We will have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 29/04/2016 at 18:00 in Seminar Room 2, Fulton House.

The AGM gives members of the society an opportunity to help decide on what the society does and focuses on in the year ahead. Additionally, it gives people a chance to bring up any issues or concerns that they might have.

Here is the agenda for the AGM:

  1. Welcome 
  2. Present/Apologies 
  3. Confirm last year's AGM minutes 
  4. Introduction
  5. Treasurer report 
  6. Secretary report 
  7. Publicity Officer report 
  8. Gaming Officer report
  9. President - Ask me almost anything
  10. Need more members 
  11. SUCS library situation
  12. Website redesign 
  13. Relationship with the Students' Union 
  14. Student admin situation
  15. Events 
  16. Any other business

Posted by andy on Apr 25, 2016