Having a mailing list allows your society to communicate easily with its members. If your society has a SUCS account and would like to have a mailing list, just send an email to admin at sucs.org asking for one, and we will set it up, using your SUCS email as the list administrator address.


There are two types of mailing list:

You will need to tell us which of these you want when you ask us to create the list.

A discussion forum is a mailing list with which anyone subscribed to the list can send messages to everyone else subscribed to the list. As soon as a member sends an email to the list address (e.g. funsoc at lists.sucs.org might be the Fun Society's mailing list address) it will be forwarded to everyone who is subscribed to the list (except those using digest mode, to whom it sends one email a day, containing all that day's emails).

An announcements list is moderated, which means subscribers can still send messages to it, but these messages are not immediately sent to the entire list, but are instead held by the system for approval by a moderator. All the list administrators are also moderators, but you can additionally allow non-administrators to be moderators. By convention these lists are called something like funsoc-announce.

Most administrative tasks can be done by visiting (e.g.) http://lists.sucs.org/mailman/admin/funsoc. At the top of this page is a menu with links to pages containing different categories of options.

Adding users

You can add a large number of addresses to the list at once by clicking on Membership Management then Mass Subscription. Do one of the following:

Don't try to use both mechanisms, because it won't work.

The second large box can be filled in with a welcome message to send to each address you are adding to the list. You should finish this message with a blank line.

You can choose whether the addresses should be subscribed immediately or just have an invitation sent to them (which allows them to subscribe simply by replying to the message), and whether the list admin address gets notified when those members actually subscribe.

Click 'Submit Your Changes' to subscribe the addresses to your list.

Removing users

If you find you need to (e.g. at the start of the year when you purge all ex-members), you can remove a large number of addresses from the list at the same time; though in this case you don't get to send them a custom message, only a standard unsubscription notice.

To do this, click on 'Membership Management' -> 'Mass Removal' and proceed more or less as for adding users.

Changing the mailing list password

First of all, I would like to encourage all society executives to pass on their account details (username, password, the structure of your website if you have one, and what else you have in your home directory, and whatever else you can think of) to their new executive as soon as they take over. Not only is this common sense, it also allows for some continuity in the management of the society's account. Not to mention that there is no more annoying thing for a sysadmin than a user asking to have their password changed because they've forgotten it.

To change your mailing list admin password, simply click on 'passwords'. This also allows you to change the moderator password, which is used by moderators to authenticate themselves for the purposes of moderating an announcements list. The form asks you to enter the password twice, in case you mistype it - PLEASE don't just copy and paste! It's recommended you change this password any time someone stops being a list admin.

General admin options

Here are some options you may want to know about: