run it. That would change. Sheila was now working with a national personnel agency who pre-scanned thousands of applicants before the girls ever had to deal with the final selections. Which they insisted upon doing personally. Mae took on the roll of training director, Candice her personal assistant. Sheila hired Judy away from the brokerage and took to traveling with her, almost always taking one of the triplets along. Theresa was in the midst of her first quarter at the local college. Spending weekends at the silo with Kevin. The girls held a strategy meeting every Saturday afternoon at the silo. Everyone but John attending. Those who remained at the silo, worked on its completion. Kevin had lots of willing partners, both for work and play. Working on the silo became pleasant therapy for those who were spending most their time on the road opening new salons. With first thaw, trucks and crews arrived to begin the tasks of stringing a secure fence around the property and planting trees. The road into the silo was graded, oiled and paved. The work crews contained more than one mole on assignment from the Russians. John's plan was working magnificently. The Russians were applying a considerable amount of money and manpower to watch over the silo and its residents. John played tourist and kept in contact with the everyone by secure modem over cellular links. The girls kept him very entertained with a constant stream of erotic pictures attached to their E-mail. Each, trying to entice him back by their words and poses. He remained aloof to the input. Sending his love and narratives of what he saw and did. He took to only reading his E-mail once a week. The first rain storm that caught him on the motorcycle, prompted the purchase of a small, light weight compact car that he towed behind the motor home. Mostly he spent his time alone, seeing the sights and enjoying the drive. After about a month on the road, he made good his promise to Cindy, wearing a condom in his concern over picking something up and giving it to the girls later. The woman was more than pleased she'd chosen to spend the night with him. She was a Russian agent. She learned nothing except the facts that John traveled with an incredible array of secure communications equipment, and that he was an outstanding lover. She did verify that he carried Government credentials relating to a project called "SFB", which was interpreted by the Russians as "Special Forces Binary's". Binary's being a type of nerve agent that only became active when two agents were mixed. This instigated an escalation of their surveillance of John and the silo's residents. It got so that John would mysteriously encounter a stunning woman in just about every large town he passed through. Every one of them seemed to be hell bent upon seducing him, even though there was almost always more attractive and younger men around when they did it. John allowed himself be seduced. Actually obtaining a clandestine video photo of each one and uploading them to Howdy for his agent files. Howdy had sent word to John that he suspected the women were agents. "I knew that." John replied, "But they're still lovely." Howdy had chuckled over his reply. He met John at Warner Robins AFB in Georgia. A minor Mecca of electronics defense companies and equipment. They talked in secure quarters while the motor home was scanned for bugs that the women might have planted. Several were found. Then the motor home was virtually dissected by government electronics engineers, who had a ball playing with their exotic toys. Several more bugs were found by visual examination. One, the most clever, disguised as a screw head on one of the cabinets in the motor home. "Damn clever those Russians" Howdy said, sipping a single malt scotch. "Yeah, I never would have noticed that bug without a scan." John said. "You wouldn't have noticed it even then. It wouldn't go active without receiving a special digital code on a carrier that powered it. We only noticed it because it was longer than the other screws. The shank of the screw was the antenna." Howdy said. "I don't make any voice calls to the Silo anyway." John said. "Good idea. I've got a little something for you. It's being installed right now." Howdy told him. "What's that?" John asked. "A not so secure safe. It will hold bogus files that the women can steal or copy." Howdy said. "Huh... So I should allow the next one some time alone in the motor home while I go out for take out food?" John said. "Yeah, that would work. I kind of envy you. Those last two were knockouts. Any idea what they'll try next?" Howdy asked. "I've been expecting them to try a bisexual pair, or maybe even twins. Can't say that I'm not enjoying myself. I kind of feel guilty though." John said. "About what?" "Well, I know Cindy made me promise to make love while I was on the road, but I think she had in mind an occasional snuggle. I doubt she had a constant stream of them in mind." John said. "So you feel like you're cheating on your women?" Howdy asked. "A little bit." John said. "Well, you don't have to sleep with them. But I will admit it's having a positive effect upon the project. I figure they have at least two dozen full time agents on the silo residents now, you included. You probably have a full time tail team." Howdy said. "Yeah, they change cars almost every big town, but I almost always have a car hanging back behind me. " John said. "Well, here's your disk for next month. Keep it on your person when you leave the next woman alone. I've got to get going. I've got a briefing at the White House this evening." Howdy said. "Thanks. Uh, think you could arrange some time in New York next week. The triplets have been asking about you." John asked. "I'm booked solid for at least a month. Why New York?" he asked. "Oh, they have a special private show scheduled for diplomats wives. Modeling bullet proof fashions. I just thought it would be convenient for you." John said. "Bullet proof?....Oh, yeah. Think they could get down to Washington D.C.?" Howdy asked. "Probably. Why don't you e-mail them directly at the silo?" John said. "I just may do that... I could use a little R&R." Howdy said. "Rape and Ravage?" John chuckled. "Yeah, and in their case I know who the willing victim would be.. me." Howdy chuckled. "No doubt in my mind." John said. "Come on, I'll show you your new safes." Howdy said. "Safes? Plural?" John asked. "Yeah, based upon the magic calculator premise. The other one is behind your freezer compartment. So you can keep your decode disk secure while you sleep." Howdy said. John was correct in his suspicions about both the bisexuals and the twins. In Myrtle Beach South Carolina he encountered a stunning dark skinned pair of twins from the Cayman Islands who took quite a suspicious shine to him. They left no doubt as to their interest in each other as well. John indulged himself. One expertly riffled his decoy safe while she was supposedly asleep and the other accompanied him on an excursion for Chinese take out. This fact was recorded on some hidden electronics. She also planted several more bugs. They questioned him on his itinerary. "North, for now. Whatever my heart desires." John said. "Can we go with you?" Claudine asked. "Gosh, I don't know. Don't you have a job to go to?" John asked. "No, we're on vacation too. And we like you very much." Claudette said. "I like you two very much as well, but... I'm kind of on a sabbatical. Some times I just like being alone... Don't take it personal." John said. "We don't. We understand. Perhaps we will encounter each other again. We're traveling North as well." Claudine said. As tempting as they were, John really didn't want full time company. Instead, they did their best to cripple him and each other with their tongues before he departed, alone. "Damn. This Cowboy is a hard case to crack." Claudette said, watching him drive off. . "Not too hard, and quite enjoyable. I wouldn't mind duty like this anytime." Claudine replied. "I must say I quite enjoyed myself as well. Especially that trick with your tongue that he taught you. Seemed you were taking your acting roll to heart." Claudette said. "Who said I was acting?" Claudine asked her sister, seductively. "What time is our drop? If we have time... Would you like to go back to the room?" Claudette asked, taking the bait. "Plenty of time... I think I'd enjoy that very much." her sister replied. "I think this Cowboy is corrupting us." Claudette commented as they headed for a motel. "I don't really care. I think I'd very much like to join his little harem in the desert, whatever they are doing." Claudine said. "Better not let Sergei hear you talk like that, or we'll end up spending time in Siberia." Claudette said. "If Sergei was half the man John Stevens was, I might care what he thought." Claudine said. "I must agree with you there. I never met such a lover in my life." Claudette said, wistfully. John stopped at the next RV camp and checked in for the night to recover from the twins. He verified the safe had been opened and sent word of the event to Howdy before he slept. In Washington D.C. he spent several days viewing the Smithsonian Museum. The second night A stunning black and white pair of women picked up the task. He left them blissfully happy with no further information.... about the silo. In Baltimore, they tried a different ploy. A very young, *very* well built woman virtually threw herself at John. As tempting as she was, he resisted successfully. A good thing as she was just sixteen. The Russians were attempting to obtain black mail evidence against him. The turn of events was disturbing. After that he remained aloof to advances made towards him for quite a while. When he reached New York, he spent time with Sally and Jean. Grateful for not having to use prophylactics. He left the motor home with an electronics scanning team and took cabs during his stay. During the second night, they happened to be watching a movie on TV. John made comment over how gorgeous an actress in it was. Sally giggled. "What?" John asked. "She was in the salon last week. I've viewed every square inch of her body. She *is* gorgeous... and very *Bi*." Sally said. "How could you know that?" John asked. "Not too many other ways to interpret the invitation she made to me." Sally said. "Why didn't you take her up on it?" John asked. "I was sorely tempted.... I did say I'd consider her offer for dinner." Sally said, getting an idea. The next morning at the Salon she looked up a file and made a call. She met the actress for lunch in a secluded restaurant. She chatted with her for several hours, confirming her own inclinations and how she came about pursuing them. The actress listened in rapt fascination as she told her all about her weekend with John. Sally told her of John's comment about her in the movie. The actress fell for the bait and invited her to bring him and Jean for dinner. That evening Sally had John and Jean dress formally for dinner. She would tell them nothing of her plans. A limousine met them and drove them to a secluded Long Island estate. Sally would say nothing about who owned it. She treasured the look on John's face when the actress greeted them. Both the food and the company were outstanding. The actress shooed the staff away after dinner and suggested a hot tub. All were very willing. John indulged himself as he viewed the stunning woman remove her elegant clothes. He felt a bit self conscious as he removed his own. Sally broke the ice by moving into the actresses arms and kissing her deeply. John grew rock hard with Jean on his lap. Then Sally moved to keep Jean company when the actress motioned for John. Later they all ganged up on her as they gave her orgasm after orgasm. They accepted her invitation to spend the night. Jean and Sally opted to use the guest room. John spent the night with the stunning woman snuggled to him. In the morning they left a blissfully satisfied woman and the seeds of a very rewarding reputation. The actress got on the phone to other actresses she knew. John spent several more days with Sally and Jean. The scanning was taking longer than they expected. At first they found nothing. Finally they ended up replacing every single nut and bolt in the motor home. Virtually every other part was X-rayed. This uncovered several bugs. John finally picked up a *very* clean motor home and continued his journey North. He traveled through up-state New York and then through Vermont, New Hampshire and into Maine. Finally he visited Nova Scotia. Sally and Jean took to spending quite a bit of time on weekends at the actresses estate on Long Island. Sometimes she would have the company of other actresses. All expressed an interest in John as well as Sally and Jean. "I don't know. He's on Sabbatical. Maybe when he gets back." was all she could offer them. Sally forwarded the requests to John by secure e-mail. "So where is *Cowboy* today?" Sergei asked, browsing the latest file update. "Ottawa, Canada" his aid replied. "Well, no question that the silo's involved in Binary. Wished I knew what *Cowboy* was up to. He damn sure isn't just a tourist. Not a single bug has issued a peep. He has that damn motor home scanned every time one of our agents makes contact. Wish the hell he'd taken the bait on that teenager." Sergei said. "Wish the hell I could, after seeing her file. Advanced sexual training!" his aid mused, rolling his eyes. "You find out what *Cowboy* is up to and I'll arrange a month with her for you." Sergei told him. "That is a bonus worth working for." his aid replied. John had to destroy the bogus files in his safe before entering Canada. He re-entered the U.S. at Niagara Falls. He angled down into Pennsylvania, passed into West Virginia and jogged over into Ohio. Howdy met him at a small military compound outside Cincinnati. "Any more precocious women throw themselves at you?" Howdy asked, over a good scotch. "No, I think they were trying to get black mail material on me. A couple of women in Canada made a play, but I wasn't in the mood. " John said, sipping his own drink. "A good thing. I'd like them to think you traveled through Canada with the file intact. I have an exact duplicate for you... and another one to go with it." Howdy said. "You want to give the impression I picked it up in Canada?" John asked. Howdy nodded. "How was your time with the triplets?" John asked. "You probably know quite well. I'm sure they wrote you." Howdy said. "They only said that they had a good time. They didn't give any details." John replied. "If that's their idea of a good time, I don't think I'd live through a great time." Howdy said. "Perhaps they were just showing their gratitude. Not every day girls their ages get to meet the president. Nice touch, that. Glad you enjoyed yourself. They certainly like you." John said. "I'm very fond of them as well." Howdy said, distracted. "How long do you think you'll have your present job?" John asked. "Oh... I don't know. I'm fairly certain that the president will get re-elected. So at least another six years. I'll be more than ready to get out of it by then anyway. Why?" Howdy asked. "Oh, just wondering. How did they handle meeting the president?" John asked. "Quite well. I was very proud of them. I think he was as charmed as they were. I think it's a good thing the First Lady was around. I could just see them giving our commander-in-chief a heart attack." Howdy chuckled. John busted out laughing over the thought. "I think that they would like you to join them when you retire." John said. Howdy looked up at him sharply. "I thought you were going to marry them." he said. "I am. That's the nice thing about a line marriage. You'd be co-husbands with Kevin and I." John said. "I must say that does sound appealing." Howdy said. "Think about it. I don't think our little ruse will last much longer than that anyway. I'm not sure how I'd like working for the next president either." John said. "Probably right. I will think about it. Here's your disk for next month." Howdy said. "How's the construction coming at the silo?" John asked, accepting the disk. "Very well. They've got the fence strung and the road paved. They've planted a bunch of trees and made a good start on the sewage and water systems for your little community. How's the money doing? I see quite a few outfits I'm certain came from one of your salons showing up in Washington." Howdy said. "Not my salons, the girls'. But my royalties are beginning to pile up. They've almost exceeded my total lottery winnings already. My lawyers are bitching and moaning about all the taxes I'm going to have to pay. I'm going to have to spend like crazy on the housing before too long." John said. "How long do you plan to stay on sabbatical?" Howdy asked. "Oh, I don't know. I'm enjoying myself. I may take a break at the silo and do some more planning on the housing complex, just to get things moving." John said. "I think that would be a *very* good idea. The triplets sure miss you.. .. and they said that Cindy is just about climbing the walls missing you." Howdy said. "She hasn't said anything about it in her letters." John said. "Of course she hasn't. She wants you to enjoy yourself. But I can guarantee that she misses you very much. Andrea said she's taken to sleeping with your mannequin... and *no-one* else." Howdy said. "That's not like her." John said. "No, it's not. I think you'd better make an appearance soon." Howdy said. "I have a better idea. I think I'll ask her to join me on the road for a while." John said. "That is a better idea. But the others still miss you too." Howdy said. "Well, maybe