Transport Master Ideas Compendium

Date:29th December 2003



Purpose of this document
Version history and updates
How to suggest ideas
How to comment on an idea
Key to the format of ideas
Errors and Omissions
AI / Multiplayer
/ Scenarios
Bridges and Tunnels
Charts / Graphs / Menus
Climates General
Disasters &
Local Authorities (LAs)
Roads / Railways
Start Year
Stations / Depots
/ Ports / Aiports
/ Heliports
Road Vehicles
Stock Market / Finances
Subsidies / Cargo
Towns / Cities
Vehicles General
Road Vehicles
Water / Terrain / Map
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Purpose Of This Document

The original Transport Master ideas thread on the Transport Tycoon Forums was created to be the respository for all suggestions and ideas for the new project, and to avoid a million-and-one different threads. However, as the number of pages grew it became clear that the ideas themselves were losing prominance in the general discussion about some of the points of a small number of the suggestions. This confusion led to many ideas being repeated as poeple were not reading through all the previous pages before submiting their idea.

There were several posts asking for all the ideas to be compiled in one place, but nothing happened. My first post to the forums was a suggestion for Transport Master, which turned out to be repeating something previously suggested. I was reminded that some of the posts I had read were asking about a website with the details, and enquired whether anything had been done. Finding out that no such website existed, I set about compilling a list of all the ideas. This compilation started out as a text file, before being converted to HTML by DominionSpy, which I put online. This website is the third version of the ideas compendium (but the first to be called such). The purpose of this compendium is therefore to provide an easy reference of all the ideas for Transport Master, and succint summaries of comments about them.

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Version History and Updates

Version Date Notes
1.0 26th October 2003
  • text file created with the ideas up to and including page 10
  • format defined
  • disclaimer's written
  • posted as an attachment to a message on the Transport Tycoon Forums.
1.1 27th October 2003
1.2 30th Ocotber 2003
  • version 1.1 converted to html by DominionSpy
  • DominionSpy's name added to credits
  • spell checking added to disclaimers
  • format changed to reflect conversion to html
  • no ideas added since 1.1
  • posted as an attachement to a message on the Transport Tycoon Forums
2.0 22nd November 2003
  • updated version of 1.1 in text format
  • all ideas to date added - this merits the major version number change
  • Charts / Graphs / Menus category created
  • War category created
  • posted as an attachment to a message on the Transport Tycoon Forums
  • message about 1.1 edited and attachment removed
2.1 26th November 2003
2.11 27th November 2003
  • very minor conversion of 2.1 to a web page
  • hosted on my internet site at
3.0 29th December 2003
  • major change of layout
  • intenal links created
  • sub-categories introduced
  • some ideas moved between categories
  • purpose of this document added
  • version history added
  • how to suggest ideas added
  • format key updated
  • credits updated
  • disclaimers updated
  • errors and ommisions added
  • ideas since 2.0 added and highlighted

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How To Suggest Ideas

The most important thing to do before suggesting an idea is to check that it hasn't been suggested before, e.g. mutli-level bridges and an improved AI have both been suggested many times already.
The way to ascertain whether your idea is new or not is to first of all check this document. Look in every category that it could come under (e.g. planes crashing at airports could come under Stations, Vehicles or Disasters). Tip: In most browsers you can search for items on this page by pressing ctrl+f.
If you don't find anything here, then check the Transport Master Ideas thread in the Transport Master section of the Transport Tycoon Forums. Read all the posts made on and since the date at the top of this page.
If you still can't find anything that matches your suggestion then post a reply on that thread which details your idea. Try to explain it as best and as simply as you can. If it truly hasn't been suggested before and is realistic then it should get added to this compendium at its next update.

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How to comment on a suggestion

If you want to comment on an idea that is in this document, then you can do so on the Transport Master Ideas thread on the Transport Master forum. The easiest way to do this is to copy the idea you want to comment on to your clipboard and then paste it into a quote in your message. The phpBB code below is a good template to use for such a quote:
[quote="In the ! section of the Transport Master Ideas Comenpendium, Chris 'Awkward' McKenna"]
(paste the idea here)
(your comment)
The ! should be replaced by whatever section the idea was in (e.g. Disasters or Road Vehicle Stations).
It may get included in the next update of this compendium, particularly if it helps to explain or offers a new perspective on an idea.

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Key to the format of ideas


New Category since previous version

idea (author's comment) (later comment) (my comment) (link to more information)
new idea (new comment) (new comment by me) (new link)

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Original document compiled by Chris 'Awkward' McKenna.
Converted to HTML by Matthew Wilson (dominionspy).
Version 3 HTML written by Chris 'Awkward' McKenna, based on Matthew Wilson's HTML

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I have tried to remove duplicate ideas, but can't guarantee it. I have made no attempt to remove contradictory ideas. Some ideas may have already been taken forward/rejected, I will try to include this as a later comment but can't guarantee it.
Categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I make no guarantee that I have correctly understood/summarised all ideas.
Spelling errors are probably mine (some corrected by dominionspy) - please see the errors and omissions section if you spot any.

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Errors and Omissions

If you spot any spelling or typing errors on this page, then email me. If you think I have misinterpreted or not correctly understood an idea, or missed something, then post a message on the forum as in the How to comment on an idea section above.

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The Ideas

AI / Multiplayer / Scenarios - General

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AI / Multiplayer / Scearios - Sabotage