Why do I want a version control system?

Placing files you often work with under version control has several benefits:

Subversion is a free, widely used version control system which is easy to use with your SUCS account.

Creating a repository

$ ssh sucs.org # Connect to the main SUCS server
$ svnadmin create repos

This creates a new empty Subversion repository named "repos"

You may now import an existing directory tree into the repository:

$ svn import {path of stuff to import} {path of repository}

Accessing your repository

Once you have set up a repository, you may access it remotely using a Subversion client. A simple but powerful command-line client exists, in addition to graphical front-ends for most platforms.

Installing a Subversion client

Subversion is included in all major linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, Fedora Core, SuSE and Mandriva. You may use your distribution's standard package management tools to install it.
The command-line client is available for Windows, but you will likely prefer to use a graphical client instead. TortoiseSVN is a Windows shell extension, providing access to version control commands through your right-click context menu.
Mac OS X
The easiest way to get SVN for Mac OS X is via fink

You can visit the Subversion packages page for more information.

Check out a "working copy"

In order to view and make changes to files in a Subversion repository, you must first perform a "checkout" operation. This downloads a copy of the files you selected from the repository to your computer, ready to be edited.

The following command will check out a working copy of everything in our repository:

$ svn checkout svn+ssh://{username}@sucs.org/home/member/{username}/repos

Basic Subversion usage

Below are the commands you are likely to use often, to keep your working copy(s) synchronised with your Subversion repository:

After you make changes to a file

$ svn commit -m "Changes made"

Fetching the latest revision

$ svn update

Placing a new file under version control

$ svn add {file(s)}

Dealing with conflicts

When you have more than one edit of one line you will have a conflict. When this happens, you have to manualy merge the two changes. You do this in your editor of choice. Once you've patched up the file you need to tell Subversion
$ svn resolved {file(s)}

For more on resolving conflicts see the Subversion Book

Further Reading

If you want to know more about using Subversion, you can take a look at the following links:

Single-User Subversion
A slightly more comprehensive tutorial on using Subversion in a single-user environment.
Version Control with Subversion
A free book about using Subversion, including a large reference section.