I'll start scheduling to meet them one at a time for a weekend. Have them fly out to where ever I am." John said. "Sounds like a good idea. What do you think the Russians will try next?" Howdy asked. "With me, maybe trying to get me involved in drugs. But I think that they're probably due to take a stab at the girls. I think that Theresa and Sally are the most vulnerable there. Theresa's probably easiest to get close to, with her being in school." John said. "Well, you've been right so far. I'll have our people keep an extra close eye on both of them, and the girls in San Francisco. I think the ones at the silo are fairly secure there." Howdy said. "Thanks, I'd appreciate that. I've been a little concerned over it." John said. "That's one reason why I think that you letting them steal those files is a good idea. I'm afraid they might get.... *drastic*, if they didn't find out anything." Howdy said. "Drastic how?" John asked. "Well, they aren't above kidnapping. That's why I started the bogus file thing. So that they would get *something*. I'll have our folks keep an extra sharp eye on the girls though. I think that I should get them each locator bracelets too." Howdy said. "Locator bracelets?" John asked. "Bracelets that look like ordinary jewelry. But which respond to a digital coded carrier when pinged." Howdy said. "What if they remove jewelry?" John asked. "Well, the next best thing is a surgical implant. I don't know how the girls would like that idea." Howdy said. "Yeah, be a shame to mar those lovely bodies with surgery scars." John said. "That wouldn't be a problem. We'd have them installed by the best plastic surgeons. It can be done using an osteoscope. Minimally intrusive. They plant a little pellet in the abdomen. They can go in through the navel. Other than that... there's suppositories that they can insert." Howdy said. "Well, the surgery still sounds like a bit much, but I'll check with them to see how they feel about it. In the meantime, get them some bracelets *and* some suppositories." John said. "Will do. Let's go see how the scanning is coming." Howdy said. "I doubt they will find anything. I didn't let anybody in except a customs inspector at the border and I stayed pretty close other times." John said. "I don't think you realize just how good they *are*." Howdy chuckled. He was correct. They found two more bugs. "I don't understand it. I never let it out of my sight except at the border." John said. "Have to add that customs inspector to my list." Howdy chuckled. "Jeez, an employee of our own government." John commented. "You'd be amazed at the number of government employee's are on foreign payrolls." Howdy said, soberly. John arranged to have Cindy meet him in Louisville, Kentucky. She was ecstatic about the idea. She was ready for a vacation herself. She let him know just how ecstatic she was in the airport short term parking lot. They drove down through Tennessee and over into Arkansas before looping back and zigzagging up through Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Cindy was in seventh heaven. Each evening, or whenever they felt like it, they would make love in the spacious bed of the motor home. They talked endlessly about how the business was going and how construction of the silo was proceeding... without getting too specific, as John could never be sure the motor home wasn't bugged. Mostly they enjoyed each other's company. It was late evening. They were parked by a lake in Minnesota. Cindy snuggled to John's side as they listened to a Loon out on the lake through the screened windows of the motor home. They had just made love for the fourth time that day. "I want to thank you for this time. I know you still need some time to yourself, but I was going nuts without you." Cindy said. "Can't have you doing that. I care too much about you to let that happen." John replied. "I love you so much... at times I think I could bust." Cindy said. Tears coming to her eyes. "I love you too. What say we get married when I get back, say in August, no later than September." John said. Cindy hugged him fiercely and said yes. This prompted them to make love yet again. Later, they drifted off to sleep, snuggled in each others arms. "Dear heart?" John asked on the road the next day. "Yes love?" Cindy asked, watching the forested landscape. "You really don't mind about the women I meet out here on the road?" he asked. "Of course not. I made you promise you'd make love to others on this trip, remember?" she asked. "Yes, that's the only reason that I was able to do it. But I don't think you were thinking about as many as there has been." John said. Cindy was well aware of exactly how many there had been. She also knew why. "No, Love. I don't mind... Sally said you made quite an impression in New York, how was she?" Cindy asked. "The actress?" John asked. "Uh huh." "Well, not bad. She probably deserved that academy award she got for that movie where she did that steamy love scene." John chuckled. "Yeah, I'll bet. Sally's been spending most every weekend with her, so has Jean. I understand you have quite a few offers tended." Cindy chuckled. "So I've been told. I don't understand that. My performance wasn't *that* good." John said. "Oh, I don't doubt for an instant that it was probably better than anything she ever encountered before. Actors tend to be a self-centered lot. Hardly conducive to proper love making." Cindy said. "What brought that up. You curious about one of them?" John said. "How'd you guess." Cindy chuckled. "I just know my lady... which one?" John asked. "Guess." she teased. "That little blonde from that car chase movie." John said. "You *do* know me fairly well, don't you. I think she's adorable." Cindy said. "Yeah, she's adorable. Maybe too cute. I bet we'd find implant scars." John chuckled. "Maybe. Be fun to look, don't you think." Cindy said. "You know me. I like them any size. Just so I get to play with them." John said. "Yeah, I know that about you." Cindy chuckled, "It just so happens that she lives not far from here. Sally sent me her address this morning while you were in the shower. She's expecting us this evening for dinner." "You know, it takes three men to make up a conspiracy, but only one woman. Two of you is almost equal to a whole revolution." John chuckled. "The *Junta's* behind us! Take the third exit coming up." Cindy said, consulting the map on the GPS system. The blonde didn't have *any* scars. They were natural and magnificent. She took as big a shine to Cindy as she did to John. They left with a standing invitation to return at any time. Their reputation got bigger, deservedly so. Cindy returned to the Silo a much happier woman. She proceeded to prove it with everybody at the silo, including Kevin, much to his surprise and delight. She'd left John in Brainerd, Minnesota, catching a tiny turbo prop flight back to Minneapolis and catching a flight from there. Kevin picked her up in Salt Lake City. John had to sleep over an additional night in Brainerd to recover from her farewell before heading off for North Dakota. Sheila flew in and met him at Bismarck, bringing Judy with her to meet him. She watched them make love multiple times. She'd even willingly help. She almost succumbed to his charm, especially after seeing the result of his love making on Sheila, but not quite. John didn't push it. He had enough women as it was. They dropped her off in a town where she could catch a connecting flight to a major hub airport. "I thought she'd fall for you. Maybe she is exclusively and permanently gay." Sheila mused. "That's okay, no need for another woman in my life." John said. "I know. Guess I'm just so taken with you myself I just assume everyone will love you like I do. But I find it quite sexy watching you make love to another woman. Especially when I get to help." she chuckled. "I think we could rustle up a little cutie in the next town." John said. "In Montana? Are you serious? No way." she laughed. "Count on it. Want to bet?" John teased. "Sure, bet you a blow job a day for a month. If you lose I get to shave off your pubic hair and your mustache." Sheila dared him. "You're on." John said. "This could be fun. I've never seen you without your mustache." Sheila chuckled. "My upper lip isn't that pretty. That's why this is a permanent part of my face. You haven't won yet." John said. They pulled into Great Falls, Montana. A sleepy little community, not very promising at all. John had faith the Russians were due for another try at him. They found an RV camp and signed in. John made hookup and unhitched the compact car. "Why don't you make us some dinner. I'll be back in an hour or two." John said. "You got it. Dinner for two." Sheila teased. "Make it for three." he replied. She kissed him deeply and then wished him luck, thinking she had a sure win. John had noticed his current tail long before. Now all he needed was a conducive atmosphere. He found a little quiet bar. He walked in and ordered a drink and waited. About ten minutes passed before a stunning brunette entered the bar, dressed as a cowgirl. Heads turned and a whistle or two was heard from the corners. "Ever see her before?" John asked the bartender. "Nope. I'm certain I'd remember *that*." he replied. John had just been checking he had the right woman. She spotted him and moved past the others, declining several offers along the way to the bar. She slid onto a stool two seats from John. She made eye contact with him in the mirror and smiled at him. He turned to her and made direct eye contact. "Buy you a drink?" he offered. "Thank you. That would be nice." She replied in a dulcet voice. She had a slight hint of an accent. John couldn't quite place it. Could have been Northern Europe somewhere. Certainly not a Montana drawl. She moved onto the stool next to John when the bartender took her order. John paid for the drink. "Thank you." she said. "You're quite welcome. My name is John. John Stevens." he said, extending his hand. "Catarina. Catarina Rothschild." she said, taking his hand and shaking it warmly. "Catarina, an unusual name for these parts. That lovely accent doesn't fit either." John observed. "No It is Austrian. I am just traveling through on vacation. Your clothing seems a little unusual for here too. You from around here?" she asked. "No, just traveling through myself." John replied. "So, fellow travelers. Well, here is to you, John Stevens." she toasted. He clinked glasses with her and they drank. "So, what brings you in here?" he baited. She looked at him a moment, sharing eye contact. "To be perfectly honest... I have been traveling a long time by myself. It is kind of lonely. I was looking for companionship. And maybe a good recommendation for a restaurant. But from what I have seen of the town, the prospect of a good meal looks very bleak." she said. "I could possibly supply both, if you are interested." he said. "That is very kind of you. I think I would like that... for both parts." she said. "Ah... I'm currently traveling with a female companion." John said. "She would not mind? I would not want to get you into trouble." she said. "No, I know she'd enjoy meeting you. She likes meeting people.... especially those as attractive as you." John hinted. She studied him a moment before replying: "Even better... Perhaps she would join us? If I understand you correctly?" "I think you understand quite well, yes. I'm sure she'd be delighted." John said. "She is attractive, this woman?" she asked. "Very." John said. "Is it far from here?" she asked. "No, not far. Would you like to finish your drink?" he asked. "No.. Let us go before the other... I mean, before the Cowboy's start hitting on me." she said. "Fine by me." John said. He flipped a five onto the counter for a tip and they walked out together. Every eye in the place watching them go. "How do you like that. First time she ever walks in here and some rich fuck steals her away in under five minutes." the bartender said to one of the cowboys. "I don't know how some guys do it. Ever see him before?" the cowboy asked. "Nope. First time in for each of them. Left like they was life long lovers." the bartender replied. Catarina said she'd follow John. Which she did. Reporting her progress on a cellular phone on the way. Sheila heard two cars pull up outside the motor home. She looked out the window and saw John helping a stunning brunette out of her car. "I'll be god damned." she muttered to herself. Not that she would mind giving John a blow job any time he wanted one, but she had been looking forward to shaving off his mustache and pubic hair. Especially the latter. John opened the door for the woman. "Sheila Jacobs, meet Catarina Rothschild. I found her in town in search of a good meal. Think we could supply her with one?" John asked. The women eyed each other carefully. Shaking hands. It was clear that there was interest from both directions. "I think that we can fulfill her desires, yes." Sheila said. "You don't mind, do you love? I couldn't see her fighting off cowboys for a burger." John said. "No, I don't mind at all. You know I love company. Especially one so lovely." Sheila said, "Won't you sit down. Let me take your jacket for you. John, would you be a dear and open the wine?" "What are we having?" John asked. "Your nose should tell you we're having those lovely trout you caught this morning. Baked, stuffed with shrimp and bacon and topped with shaved almonds. I hope you like fish, Catarina." Sheila said. "Yes, I love it. Especially trout." Catarina said, observing John select a bottle of Gray Riesling from a well stocked wine cabinet. "This is a lovely vehicle. I must say that you Americans constantly surprise me." she said. "I was wondering about your accent." Sheila said, setting a third place setting for Catarina. "It's Austrian." John said. "Rothschild. Any relation to the banking family?" Sheila asked. "Yes, but just far enough removed that I must work for a living." Catarina chuckled. "I'd rather work anyway, myself. So what brings you to Montana?" Sheila asked. "I am on vacation. I thought I would see America for myself. It is a beautiful land, but I have been traveling by myself. I am afraid it has been quite lonely. I think I would have enjoyed it more had I someone to share it with." Catarina said. "I can quite imagine. I'm glad John met you. Perhaps we can help alleviate your loneliness." Sheila said. John uncorked the wine, enjoying the banter between the two women. They'd hardly taken their eyes off each other. He poured a small splash into Catarina's glass for her to test. She took a sniff and a smile spread on her face. "A lovely bouquet." she said, taking a small sip and savoring it around her mouth. "Yes, an excellent wine." she said, smiling in earnest. She had a radiant smile. Sheila found herself getting quite turned on. She turned her attention to the oven as John poured the wine. "And what brings you two to Montana?" Catarina asked. "Just vacationing ourselves. John's been on sabbatical - as he calls it- for several months now. I flew in to join him just this past week." Sheila said. "You said you enjoy working, what do you do? If I may ask?" Catarina asked. "I'm CEO of Second Skin Inc." Sheila replied. "Really? The Second Skin that is making such a fashion hit all over the country?" "The same, yes. So you've heard of us?" Sheila beamed. "Who has not? Your outfits are sending tremors throughout the fashion industry all over the world. I wish I could afford one, but I am afraid that your outfits are a little out of my range. CEO, that is quite a position for a woman to obtain. Especially with a company as big as Second Skin is likely to get." Catarina said. "I have John here to thank for that. He invented the machine that made it all possible." Sheila said, serving the salad. "What kind of dressing would you like? I'm afraid we only have Italian, Ranch and Thousand Island." she asked. "I have grown quite fond of Ranch. Thank you. So you really invented the machine, John?" Catarina asked. "Yes, I was just tinkering. I got lucky with a good idea. I get a small royalty from my patent. I don't have anything to do with Second Skin otherwise." John said. "Small royalty." Sheila rolled her eyes mockingly. The timer on the oven dinged and John moved to get up. "Oh, no. This is my meal. I get little enough chance to cook for you. Sit down and enjoy our lovely guest." Sheila said. "Thank you, dear heart. Yes, she is quite lovely, isn't she." John said. "Very lovely indeed." Sheila said, taking the fish out of the oven. "You are quite kind, both of you. You two are quite attractive as well, and quite gracious. But I fear that after dinner I shall have to run off. I do not have a room for the night yet, and the only motel in town looked quite full. I may have a long drive before I find a bed." Catarina said. "Nonsense. This thing could sleep sixteen comfortably. And there's just the two of us. You are quite welcome to stay with us." John said. "That is very generous of you. You do not mind?" Catarina asked Sheila. "Not at all. I insist really. I'm quite enjoying your company." Sheila replied, carrying two plates to the table. She placed them before John and Catarina and then returned for her own. "This looks and smells lovely." Catarina said. "Just wait till you taste it." Sheila prodded. Catarina did and a smile spread over her face. On John's too. "Excellent, dear heart. You spoil me." John said. "You're worth spoiling." Sheila said. "You certainly seem to be a loving couple." Catarina mused. "What's the point in being a couple if you're not." Sheila asked. "A good point. But