1. (Vigenere cipher) Decrypt the following cipher text FQNSWUHTTFKFQEFLPTZCOUGB which has been encrypted using a Vigenere cipher. (Known is that the keylength is not greater then 3 and only shifts of maximal 3 positions have been used.) 2. (RSA) Bob (who isn’t quite up to date with the current security requirements) has published his public key N = 652828208633809401084924028173880266246461420087, e = 65537 on his web page. Alice wants to send him a text message using A = 01, B = 02, C = 03, ...,Z = 26; SPACE = 00, (i.e., HELLO = 0805121215). She encrypts her message with Bob’s public key and sends the ciphertext C = 315187640498393047242732517262376431753507014790 What is the message?