Banana Awards

Banana Details for bogglesteinsky

Bananas When By whom Why
1 1 16 May 2007 22:31 chckens For giving a talk explaining about random number generation and entropy pools and what you can do with them
1 1 29 Mar 2007 00:35 elsmorian For appearing just at the right time to help with laying the cable from Dining room C to DV8
1 1 08 Feb 2007 18:07 talyn256 For helping to install FC6 on the workstations.
1 1 01 Feb 2007 14:18 chckens For posting cmckenna's XDA stylus back to him after finding it in the SUCS room
-1 -1 15 Nov 2006 15:04 talyn256 For breaking the RFID reader by rubbing his crotch on it.
2 1 1 07 Nov 2006 10:59 saya For being awesome and setting off fireworks on Bonfire Night :)
1 1 30 Sep 2006 12:12 talyn256 For helping lots during freshers' fayre.
1 1 16 Mar 2006 19:30 chckens For running a massive long network cable between the dining room and Divas... And sitting patiently in a dark corner for a long time before we actually made the thing work