being such a lovely, loving couple, are you certain you wish me to stay. I would not want to intrude." Catarina said. "Quite certain.... actually. I think we were quite hoping that you would join us, weren't we John?" Sheila asked. "Yes, if you'd like to that is. We seldom get the opportunity to meet someone as lovely as you. You don't have to if you don't wish to. The offer of a comfortable bed still stands." John said. Catarina looked between the two of them. "Yes, I think I would like that very much." she said, softly. "Good. Then you can have some more of this wonderful wine." John said, pouring the last of the bottle between the three glasses. "Thank you, yes. It is quite wonderful. Seems a shame the bottle is empty." Catarina said. "Not to worry." John said, sliding out from the table and producing a second bottle of the same. "I must say, it is a wonderful treat to meet two people such as yourselves. It is not often I encounter such... an *open* attitude. You must feel very secure in your relationship." Catarina said. "Yes, very secure. I've never known a man quite like John. I'm not sure there are any more like him. Certainly not very many in the world. He's given me.... complete freedom and *understanding*... of my *inclinations*. If you know what I mean?" Sheila asked. "Yes, I quite understand. As I think I share those same inclinations. You are very lucky to find such a man. I never have." Catarina said. "Then let us savor each others companionship. As you have now." Sheila toasted. Catarina clinked her glass with Sheila's and John's. The fine crystal ringing like bells. The rest of the dinner passed easily, with light conversation about places they had seen and things they had done. Towards the end the sexual tension between the three of them was almost electric. Catarina insisted upon helping with the cleanup. John made a pot of rich French roasted coffee, grinding fresh beans from his freezer. "You certainly have all the luxuries. Quite a communications set up you have." Catarina commented. "I like to stay in touch with the world, while getting away from it." John chuckled. He folded the table away, revealing a quite comfortable conversation area. Each padded seat had its own foot rest. John put on some soft music on his sound system. John pulled off his shoes. Sighing in comfort as he sat back. "Aren't those boots uncomfortable? Let me take them off for you." he offered Catarina "Yes, I have been quite looking forward to taking them off, but let me grab a small bag from my car first." she said. "Certainly. Make yourself at home. May I get it for you?" Sheila offered. "No, thank you. It is just a small bag. I am afraid it is buried in my other bags. I know right where it is though." Catarina said. She slipped out the door. Sheila poured three cups of coffee and moved them to holders by the conversation area. "I swear, John, I don't know how you do it. You meet some of the most beautiful women I ever saw. She's gorgeous. Right down to her voice. I'm going to enjoy paying off this bet." Sheila chuckled. "She is quite alluring, isn't she." John replied. "Outstandingly so. Who would have thought it; in Great Falls, Montana..... You must be the luckiest man on earth." Sheila giggled. "I've certainly thought so the past couple of years." John replied, pulling her into a kiss. Out in her car Catarina dialed a number on her cellular phone. She spoke one simple phrase: "I am in." She carried her small overnight bag back into the motor home. John and Sheila were still kissing. She noticed that they didn't seem to mind her watching. She felt her heart quicken. She was beginning to enjoy this assignment. John finally looked up at her. "Please, put it anywhere. Sit down and let me take those boots off now." he said. "Thank you. I will. I have had quite a time getting them off myself." she said, setting her bag down and seating herself. "There's a trick to it; Heel toe, heel toe." John said, taking her leg and straddling it facing away from her. He grabbed her heel and pulled. The boot came right off. The second just as easy. "God, that feels wonderful. I have wanted to do that all day." she said. "How do you take your coffee?" Sheila asked. "Black, please." she replied. Sheila handed her a mug. Sinking into the seat next to her. John slid down in front of the seat and began to rub Catarina's feet. She closed her eyes and moaned slightly. "Oh, that feels great. Do not ever lose this man, Sheila." she said, half moaning. "I don't intend to. I'm afraid he's stuck with me." Sheila replied. "Ditto, babe. Ditto." John said, smiling at her. "What is ditto? I am afraid I do not know the term." Catarina asked. "It means; as was said before. Like the marks on a line in a column below one that lists the same value or meaning." John said. "Ah... ditto. Yes. I see. Quite a fun term." she said. "Your English is excellent. And your voice is lovely too." Sheila said, sipping her coffee. "Thank you.. I have spoken it since I was a child. My mother was an American. She would talk to my father in French and he would reply in English. It was good practice for both of them." "I thought the Austrian's spoke mainly German." John said. "They do. I speak that as well. I am fluent in French, German, Italian, Hungarian and Russian" Catarina said. "And English, of course." John said. "I would not call myself fluent in it, not like the others." she said. "Quite impressive. A linguist and lovely too." Sheila said. "I would not call myself that either." Catarina chuckled. "I would." Sheila said. "Ditto." John chuckled. "You are both very generous." Catarina said, "And quite lovely yourselves." "Thank you... I think I'm going to go slip into something more comfortable. While you two enjoy your coffee." Sheila said. Catarina watched her as she walked into the back of the motor home and slid the doorway closed. "Yes, quite lovely indeed." she said. "I thought so the first moment I laid eyes on her." John said, changing to Catarina's other foot. She closed her eyes once more and moaned softly. "You are quite good at that. It feels wonderful. I have not had pampering like this for quite some time." she said, taking a sip of coffee. "What a crime." John chuckled. "Crime?" Catarina asked. "A figure of speech. Meaning that you are a *very* attractive woman. It would seem that someone was breaking a rule by not pampering you." John explained. "Ah, I see. I am afraid that there has been no one to do the pampering." Catarina replied. "No one? It would seem to me that you would have no difficulty attracting many number of partners." John said. "Perhaps I am mostly to blame for the lack of partners. I had an unhappy love affair that sort of soured me on relationships for a while." she replied. "I quite understand that. So you took an *emotional holiday*.... a term I use to imply a holiday away from relationships. I tried to do the same thing." John said. "Emotional holiday... another good term. You are good for my education. Yes, that is what I did." Catarina said. Sheila picked her second most dangerous body suit. It was mostly a loose net, the weave getting closer gradually over strategic area's. There were patterns of flowers cleverly woven into the suit between those areas. It hid almost nothing. Sheila added a short golden silk robe. She examined herself in a full length mirror. Nodding in satisfaction. "This should do nicely." she said quietly to herself. She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears and made a little trail of it over her breasts and down between her legs, using very little of it in any one area. She found herself a bit quivery in anticipation. John finished up with Catarina's feet and moved to sit beside her, retrieving his coffee mug. "May I return your favor?" Catarina asked, setting her mug in a holder and sliding down before him. Just then the bedroom door slid open and Catarina's breath caught in her throat. So did John's. Sheila smiled radiantly over their reactions. "That is the... sexiest... outfit I have ever seen." Catarina gulped, her eyes riveted to Sheila's body. "Oh, just a little something I wiped up one afternoon. So you like it?" Sheila asked. "Like it? It is outstanding. I would love to own one myself. *You* made it?" Catarina asked. "Yes... I'd be happy to make you one. If you could come to one of our salons." Sheila said. John sighed in relief. He was afraid Sheila was going to invite Catarina to the silo. "I am afraid that your salons are out of my budget range." Catarina sighed. "No problem. Being a CEO has it's privileges. You are quite welcome to one as my treat. In fact we'll make you several outfits." Sheila said, sinking onto the seat. Catarina eyes were still riveted to her. She looked flushed and uncomfortable. Her pulse quickened, she felt her desire growing and the beginnings of a warm dampness between her legs. "In fact, if you had some time and could come..." Sheila began. "I think she's about Cindy's size." John interrupted, "I think she left an outfit in the bottom drawer on the left. Perhaps Catarina would like to get out of those Jeans and freshen up a bit." Sheila looked to John, curiously. His eyes told her he had interrupted her for a reason. "Yes, that would be nice." Catarina said. "Why don't you help yourself. There is another robe in the wardrobe. I think you will find everything you need in the bath." John suggested. "Thank you. I would like to freshen up a bit." Catarina said, rising and claiming her bag. She carried it into the bedroom and slid the door shut. Sheila looked to John in question. He moved close to her and nuzzled behind her ear, whispering: "Please don't mention the silo yet or invite her to it. I'll explain later." She nodded as John drank in her perfume. He succumbed to it and kissed softly down her neck. She giggled and turned to meet his lips. Catarina located the outfit and robe. The outfit was stupendously scandalous. She grinned and took it with her into the bath. She used the facilities and washed up. Then slipped out of her clothes and into the outfit. It was a bit snug, but fit as well as most anything she could have purchased off the rack. The snugness helped the outfit hug her every curve. She was grateful for the robe, also silk and short. Emerald green to match Cindy's eyes. She wondered about Cindy. She knew very well who she was. She had observed her from a distance. Her pulse quickened again as she thought about her in this very same outfit. She found the idea very sexy. She added her own brand of perfume from her bag in much the same manner that Sheila had applied hers. She examined herself in the mirror. Blushing over the scandalous nature of the outfit. Well, that was the idea; to seduce the pair waiting for her. It seemed, however, that they were doing a fine job of seducing her. Catarina smiled at the irony of the situation. She made no less an impression upon them than Sheila had upon her and John earlier. "That looks quite lovely on you. Very sexy as well." Sheila said. "Thank you. It is a lovely outfit. I hope I do it justice." she replied, moving over and seating across from them. "And then some." John said, admiringly. Catarina blushed a bit, feeling like a school girl over his praise. "Thank you." she demurred. "Well, I think I'll change myself." John said, excusing himself. Once he was in the bedroom, Sheila turned to Catarina. "May I see how that outfit fits the rest of you?" she asked. "Certainly." Catarina said, standing and opening the robe. Letting it slip off her shoulders. She set it aside and turned to model the outfit for her. Sheila felt flushed herself. Standing and admiring the way the outfit hugged Catarina's slim features. Her breasts were medium sized and the nipples large, like her own. The outfit clearly defining them. They were erect. Sheila knew the outfit to have thermal qualities, so she knew she wasn't cold. "Very nice. A bit snug perhaps. Not quite up to what we could do for you at one of our salons." Sheila said. "May I see the rest of that outfit you have on?" Catarina asked, blushing over Sheila's gaze. "Of course." Sheila said, slipping out of her robe as she stood. Catarina's breath caught in her throat again as Sheila turned to model the outfit. When she turned to face her, they were quite close together. Their eyes locked and they stood a moment, uncomfortable. "Must we tease each other much more?" Sheila asked, huskily. Catarina smiled and moved as in a dream towards her. Their fingertips sliding along each others arms as they moved together. Their lips met and they melted together. John returned to find the two women locked in a sensual kiss, their fingertips exploring each other's body's. "That, is one of the loveliest sights I have ever seen." he said, moving towards them. He had on only a light robe over custom made shorts that hugged his manhood distinctly. They didn't fit right until he got excited. Now they fit him perfectly. The two women turned to him, opening up their embrace. Catarina trembled as he entered it. He pulled her to him in a kiss that made her knees weak. A short while later he led the two of them towards the bedroom. Catarina lay panting. She was languid from all the endorphins pumping through her body. Nothing in her advanced training classes had prepared her for the onslaught that she had experienced. Never had she known such passion in her life. Not only from John and Sheila, but herself as well. It took all her willpower and training not to slip into blissful sleep. She waited until she could hear and feel both John and Sheila breathing regularly. She gently slid out from between them. They seemed to sense a change and rolled together. Catarina froze until she was certain they were not awakening. She felt incredibly guilty. Looking down at the pair of them snuggled together. The soft light of the bedroom giving their perfect bodies a golden sheen. Catarina groaned silently at the sight. She had never known two more tender or loving people in her life. It pained her almost beyond her strength at what she had to do, but she had no choice. She quietly extracted a tiny *Minox* camera from a side pouch of her bag and tip-toed out of the bedroom, silently sliding the door shut behind her. Tears flowing from her eyes. Moving slowly so not to cause the slightest shudder as she moved about the motor home. She opened the cupboard she had been briefed on and moved aside a cereal box and slid open a panel. Inside she dialed the combination she had memorized and the door opened on her first attempt. Using an under counter light she quickly snapped images of every page in the two folders. She closed them up and replaced them in the safe and closed it and the panel up, positioning the cereal box back exactly as it had been. She turned to return to the bedroom and found herself facing John. "Want to talk about it?" he asked casually. The realization she had failed struck her. The implications of it hit her like a truck and she lost her last vestige of strength. She sank to the floor sobbing. John made no movement towards her. Sheila came up behind him. "What's going on?" she asked, sleepily. Seeing Catarina sobbing nude on the floor she started towards her. John reached out an arm to block her way. "Dear heart, would you get our robes for us while I make another pot of coffee?" he said. Sheila looked at him and then back at Catarina. She noticed the camera still clutched in her hand. She nodded and returned to the bedroom. "What is to talk about, you know what I am." Catarina sobbed. "Yes, but not why.... " John said. "Does it matter?" she asked, gasping back another sob. "Perhaps." John said. He offered her his hand. She miss-read him and moved to put the camera in it. He pushed the hand aside and took her wrist, gently pulling her to her feet. Catarina expected the worst. Sheila came back wearing her robe and carrying two others. John took one and draped it over Catarina's shoulders and guided her to where they had been seated earlier. He sat her down and then took his robe from Sheila and slipped it on. "One question: Did you plant any bugs tonight?" he asked. Catarina shook her head: "No, they are in my car. I was supposed to do that tomorrow if I was unsuccessful." "Good, then we can maybe talk safely. Unless there are others that were planted before you arrived." he said. "No, we were not able to plant one since you found the last ones. But what is to talk about. You know what I was doing." Catarina sobbed. "Yes, I know, *Comrade*." he said. Catarina winced like she'd been struck. "Please do not call me that. I am not a party member." she sobbed. "Then why?" John asked. "She's a spy?" Gasped Sheila. John nodded. Catarina stared out into empty space and said: "Alright, I guess I owe you that.....God, Bianca. I am so sorry." "Bianca?" John asked. "My sister. The Russians have her in prison. I was to trade the film for her freedom." Catarina said, tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on her lovely breasts. "Oh god, John. This isn't fun anymore." Sheila said, tears in her own eyes. "A little faith, my love. Have I let you down yet?" he asked. "No, you never have. But what can we do. This.... God, you know the penalties." She cried. "Sit down, dear heart, and let me think." John said. Sheila sat on a chair and let him think. John absently moved about, gathering their earlier coffee cups, mostly full. He topped them off out of the cold pot and put them in the microwave to heat. He folded the table back up between the girls. When the microwave dinged he took the mugs and set them on the table. "I guess you will be wanting this." Catarina