Awkward's Humour and Sillies
University of Illinois Entrance Exam
Football player version
Time limit: 3 weeks
- What language is spoken in France?
- Either:
- Give a dissertation on the Ancient Babylonian Empire with particular reference to architecture,
literature, law and social conditions
- or -
- give the first name of Pierre Tudeau.
- Would you ask William Shakespear to:
- build a bridge
- sail the ocean
- lead an army
- write a play
- What religion is the Pope?
- Jewish
- Catholic
- Hindu
- Polish
- Agnostic
(check only one)
- Metric conversion
– how many feet are in 0.0 meters?
- What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 5?
- How many commandments was Moses given? (APPROX.)
- What are the people in America's far north called?
- Westerners
- Southerners
- Easterners
- Northerners
- Spell:
– Bush
– Carter
– Clinton.
- Six kings of England have been called George, the last one being called George the Sixth.
Name the previous five.
- Where does the rain come from?
- Macy's
- 7-11
- Canada
- The Sky
- Can you explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
- What are coat hangers used for?
- The Star Spangled Banner is the national anthem for what country?
- Either:
- Explain Le Chateliers principle of Dynamic equilibrium
- or -
- spell your name in block letters.
- Where is the basement in a 3 story building located?
- Which part of America produces the most oranges?
- New York
- Canada
- Wisconsin
- Advanced math – If you have 3 apples, how many apples do you have?
- What does NBC (National Broadcasting Co.) stand for?
- The University of Illinois tradition for efficiency began when?
* You must answer THREE(3) or more questions correctly to qualify *
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Last updated 24/11/2000 at 14:13