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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
o*AreaChart.javaStores a user defined AreaChart to be displayed on screen
o*BarChart.javaStores a user defined BarChart to be displayed on screen
o*BarChart3D.javaStores a user defined BarChart3D to be displayed on screen
o*BubbleChart.javaStores a user defined BubbleChart to be displayed on screen
o*Chart.javaStores how chart should be displayed from its respective data
o*ChartData.javaStores and handles data describing a Chart
o*ColourGenerator.javaColourGenerator generates colours to be stored in an ColourList
o*ColourList.javaHandles an arraylist with colours generated of a specific colour scheme
o*ColourSchemeChooser.javaCreates a interface for a user to select colour scheme
o*CSV.javaReads a .csv file of passed filename, checks and removes errors
o*GUI.javaGUI class creates the GUI
o*HistogramChart.javaStores a user defined HistogramChart to be displayed on screen
o*LineChart.javaStores a user defined LineChart to be displayed on screen
o*LineChart3D.javaStores a user defined LineChart3D to be displayed on screen
o*MultiplePieChart.javaStores a user defined MultiplePieChart to be displayed on screen
o*MultiplePieChart3D.javaStores a user defined MultiplePieChart3D to be displayed on screen
o*PieChart.javaStores a user defined PieChart to be displayed on screen
o*PieChart3D.javaStores a user defined PieChart3D to be displayed on screen
o*RingChart.javaStores a user defined RingChart to be displayed on screen
o*ScatterChart.javaStores a user defined ScatterChart to be displayed on screen
o*SlideShow.javaCreates and runs the Slideshow
o*StackedAreaChart.javaStores a user defined StackedAreaChart to be displayed on screen
o*StackedBarChart.javaStores a user defined StackedBarChart to be displayed on screen
o*StackedBarChart3D.javaStores a user defined StackedBarChart3D to be displayed on screen
o*Table.javaA class that populates a table with data receieved
o*TypeChooser.javaCreates the popup interface containing the buttons for each chart type
o*UserDefinedColourSelection.javaThis is a Class that provides the user with an interface to create their own selection of colours. They can choose the colours they want to make their own custom colour scheme
o*Visualisation.javaVisual element to be displayed in JSwing
o*XYBarChart.javaHeader file for class which creates a XY Bar Chart
\*XYLineChart.javaStores a user defined XYLineChart to be displayed on screen