Pictures of the 2007 SUCS Beach Party are finally up. Sorry for the delay in actually getting these off my old cam and onto the big scary interweb(the page subtitle was never more true ).
Pictures of the party to congratulate Jo on her thesis result and wave a fond farewell to JasonB are now up.
My site broke as a result of upgrades to the SUCS systems so I've patched up the code and at the same time created a new look for the site. Do feel free to look around and enjoy yourselves.
I do apologise to those of you who don't like the black and red thing but it's not about to change any time soon so get used to it.
My photos of the 2006 SUCS beach party are now hiding in my photo albums section. Captions may well follow (or possibly not).
Older news has now been nuked (well it's not as it you really wanted to read it anyway ).