said, offering the camera again. "I don't want my prints on it. Put it on the counter." John said. She shrugged and did as he said. She seemed more composed now. John slid in next to Sheila. "Now, tell me *all* about it." he said. She looked at him, wondering his motives. "I can not see that it makes any difference, now." she said. "Indulge me. Please." he said. Catarina took a sip from her mug to steady herself. Not too successfully as her hands were shaking. "Well... It all started about two years ago, when my sister, Bianca, was an exchange student in Moscow. She met up with a man who convinced her she could make some quick money by smuggling in some drugs. She did not even use them herself, but like I told you, we are not a rich family. The amount of money he offered was substantial. He supplied the contacts and the money for the drugs up front. Also gave her an exact route to take. It was not supposed to be a risk." she said. "It was a set up?" John guessed. Catarina nodded. "Yes, he was KGB. She was arrested the moment she entered the country with the drugs. They were *waiting* for her. They knew her exact route and schedule." she said. "What kind of drugs were they?" John asked. "Just a block of Hashish. She would not have done it otherwise. But she was tried and convicted. She was sentenced to life in prison without a chance of parole." Catarina said, beginning to weep again. "How did you get involved in it?" John asked, ignoring the tears. Catarina took another sip of coffee before continuing. "All I knew, was that she had been sentenced to life in prison. There did not seem to be any hope at all. I even tried Amnesty International, but their appeal fell on deaf ears." she said. "When did they contact you?" John asked. Catarina looked up at him a moment. "How did..... It does not matter, I guess. About three months after she was sentenced a man came into my shop. I ran a little clothing salon in Innsbruck, that is where I am from. Anyway, he said he had information about my sister. He had a letter from her....." Catarina stalled out for a moment before continuing. "She was raped the first night by one of the guards..... The next night the inmates started in on her.. Seven women .... raped her. Then they had her with dildos made from broom handles. The guards ignored her screams..... " she finished, breaking down again. "The man offered to help her?" John asked. Catarina nodded, between sobs. John let her cry herself out again. Finally she continued: "Yes, he said he could get her out... if I did some *favors* for him.... I thought he wanted sex... I would have done anything to get her out.... After my parents died, she was all the family I had.... that was close. I tried going to some distant relatives for help, but they were not interested. It was not *their* problem." she said, bitterly. John nodded, thinking. "A clothing shop? Could they have picked her because of us?" Sheila asked. "I'm sure they did. But not for that reason. The timing is wrong. Tell me, Catarina, was it known that you were Bisexual?" he asked. "I did not make much of a secret of it. I was living with a woman..... that was the relationship I mentioned. She was part of it." she said. John nodded, looking at her. She seemed to notice that she was exposed. She slipped her arms into the robe and pulled it around her, tying the belt. "What will they do to me?" she asked. "That's yet to be determined. Please, continue." he said. Catarina stared off into space for a time. "He remained vague about what *favors* I would have to do.. he said I needed *training*. As I said, I would have done anything. He had me go to Russia. He let me visit my sister... god she looked bad. She had lost weight. Her eyes..... She had been adopted by one of the inmates. She was her... slave. Anyway, after seeing her I would have killed to get her out. The man... -*Sergei* is his name... *Sergei Nickolov*- he arranged for me to go to this ... it was a sex school, or so they called it. It was really just a collection of the biggest perverts this planet has ever seen. My treatment was not much better than my sisters. But I put up with it because I thought there was a chance to get her out. They let me see her once a week. Besides, once I was in Russia, I did not really have much choice anyway. I got pregnant... they took me into a hospital and gave me an abortion. I was not sorry about that. I would not want to have a child with one of those animals as the father. After about six months of that, Sergei took me to another place, I think it was his home. A large mansion off in the woods. It was surrounded by guards with dogs. My sister was there. He finally told me what I would have to do to get her released. He showed us video tapes.... Of you. There were tapes of a blonde girl and a brunette. You were making love in some kind of pit in the desert. He made us act out the parts.... my *sister*... and... *I*.... He played your part... only he could not, as you do....he was not *tender* as you are.... Sometimes there were other women there. I think they were '*in training*' as well. Other times he would make me go out and meet women on the street; lesbians. I was to seduce them. I actually got very proficient at it.... but I never enjoyed it. Until tonight, I have not enjoyed sex ... since this all started." "So you were to seduce us?" Sheila asked. "John, not you originally. One of the other girls. I did not see your picture until two months ago. Then he showed me a tape of you with a little blonde girl in the pit. I guess she was one of the triplets. He had a tape of them too. I know all of you by sight. Including the women in New York and San Francisco." Catarina replied. "Tell me, how was the exchange for your sister to take place?" John asked. Catarina looked at him suspiciously. "Sergei told me that I was to copy the contents of your safe. If I brought him new information, my sister would be released. I told him I did not trust him. I would only give him the film if he released my sister in America. I hand him the film, she goes free. We both do." she said. "He's *here?*" John asked, excitedly. Catarina nodded. "As much good as it would do you. I do not know where... He told me if I did not succeed, he would kill her.... Just another body found by the road in America....." she said, beginning to weep again. "Stop that. That's not going to happen. You're going to meet with him and give him the film." John said. Catarina looked up at him sharply, hope in her eyes. "You would do that for *me*?" she asked. "I would do that for anybody." John said. "*Why?* Why would you do this?" she asked. John considered her for a moment. "You are not a spy, Catarina. Spy's don't cry while they steal secrets." he said softly. "I did not expect to.... fall in love." she said, looking at the table, weeping still. "Oh, the dam's broke again. Sheila, see what you can do with this lovely woman. I've got a message to send." he said. Sheila grinned at him and threw her arms around him and hugged him before she slid over to Catarina. She pulled the weeping woman into her arms and cradled her. Kissing softly at her tears. Catarina clung to her like a child, and wept. John did something at the refrigerator and then went into the bedroom. A short time latter the sounds of a modem connecting could be heard. Followed by a lot of typing. Some time later John came out, smiling. He picked up the camera by it's cord strap and held it out to Catarina. "Here, you'd better hold on to this." he said. She launched herself at him from Sheila's lap. Chapter 76 Catarina lay snuggled to John's side. Sheila was cooking breakfast in the small kitchen. Catarina marveled at her powers of recovery. After she launched herself at John the night before he had carried her in his arms into the bedroom. They had both made the most tender, sweet love she had ever known with her. She did not understand. But she knew she could trust these people. They were *not* like Sergei had told her they were. They were the sweetest, kindest people on earth. If she had to die for her actions. She would go knowing that she had finally experienced true, honest love. The way it should be.... for everybody; Self-less, deep and abiding. She lay in John's arms waiting for word of her and her sister's fate. It came in the form of a beeping from his laptop. John stirred, feeling Catarina snuggled to him. He lifted his head to gaze into her pensive eyes. He kissed her on the cheek and sat up, reaching for his laptop. Sheila came in and handed each of them a cup of coffee, stooping to kiss each of them good morning. "Breakfast is ready when you are." she said. She slipped out and retrieved her own cup and returned and slid onto the bed. Setting her coffee down on the headboard shelf she leaned against it and pulled Catarina to her. She snuggled to her side while John read the reply. He read for quite some time. Catarina growing more pensive by the moment. "Well don't keep the poor girl in suspense." Sheila chided. John looked up. "Oh, sorry. You are to make connection with your contact. Tell them that we have asked you to travel with us. Tell them that you are going to do so because you were not able to obtain the information as yet, but you are confident that you will. Ask him to meet you in Salt Lake City in a week. That you intend to have the information by then and that you would like Sergei to meet you at the Mormon Temple with your sister. For your cooperation, you will be given immunity from prosecution. Both you and your sister will be given political asylum and protection. Your sister -and you, if you desire it- will be given counseling to help her deal with your ordeal. The government would very much like your assistance in putting Sergei into one of our prisons." John summarized. Catarina had begun to weep with joy. "Of course. I will gladly cooperate fully. I would do anything to see that asshole put away." she said, tears running down her cheeks. "Unfortunately, our prisons are probably more humane, but not all that humane. I could almost guarantee that he would become somebody's love toy. Probably for a bunch of weight lifters with self applied tattoos." John chuckled. "That would give me a great deal of satisfaction... but mainly I just want my sister safe and away from him." she said, wiping at her tears. Sheila had her own leakage problem. "You are a great man, John Stevens. You are kind and generous and I love you very much. May I show a portion of my gratitude to you by making love to you?" Catarina asked. "No, not as thanks... but if you would like to make love with us as an equal, of your own free choice, then I would be delighted." John said. "You know, they have a great deal of respect for the *Cowboy*, but I think even so they have greatly underestimated you." Catarina said. "Cowboy?" John asked. "That is what they call you. Your code name. Sergei told me of an episode where you outgunned a man. You shot his barn or something." she replied. John busted out laughing. So did Sheila. "Cowboy... I can live with that." he chuckled, "What time do you need to make your contact?" he asked. "No set time. I was to try to make contact by three this afternoon." she said, catching the jovial mood. "Three huh? I think we can have you talking again by then." John said, moving to her. She moved into his arms and her lips met his hungrily. Sheila moved up behind her, caressing her body. She was *barely* talking when she made her phone call. Her contact wasn't at all happy that she didn't have the film yet. He agreed that she should travel with them. She passed her message about her sister. Her contact said he would relay the message. For her to call back the next day between noon and three for the reply to her demands. While she was out making her call Sheila turned to John. "Are you going to ask her, or should I?" she asked. He grinned at her. "Hold off for a bit. I want to get this thing with her sister cleaned up first. I don't want her saying yes because she feels indebted to us." he said. "All the more reason to ask her before." she said. "No. When she's free to make her own decisions. *Really free*. Then we can ask her together. Okay?" he said. "Okay. But I want you to know that I'm fully addicted already." she said. "Ditto, babe. Now about that bet..." he said. "You cheated.... " Sheila said, sinking to her knees, grinning. They solved the problem of Catarina's vehicle by dropping it off at the next car rental. She would rent another one in Salt Lake City. They transferred the luggage from the car. To deal with the bags containing the bugs, John simply stowed them into the compact car towed behind. They drove down through Montana, crossing into Wyoming. Driving through Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Catarina got a big kick out of the bears in Yellowstone. Most of the time she traveled up front with them. Sometimes her and Sheila would slip back into the bedroom for an hour or so. Once, John had Sheila spell him off at the wheel while he slipped back for an extended session. She would only do it on an easy driving section. She'd never driven anything that big before. Each night they all made love and then snuggled together blissfully happy as they caressed each other to sleep. Catarina made a German style breakfast for them one morning. With sliced tomatoes, cheeses and cold cuts to go with the eggs and potato pancakes. In Jackson Hole John purchased an out of state fishing license. Not far away he parked the motor home and made his way along a small stream with his fly casting gear. Working his way along the river, pretending he knew what he was doing. He wasn't a very proficient fly fisherman, but he looked forward to becoming one. He seemed to yank the fly away from the fish the moment it went to take it. He worked his way along the stream. Encountering another fisherman. He stopped and chatted with him. The fisherman showing him his catch for the day. "Nice mustache. I'll bet the triplets would like it." John chuckled. "It comes off, what happened to yours?" Howdy asked. "It came off. Part of a draw bet. It'll grow back soon." John said, absently feeling his lip. "Well -*as usual*- you stirred up a *whole* bunch of shit. We've been dying to get our hands on this Nickolov fellow for years now. He's one cagey mother and one bad son of a bitch." Howdy told him, dropping his fly in the perfect spot. A moment later a trout rolled up and he snagged him in the lip. "How the hell do you do that?" John asked, as Howdy reeled him in. "Practice. Every summer for at least two weeks since I was a kid. My therapy from work." he said, landing the fish. He removed the hook and let the fish go. "Catch and release?" John asked. "Not always. But I'm near my limit and he wasn't very big." Howdy said. He cleaned his fly and treated it with a light fly oil. Then fluffed it and went back to his casting. "How come you never took this Sergei asshole out before?" John asked, trying to duplicate Howdy's actions. "Never had more than a general description of him before. That's one reason why we want to jump at this chance." Howdy said. "Nail him cold with the goods, huh?" John asked, managing a decent cast but again removing the fly an instant before the fish came up. "Don't be in such a dag blamed hurry. You just lost a nice one." Howdy chuckled, "Yeah, we nail him good. Don't even have to go into a hostile environment for him." "You've never been to Temple Square then." John chuckled. Howdy grinned: "Yes I have. My ex-wife was a Mormon.... About that; We'll take him as he leaves. But once he's inside, and Catarina identifies him and makes the pass, then we've got him." "You promise that her and her sister's safety comes first?" John asked. "Of course. But I won't lie to you and tell you there is no risk. Sergei is a slippery little fucker. He's in the position he's in for a reason. But that's why we take him as he goes to leave. He has to pass through the security gates. Gives us a chance to separate him from Bianca." Howdy said. "So you expect him to double cross Catarina too." John said. Howdy glanced at him. "Of course. *I'm* in the position I am in, for a reason too. Underestimating my opponents isn't one of them. Assets like Catarina are too valuable to them to let slip away, just because they do as the are supposed to." Howdy said. "Well, that makes me feel better. Got something for me?" John asked. "On the second bend up. Behind the logical rock to sit and rest on. Take care." Howdy said. "You said a whole bunch of shit. What's the other part?" John asked. Howdy frowned a bit. "Nothing much, just the GAO, the Attorney General's office, the IRS and both houses of Congress crawling up our ass with a microscope. Undoubtedly the end of the project. Perhaps the end of this President's career. Certainly the end of mine. You see, this whole thing is black budgeted. Even my position. It will have been well worth it. We did serious damage to the espionage aimed at this country. God, if you only knew how many people are watching you folks now. You've got agents from Uganda watching you, for Christ's sake. But when we pop old Sergei, all that's going to blow up in our faces. It's going to swing all those eyes in our direction, as well as the national and international press. One very big shit-load of people are going to start asking questions. Questions we can't answer to their legal expectations." Howdy said. "So why not treat it as a simple sting. Why involve the silo at all. You've said yourself that the government has wanted Sergei for some time. Why not nail him on some other charge?" John asked. "We don't