Contributing to the blog

How to become an author and contribute your articles


You will need git and hugo to contribute, install git using your distributions package manager, windows users go here

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install git
# Arch
sudo pacman -S git

For hugo, check out

Getting the source

Clone the source for the blog

# The theme is installed as a submodule hence recurse-submodules is needed
git clone --recurse-submodules

Add your bio

Create your author bio.

# Replace firstname/lastname with your name
hugo new authors/firstname-lastname/

Alternatively you can copy an existing author folder and edit to suite.

Edit content/authors/firstname-lastname/, write a short bio and fill in your handles

Getting your change submitted

Checkout a new branch

# name-of-branch should be changed to represent the 'feature' you're adding, e.g "add-author"
git checkout -b name-of-branch

Commit your changes (NOTE: If you’re a member you will need to )

# git status will show you which files changed, make sure you didn't modify any others!
git status
git add . # Will 'stage' your changed to be commited
git commit -m "new-author: Add Bob Bobson as an author"

SUCS members

Create a fork of the blog by going to and clicking the fork button on the top right.

# change YOUR_USER to be your sucs username
git remote add me
git push --set-upstream me name-of-branch

This tells git to push your new branch up to a new repo under your user in gitlab, you can now visit and use the banner at the top to create a merge request.


As only SUCS members have access to our gitlab, non members will need to email in a patch that we can apply for you.

# Generate a patch, outputted to the patches folder
git format-patch HEAD~1 -o patches

Send en email to with the patch as an attachment, someone will review it and apply it for you.

Alternatively you can also use git send-email, see this guide for a how-to:

Written by

Caleb Connolly