package com.seanhandley.projects.BinaryTree;

 * A generic binary tree data structure.
 * @author Sean Handley,
 * @version May 2007
public class BinaryTree<T extends Comparable<T>>
    private Node<T> root;
    private IStrategy<T> strategy;
     * Constructor for the generic binary tree.
     * @param strategy Strategy object for the tree.
    public BinaryTree(IStrategy<T> strategy)
        root = null;
        this.strategy = strategy;
     * Add a new item to the tree.
     * @param t New item to be added.
    public void add(T t)
        root = add(root,t);
     * Recursive helper for adding nodes.
    private Node<T> add(Node<T> n, T t)
        if (n == null)
            n = new Node<T>(t,null,null);
            if (n.element.compareTo(t) >= 0)
                n.left = add(n.left, t);
                n.right = add(n.right, t);
     * Test whether the tree is empty.
     * @return true if tree is empty, false if otherwise.
    public boolean empty()
        if(root == null)
            return true;
            return false;
     * Determine number of elements in the tree.
     * @return Number of elements in the tree.
    public int size()
        return count(root);
     * Recursive helper for size()
    private int count(Node<T> n)
        int nodes = 0;
        if(n != null)
            nodes += count(n.left);
            nodes += count(n.right);
        return nodes;
     * Print out tree contents in order.
     * Overrides the toString method of Object.
     * @return Tree contents
    public String toString()
        String list = inOrder(root);
        if(root != null)
            //trim the final comma
            if((list.substring(list.length()-2,list.length())).equalsIgnoreCase(", "))
                list = list.substring(0,list.length() - 2);
        return "[" + list + "]";
     * Recursive helper function for retrieving tree contents in order.
    private String inOrder(Node<T> n)
        String out = "";
        if(n != null)
            out += inOrder(n.left);
            out += n.element.toString() + ", ";
            out += inOrder(n.right);
        return out;
     * Visit method for some arbitrary visitor object.
     * @param <R> return type of the visitor
     * @param v visitor itself
     * @return an arbitrary object
    public <R> R visit(IVisitor<T,R> v)
        return visit(v,root);
     * Recursive helper for visiting each node.
    private <R> R visit(IVisitor<T,R> v, Node<T> n)
        R ret = null;
        if(n != null)
            ret = n.visit(v);
        return ret;
     * Inner node class.
    class Node <E extends Comparable<E>>
        E element;
        Node <E> left, right;
        Node(E element, Node<E> left, Node<E> right)
            this.element = element;
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;
         * Visitor method for this node.
        <R> R visit(IVisitor<E,R> v)
            return v.node(element);