have anything else anywhere near this on him. He's undoubtedly not usually sloppy enough to take personal possession of stolen secrets." Bill responded. "So what's to tie him in with the silo, or you. Other than you being connected with his arrest?" John asked. "The actual files that are being passed, for one. Sergei himself when he starts talking to save his ass for another." Howdy said. "I don't understand. The contents of the files? You know we aren't actually a weapons lab. Why would they be connected with us?" John asked. "So where did he get the files? How was it, that you ended up carrying Top Secret files around in your motor home for him to steal or take possession of?" Bill asked. "I've been doing research for the government. On acoustic signature recognition. I've been using the motor home as a roving lab, taking acoustic samples all over the country. Including at several military installations." John suggested. "That's good. But what about the actual files? They have to be produced for evidence. They have nothing to do with that line of investigation. They relate to dead end research in Binary nerve agents... which will open a whole new can of worms." Bill said. "So change the files. Sergei doesn't have any idea what's on that film. As long as it's incriminating enough, it's still espionage." John said, simply. Howdy glanced at John, grinning. "I'm *very* glad you're on *our* side. That might work. We'll have to arrange a swap. Which is dangerous enough by itself. We've got two agents watching us now. So we'd better cut this short." Bill said. "Just one more question; Suppose it still gets connected with the silo. Other than losing the ruse, what would it matter. We all go back to semi-normal lives. As you said, it was all well worth it. So what's the big deal?" John asked. "Because we lose our budget. Our construction budget. I want to see that community up and built. I want to see those homeless people get a future. With winter approaching, we can't get it done this year. As soon as this thing hits, the funds evaporate. Hopefully without a trace that they ever existed." Bill said. "Money's not a problem. While I've been out on my little drive, my royalties have exceeded what my original lottery winnings were. All of them, which it would have taken me years to collect. That's just the beginning. The girls are just getting started. That community's going to get built, I guarantee that." John said. "I'm glad to hear that. But I want to get as much as possible funneled into the project before it all vaporizes. That Sewage treatment and recycle plant is going to cost a good twenty million by itself. If I could get that covered, then you could probably handle the rest... You'd better go now. Take care." Howdy concluded. "Thanks you too. Good fishing to you." John said. "To you too. Slow up your cast. Let the fly sit till you see the fish rise. It takes time for them to spit it back out when they realize it isn't a real bug. By that time you've got them." Howdy said, working away. "Thanks." John said, moving on. On the next small rapid he followed Howdy's suggestion and hooked into a beauty. Landing it successfully. He let out a whoop of delight. Holding it up for Howdy to see. He tipped his hat to him and moved on. At the proper bend, John sat down on the rock and cleaned his fish. Tossing the guts and rinsing it in the stream. He placed it in his creel and washed his hands in the stream. Moving back to the rock he sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee from his day pack. He pulled out a half a sandwich and munched on it. His hands still smelled like fish. He didn't mind a bit. When he packed up, a small package went into his day pack with the rest of his lunch wrappers. He fished along for a while further before starting back. He caught three more. Keeping and cleaning two good sized ones to go with the other. Finally he headed back to the motor home. "These American's, with their penchant for fishing stories." one agent said, setting down his binoculars. "The other one must have given him good advice. You saw those three he kept. Good eating sized, they were. Trout is delicious." said the second. "Maybe. I just think this is all a waste of time, watching a man fishing." said the first. "Maybe. But Sergei said it was important to watch his every move. What Sergei wants, Sergei gets." said the second. "Like that cute little trollop he's been traveling with, that he keeps so doped up on drugs she doesn't notice when he rapes her." the first said. "Not our business. Come on, Cowboy's almost back." said the second. John broke down his fly rod and took off his boots before entering the motor home. "The mighty fisherman returns. Empty handed again?" Sheila teased, moving to kiss him. John handed over his fishing creel, grinning. Sheila looked in it and exclaimed: "Dinner! Nice ones too. I figure they cost you about twenty bucks apiece with the cost of that license." John chuckled. "Probably. But time spent fishing cannot be deducted from a man's life. Did you ladies have a nice *chat* while I was gone?" John asked, collecting a kiss from Catarina. "Mmm... quite nice." she said, attempting to continue the encounter. "Let me wash these hands with some soap. I smell like trout." John said. "A good idea, as lunch is almost ready. What's our next stop?" Sheila called after him. "I thought that we would hold over in Evanston for a night or two. Maybe go out to a horse racing track they have there." John answered as he ducked into the bathroom. Over lunch he continued: "After Evanston, I'd like to do some more fishing. I know of some beautiful country in the Uinta mountains of Northern Utah." "More fishing? Do you play cards, Catarina?" Sheila chuckled. "Some.. I would gladly live like this the rest of my life. Traveling this lovely country with you two. Happily waiting for our man to return... I am sorry. I did not mean to imply... ownership. It is just that these few days have been the most wonderful of my life." she said, dropping her eyes. Sheila shot daggers at John with her eyes. "Catarina... When this is all settled... Well. I don't want you to feel any kind of pressure about this. But when you are free to decide things for yourself... well. I would not be opposed to talking about continuing this relationship. I haven't said so before, because I know you have enough things on your mind. I didn't want you to feel.... pressured into a relationship out of gratitude. What we are doing, we honestly wish to do. That includes *both* helping you get your sisters release, and when we make love with you. We would gladly do either, with no connection to the other. I know that you have the problem of how to deal with your sister's recovery too. That may take quite some time. And either or both of you may not wish to have anything around to remind you of this whole incident. I would certainly understand that. But I want you to know, that you will *always* be welcome in our hearts and our lives should you wish to be." John said. A tear rolled down Catarina's cheek. Sheila caught it with her finger and moved it to her lips. "Thank you. That means a lot to me. More than you could ever know..... I do not know how my sister will be.... I fear that she will face drug addiction as well, as Sergei keeps her drugged all the time so she will not try to escape... or resist his ..... Anyway, I would be very honored to be able to share any portion of my life with you two. But I would not want to become a point of jealousy between you two. I love you both too dearly to allow that to happen." Catarina said. Sheila could not help herself as she busted out laughing. Catarina looked like she'd been shot through the heart. Sheila caught this and suddenly cut off her laugh, quickly explaining. "My dear, sweet, darling woman. John *currently* has intimate ongoing relationships with at least nine different women. I personally like that fact... as I share them as well. Another woman, or two, especially a woman as alluring and lovely as you... is the least of my worries... in fact, I am quite certain it would contribute greatly to my already abundant happiness. It has been my great pleasure indeed, to spend every moment with you that I have. I know John feels exactly the same way." she concluded. "Nine?" John asked. Sheila looked at him and nodded. Seeing he was dubious, she listed them: "Theresa, Cindy, Sally, myself, Candice, the triplets and Jean, in order of arrival or initiation. Besides us, Mae would jump in a heartbeat and Judy's warming rapidly. Not counting the string of broken hearts you left on your little journey." she giggled. "Catarina's the only one of them I would wish to become involved with." John said in his defense. "Oh, I don't know. That fist bi-pair they threw at you seemed interesting. And I know you were more than a little tempted by that young one." Sheila chuckled. "You are *actually* involved, *romantically*, with *all* those women?" Catarina asked. "You saw the tapes. What did you think. Was he faking it?" Sheila asked. Catarina looked at him a moment, considering what she had seen in context with what she had experienced. "No... I had thought so. I thought him a great womanizer. But knowing what I do now, I do not believe that." she said, solemnly. "All the more reason why you might not wish to become involved with me." John said. "No, all the more reason why I *would*. Nine women can not *all* be wrong." she said. "I will never in my life understand women." John said. "An *ironic* statement, coming from the man who understands them better than any other I ever met." Sheila giggled, kissing him on the cheek. "And you would actually let me -and possibly my sister- into this loving environment?" Catarina asked. "Dear heart. I think the road between here and Evanston is pretty good. Once we get out onto the highway. Why don't I take the wheel and you can show this adorable creature just how welcome she would be." Sheila offered. "An outstanding idea, woman of mine." John said. Chapter 77 Sheila drove down the highway, grinning to herself. Catarina had the endearing trait of moaning and crying out in French. Sheila's French was a little rusty, but from the best she could translate them, the woman's statements were extremely intimate and erotic. Catarina literally purred to herself in contentment as she lay snuggled to a napping John. Thinking him the most outstandingly wonderful man she had ever met. He seemed to read her every whim. Being soft and sensual one moment, and instantly shifting to rough and frantic the next in response to her own mood shift. She kissed him softly on the cheek and softly slipped out of the bed. She donned a robe and pulled on some bikini panties. She made her way up front. Sheila concentrating upon her driving, looking tired. Catarina poured two mugs of coffee and carried them with her. Sliding into the other plush Captains seat up front. Sheila glanced at her as she took the coffee mug. "Thanks. That outfit should give the truckers a thrill. But don't change. It will help me stay alert better than this coffee." she chuckled, sneaking a second peek. "You are quite welcome to observe me dressed -or undressed- any way you wish me to be. Lord knows I have examined your stunning body quite closely. Much to my great pleasure." Catarina said. They rode along the sweeping landscape, sipping their coffee and occasionally glancing at each other. "Explain some things to me." Catarina said. "Sure, anything I can." Sheila replied. "The triplets... John did not steal them from their parents and seduce them for his own pleasure?" she asked. Sheila glanced at her. "Is that what they told you?" "Yes." Catarina nodded. "No. He saved their lives. Literally. Candice's too. He braved a roaring blizzard, risking his own life. They were running from the man John had the altercation with that got him the name Cowboy. That was the second time he risked his life for them. He was negotiating their freedom. The man had traded a tractor for them when they were just twelve. Then he raped them repeatedly from the time they had barely reached puberty. Candice was married to the man too. He abused them all physically and sexually. Their lives were bad enough that escaping into a blizzard seemed like a better idea than staying. John took them in and nursed them back to health. Then he gave them a future worth looking forward to. As to seducing them, he fought it tooth and nail. The rest of us had to work real hard to convince him that the girls should understand that all men weren't like the asshole they had escaped from." Sheila said. Catarina nodded, "And Theresa and Cindy? Not held prisoner at the silo, as his love and work slaves?" Sheila chuckled. "No, both runaways from abusive parents. Again -or rather first- John took them in and gave them a loving environment and a future. He met Theresa first, she literally jumped in front of his car one night. He actually bumped her into a ditch. He took her in and doctored her back to health. He hired her as his cook. When he refused her advances because of her age, she mounted him in his sleep. I'm not sorry a bit that she did, as that started all this. She talked John into letting Cindy come live with them. Theresa had a relationship with her back home.... John was understanding enough to recognize their need for each others love as well as his." "And Sally? He did not put her on the streets of New York to work for him?" Catarina chuckled. Sheila laughed. "No, he took her *off* the streets. She was homeless when he met her. He fed her, clothed and housed her, and found her a great job. I don't think he meant to be attracted to her at all. He only meant to help her. She asked to make love with him. He did so only after he obtained permission from Theresa and Cindy. She did not tell him that she was a virgin. Once he found out, he did his very best to make it the most memorable experience of her life. He almost crippled himself doing so. He looked like a zombie for days afterwards." Sheila giggled. "And your story?" Catarina asked, nodding. "What did they tell you?" Sheila asked. "That he was blackmailing you. That he held evidence of your bisexuality over your head to extort your work and sexual favors." Catarina chuckled. Sheila laughed like fine crystal ringing. Catarina smiled. "No. John gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. He needed a business manager to run Second Skin, which he set up to insure Theresa's and Cindy's future. He gave me the job of CEO, a position which is seldom held by a woman. He didn't care that I was a woman, only that I was the best person for the job. As to my bisexuality. John is the one and only man who ever really tried to understand it. I treasure that understanding more than anything else on earth. When I became involved with John and the girls, it was like coming home to the life I had always searched for but never found." Sheila said, her eyes misting. "Yes, that sounds much more consistent with the man I have come to know and love these past few days." Catarina mused. "He really is a stellar human being; A genuine *good guy*, like you used to see in the movies. A renaissance man... perhaps one of the last or *the* last. He's kind, generous, compassionate, ethical, humorous and understanding. And he's a gentle and attentive lover. I would gladly give everything I own just to share a single day with him, divided between the other women who love him as I do, let alone the rest of my life. " Sheila said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I would too." Catarina said, her own eyes misting. "And the silo? The Files I copied?" she asked. "That part I can't tell you about, as I've sworn an oath not to. But I can tell you it's not whatever they told you it was. John's ethics would preclude him being involved in anything like that." Sheila said. Catarina nodded. "What's this woman been telling you. I deny the whole thing. Don't believe a word of it." John said, wrapping a robe around himself and pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I think, that I believe every single word of it. I am most certain that it is true." Catarina said, admiration glowing in her eyes. "Vicious rumors, every one of them. I only raped three camels and the Pirates let me go because my feet stank." he said, stooping to kiss Sheila on the cheek and collect a kiss from Catarina. "Bout ready for a break, dear heart?" he asked Sheila. She nodded and signaled into a rest stop that happened to be coming up. "Yes, I'll make you some lunch, too." she said. "Oh, please, let me." Catarina offered. "Nope. I'm cooking. You, dear heart will relax and unwind from your *high speed wobbles*. You, Catarina, may sit and look as alluring as you do, to give me inspiration while you admiringly observe a master chef in the act of creation." John said. "I'll take you up on that. Actually, I know what will best help me to unwind... I've been observing it for the past hundred and fifty miles." Sheila said, pulling into an RV parking slot and shutting down the motor home. She turned to Catarina and offered her hand. Catarina smiled radiantly and nodded, taking it. "Call us when lunch is ready... but take your time." Sheila said, leading the lovely woman into the back. John found French moans all the inspiration he needed to fuel his creativity. He had the table set and a bountiful feast laid out when a much more relaxed Sheila and Catarina came forward, fastening their robes. "Fresh tossed salad with *French* dressing, *French* fried onions and potatoes and roast beef sandwiches with *Au Ju* sauce." John