Welcome to ZuteSpace!
So who is Zute, anyway?
Well, for those who are interested, my real name is Matthew Suter, a Computer
Science student at Swansea, although I come from Swindon originally
(DON'T laugh...). If you REALLY need to know, then I look like this:
My interests are quite varied, really. I'm into:
- Food - I'll eat most things, with the posssible exception of Pot Noodles...
- Beer - I'll also drink most things but Lager is my current favourite (hint, hint...)
- MUDs - Love the things. Currently I play these ones:
Sushi - My local LPMUD which is realm-based with extensive talk facilities.
Telnet to port 5500.
UglyMUG - More of a talker, this. Experemental driver. Telnet to pasteur.cs.man.ac.uk
and login as 'uglymug'.
- TCZ - Definitely a talker, using a similar driver to UglyMUG. Usually lagged to hell and back.
Telnet to...um...
- Surfers - A talker based on EW-too. Very friendly and lots of fun. Telnet to surfers.itf.org.uk port 4242.
- Science Fiction Books - Especially Terry Pratchett, who is undoubtably the world's best author...
- Red Dwarf - It's cold outside, there's no kind of amosphere...but there IS a home page.
"So how can I contact this amazing person?", I hear you cry. Well,
you can mail me at cs9h5sms@swan.ac.uk or (for preference) zute@sucs.swan.ac.uk