Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Library (BSPLib) Programs

The Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Library (BSPLib) which is available in both C and Fortran77 implementations has been developed to emulate the BSP model of parallel compuation on a distributed network of computers. The library is current available for UNIX computers, although work is being done on a Windows NT version. This software tool can be installed on almost any UNIX machine. currently I have it installed on a SUN network and a standalone Linux machine. Note: The usual Disclaimer

Source (avaliable from Oxford University))

Program and examples (gzip'ed tars)

Documentation (gzip'ed postscripts)

Programs I have written in the BSPLib (C version)

Normal programs

Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) Simulation

Synchronious Concurrent Algorithms (SCA) Simulation

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Page last updated by John-Lucas Brown 03-Apr-1997