said, "Oh and your choice of *Perrier* or *French* roasted coffee." "What was your inspiration?" Sheila giggled, looking at Catarina. Catarina blushed crimson. "Don't know, it just struck me out of the blue." John chuckled. "Well darling, Could I have a *French* kiss for both appetizer and desert? That would make it perfect." Sheila chuckled. "That you may. You both may in fact... *Mai oui*." John said, moving to comply. "I am sorry. I just can not help myself." Catarina stammered, once John turned her loose. "Don't you dare try! You have no idea how incredibly sexy and sensual it is." Sheila said. "*Mai oui*!" John concurred. "And that endearing quality you have of never using conjunctions in your speech. We get so used to them that it's... *it is* quite refreshing to hear the language used properly." Sheila said. "Thank you. I just *don't* know it well enough to use them." Catarina said, sitting down at the table. "Oh god, we've corrupted her." John moaned. "No, the French have a philosophy about introducing a single flaw into a work of perfection. That one word can be hers." Sheila said. "Please... I wish you both to know that I love you very much. You do not need to flatter me." Catarina said. "My dear Catarina; I do not use empty flattery, neither does Sheila. If we say something to you, it is because we really mean it. So get used to it. Now dry your tears and eat your lunch. Or I will be forced to take you back to the bedroom and torture you with more sex until you develop a proper appetite." John said. "I love you, John Stevens. And you, Sheila Jacobs. You are both quite welcome to my body any time you desire it." Catarina said, solemnly. "Cool, now eat." John said. Catarina slipped off and made her phone call to her contact before they left the rest stop. John and Sheila knew what she was doing, but she was just keeping in character. "I have the film. Will Sergei meet me as I asked?" she asked. "He wasn't happy about it. But he will meet with you. You'd better have the information. For your own good." "I got it last night after they were both asleep. I almost got caught. I had to duck into the bathroom on the way back into the bedroom." she said. "Just so long as you deliver. I have a personal interest in this. *I* won't like it if you don't deliver." "Your personal interests do not interest me. My sister does." she said, breaking the connection. Chapter 78 John pulled into Evanston and found an RV park. He checked in and made hookup. Then he reveled in a long hot shower before dressing for dinner. He had been through Evanston many times before. He knew where to obtain the best meal in town. Sheila wondered when he pulled on his Jeans. He transferred Catarina's bags inside and unhitched the compact car. They drove to a unique outdoor restaurant. They had their choice of eating inside large teepee's, or sitting at picnic tables in the open. They chose the teepee. The food was fabulous. Fresh baked Dutch oven cooking prepared over a large fire pit. They had fresh biscuits and corn bread with their meal and rich sheep herder coffee from a large enameled pot. John chose the pot roast. The girls each trying a different stew. Afterwards they went out to a local bar and listened to some live music. The women turned down multiple invitations to dance, but each accepted one from John. John was just returning to the table from his dance with Sheila when he found a cowboy sitting in his chair. Catarina was steadfastly refusing his invitation to dance. "Excuse me. But I was sitting here." John said. "Yeah, well now I am. Looks like you could use a little help anyway. Having two lovely ladies all by yourself." the cowboy said. "That would be their choice to make, not yours. And the lady has refused your invitation." John said. "There's another one here." the cowboy said. "I also refuse your invitation." Sheila said, coldly. The cowboy remained seated. "Look we don't want any trouble. Perhaps we'll just be going." John said. Catarina made a move to stand up and the cowboy reached out and pushed her back into her chair. John fought to hold his temper. He looked over at the bouncer, who was watching, but seemed amused over the situation. John sighed. He turned to the cowboy and squared off. "If you touch either of these women again, then I can guarantee that it will not be the pleasant experience you have in mind. Now we are just going to leave, you'd be well advised not to interfere." he said, sincerely. "Uppity rich fucks, think your too good to drink with me. Well, I ain't gonna take it." the cowboy said, raising up grabbing a bottle as he did. John anticipated his move. He side stepped and grabbed the arm holding the bottle, using it to further propel the cowboy about four feet into a post, which he hit face first, breaking his nose. He screamed in pain and rage. He spun around, breaking the bottle on the post and advanced once more on John. John waited, keeping light on his feet. Just then the bouncer decided it was time to do his job. He grabbed the cowboy by the collar and took the broken bottle out of his hand. "Okay, Ernie. You've had your fun. Now let the folks leave in peace." he said. "He broke my fucking nose!" Ernie cried, trying to wiggle out of the bouncers grasp. "After you tried to bust that bottle over his head. Now leave them be." Let's go get an ice pack for you. "You folks best be going." he said, turning to John and the dumb struck women. "All we wanted to do in the first place. I wouldn't have had to do that if you'd been doing your job." John said. "Yeah, yeah, get the fuck out." said the bouncer. John sighed heavily. Sheila caught the look in his eyes. She grabbed him by the arm. "Come on John. No need to bust another asshole's nose. It's quite clear why this bar has such a shortage of women." John allowed himself to be led out by the two women. A man slipped quietly off his bar stool and followed them out. The others in the bar went back to their drinking, dancing and pool games. The owner happened to be among them. The customer had been correct. The next day the bouncer was out of a job. John drove in silence back to the motor home. The air was thick with sexual tension. He expected that; remembering Cindy's reaction to his confrontation with Nick. He pulled up and parked. He was about to transfer the luggage back to the car when a thought occurred to him. The girls were giggling and talking about John's prowess. He put his finger to his lips and they fell silent. He took out his lap top and called up a program, entering his code to gain access. He'd called up the same program before they left. The women stood by looking pensive as he looked at the information displayed and then called in a word processor. He typed up a few lines and turned the display towards them. "We've had company. It is no longer safe to talk freely. Act natural. Talk about the fight and the dinner. Say nothing about the silo and especially not about Sergei or Catarina's sister." They read. They each nodded and John wiped the screen. "Why'd you stop me. I could have taken that asshole." John said to Sheila. "I know you could have. But what would have been the point. He still would have been an asshole." She replied, admiration in her eyes. "I never saw anything like it. When that man turned with the broken bottle, I was so scared I could have wet my pants." Catarina said. "That part was easy enough to deal with. He didn't have a clue how to fight. I was sorry I had to hurt him. It was that bouncer asshole that pissed me off the most, by letting it get to the point where I had to hurt the other guy. And the point, Sheila, would have been that I would have *enjoyed it*...... So it's probably a good thing you stopped me." He said. She grinned at him. "So, coffee... or straight to bed?" she asked. "Straight to bed." he grinned, "You two are fairly dripping with sexual energy from that little altercation. I'm not silly enough to waste it." "I must say this has been an entertaining trip. Dinner tonight was quite unique. And I got to see a real western bar room fight." Catarina said. "No, that was nothing. I've been in a place where one of *those* erupted. I grab my drink and head for the nearest safe corner." John mused. "Why there? You don't join in the fun?" Catarina asked. "The corner, because it is the best defensible position. You get to see anything coming at you. The drink, because it is a weapon. And you might need the anesthesia. There's nothing fun about watching thirty grown men acting like idiots. Putting each other into the hospital over some minor offense that most aren't even aware of." John said, reaching to pull Catarina to him. "You are quite an enigma, John Stevens." she said as he descended to kiss her hungrily. "That's the very same term I used when I first met him." Sheila chuckled, pulling her own clothes off and moving to them. "Yak, yak, yak. You talk too much sometimes woman. All I want to hear tonight is a little French." John said, pulling Sheila into her own hungry kiss. He got to hear quite a bit of it in fact. Sheila even moaned some of her own. "Quite a philosopher, this cowboy." said one agent, mockingly. "How so?" asked the second. "That part about bar fights. Sounded like the words of a coward." mocked the first. "You only say that because you have never witnessed a true brawl. Sounded to me like very wise words. I will remember them. You did not witness the fight tonight. I can guarantee you that Cowboy is no coward. That bouncer was big. I have no doubt that John could have easily killed either of them. Do not underestimate this man." said the second. "You sound like you're beginning to like him, like you admire him.." said the first. "No... Not admiration. Respect. Like you would respect a man with a match if you were covered with gasoline." replied the second. "What do you think that silence was all about. When they first came in." asked the first, changing the subject. "I don't know. Perhaps they were kissing. They were hanging all over him when they left the bar." said the second. "I wonder about this Catarina woman. She seems to be quite enjoying herself." said the first. "That's what it's supposed to seem like. But I don't care if she has orgasms when he makes eye contact with her, as long as she delivers. I think she will. Sergei has her sister." said the second. "I wouldn't mind a little of that myself. Her sister is cute... if she wasn't so drugged up all the time. I like them a little feisty myself." said the first. The second looked at him in disgust. "Yes, I know you like them to scream when you hurt them. Myself I'm more interested in a promise Sergei made to me about another one." he said. John slid quietly from between the blissfully sleeping pair of lovely women. He stood admiring their forms for a moment before he snagged his laptop and scrambler disk and carried it into the bathroom with him. He turned on the shower and then typed up his message to Howdy. He set the modem for silent connection and set it to upload his message. A message came in at the same time and John read it, then wiped it. He replaced the disk in the freezer and slid back into bed, noisily swishing his ice cubes in a glass of water as he set it by the bed. The second agent awoke the first. "Your shift." he said. "Anything?" asked the first, sleepily. "No, he got up and took a shower. Then took a glass of ice water back to bed with him." replied the second, "Wake me in four hours." Chapter 79 After breakfast the next day, they made their way to the race track. Multiple booths sold racing news and pick sheets that the even the sellers weren't stupid enough to play. John bought a *Racing News* newspaper with the horses' histories in it and seemingly on whim purchased a pick sheet from one of the vendors. He pocketed his change along with a small cartridge of film. John examined the program and looked up the stats on each horse. Then he watched the horses parading through the circle. He made his picks based mostly on the stats, but he trusted his eyes on one race and a hunch on another. He won several bets. The women finally started following his lead. "Now why did we pick this one in this race. The statistics seem to favor this other one." Catarina asked. "Because he took a piss while he was in the ring." John said. "and that is important?" she asked. "Would you feel like running if you hadn't?" John chuckled. "I'm gonna stick to the stats on this one." Sheila said, rolling her eyes. "Suit yourself." John said. "I am going to bet with John." Catarina said, taking his arm. After the race Sheila was in a black mood. Catarina went to collect both hers and John's winnings for them. "Someday you'll learn to trust me." John chuckled. The second agent observed Catarina collect the bets and then caught her eye. He stood off to the side by the stairs while she put her money away. "Have fun last night?" he asked. "What do you want?" she said, ignoring his question. "Sergei said to meet him at one o-clock sharp, day after tomorrow." "I will be there. I told you I had the film." "You'd better be. Enjoy your girlfriend tonight. I quite enjoy French myself." Catarina looked at him sharply. "You risked bugging the motor home after I told you I had the film?" she asked. "Look away, idiot. I just wanted to be sure.. you were getting quite cozy with those two." he said. "It is my *job* to get cozy with them. If you screwed it up by placing those bugs, I will see to it that Sergei knows who the *idiot* was." she said, looking at her purse. "Just be there on time." he said, wandering off. On the road out of Evanston into Utah, Catarina motioned for Sheila to drive and made a typing motion with her fingers to John. He nodded. "Would you relieve me, sweetheart. I feel like that race horse that lost." he chuckled. He pulled over and Sheila slid into the drivers seat, taking the big machine back up to speed. John snagged his lap top and Catarina followed him into the bathroom. He actually had to relieve himself. Catarina typed her message as he covered the noise. "Sergei at Temple Square, one o-clock sharp, day after tomorrow." he read. She turned on the faucet and further typed: "Don't trust following agents. Don't trust Sergei. Think better watch self and set up." John reached into his pocket and handed her the film container. "In place of original. Will secure Sergei's fate." John typed. She nodded, looking worried. John further typed: " Don't worry. Once Sergei spotted with your sister, and canister passed. Even if he tries double cross, DO NOT PANIC. Your sister will be cared for. Sergei will not escape. Just be cool.... I love you. Trust me?" Her eyes got damp but she nodded. She typed: "Love you too!!!" He kissed her softly and then wiped the screen, shutting off the tap. "What say I cook us up some lunch? I don't have my Utah fishing license yet. Hate to get nailed with those trout." John said, after they walked forward. "No, sit down and relax. It's my turn to cook. I happen to be quite good with trout." Catarina said. "You're on, but the road gets a little narrower and twisty up ahead. So I'll take over again." he said. "Sit down, I'm having fun. I'm beginning to like this beast." Sheila giggled. "Okay, just take it easy. It's not a sports car." he said. "You can say that again." she giggled. "There's a gas station you should come up on about twenty- seven miles out of Evanston where we filled up. I zeroed the trip meter so it should be pretty close to there. Pull in there so I can get a Utah license." he said. "Can do, sweetie. Just tie down the chickens and I'll do my best to keep it between the lines on each side." Sheila mocked. "Between the lines on one side would be desirable. Our side preferably. And switch on the headlights. Makes it easier to see us on two lane highways." he said. "Yes dear, I was just joking." she said, switching on the headlights. John poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down to watch Catarina's method of cooking trout. She took a quick inventory and selected the spices she wanted. John had even stocked Saffron. She smiled in admiration of his taste. She made a small cachet of the leafed herbs using a coffee filter. Adding crushed bay leaves, a pinch of sage and half teaspoon of thyme. Next she added a pinch of tarragon and a large pinch of chili powder. She twisted up the cachet and set it in a cup and a half of white wine. Letting it reduce. Meanwhile she filleted the trout, lightly salting and white peppering them. She covered them with paper towels while the wine reduced. Then she placed the fillets in the wine to poach. Adding a half cup of creme and a pinch of Saffron at the end. The fish was tender and succulent. She further reduced the sauce and ladled it over the fillets, garnishing with parsley flakes as he had no fresh parsley. She toasted English muffin halves and added Spanish rice and baby carrots on the side. Sheila spotted the gas station John wanted right where he predicted it. She pulled carefully into the lot. John purchased his one day license at an outrageous fee. They sat down to lunch before they moved on. John took a single taste of the trout and rolled his eyes. "This is incredible. Hon, don't we need a cook?" he asked Sheila. "I don't know. The last one you hired is still on vacation." she chuckled. "You are a true artist in the kitchen, Catarina. I take my chef's hat off too you. This is the best trout I ever tasted..... today." John said, realizing the hole he had just dug. Sheila chuckled. "Don't worry, love. I concur. Mine is good, but it's not this good." "Thank you, both of you. A recipe my mother taught me. I seldom