Now and again Dan Hilton posts some of his thoughts to try and understand himself. Enough said.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Report to SGM – Dan Hilton

The Fight against Top-Up fees

· Website nearly ready for launch

· Coaches booked for Demo on Dec 2nd.

· T-Shirts organized for the first time ever with the SUSU logo on them.

· Tickets on sale now, £2.50 you get a free T-Shirt!

We need your support now more than ever please, please get a ticket and come on the march with us.

The University

· Proposed new community newsletter to ease relations in Brynmill & Uplands.

· Secured access to more information about schools to help inform students about the proposed changes thus enabling people to make informed choices.


· Done my first two radio shows.

· Thanks to SUCS you can now listen to the radio station online.

· Media awards planned for Easter next year to celebrate the best quality in our media output.

Reform of our Union

· Part of the Union review group as set up by Chris Harris to look at reforming the structures we have in place.

Goals from last Report:

  1. Establish an online feed for Xtreme DONE
  2. Write to all members of the Rees commission STILL TO DO
  3. Write to all of the Assembly members about the threat of Top-up fees to Swansea STILL TO DO
  4. Have the first book fair to enable students to buy and sell course books. Have had the book shop clear out sale and proposed a new way forward for the bookshop (see proposal for bookshop).
  5. Work with the Ents officer, Ents manager and the Ents committee to look at possible options for a Swansea Mid-Summer Ball. DONE

Revised Goal list:

1. Write to all members of the Rees commission.

2. Write to all of the Assembly members about the threat of Top-up fees to Swansea.

3. Publicise the launch of Give Wales the Edge website.

4. Organise (hopefully) a campaign to length the Library opening hours.

5. Organise better communication of what is going on within the Union to both elected officials and students.

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, ways you can help, please, please drop me a line
