
About Ripp_

Ripp_ is a tiny cat like, tiny cat shaped, tiny ball of anxiety that is not a cat.



About the badge

The wonderful little badge you have scanned is a Badger2040 with an Adafruit RFID EEPROM attached to the back. Depending on how far through development I might be, it might be held on with with an elastic band.

The Badger 2040 is a RP2040 merged with an eink display, allow for changing the display but then persisting it without power! You may have noticed it displaying diffrent things today.

The RFID module connects via a Qw/ST, allowing it to be reprogrammed on the fly just like the screen and persist it's data while it's unpowered.

The whole badge is powered by some overkill python scripts.

About this site

Origionally I tried to make site able to be beemed directly to your device via the power of NFC, but there was two issues. Devices refused to open it, and it was over the 2KiB I could fit into the nfc chip at once.

The website was also meant to change based on the badge design at the time it was scanned but I got lazy and ran out of time