get to prepare it. Saffron is almost mandatory for it to come out right. It will work with most any white fish. I am quite pleased with how it tastes with trout." Catarina said, glowing from their praise. "You should be pleased. It's fantastic. I have a new secret recipe for trout." John said. "So do I." Sheila giggled. "Oh, I would not throw yours away. Yours was quite good. But you could mix the two of them. Try baking the trout with the bacon in it and sautéing the shrimp in this for the sauce. I think that would turn out great." Catarina suggested. "Yes, I will try that. If our mighty hunter can catch some more trout.... So, I never knew you had diplomatic training, Catarina." Sheila chuckled. They all had a good chuckle. After lunch, John took the wheel. Steering them into the ranger station parking lot not far down the road and then unhitching the car. He loaded up his fishing equipment. "I suggest that you pack a snack and join me. It's quite lovely up this valley. One of my favorites." he said. "Maybe next time. I think Catarina and I will stay here and have a little nap. I feel quite ready after that lovely lunch." Sheila said, looking to Catarina. Catarina nodded, smiling. "Okay, I'd recommend that you don't try bringing the motor home in should you change your mind. It's quite narrow. Should you decide to walk in, it's about four and a half miles. Take a jacket with you. It can get chilly up here quick in the afternoons after the sun drops below the high ridges." John said. "Perhaps we may take a walk later. We will take a jacket if we do and stay on the road in case you decide to come back." Catarina said. "Okay, have a nice time." John said. Putting his finger to his lips and then pointing around. Both women nodded. He collected long kisses from each of them and then headed up the dirt road. "So, you really feel like a nap?" Catarina asked, suspiciously. "Well, sleeping wasn't exactly what I had in mind." Sheila said, grinning at her. Catarina smiled radiantly and moved into her arms. Chapter 80 John drove up into a broader valley. He drove past a steel gate leading to a private cabin association and up to a public camp ground. He parked and prepared his fishing gear, then made his way down to the stream. Fighting the scrub oak that had inundated the lovely valley. When John had first visited the valley as a boy, there was only a small patch of it at one end. The rest was open grassed meadow. Had he known then what the scrub oak would do, he would have happily taken a chain and a truck to it. But he had been too young to drive then. "Twenty-twenty hindsight." He mumbled to himself, fighting his way to the stream. The extra foliage also kept the water from draining. Creating other ecology's in the process. John was unappreciative of this fact as he repeatedly stepped in stagnant pools surrounded with mosquitoes. He finally reached the stream, with at least a pint of his blood missing, he thought. He began to work the stream. First he worked his way up. Catching several small trout that he released to grow up. Up just into the wilderness boundary he caught his first nice one. This he kept. He made his way another half mile up stream and crossed the stream on a fallen log, cut by beavers but much too large for them to move. They must have been after the food source of the higher branches... or just exercising their teeth. He mused. He fished his way down a spell until he reached the old trappers cabin from the 1800's. Now just a small rectangle of rotting logs some two to three feet tall. He sat down on a broad rock and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Your stroke is getting better." a voice said. "That's what Sheila tells me." he responded, without looking towards it. Howdy chuckled. "Where's your shadow?" he asked. "About half a mile down on the other side, looking for a way across. There isn't one. The women chose to stay and get randy so I figure there's just him." John said. "Better stay hidden anyway. So, how's tricks?" Howdy asked. "One o-clock sharp, day after tomorrow." John said. "He said he'd be there?" Howdy asked, excited. "Yeah, but Catarina's getting spooked. I don't blame her. There was no need to bug the motor home after she reported she had the film. Doing so was either very stupid, or they suspect something. I don't like it either way." John said, sipping his coffee. "Got another cup of that?" Howdy asked. There were two stacking cups on the thermos, John only held one. He stretched suddenly and bumped the thermos with his arm, it rolled into the doorway of the cabin. A hand snatched it. A gurgling sound was heard and then a contented sigh. "Good coffee, thanks." Howdy said. "Your welcome. How about snagging my tail just before the snatch." John asked. "It was planned. All sorts of people are going to get snagged all over the U.S. All we needed was the exact time" Bill answered. "Good, what time can I start back for Temple Square?" John asked. "I'd rather you didn't." Bill said. "Yeah, so what time should it be safe for me to do so?" John asked. Bill moaned. "No sooner than twelve-thirty. And hang well back out of the area. I don't want one of Sergei's spotters making you and blowing the whole thing." "That's doable. Airport to Temple Square in half an hour." John said, "Tell you what. Ping my E-mail when he gets on premise with the girl. I promise to hang back until then." "That's doable... and agreeable. You'd better start moving again. I don't want your tail to see your mouth move." Bill said. "See you day after tomorrow. One o-clock. And I'd buy some ointment down at that gas station." John said, standing up and retrieving his thermos. "Why's that?" Bill asked. "Cause those green plants in there are Poison Ivy. It moved in when I was a kid. I found out the hard way while I was playing in there." John chuckled. Bill moaned and cussed. John still chuckled as he packed up his thermos and moved off. Bill let him get well down stream before he slipped around the walls and back into the woods, itching as he moved. It was sheer luck that John's tail didn't see Howdy. He just happened to be looking at his soaking feet when Bill slipped out of the rotting rectangle. He had discovered that there wasn't a place to cross lower down and ended up using the same log John had. Now he hurried to stay up with him. John fished down the stream, landing a second large trout. One more to go. He was almost down to the bridge with the metal gate when he hooked the largest one he had ever caught on a fly line. It took him a solid twenty minutes of fighting on the thin line to finally exhaust the monster enough that he dared reach for it. He just barely got his fingers in the gills to lift it when it twitched suddenly and broke the line. He quickly slung it up onto the bank and then raced over to it to knock it out. It had to be almost two feet long. This one wasn't going back. He sat down and cleaned them all, then washed them and his hands in the stream. Almost losing the big one in the current. He thanked the stars he hadn't and stowed them all in his fishing creel. A short time later a DNR ranger came by and checked his license and catch. He was surprised when John produced a valid, out of state, fishing license. "Most folks think they can get away with it for just one day." the ranger chuckled. "Yeah, with what it cost me, I can believe it. But how much is the fine?" John asked. "Three hundred dollars, your tackle and fish." replied the ranger. "So I saved myself over two fifty. That big one was worth that much to me by itself." John chuckled. The ranger looked at it and smiled appreciatively then hefted the bag, frowning. He took a small scale out of his pocket and weighed each fish. John became worried. "Technically, you're over the daily weight limit." he said. "I caught the other two first, they were dead when I caught the big one. I wasn't about to throw it back." John moaned. "Well, I'm not going to write you up for that. But your fishing is over for the day.. except catch and release.. and there's always the danger of damaging the fish beyond recovery point." the ranger said. "No, I'm content with what I've got. I had a good day. Thanks." John said. "You are quite welcome sir. We like to encourage out of staters to fish here.. as long as they buy a license. If you hadn't had that I'd cite you for both that and the weight limit. But have a good day." the ranger said, moving on. John was glad he got to keep his prize. He headed down stream until he came to the bridge and then crossed over it. Glancing up the stream he saw the ranger talking to someone else, probably his shadow. The agent wondered about the encounter with the man down stream. Until he hailed him. "Excuse me sir. Do you have any fishing tackle or bait with you?" he asked. "No, I'm just out for a hike." he told the ranger. "Kind of dressed wrong for that." the ranger said. "I wasn't expecting it to be this wet along the banks." "Yeah, ever since this damn scrub oak took over the valley. You should have seen it years ago. Open grass land it was. Just one small patch of those damn bushes. Wished I'd pulled it out." the ranger said. "I wouldn't know about that. How was the fishing up here today?" the agent asked. "Very nice. Just talked to a fellow from out of state that caught his limit. One real beauty. A good thing he had his license, he would have lost it and his tackle, not to mention three hundred dollars." the ranger replied. "Well, I'd better be heading on. I'm parked up the other side. Any place to cross down here?" asked the agent. "Just the bridge, about a half mile further down. Have a good day, sir." said the ranger. "Thank you, you too." said the agent. Starting down the path. He was dogged tired already. John passed him in the compact while the agent was still a mile from his car. Chapter 81 "How about that walk." Sheila asked. "You can still walk? I must be losing my touch." Catarina purred. "Your touch is just fine. Come on, it will do you good. The air up here is fresh and pure, if a little thin. But you should be used to that..." Sheila said. "Yes, this area is very much like Austria. A walk might be nice. But I do not think I am up to a four and a half mile trek." Catarina said. "No, just a stroll up the road." Sheila promised, bending to kiss her softly. Catarina responded, just as softly. The kiss was a sensual delight. Sheila smiled at her, then rolled onto her feet. "Come on, daylight's slipping." she said. Catarina traced her fingers over Sheila's shapely thigh and then moved groggily to her feet, moaning a bit. "The price you pay for advanced loving." Sheila giggled. "How do you do it? I know you felt the same thing I did, and just as many times.." Catarina asked. "I've just had more experience with marathons of devastating sex with John and the others." Sheila chuckled. "Quite a life you lead." Catarina said carefully, not telling Sheila it wasn't so. "Yes... well, come on." Sheila said. She dug into the wardrobe and found one of Cindy's outfits that was appropriate. "A little thin is it not? I might be a bit cool in that. It is lovely, though." Catarina said. "Trust me." Sheila said. Catarina looked at her, pulling on a similar outfit. "Okay, but I expect you to keep me warm then." "Gladly, but it won't be a problem. I promise." Sheila said. She pulled out two light jackets, of the same material. Even with that it seemed too light. They pulled tennis shoes onto their feet and then left a note to John saying that they were just going up the road a bit. Sheila locked the motor home and they started down the road. The agent watching them cussed. He was freezing. The sun had passed over the ridge a good half hour before and the temperature had dropped almost twenty degrees since. His jacket was in the car, up the road somewhere following John. He took consolation in the fact that the girls weren't much better dressed than he was, in fact, their outfits looked quite thin. She was sure they would soon turn around and return. He followed from as far a distance as he could and still see their actions. "This is amazing. I know it is quite chilly from my cheeks. But I feel toasty warm. What is this material?" Catarina asked. Sheila chuckled. "A fabric John read about and was able to duplicate. We have to pay patent rights to it's inventor, but it's well worth it. That adds very little to our cost per outfit. The fabric stores heat in the form of fiber twist. When it gets cool, it gives up that twist in the form of heat. When it's too hot, it absorbs heat. Marvelous stuff." Sheila said. "That it is. I love it. It feels sexy. Being so light and yet warm. You say it cools too?" Catarina asked. "Yes.. to a limit. We would need warmer clothing to stay out a long time. But for an hour or so, this is just fine. In the summer time, you can tell when the fabric has reached it's capacity. You suddenly begin to get warm. On some days away from the silo I change outfits multiple times. You can even bias them one way or the other by putting them in the freezer or oven till they saturate." Sheila said. "What's it like in the silo... to live I mean?" Catarina asked. Sheila looked around. There was no one in sight. "Well, I am hoping that you will choose to find out for yourself. But...it's wonderful. I've never known a more loving atmosphere. The silo itself is comfortable, having all that natural insulation and solar heating. You hardly notice the temperature most the time. Perhaps because of that, we don't usually wear very much. Perhaps that contributes much to the loving atmosphere." Sheila said. "So simple a thing as temperature making an environment conducive to love. And most places pay so little attention to it." Catarina mused. "Perhaps that's why the silo is such a nice place to live. All the simple things have been taken care of. John put great thought into everything he did while building it." Sheila said. "John built the whole thing? By himself?" Catarina asked, incredulously. "Pretty much. Oh, not the silo part per se. He purchased an empty concrete tube forty-five feet in diameter and a hundred-seventy feet deep. He drilled all the walls and hung girders for fifteen floors. Then one by one he finished them off. Later, when there were more of us, we pitched in to work on unfinished floors. Working on the silo kind of became therapy after dealing with the world outside. Theresa helped him with the guest room floor, where Cindy first stayed. Then the two of them helped him with the master bedroom... which you'd absolutely flip over. It has a trap door in it that drops you into the swimming pool in the bottom. A nice deep pool without chlorine and so sparkling clean you would gladly drink it. Yet heated comfortably. The kitchen is the most wonderful place to cook a meal. With lots of butcher block cutting surfaces set into both counters. It has a pedestal with a sink and a smokeless grill and a second oven and range top. And a small refrigerator set up just for condiments. On the main counter you have a large sink, microwave, range and an oven. Additionally there is a convection oven and just about every type of appliance you could think of. The counter is deep and well lit. There is a refrigerator at each end. There's oodles of built in storage. We all like creme of mushroom soup, so there is a special rack that dispenses cans of just that kind. Upstairs is a large well stocked pantry with multiple freezers and above that is a hydroponics room that is now supplying a regular supply of fresh vegetables year round. On the other side of the kitchen, is a wet bar, fully stocked with just about every liqueur from all around the world. It has it's own fridge too. For seating, one side of the pedestal has a raised section on it, which forms a lunch counter. You can make a lunch while looking at a person, face to face to talk and then serve it to them just by reaching up. There are bar stools along the counter and bar. In the middle of it all is this massive trestle table, but with long overhangs on the ends. So you can eat an intimate dinner for two or a sit down feast for twenty. It has large, padded swivel chairs around it, on wheels. On the far wall is a curved sofa that follows the curve of the silo wall. It is very comfortable and big enough for sleeping or cuddling. I guess the kitchen is the main social center of the silo.. at least... for now." Sheila concluded. "It sounds delightful. I can almost picture the whole thing in my mind from how you describe it.... I gather you stalled there because you were going to tell me something you shouldn't?" Catarina said. Sheila looked around again. This time she caught a glimpse of a shirt slipping behind a tree, quite a ways back. She chuckled. The poor guy must be freezing. "Yes... It's not a matter of trust. I trust you enough now. But I made a promise that I wouldn't reveal certain things." Sheila said. "I understand.. I think." Catarina replied. "I doubt it. But I can tell you that they aren't bad things. Not like the whole situation would imply. But they are things which could affect other people, other places. Not so easy to explain, but easy to understand when you know the reason for it." Sheila said. She could tell that Catarina was still confused. She longed to take her in her arms and tell her everything. But she just couldn't do it. John had honed her own ethics to a fine edge that ruled her now. Not by demand, but by example. "You know we have a tail?" Sheila asked. "Yes. I expected it." Catarina said, distantly. "Poor guy must be freezing." Sheila mused. "Could not happen to a more deserving man." Catarina said. "You know who it is?" Sheila asked. "Yes, I saw him this morning at the track. He was my contact. He worries me." Catarina said. "Why?" Sheila asked. "Because he bugged the motor home while we were away last night. There was no need for that. I had reported I *had* the film. That he did so was either stupid, or he thinks something is wrong. I hope it's the first thing." Catarina said. "I do too. That's why I wanted to take this walk. So we could talk a bit more freely. I sort of resent the guys action myself. He robbed us of a growing intimacy that we may never know again. The intimacy is still growing... but we can't talk about it without raising suspicion. And I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to be able to tell you just how much this time with you has meant to me. How much I've grown to love you." Sheila said. Catarina stopped and turned to Sheila. She pulled her into a gentle kiss that lasted a long time. "Fucking dike bitches. I'm freezing my nuts off and they decide to take a walk out a mile into the mountains in thin clothes to make out." the agent said to himself from his vantage point a quarter mile back. "You want to turn back?" Sheila asked, warming Catarina's cheeks with her hands. "No, I like the idea that that asshole back there is freezing while I'm warm enough." Catarina chuckled. "Then let's continue to walk until we meet John. He should be coming back soon. It's getting dark." Sheila said. They walked hand in hand, enjoying each others presence. "You think he caught any fish?" Catarina asked. "I've almost quit wondering just what John is capable of. Every time I think he won't be able to do something... he pulls it off... look... A doe and two fawns." Sheila said, freezing her motion and dropping her voice. Catarina stopped too, delighted by the sight of the wildlife family. "I wonder where daddy is?" she whispered. As if on cue a magnificent buck walked slowly out of the trees and along by the doe. "That's actually odd." Sheila whispered back, "The bucks are usually loners or travel together when it's not mating season." "Now what the fuck are they doing. Just standing there? Whispering together?" the agent asked himself. He wasn't watching what he was doing. He tripped on a branch from a fallen tree. It made a loud snap. The noise startled the deer and they all bounded away. "Asshole, at least he could be quiet if he has to follow us." Catarina mused. Just then they caught the glow of headlights coming through the trees. They hadn't realized how dark it was getting. John kept in mind that the girls might be walking towards him. Even so he barely saw them. He pulled to a stop. "Hey ladies. Like to come back to my place for a little dinner and loving?" he asked, rolling down the window. "Why, that's very kind of you sir! Are two of us enough or should we call reinforcements?" Sheila chuckled. "You two will do just fine. Want to walk back or ride?... You walked a long way." he said. "Ride, we were actually about walked out, but we decided to continue until we met you." Catarina replied. "Well, hop in. I'm sure this pregnant roller skate has room for the two of you." He chuckled. The women moved around and climbed in. "Is that fish I smell?" Sheila asked. John grinned and put the car in drive. They made the mile and a half back to the motor home in just a few minutes. Both Sheila and Catarina grinning over the agent they left behind, cold and tired. John hitched the compact up to the motor home while the girls carried his things inside. Sheila gasped when she looked into the creel. Pulling out the monster trout and putting it in the sink along with the other two, good sized ones. "God, John. It's huge!" she gasped when he came in. "What? Did I leave my zipper open?" he grinned. Catarina laughed at his guttural humor. "You two should get along just fine if you like his jokes." Sheila mused, rolling her eyes. "Want it for dinner?" she asked. "No, actually I was dreaming about those chuck steaks that have been marinating for several days. They should just about jump off the bone and into your mouth by now." John said. "So what do we do with the fish?" Sheila asked. "Wrap it in foil and freeze them. Wrap them separately. Leave one of the smaller ones out if you want them for breakfast. I have a special dinner in mind for the big one." John replied. Both women smiled broadly and nodded. Thinking they understood. John cleaned up while the women stored the fish and started on dinner. Chapter 82 John took the wheel and pulled out. Heading towards *Mirror* lake and *Bald Mountain* Pass. Knowing the area, he kept his eyes open and his speed slow. He'd had an unpleasant experience years before on this same road, involving a motor cycle and a deer. He'd come out lucky. So had the deer. The bike wasn't so lucky. He'd faired okay because he had his leathers and helmet on. He still got a mild concussion. The impact when he'd flipped off the rock had ripped the zipper out of his pants and shredded his parka. If he hadn't had on his leather coat *under* his winter parka, it would have ripped *him* open. He remembered all this while he drove up the scenic highway. Now mostly just a wall of dark trees on either side and an occasional moonlit lake. "Keep yourselves braced back there. I may have to brake suddenly to avoid a deer. In fact, I'd feel better if you both buckled in and held dinner till later." he said. "How about I nuke some veggies and start the steaks in the broiler, then strap in while they cook?" Sheila asked. "That will probably be alright." he said. "Good, I'm hungry." she replied. "I will start the vegetables while you start the steaks." Catarina volunteered. About that time the agent in the car came sailing down the dirt road, trying to make up time. There was suddenly his partner in his path and he laid on the brakes hard, barely missing him, but showering him with gravel and dust. "Where the fuck have you been?" asked the first, climbing into the car, coughing dust. "He decided to play *Jeremiah Johnson* and go mountaineering. I just got back to the car. Where are they?" asked the second. "Fuck if I know. Turn on the heat, I'm freezing. God you stink." said the first. "Yeah, I got a little wet in stagnant ponds. What do you mean you don't know?" asked the second. "Fuckin' dike bitches decided to take a little walk down the road a mile and a half to make out. Then old Cowboy comes toodling along and they climb in the car with him. I'm supposed to be watching their every move, so that's what I do. Freezing my nuts off while they walk along in thin pant suits like they was in fricking Las Vegas. Now they head back to the motor home, only I ain't that fast. You had the car. That's what I mean I don't fucking know!" said the first. "Calm down. Ain't many places they can hide a motor home that size. We head in the direction they were going. We should see them." said the second. "So do it. We lose them and Sergei will have our nuts for lunch. Where's my damn jacket? Turn on that heat. God you stink." said the first. "Which first?" asked the second, mockingly. "Hit the gas, turn on the heat. I'll find the jacket. I'll have to live with the stink." said the first. The second headed down the road, chuckling. John drove leisurely up the road. Whenever a car would come up behind him, he would pull a little to the side and let them pass. There weren't many. It was a weeknight. Just as it had been that night he laid his bike down to avoid the deer. Past Mirror lake and up the backside of Bald Mountain pass he slowly climbed. The large engine of the motor home equal to the task. He only had to slow once to let a deer cross. It just stood there in his headlights. Smack dab in front of him until he honked once, then it was bounding away, back on it's original course to get a drink of water. "That's precisely why I wanted you strapped in." John said. "Why do they do that? Just freeze I mean?" Catarina asked. "I guess it's just instinct. A moving target is easier to spot. Especially in the forest. Our eyes automatically move towards any movement. Headlights are an unknown to them so they represent a danger. By the time the flight mechanism cuts in, it's too late. They're not used to things approaching them at automobile speeds." John explained. "That makes sense." Catarina nodded. "He just made it up." Sheila chuckled. "It still makes sense." Catarina said. "I like her more all the time." John chuckled. "I'll bet." Sheila said, but she squoze Catarina's hand. "Coming up on an important spot." John said as he slowed for the hairpin. Just around it he slowed to a crawl. "That big rock right there. I know it intimately." he said. "You had sex with a rock?" Sheila asked, smirking. "Almost. A deer jumped out in front of my motor cycle, on a night just like this. I had to lay it down to miss it. I bounced off that rock halfway through my resultant flight." he said. "You never told me that. Is that why you're so spooked about deer in headlights?" Sheila asked. "Maybe. I just don't want to hurt them unnecessarily. I was only a teenager when that happened. Back in the middle ages. Funny thing is that deer don't like it up this high. He must have been crossing over the top." John mused. "How high are we?" Catarina asked. "Read it yourself. Just over ten thousand feet. This is the pass." John said as they passed the sign. He pulled the motor home over into the lookout stall. It was big enough it would block any other cars from using the small lookout, but it was a weeknight and not everybody stopped to look. He set the brake and shut off the engine. "An *oooh, ahh* stop." he explained. He snagged a jacket and they all piled out of the motor home. "Oh god, John. It is so pretty!" Catarina exclaimed. Below them was a myriad of lakes shining silver white in reflected moonlight. Everywhere they looked, they looked down, except behind them to the side where the actual *bald headed* peak resided. Sheila kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you dear. I'm gonna go take the steaks out before we need those fish again." Sheila said. Catarina snuggled back against him and he put her arms around her. "I will always remember this... as long as I live." she said. He kissed her tenderly in the shining moonlight. The air so crisp, clean -and thin- that you could see for what seemed hundreds of miles. "Well, that's my ooh, ahh stop." he said, "guess we'd better go eat." "Just a sec..... ooooh, aaahhh....Okay, now we can go eat." she chuckled. Sheila's timing was perfect. The steaks were medium rare. The veggies were done to just the tender edge of crispness. With microwave technology, man no longer had to eat a hard vegetable to have a healthy one. The over cooking in water that robbed them of vitamins didn't apply. John still liked his a little bit crisp. John opened the side curtains so they could see the view. "Like dinner on the top of the world." Catarina mused. "John certainly has his moments." Sheila mused. "Like *every one* of them." she thought to herself. Catarina was thinking along the same lines. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you." she said. "Quite welcome. Wow this steak is tender." he said. "You marinate it for two days you could probably make shoe leather this tender." Sheila mused. "You seem to know quite a lot about this area." Catarina said. "I lived in Salt Lake City while I was growing up." John said. "What pulled you away?" she asked. "Well, Salt Lake is kind of a unique town. First off, it's predominantly Mormon. They settled it back in the eighteen something or others. Thirty's? No... forty- seven. I remember the big '*Days of forty-seven*' celebrations when I was a child. So that must have been it. Anyway, It's got a predominant religious population. That makes it sort of a restrictive town, but a nice place to live and raise a family. Which is also something they are really good at here. They raise an *awful* lot of kids here. It's a big city, size wise, but other ways it felt like a small town. I don't know, maybe it still does. I haven't lived there for a long time. Anyway, with a town like that... Well, you can only grow so much, intellectually... but no, that's not right either. I've met some very brilliant people in the world, but none any brighter than I met there. I guess it just had a shortage of the type of jobs that *I* was growing into. I was an electronics technician working my way up the technology ladder. I reached the top of what I could do there, as a technician. There were no bridges there then between technician and an engineering position. So I loaded up my old VW bus and headed for Silicon Valley." he concluded. "You never came back?" Catarina asked. "I tried to. After Détente, the defense electronics world kind of collapsed for a while everywhere. I came back thinking that all my experience would count for something in an engineer's job. Between all the applicants in my field out of work, and my lack of degree, I couldn't find a job here. I eventually had to move elsewhere to find a job." John said. "You sound a bit bitter over it." Catarina said. "I was quite bitter about it for a long time. I lost a lot. A wife and child among them. For better or worse lasted about three quarters through better. She was long gone by the time worse rolled around... I don't know. I guess in some ways I'm still a little bitter about it. The part that still pisses me off the most, is that it's not what you *really* are that counts in the world.. it's what you *appear* to be that matters. Perhaps that's why I didn't keep moving up the corporate ladder. I didn't try to *appear* to be anything but what I am. I like what I am. I'm content being what I am. But with everybody in the world pretending to be whiz-bang miracle workers, an honest, competent engineer who appears to be an honest, competent engineer hasn't got a chance. Those positions go to wannabe idiots who are good at pretending to be competent engineers." John said. "Well, I've seen multiple examples of your work. I know you to be an extremely honest and competent engineer. Second Skin would not exist without that skill. I would not be CEO and I would still be miserable." Sheila said. "You didn't seem so miserable when I first met you." John said. "I was.. I just had a positive attitude." Sheila said. "Well, guess I'd better get on the road. We've got another few hours of driving to do before we reach a hook up." John said. "Do we need one?" Catarina asked. "Well, no. We've got everything we need but a safe, level place to park." John said. "Where's the nearest one of those?" Sheila asked. "Oh, I guess *Soapstone* campground. Down the hill a bit." John said. "How long?" Sheila asked. "Oh, forty-five minutes." he replied. "Lets do that then. For one thing, I want to see this area were driving through. We can't do that at night. Where were you heading for?" Sheila asked. "Park City, I figured after the cowboys in Evanston, that you might enjoy a thriving little resort town Very *Nouveaux*." John said. "Yuck." Catarina said. "That's the first colloquialism that I ever heard you use... but I concur." Sheila said. "Alright, you've got it." John said, bussing his dishes. He climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine. Then started down the road. He had the women hold off with cleanup till they were parked again. A good thing as a short way down the hill John had to lay hard on the brakes to avoid another deer. Had the women been standing, they would have surely been catapulted through the windshield. "Don't know why I ever argue with the man." Sheila mused quietly to herself. "Because you like him to surprise you." Catarina answered her quietly, grinning. Sheila looked at her and nodded, grinning back. The Russian agents stood looking at the front end of their car. They had been trying to lay on some speed to catch the motor home. There had been no chance when the small four-point buck had suddenly jumped out in front of them and froze. They had hardly reduced speed at all when they hit it full broadside. The impact ripped their grill and knocked their radiator back into the fan, which punctured it. Then the deer flipped up and smashed their windshield, almost landing in their startled lap. Their air bags had been the only thing that had saved them from eating glass and being splattered with deer guts. "Oh, Sergei's going to love this one! Sorry, the girls went for a walk and we lost them. Then we couldn't catch up cause *Bambi* wrecked our car." said the first one. "Fuck you." said the second one. The first one smugly flipped open his cellular phone.. and found static. They were between mountain ranges with no repeater in line of sight. "Fuck, we can't even call a tow truck to come get us. Sergei's going to eat my nuts for lunch." said the first one. "Now pay attention, cause I don't want to have to say this twice; I don't give a flying fuck about Sergei right at this moment. *We* are at least forty miles from civilization, high up in the mountains. With no communication. I am damp and it's likely to actually reach below thirty degrees tonight. It's close to that now. All we have are bull shit jackets designed to comfortably protect you between your car and the super market door. It's a week night, so there are hardly any tourists passing through and we're off the main route so no truckers will pass by. In other words, it's likely to be one cold, miserable, fuck of a night. Now if you wish to worry about what Sergei want's for lunch tomorrow you just fucking go ahead. But shut the fuck up, cause I'm mainly concerned with staying alive." the second agent concluded.